14:00:02 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc ←
14:00:58 <PhilA2> zakim, this is gld
Phil Archer: zakim, this is gld ←
14:00:58 <Zakim> ok, PhilA2; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, PhilA2; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM ←
14:01:03 <PhilA2> zakim, code?
Phil Archer: zakim, code? ←
14:01:03 <Zakim> the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA2
Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA2 ←
14:01:06 <Zakim> +George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: +George_Thomas ←
14:01:27 <Zakim> +Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro ←
14:02:04 <Zakim> +PhilA; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +PhilA; got it ←
14:02:24 <bhyland> zakim, aacc is bhyland
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aacc is bhyland ←
14:02:24 <Zakim> +bhyland; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +bhyland; got it ←
14:03:03 <Zakim> +agis; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +agis; got it ←
14:03:13 <Zakim> +MHausenblas
Zakim IRC Bot: +MHausenblas ←
14:03:52 <PhilA> zakim, pick an Austrian victim
Phil Archer: zakim, pick an Austrian victim ←
14:03:52 <George> zakim, pick a victim
George Thomas: zakim, pick a victim ←
14:03:52 <Zakim> I don't understand 'pick an Austrian victim', PhilA
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'pick an Austrian victim', PhilA ←
14:03:54 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MHausenblas
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MHausenblas ←
14:04:11 <mhausenblas> scribenick: mhausenblas
(Scribe set to Michael Hausenblas)
14:04:28 <Zakim> +??P1
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1 ←
14:04:34 <martinAlvarez> zakim, ??p1 is me
Martín Álvarez: zakim, ??p1 is me ←
14:04:34 <Zakim> +martinAlvarez; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +martinAlvarez; got it ←
14:04:39 <martinAlvarez> zakim, mute me
Martín Álvarez: zakim, mute me ←
14:04:39 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: martinAlvarez should now be muted ←
14:05:22 <mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: Accept minutes from last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-11
PROPOSED: Accept minutes from last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-11 ←
14:05:50 <mhausenblas> +1
+1 ←
14:05:56 <DaveReynolds> +1
Dave Reynolds: +1 ←
14:05:57 <George> +1
George Thomas: +1 ←
14:05:58 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
14:06:04 <mhausenblas> RESOLVED: Accept minutes from last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-11
RESOLVED: Accept minutes from last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-11 ←
14:06:06 <PhilA> +1
Phil Archer: +1 ←
14:06:07 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:06:09 <agis> +1
Agis Papantoniou: +1 ←
14:06:23 <olyerickson> Zakim, [ipcaller] is me
John Erickson: Zakim, [ipcaller] is me ←
14:06:23 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +olyerickson; got it ←
14:06:31 <mhausenblas> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121018
14:06:38 <mhausenblas> Chair: George
14:07:15 <mhausenblas> DaveReynolds: addressed open issues around ORG
Dave Reynolds: addressed open issues around ORG ←
14:07:25 <mhausenblas> … stuff raised by bart re extensions
… stuff raised by bart re extensions ←
14:07:46 <mhausenblas> … some more Editorial comments from James
… some more Editorial comments from James ←
14:08:01 <DaveReynolds> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/static.html
Dave Reynolds: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/static.html ←
14:08:25 <mhausenblas> DaveReynolds: propose to go to LC with this version now
Dave Reynolds: propose to go to LC with this version now ←
14:08:37 <mhausenblas> George: Sandro, what's next?
George Thomas: Sandro, what's next? ←
14:08:56 <mhausenblas> sandro: so, it means everyone in the WG had their say
Sandro Hawke: so, it means everyone in the WG had their say ←
14:09:08 <mhausenblas> sandro: seems this is the case concerning ORG
Sandro Hawke: seems this is the case concerning ORG ←
14:09:13 <mhausenblas> George: agreed
George Thomas: agreed ←
14:09:42 <mhausenblas> sandro: so, once we go into LC, we elicit feedback from the wider community (non-GLD)
Sandro Hawke: so, once we go into LC, we elicit feedback from the wider community (non-GLD) ←
14:11:09 <PhilA> W3C process document -> http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#last-call
Phil Archer: W3C process document -> http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#last-call ←
14:11:29 <mhausenblas> PhilA: at least three weeks required
Phil Archer: at least three weeks required ←
14:11:37 <mhausenblas> Michael: I'd suggest 4w+
Michael Hausenblas: I'd suggest 4w+ ←
14:13:31 <PhilA> Suggests Sun 25 Nov as closing date
Phil Archer: Suggests Sun 25 Nov as closing date ←
14:13:48 <mhausenblas> +1
+1 ←
14:13:51 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
14:14:12 <olyerickson> +1 to no premature +1-ing
John Erickson: +1 to no premature +1-ing ←
14:14:25 <PhilA> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: That the ORG Ontology at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html is moved to Last Call with a date of Sunday 25th November as the end of the LC period
Phil Archer: PROPOSED RESOLUTION: That the ORG Ontology at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html is moved to Last Call with a date of Sunday 25th November as the end of the LC period ←
14:14:43 <George> +1
George Thomas: +1 ←
14:14:44 <DaveReynolds> +1
Dave Reynolds: +1 ←
14:14:47 <PhilA> +1
Phil Archer: +1 ←
14:14:49 <mhausenblas> +1
+1 ←
14:14:58 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
14:15:00 <sandro> +1
Sandro Hawke: +1 ←
14:15:12 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
14:15:16 <agis> +1
Agis Papantoniou: +1 ←
14:15:45 <mhausenblas> RESOLUTION: That the ORG Ontology at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html is moved to Last Call with a date of Sunday 25th November as the end of the LC period
RESOLVED: That the ORG Ontology at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html is moved to Last Call with a date of Sunday 25th November as the end of the LC period ←
14:16:11 <bhyland> yeah! Well done Dave Reynolds, thank you for your dedication to getting this work done!!
Bernadette Hyland: yeah! Well done Dave Reynolds, thank you for your dedication to getting this work done!! ←
14:16:24 <mhausenblas> Congrats!!!
Congrats!!! ←
14:16:26 <bhyland> Topic: ADMS see http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html
14:16:30 <sandro> +1 DaveReynolds !
Sandro Hawke: +1 DaveReynolds ! ←
14:16:52 <mhausenblas> PhilA: I've been updating ADMS doc
Phil Archer: I've been updating ADMS doc ←
14:16:56 <George> +1 DaveReynolds !!
George Thomas: +1 DaveReynolds !! ←
14:17:07 <mhausenblas> PhilA: esp. the high-level review
Phil Archer: esp. the high-level review ←
14:17:37 <mhausenblas> PhilA: Dave mentioned deprecating 'file' everywhere
Phil Archer: Dave mentioned deprecating 'file' everywhere ←
14:17:45 <mhausenblas> … also incl. the RDF properties
… also incl. the RDF properties ←
14:18:19 <mhausenblas> PhilA: I'm talking about the REC track document here, btw
Phil Archer: I'm talking about the REC track document here, btw ←
14:18:38 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
14:18:42 <mhausenblas> PhilA: hopefully next week
Phil Archer: hopefully next week ←
14:18:43 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:18:49 <mhausenblas> ack bhyland
ack bhyland ←
14:19:17 <mhausenblas> bhyland: so, overall seems stabilizing, so people can start reviewing?
Bernadette Hyland: so, overall seems stabilizing, so people can start reviewing? ←
14:19:24 <mhausenblas> PhilA: essentially, yes
Phil Archer: essentially, yes ←
14:19:58 <mhausenblas> PhilA: so for this time next week we could decide going FPWD with the ADMS
Phil Archer: so for this time next week we could decide going FPWD with the ADMS ←
14:20:12 <DaveReynolds> q+
Dave Reynolds: q+ ←
14:20:28 <bhyland> Note - Gofran Shukair is the co-author who nurtured ADMS from the beginning out of DERI NUIG.
Bernadette Hyland: Note - Gofran Shukair is the co-author who nurtured ADMS from the beginning out of DERI NUIG. ←
14:20:38 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:20:58 <Zakim> +Mike_Pendleton
Zakim IRC Bot: +Mike_Pendleton ←
14:21:21 <bhyland> Per Deirdre: Gofran will be presenting ADMS at ISWC in Boston in November.
Bernadette Hyland: Per Deirdre: Gofran will be presenting ADMS at ISWC in Boston in November. ←
14:21:26 <mhausenblas> DeirdreLee: Gofran will be around next week as well
Deirdre Lee: Gofran will be around next week as well ←
14:21:33 <DaveReynolds> ack me
Dave Reynolds: ack me ←
14:21:52 <Zakim> -olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: -olyerickson ←
14:21:54 <mhausenblas> DaveReynolds: the relationship to DCAT should be clarified
Dave Reynolds: the relationship to DCAT should be clarified ←
14:22:09 <mhausenblas> PhilA: I have extended the intro for that, ye
Phil Archer: I have extended the intro for that, ye ←
14:22:12 <Zakim> + +1.703.201.aaee
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.703.201.aaee ←
14:22:21 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
14:22:35 <tinagheen> Zakim, aaee is me
Tina Gheen: Zakim, aaee is me ←
14:22:35 <Zakim> +tinagheen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +tinagheen; got it ←
14:22:46 <Zakim> +??P25
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P25 ←
14:22:53 <mhausenblas> Topic: DCAT requirements for LC discussion
14:22:58 <olyerickson> Zakim, ??P25 is me.
John Erickson: Zakim, ??P25 is me. ←
14:22:58 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +olyerickson; got it ←
14:22:58 <bhyland> See http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/
Bernadette Hyland: See http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/ ←
14:23:32 <PhilA> q+ to say that I would like to removed as a listed editor - it's Fadi's baby
Phil Archer: q+ to say that I would like to removed as a listed editor - it's Fadi's baby ←
14:23:41 <mhausenblas> olyerickson: not sure where we are re the process
John Erickson: not sure where we are re the process ←
14:23:54 <mhausenblas> DeirdreLee: Fadi will soon join us here on the call
Deirdre Lee: Fadi will soon join us here on the call ←
14:24:27 <bhyland> Action: Remove Phil Archer as an editor on the FPWD because he hasn't been involved.
ACTION: Remove Phil Archer as an editor on the FPWD because he hasn't been involved. ←
14:24:27 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find Remove. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/users>.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find Remove. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/users>. ←
14:25:04 <bhyland> Action: Remove PhilA as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor"
ACTION: Remove PhilA as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" ←
14:25:04 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find Remove. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/users>.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find Remove. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/users>. ←
14:25:39 <mhausenblas> ACTION: PhilA to change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor"
ACTION: PhilA to change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" ←
14:25:39 <trackbot> Created ACTION-82 - Change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [on Phil Archer - due 2012-10-25].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-82 - Change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [on Phil Archer - due 2012-10-25]. ←
14:25:41 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
14:25:44 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:25:48 <PhilA> q-
Phil Archer: q- ←
14:25:52 <olyerickson> +1 to olyerickson and PhilA being demoed to "Contributor"
John Erickson: +1 to olyerickson and PhilA being demoted to "Contributor" ←
14:26:01 <olyerickson> s/demoed/demoted/
14:26:03 <mhausenblas> fadmaa: 5-6 issues are still unresloved
Fadi Maali: 5-6 issues are still unresloved ←
14:26:16 <mhausenblas> fadmaa: will address them in the next two days or so
Fadi Maali: will address them in the next two days or so ←
14:26:27 <mhausenblas> fadmaa: and then there is the conformance section
Fadi Maali: and then there is the conformance section ←
14:27:59 <mhausenblas> bhyland: there is a lot of work here and fadmaa was certainly the main driver - but weren't there others that contributed as well (from an historic perspective)
Bernadette Hyland: there is a lot of work here and fadmaa was certainly the main driver - but weren't there others that contributed as well (from an historic perspective) ←
14:28:28 <PhilA> +1 to olyerickson
Phil Archer: +1 to olyerickson ←
14:28:42 <mhausenblas> sandro: for a period the IG under Richard maintained it
Sandro Hawke: for a period the IG under Richard maintained it ←
14:29:05 <mhausenblas> olyerickson: fadmaa was the main driver and did the main work
John Erickson: fadmaa was the main driver and did the main work ←
14:29:37 <bhyland> Open Issues for DCAT, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/open
Bernadette Hyland: Open Issues for DCAT, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/open ←
14:29:45 <mhausenblas> fadmaa: Richard C certainly also contributed and in total there where some 10 people that contributed
Fadi Maali: Richard C certainly also contributed and in total there where some 10 people that contributed ←
14:30:33 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:30:41 <mhausenblas> ack bhyland
ack bhyland ←
14:30:55 <PhilA> q+ can add to it...
Phil Archer: q+ can add to it... ←
14:31:23 <mhausenblas> Topic: AOB
14:32:16 <bhyland> Topic: Linked Data Glossary, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/glossary/index.html
14:32:47 <DaveReynolds> q+
Dave Reynolds: q+ ←
14:33:12 <olyerickson> Background on bhyland's "Tom Heath" comment: Glossary at http://linkeddata.org is weak...
John Erickson: Background on bhyland's "Tom Heath" comment: Glossary at http://linkeddata.org is weak... ←
14:33:18 <mhausenblas> bhyland: might have more impact if it's an WG Note than as Wiki page
Bernadette Hyland: might have more impact if it's an WG Note than as Wiki page ←
14:33:32 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:34:00 <olyerickson> Tom Heath's "glossary" is at http://linkeddata.org/glossary
John Erickson: Tom Heath's "glossary" is at http://linkeddata.org/glossary ←
14:34:38 <mhausenblas> BTW, that's not Tom's … it's collective, for example, I have an Drupal account there and did add to it ...
BTW, that's not Tom's … it's collective, for example, I have an Drupal account there and did add to it ... ←
14:35:36 <mhausenblas> Michael: +1 for http://docs.webplatform.org/
Michael Hausenblas: +1 for http://docs.webplatform.org/ ←
14:35:47 <mhausenblas> q+ to suggest a different venue
q+ to suggest a different venue ←
14:36:42 <DaveReynolds> ack me
Dave Reynolds: ack me ←
14:36:45 <mhausenblas> ack me
ack me ←
14:36:45 <Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to suggest a different venue
Zakim IRC Bot: mhausenblas, you wanted to suggest a different venue ←
14:37:18 <PhilA> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page
Phil Archer: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page ←
14:39:00 <mhausenblas> http://youtu.be/Ug6XAw6hzaw
14:39:18 <PhilA> the main driver at W3C has been Doug Scheppers
Phil Archer: the main driver at W3C has been Doug Scheppers ←
14:42:11 <PhilA> Press release http://www.w3.org/2012/10/webplatform.html.en
Phil Archer: Press release http://www.w3.org/2012/10/webplatform.html.en ←
14:43:22 <bhyland> Linked Data should *absolutely* be part of any discussion about Web Platform!!!
Bernadette Hyland: Linked Data should *absolutely* be part of any discussion about Web Platform!!! ←
14:43:57 <olyerickson> Excuse me, but...could someone please summarize what we're looking at, why we are looking at it, etc
John Erickson: Excuse me, but...could someone please summarize what we're looking at, why we are looking at it, etc ←
14:44:34 <PhilA> q+
Phil Archer: q+ ←
14:44:54 <bhyland> Per Sandro, the Web Platform is about what Web developers do ...
Bernadette Hyland: Per Sandro, the Web Platform is about what Web developers do ... ←
14:45:54 <olyerickson> HELP! I don't understand the context for this...
John Erickson: HELP! I don't understand the context for this... ←
14:46:24 <PhilA> ack me
Phil Archer: ack me ←
14:46:53 <mhausenblas> q?
q? ←
14:46:53 <mhausenblas> ack PhilA
ack PhilA ←
14:46:55 <olyerickson> +1 to resolving the issues we need to
John Erickson: +1 to resolving the issues we need to ←
14:47:27 <bhyland> For the record, I think that Linked Data has a tremendous amount to do with what Web developers do. Best practices for describing data, per the W3C RDF family of standards, is central to what we do, IMO.
Bernadette Hyland: For the record, I think that Linked Data has a tremendous amount to do with what Web developers do. Best practices for describing data, per the W3C RDF family of standards, is central to what we do, IMO. ←
14:47:31 <mhausenblas> PhilA, that reminds me of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/ldh/
PhilA, that reminds me of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/ldh/ ←
14:48:50 <bhyland> Sandro: A Working Note is appropriate to convey new concepts or terms.
Sandro Hawke: A Working Note is appropriate to convey new concepts or terms. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
14:49:11 <bhyland> A wiki is more appropriate for non-original source material.
Bernadette Hyland: A wiki is more appropriate for non-original source material. ←
14:49:24 <bhyland> Web platform is more of an outreach tool, not a place to put specifications.
Bernadette Hyland: Web platform is more of an outreach tool, not a place to put specifications. ←
14:49:31 <mhausenblas> sandro: Wiki/WP is more outreach than original stuff
Sandro Hawke: Wiki/WP is more outreach than original stuff ←
14:50:37 <olyerickson> Opinion: Linked Data "glossary" should be on a wiki-ish platform, with no "official" status. LinkedData.org glossary should link to that. WebPlatform.org should link to that or host to that. W3C wiki *could* host it.
John Erickson: Opinion - Linked Data "glossary" should be on a wiki-ish platform, with no "official" status. LinkedData.org glossary should link to that. WebPlatform.org should link to that or host to that. W3C wiki *could* host it. ←
14:50:57 <PhilA> s/Opinion:/Opinion - /
14:51:16 <olyerickson> * "Glossary" should NOT have any "official" status
John Erickson: * "Glossary" should NOT have any "official" status ←
14:52:19 <mhausenblas> Topic: Topic: Core Business Vocabulary renamed to Legal Entity
14:53:04 <mhausenblas> PhilA: covers the basics of legal entities, internationally
Phil Archer: covers the basics of legal entities, internationally ←
14:53:17 <bhyland> Legal Entity means it established by a local business register, different in every jurisdiction, that is what establishes your organization as legal entity.
Bernadette Hyland: Legal Entity means it established by a local business register, different in every jurisdiction, that is what establishes your organization as legal entity. ←
14:53:38 <sandro> I'm thinking "registered organization"
Sandro Hawke: I'm thinking "registered organization" ←
14:53:49 <sandro> reg-org
Sandro Hawke: reg-org ←
14:53:52 <PhilA> Registered Legal Entity
Phil Archer: Registered Legal Entity ←
14:53:52 <PhilA> Registered Organization Vocabulary
Phil Archer: Registered Organization Vocabulary ←
14:53:52 <PhilA> Registered Corporate Entity
Phil Archer: Registered Corporate Entity ←
14:53:52 <PhilA> Registered Business Entity
Phil Archer: Registered Business Entity ←
14:54:01 <bhyland> PhilA: Renaming it from formal business organization is OK but we need something more accurately reflecting the type of organization
Phil Archer: Renaming it from formal business organization is OK but we need something more accurately reflecting the type of organization [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
14:54:30 <sandro> +1 Registered Organization
Sandro Hawke: +1 Registered Organization ←
14:54:30 <bhyland> I vote for "Registered Business Entity"
Bernadette Hyland: I vote for "Registered Business Entity" ←
14:54:58 <mhausenblas> Michael: I have a question - are you talking LE in the sense of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_person ...?
Michael Hausenblas: I have a question - are you talking LE in the sense of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_person ...? ←
14:55:07 <DaveReynolds> As I put on email, I'm OK with all of those, slight preference for Registered Organization Vocabulary
Dave Reynolds: As I put on email, I'm OK with all of those, slight preference for Registered Organization Vocabulary ←
14:55:09 <gatemezi> +1 Registered Organization Vocab
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 Registered Organization Vocab ←
14:55:40 <DeirdreLee> +1 Registered Organisation
Deirdre Lee: +1 Registered Organisation ←
14:55:47 <mhausenblas> Michael: I think I don't care but important to maintain the difference between a natural person and a legal person
Michael Hausenblas: I think I don't care but important to maintain the difference between a natural person and a legal person ←
14:55:53 <olyerickson> +1 to {Registered Entity | Registered Legal Entity}
John Erickson: +1 to {Registered Entity | Registered Legal Entity} ←
14:58:14 <mhausenblas> Michael: I go with whatever makes PhilA happy (on this point and this point only ;)
Michael Hausenblas: I go with whatever makes PhilA happy (on this point and this point only ;) ←
14:58:49 <George> +1 :)
George Thomas: +1 :) ←
14:59:25 <bhyland> +1 Registered Organization Vocabulary
Bernadette Hyland: +1 Registered Organization Vocabulary ←
14:59:29 <DeirdreLee> But if we have Registered Organization and ORG, may this imply that Org is only for unregistered Organisation? (even thought this isn't the case)
Deirdre Lee: But if we have Registered Organization and ORG, may this imply that Org is only for unregistered Organisation? (even thought this isn't the case) ←
14:59:44 <PhilA> ROV
Phil Archer: ROV ←
14:59:52 <olyerickson> Bonus prize, that RegOrg fits under ORG
John Erickson: Bonus prize, that RegOrg fits under ORG ←
15:00:02 <olyerickson> RegORG and ORG
John Erickson: RegORG and ORG ←
15:00:12 <olyerickson> Bazinga
John Erickson: Bazinga ←
15:00:13 <PhilA> regORG
Phil Archer: regORG ←
15:00:18 <mhausenblas> BORG?
15:00:19 <DeirdreLee> q+
Deirdre Lee: q+ ←
15:00:40 <mhausenblas> ack DeirdreLee
ack DeirdreLee ←
15:00:46 <bhyland> Agreed - Registered Organization (shortname: RegOrg)
Bernadette Hyland: Agreed - Registered Organization (shortname: RegOrg) ←
15:00:59 <mhausenblas> DeirdreLee: not totally sure how it is difference from ORG, though
Deirdre Lee: not totally sure how it is difference from ORG, though ←
15:01:02 <gatemezi> +1 to have RegOrg
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 to have RegOrg ←
15:01:21 <bhyland> We're agreed to describe the relationship between the two vocabs
Bernadette Hyland: We're agreed to describe the relationship between the two vocabs ←
15:01:25 <olyerickson> No, a RegORG is subclass of something described by ORG
John Erickson: No, a RegORG is subclass of something described by ORG ←
15:01:25 <DaveReynolds> To me RegORG is an ORG profile with enriches the description of registration identifiers
Dave Reynolds: To me RegORG is an ORG profile with enriches the description of registration identifiers ←
15:01:36 <bhyland> Thanks all for a very productive discussion & mtg.
Bernadette Hyland: Thanks all for a very productive discussion & mtg. ←
15:01:40 <bhyland> Thanks George
Bernadette Hyland: Thanks George ←
15:01:42 <PhilA> +1 to DaveReynolds comment there
Phil Archer: +1 to DaveReynolds comment there ←
15:01:43 <Zakim> -Mike_Pendleton
Zakim IRC Bot: -Mike_Pendleton ←
15:02:13 <bhyland> Just follow the directions … http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121018#Scribe.27s_End_of_Meeting_Checklist
Bernadette Hyland: Just follow the directions … http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121018#Scribe.27s_End_of_Meeting_Checklist ←
15:02:18 <Zakim> -olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: -olyerickson ←
15:02:21 <DaveReynolds> bye all, thanks
Dave Reynolds: bye all, thanks ←
15:02:27 <Zakim> -bhyland
Zakim IRC Bot: -bhyland ←
15:02:28 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds
Zakim IRC Bot: -DaveReynolds ←
15:02:30 <Zakim> -tinagheen
Zakim IRC Bot: -tinagheen ←
15:02:32 <Zakim> -George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: -George_Thomas ←
15:02:33 <Zakim> -agis
Zakim IRC Bot: -agis ←
15:02:33 <Zakim> -MHausenblas
Zakim IRC Bot: -MHausenblas ←
15:02:34 <Zakim> -Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro ←
15:02:34 <Zakim> -gatemezi
Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi ←
15:02:36 <Zakim> - +3539149aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: - +3539149aabb ←
15:02:36 <Zakim> -PhilA
Zakim IRC Bot: -PhilA ←
15:02:36 <Zakim> -martinAlvarez
Zakim IRC Bot: -martinAlvarez ←
15:04:03 <Zakim> - +1.757.604.aadd
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.757.604.aadd ←
15:04:04 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended ←
15:04:04 <Zakim> Attendees were +3539149aabb, George_Thomas, Sandro, DaveReynolds, +1.540.898.aacc, +1.757.604.aadd, PhilA, gatemezi, bhyland, agis, MHausenblas, martinAlvarez, olyerickson,
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +3539149aabb, George_Thomas, Sandro, DaveReynolds, +1.540.898.aacc, +1.757.604.aadd, PhilA, gatemezi, bhyland, agis, MHausenblas, martinAlvarez, olyerickson, ←
15:04:04 <Zakim> ... Mike_Pendleton, +1.703.201.aaee, tinagheen
Zakim IRC Bot: ... Mike_Pendleton, +1.703.201.aaee, tinagheen ←
15:16:18 <mhausenblas> RRSAgent, make logs public
(No events recorded for 12 minutes)
RRSAgent, make logs public ←
15:16:27 <mhausenblas> RRSAgent, draft minutes
RRSAgent, draft minutes ←
15:16:27 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-minutes.html mhausenblas
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-minutes.html mhausenblas ←
15:16:42 <bhyland> Thanks mhausenblas!
Bernadette Hyland: Thanks mhausenblas! ←
15:17:25 <mhausenblas> trackbot, end telecon
trackbot, end telecon ←
15:17:25 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees ←
15:17:25 <Zakim> sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is ←
15:17:33 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes ←
15:17:33 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-minutes.html trackbot
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-minutes.html trackbot ←
15:17:34 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-actions.rdf :
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-actions.rdf : ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Remove Phil Archer as an editor on the FPWD because he hasn't been involved. [1]
ACTION: Remove Phil Archer as an editor on the FPWD because he hasn't been involved. [1] ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-24-27
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-24-27 ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Remove PhilA as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [2]
ACTION: Remove PhilA as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [2] ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-25-04
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-25-04 ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> ACTION: PhilA to change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [3]
ACTION: PhilA to change PhilA and olyerickson as an editor and instead acknowledge him as a "Contributor" [3] ←
15:17:34 <RRSAgent> recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-25-39
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/10/18-gld-irc#T14-25-39 ←
Formatted by CommonScribe
This revision (#6) generated 2012-10-22 13:03:34 UTC by 'sandro', comments: None