13:55:09 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/04-gld-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/04-gld-irc ←
13:55:11 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
13:55:13 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be GLD ←
13:55:13 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes ←
13:55:14 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
13:55:14 <trackbot> Date: 04 October 2012
13:55:44 <George> AGENDA: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121004
13:56:14 <George> Chair: George
13:56:43 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started ←
13:56:49 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.518.276.aaaa ←
13:57:04 <olyerickson> Zakim, aaaa is me.
John Erickson: Zakim, aaaa is me. ←
13:57:04 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +olyerickson; got it ←
13:57:25 <Zakim> +??P4
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P4 ←
13:57:34 <Zakim> -??P4
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P4 ←
13:57:48 <Zakim> + +
Zakim IRC Bot: + + ←
13:58:42 <james> hello all, i'm new to the WG. @Zakim, are you having the bot call participants, or authorizing certain numbers to call in?
James McKinney: hello all, i'm new to the WG. @Zakim, are you having the bot call participants, or authorizing certain numbers to call in? ←
13:59:08 <Zakim> +George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: +George_Thomas ←
14:00:01 <Zakim> + +
Zakim IRC Bot: + + ←
14:00:04 <Zakim> +??P16
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16 ←
14:00:24 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:00:36 <Zakim> + +34.91.336.aadd
Zakim IRC Bot: + +34.91.336.aadd ←
14:00:43 <Zakim> +davidwood
Zakim IRC Bot: +davidwood ←
14:00:52 <boris> zakim, aadd is me
Boris Villazón-Terrazas: zakim, aadd is me ←
14:00:53 <Zakim> +boris; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +boris; got it ←
14:01:08 <Zakim> +Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro ←
14:01:21 <bhyland> good day all
Bernadette Hyland: good day all ←
14:01:21 <George> Zakim, who is here?
George Thomas: Zakim, who is here? ←
14:01:24 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, +, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, davidwood, Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, +, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, davidwood, Sandro ←
14:01:29 <Zakim> On IRC I see PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson, gatemezi, George, james, agis, MacTed, trackbot, sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson, gatemezi, George, james, agis, MacTed, trackbot, sandro ←
14:02:36 <Zakim> +??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P35 ←
14:02:38 <George> Zakim, who is here?
George Thomas: Zakim, who is here? ←
14:02:43 <martinAlvarez> zakim, ??p35 is me
Martín Álvarez: zakim, ??p35 is me ←
14:02:49 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, +, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, davidwood, Sandro, ??P35
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, +, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, davidwood, Sandro, ??P35 ←
14:02:58 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:03:05 <Zakim> +martinAlvarez; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +martinAlvarez; got it ←
14:03:08 <Zakim> +??P33
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P33 ←
14:03:14 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
14:03:14 <bhyland> zakim, who is talking?
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is talking? ←
14:03:14 <martinAlvarez> zakim, mute me
Martín Álvarez: zakim, mute me ←
14:03:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see james_, BartvanLeeuwen, Biplav, martinAlvarez, PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson, gatemezi, George, james, agis,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see james_, BartvanLeeuwen, Biplav, martinAlvarez, PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson, gatemezi, George, james, agis, ←
14:03:19 <bhyland> ouch!!
Bernadette Hyland: ouch!! ←
14:03:20 <BartvanLeeuwen> Zakim, ??P33 is me
Bart van Leeuwen: Zakim, ??P33 is me ←
14:03:21 <Zakim> ... MacTed, trackbot, sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: ... MacTed, trackbot, sandro ←
14:03:28 <Zakim> +??P39
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P39 ←
14:03:41 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: martinAlvarez should now be muted ←
14:03:43 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller] ←
14:03:49 <Zakim> +BartvanLeeuwen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +BartvanLeeuwen; got it ←
14:03:53 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olyerickson (15%), + (77%), ??P39 (83%)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olyerickson (15%), + (77%), ??P39 (83%) ←
14:04:07 <Zakim> -??P39
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P39 ←
14:04:08 <sandro> zakim, drop aacc
Sandro Hawke: zakim, drop aacc ←
14:04:12 <Zakim> bhyland, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olyerickson (37%), George_Thomas (19%), davidwood (15%), Sandro (49%)
Zakim IRC Bot: bhyland, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olyerickson (37%), George_Thomas (19%), davidwood (15%), Sandro (49%) ←
14:04:20 <bhyland> zakim, davidwood is me
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, davidwood is me ←
14:04:31 <Zakim> - +
Zakim IRC Bot: - + ←
14:04:34 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the call? ←
14:04:43 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:04:45 <Zakim> sorry, sandro, I do not see a party named 'aacc'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, sandro, I do not see a party named 'aacc' ←
14:04:57 <Zakim> +bhyland; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +bhyland; got it ←
14:05:01 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, +, George_Thomas, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, [IPcaller] ←
14:05:25 <james> Zakim, ??P39 is me
James McKinney: Zakim, ??P39 is me ←
14:05:25 <Zakim> I already had ??P39 as Mike, james
Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P39 as Mike, james ←
14:05:40 <gatemezi> Hi all.
Ghislain Atemezing: Hi all. ←
14:05:48 <Biplav> zakim, + is me
Biplav Srivastava: zakim, + is me ←
14:05:51 <Zakim> +Biplav; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Biplav; got it ←
14:06:11 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a] ←
14:06:24 <PhilA2> zakim, IPcaller.a is me
Phil Archer: zakim, IPcaller.a is me ←
14:06:24 <Zakim> +PhilA2; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +PhilA2; got it ←
14:06:47 <sandro> Zakim, IPcaller is james
Sandro Hawke: Zakim, IPcaller is james ←
14:06:47 <Zakim> +james; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +james; got it ←
14:07:07 <sandro> queue=
Sandro Hawke: queue= ←
14:07:10 <Zakim> + +1.440.389.aaee
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.440.389.aaee ←
14:07:18 <olyerickson> OpenNorth http://opennorth.ca/
John Erickson: OpenNorth http://opennorth.ca/ ←
14:07:27 <HadleyBeeman> zakim, aaee is me
Hadley Beeman: zakim, aaee is me ←
14:07:28 <Zakim> +HadleyBeeman; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +HadleyBeeman; got it ←
14:07:31 <sandro> not yet, PhilA2
Sandro Hawke: not yet, PhilA2 ←
14:07:38 <George> Welcome James - Exec Dir of OpenNorth
George Thomas: Welcome James - Exec Dir of OpenNorth ←
14:07:38 <olyerickson> Topic: Noob Intros
14:07:50 <bhyland> Welcome James, thanks for joining.
Bernadette Hyland: Welcome James, thanks for joining. ←
14:07:53 <Zakim> + +
Zakim IRC Bot: + + ←
14:08:09 <sandro> zakim, drop aaff
Sandro Hawke: zakim, drop aaff ←
14:08:09 <Zakim> + is being disconnected
Zakim IRC Bot: + is being disconnected ←
14:08:10 <Zakim> - +
Zakim IRC Bot: - + ←
14:09:06 <olyerickson> Zakim, please armor me against scribe roulette
John Erickson: Zakim, please armor me against scribe roulette ←
14:09:06 <Zakim> I don't understand 'please armor me against scribe roulette', olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'please armor me against scribe roulette', olyerickson ←
14:09:16 <George> zakim, pick a victim
George Thomas: zakim, pick a victim ←
14:09:16 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose olyerickson ←
14:09:23 <olyerickson> PMSL
John Erickson: PMSL ←
14:09:24 <HadleyBeeman> I'll do it
Hadley Beeman: I'll do it ←
14:09:41 <sandro> scribe: HadleyBeeman
(Scribe set to Hadley Beeman)
14:10:01 <Zakim> + +
Zakim IRC Bot: + + ←
14:10:02 <Biplav> I can volunteer as well for future.
Biplav Srivastava: I can volunteer as well for future. ←
14:10:06 <HadleyBeeman> Topic: welcome
14:10:17 <sandro> zakim, drop aagg
Sandro Hawke: zakim, drop aagg ←
14:10:17 <Zakim> + is being disconnected
Zakim IRC Bot: + is being disconnected ←
14:10:18 <Zakim> - +
Zakim IRC Bot: - + ←
14:10:23 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call ←
14:10:23 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland ←
14:10:39 <bhyland> zakim, you are too d*&^ picky!
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, you are too d*&^ picky! ←
14:10:39 <Zakim> I don't understand 'you are too d*&^ picky!', bhyland
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'you are too d*&^ picky!', bhyland ←
14:10:45 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call? ←
14:10:45 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, ??P16, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman ←
14:11:35 <PhilA2> agis ?
Phil Archer: agis ? ←
14:11:37 <sandro> gatemezi, is that you dialing in and ending us with us put on hold hearing french music?
Sandro Hawke: gatemezi, is that you dialing in and ending us with us put on hold hearing french music? ←
14:11:41 <PhilA2> Are you there?
Phil Archer: Are you there? ←
14:11:42 <bhyland> @Ghislain, we drop you because we're getting interrupted with lengthy intro and music from your lovely French operator.
Bernadette Hyland: @Ghislain, we drop you because we're getting interrupted with lengthy intro and music from your lovely French operator. ←
14:11:54 <HadleyBeeman> Topic: accepting last week's minutes
14:11:59 <olyerickson> Abstains...
John Erickson: Abstains... ←
14:12:01 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1
Bart van Leeuwen: +1 ←
14:12:07 <agis> hello all! agis as usual has problems with the SIP configuration:-)
Agis Papantoniou: hello all! agis as usual has problems with the SIP configuration:-) ←
14:12:10 <PhilA2> -> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-09-27 Last week's minutes
Phil Archer: -> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-09-27 Last week's minutes ←
14:12:11 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
14:12:47 <George> ack bhyland
George Thomas: ack bhyland ←
14:13:07 <jmynarz> Zakim, ??P16 is me
Jindřich Mynarz: Zakim, ??P16 is me ←
14:13:07 <Zakim> +jmynarz; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +jmynarz; got it ←
14:13:13 <PhilA2> q+
Phil Archer: q+ ←
14:13:32 <HadleyBeeman> ack phila2
ack phila2 ←
14:13:47 <sandro> bhyland: As I recall, last week we decided not to do Geo, but I don't see that recorded in the minutes.
Bernadette Hyland: As I recall, last week we decided not to do Geo, but I don't see that recorded in the minutes. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
14:13:54 <Zakim> + +49.721.aahh
Zakim IRC Bot: + +49.721.aahh ←
14:14:23 <sandro> PhilA2: I'd rather if we said "not now" instead of "we're never going to do it"
Phil Archer: I'd rather if we said "not now" instead of "we're never going to do it" [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
14:14:23 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
14:14:24 <HadleyBeeman> phila2: we decided not to NEVER do anything with location, but for the time being not to. Note the existence of the community group that is working on it.
Phil Archer: we decided not to NEVER do anything with people, but for the time being not to. Note the existence of the community group that is working on it. ←
14:14:32 <BenediktKaempgen> zakim, who is here
Benedikt Kaempgen: zakim, who is here ←
14:14:32 <Zakim> BenediktKaempgen, you need to end that query with '?'
Zakim IRC Bot: BenediktKaempgen, you need to end that query with '?' ←
14:14:37 <BenediktKaempgen> zakim, who is here?
Benedikt Kaempgen: zakim, who is here? ←
14:14:37 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, jmynarz, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman,
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, jmynarz, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman, ←
14:14:40 <Zakim> ... +49.721.aahh
Zakim IRC Bot: ... +49.721.aahh ←
14:14:40 <Zakim> On IRC I see BenediktKaempgen, HadleyBeeman, james, BartvanLeeuwen, Biplav, martinAlvarez, PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see BenediktKaempgen, HadleyBeeman, james, BartvanLeeuwen, Biplav, martinAlvarez, PhilA2, danbri, boris, DaveReynolds, jmynarz, Zakim, RRSAgent, bhyland, olyerickson, ←
14:14:42 <Zakim> ... gatemezi, George, agis, MacTed, trackbot, sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: ... gatemezi, George, agis, MacTed, trackbot, sandro ←
14:14:53 <PhilA2> s/with location/with people/
14:14:54 <BenediktKaempgen> zakim, aahh is BenediktKaempgen
Benedikt Kaempgen: zakim, aahh is BenediktKaempgen ←
14:14:54 <Zakim> +BenediktKaempgen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +BenediktKaempgen; got it ←
14:15:08 <bhyland> Proposed: We acknowledge that Geography and Spatial Vocab is listed as optional on the charter. There was some initial work on a wiki page but the volunteers have since ceased attending the GLD WG.
PROPOSED: We acknowledge that Geography and Spatial Vocab is listed as optional on the charter. There was some initial work on a wiki page but the volunteers have since ceased attending the GLD WG. ←
14:15:25 <sandro> bhyland: We acknowledge that Geo is listed as optional in the charter. There was some initial work, on a wiki page, but the volunteers are not longer participating, and we acknowledge that we're not going to get to it within the charter timeframe.
Bernadette Hyland: We acknowledge that Geo is listed as optional in the charter. There was some initial work, on a wiki page, but the volunteers are not longer participating, and we acknowledge that we're not going to get to it within the charter timeframe. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
14:15:32 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
14:15:54 <bhyland> With that noted, I +1 last week's minutes
Bernadette Hyland: With that noted, I +1 last week's minutes ←
14:16:38 <gatemezi> @bhyland: You mean the initial volunteers? because there still volunteers for Geo Vocab in the group
Ghislain Atemezing: @bhyland: You mean the initial volunteers? because there still volunteers for Geo Vocab in the group ←
14:16:43 <George> Topic: RADion
14:16:48 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA2: There was a suggestion on the mailing list that proposed the working group not take on RADion as a work item.
Phil Archer: There was a suggestion on the mailing list that proposed the working group not take on RADion as a work item. ←
14:17:09 <HadleyBeeman> ... If it exists elsewhere, the group will note its existence.
... If it exists elsewhere, the group will note its existence. ←
14:17:17 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
14:17:18 <Zakim> +[LC]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[LC] ←
14:17:30 <tinagheen> Zakim, [LC] is me
Tina Gheen: Zakim, [LC] is me ←
14:17:30 <Zakim> +tinagheen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +tinagheen; got it ←
14:17:42 <gatemezi> +1 to accept last week's minute
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 to accept last week's minute ←
14:18:02 <PhilA2> -> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html new version
Phil Archer: -> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html new version of ADMS ←
14:18:09 <sandro> gatemezi, are you suggesting that the group has the time/energy/staff for doing a geo vocab? if so, that's worth talking over with the chairs.
Sandro Hawke: gatemezi, are you suggesting that the group has the time/energy/staff for doing a geo vocab? if so, that's worth talking over with the chairs. ←
14:18:18 <HadleyBeeman> PHilA2: Spent some time on ADMS (Gofran is co-editor on that). When the chair designates, we can take it to first public working draft
Phil Archer: Spent some time on ADMS (Gofran is co-editor on that). When the chair designates, we can take it to first public working draft ←
14:18:21 <PhilA2> s/new version/new version of ADMS/
14:18:40 <PhilA2> Co-editor of ADMS is Gofran
Phil Archer: Co-editor of ADMS is Gofran ←
14:19:19 <PhilA2> Last week's meeting announced that Gofran Shukair of DERI, NUIG will be co-editor of ADMS, the latest editor's draft of which is at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html
Phil Archer: Last week's meeting announced that Gofran Shukair of DERI, NUIG will be co-editor of ADMS, the latest editor's draft of which is at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html ←
14:19:24 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: There was one area of ORG added in response to Bart's suggestions several months ago. Doc polished, ready to review. Sent out last week.
Dave Reynolds: There was one area of ORG added in response to Bart's suggestions several months ago. Doc polished, ready to review. Sent out last week. ←
14:20:19 <HadleyBeeman> …Cygri has done a detailed review, made editorial suggestions. More work than expected for today. Will sort that over the weekend for last-call vote early next week.
…Cygri has done a detailed review, made editorial suggestions. More work than expected for today. Will sort that over the weekend for review in advance of last-call vote early next week. ←
14:20:46 <HadleyBeeman> s/for last-call vote/for review in advance of last-call vote
14:21:10 <HadleyBeeman> Bhyland: why a possible restructure?
Bernadette Hyland: why a possible restructure? ←
14:21:10 <BartvanLeeuwen> q+
Bart van Leeuwen: q+ ←
14:21:39 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: Possibly reorganise vocab references and materials to be at the end.
Dave Reynolds: Possibly reorganise vocab references and materials to be at the end. ←
14:22:10 <HadleyBeeman> Bhyland: Is there precedent here we can follow?
Bernadette Hyland: Is there precedent here we can follow? ←
14:22:43 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: This is a preference, but not an unreasonable one. That's a normal way to do it. I like to see it intermixed myself.
Dave Reynolds: This is a preference, but not an unreasonable one. That's a normal way to do it. I like to see it intermixed myself. ←
14:23:16 <HadleyBeeman> Bhyland: I think it's well-structured as it is. I'd hate to see you have to do a lot of work at this point.
Bernadette Hyland: I think it's well-structured as it is. I'd hate to see you have to do a lot of work at this point. ←
14:24:02 <PhilA2> I agree there is no "definitive style" for vocabularies. +1 to Dave retaining the structure that has worked for this well-used ontology to date
Phil Archer: I agree there is no "definitive style" for vocabularies. +1 to Dave retaining the structure that has worked for this well-used ontology to date ←
14:24:08 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: Cygri has said this may not be a critical thing. I'll spend a bit of time looking at it to get a sense of how much work it would be and still be coherent.
Dave Reynolds: Cygri has said this may not be a critical thing. I'll spend a bit of time looking at it to get a sense of how much work it would be and still be coherent. ←
14:24:34 <gatemezi> +1 to bhyland point of not having too much work to reorganize ORG
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 to bhyland point of not having too much work to reorganize ORG ←
14:24:42 <olyerickson> Sounds like cygri has made a suggestion on non-critical re-structuring that DaveReynolds is not opposed to...
John Erickson: Sounds like cygri has made a suggestion on non-critical re-structuring that DaveReynolds is not opposed to... ←
14:25:20 <HadleyBeeman> George: That sounds like a good approach. Mhausenblas also volunteered to review it. Health.data.gov may also be relevant, using ORG already.
George Thomas: That sounds like a good approach. mhausenblas also volunteered to review it. Health.data.gov may also be relevant, using ORG already. ←
14:25:26 <HadleyBeeman> ack phila2
ack phila2 ←
14:25:31 <HadleyBeeman> ack phila
ack phila ←
14:25:34 <bhyland> @DaveReynolds, I leave it to your judgement. For the record, I think it is well structured & readable as structured but if you're happy enough to make changes, thank you.
Bernadette Hyland: @DaveReynolds, I leave it to your judgement. For the record, I think it is well structured & readable as structured but if you're happy enough to make changes, thank you. ←
14:26:00 <HadleyBeeman> phila: There is no rule book on how to set out a vocabulary, so I'm happy to see flexibility on this. No need to conform with a standard that doesn't exist.
Phil Archer: There is no rule book on how to set out a vocabulary, so I'm happy to see flexibility on this. No need to conform with a standard that doesn't exist. ←
14:26:05 <HadleyBeeman> ack bartvanleeuwen
ack bartvanleeuwen ←
14:26:13 <gatemezi> s/Mhausenblas/mhausenblas
14:26:55 <HadleyBeeman> bartvanleeuwen: we had a 2-day meeting with the source of my changes. We were able to model everything we wanted to with the ORG ontology
Bart van Leeuwen: we had a 2-day meeting with the source of my changes. We were able to model everything we wanted to with the ORG ontology ←
14:27:15 <HadleyBeeman> George: we should close action 78 as completed. 79 we'll leave for the additional work
George Thomas: we should close ACTION-78 as completed. 79 we'll leave for the additional work ←
14:27:48 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: re issue 35… should we close that as well? Bartsvanleeuwen was the test-case for that, so if he's able to address that, then we're set.
Dave Reynolds: re ISSUE-35… should we close that as well? Bartsvanleeuwen was the test-case for that, so if he's able to address that, then we're set. ←
14:28:13 <bhyland> @HadleyBeaman … do you know how to close issues? I can do if you like
Bernadette Hyland: @HadleyBeaman … do you know how to close issues? I can do if you like ←
14:28:17 <HadleyBeeman> … The question of OPMV and ProvO:
… The question of OPMV and ProvO: ←
14:29:13 <HadleyBeeman> … Use case: Where two companies are merging, or a new company is created. Change history. We use the OPMV vocabulary for that.
… Use case: Where two companies are merging, or a new company is created. Change history. We use the OPMV vocabulary for that. ←
14:29:17 <bhyland> @Hadley, done. Recorded: closed: "Addressed and Bart has been successful in using ORG to satisfy his the noted cases.?
Bernadette Hyland: @Hadley, done. Recorded: closed: "Addressed and Bart has been successful in using ORG to satisfy his the noted cases." ←
14:29:24 <bhyland> s/?/"
14:29:59 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
14:30:10 <HadleyBeeman> … Provenance working group has produced Prov-O. Names are different, but the structure is the same. Question for us: can we switch vocabularies. Issues: timescales between the two working groups, and the existing uses in the wild.
… Provenance working group has produced Prov-O. Names are different, but the structure is the same. Question for us: can we switch vocabularies. Issues: timescales between the two working groups, and the existing uses in the wild. ←
14:30:34 <olyerickson> OPMV http://open-biomed.sourceforge.net/opmv/ns.html
John Erickson: OPMV http://open-biomed.sourceforge.net/opmv/ns.html ←
14:30:55 <HadleyBeeman> … Not aware of anyone dependent on the vocabulary as it is. At some point, there may be a mapping between OPMV and PROV-O.
… Not aware of anyone dependent on the vocabulary as it is. At some point, there may be a mapping between OPMV and PROV-O. ←
14:31:11 <HadleyBeeman> … If anyone can identify a problem here, now is a good time to bring it up
… If anyone can identify a problem here, now is a good time to bring it up ←
14:31:28 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
14:31:38 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: George_Thomas (4%), DaveReynolds (80%)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: George_Thomas (4%), DaveReynolds (80%) ←
14:31:47 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call ←
14:31:47 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland ←
14:31:54 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call? ←
14:31:54 <Zakim> On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, jmynarz, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman,
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see olyerickson, Biplav, George_Thomas, jmynarz, DaveReynolds, boris, bhyland, Sandro, martinAlvarez (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, james, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman, ←
14:31:58 <Zakim> ... BenediktKaempgen, tinagheen
Zakim IRC Bot: ... BenediktKaempgen, tinagheen ←
14:32:00 <HadleyBeeman> … We need a formal reference to Prov-O in document, and then to update the ontology to reflect that.
… We need a formal reference to Prov-O in document, and then to update the ontology to reflect that. ←
14:32:13 <HadleyBeeman> s/we need/we would need
s/we need/we would need (warning: replacement failed) ←
14:32:36 <HadleyBeeman> sandro: Is the term part of ORG, or a sub-class kind of thing?
Sandro Hawke: Is the term part of ORG, or a sub-class kind of thing? ←
14:32:58 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: Sub-class. Suggests other terms from that vocabulary that could be used.
Dave Reynolds: Sub-class. Suggests other terms from that vocabulary that could be used. ←
14:33:10 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
14:33:35 <HadleyBeeman> Sandro: if it were just the vocabulary, I was wondering about sub-classing both of them.
Sandro Hawke: if it were just the vocabulary, I was wondering about sub-classing both of them. ←
14:34:08 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: That would be reasonable. We still need to satisfy the Prov-O piece. Still need to reference that in the formal document.
Dave Reynolds: That would be reasonable. We still need to satisfy the Prov-O piece. Still need to reference that in the formal document. ←
14:34:38 <HadleyBeeman> Sandro: Just want to make sure we aren't causing problems for anyone already using OPMV
Sandro Hawke: Just want to make sure we aren't causing problems for anyone already using OPMV ←
14:35:04 <HadleyBeeman> … ORG uses everything in its own namespace. Why is this a sub-class rather than just using the other term?
… ORG uses everything in its own namespace. Why is this a sub-class rather than just using the other term? ←
14:35:15 <PhilA2> q+ To raise a separate issue (i.e. when the Prov discussion is done)
Phil Archer: q+ To raise a separate issue (i.e. when the Prov discussion is done) ←
14:35:16 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: because it's actually a specialisation.
Dave Reynolds: because it's actually a specialisation. ←
14:36:51 <HadleyBeeman> sandro: We could put this part "at risk". Prov-O is moving along pretty well now.
Sandro Hawke: We could put this part "at risk". Prov-O is moving along pretty well now. ←
14:37:02 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: How to designate this? Editorial notes: a change in the vocabulary intended to be backward compatible?
Dave Reynolds: How to designate this? Editorial notes: a change in the vocabulary intended to be backward compatible? ←
14:37:17 <HadleyBeeman> sandro: A usage note or something like that. A list of changes in the appendix?
Sandro Hawke: A usage note or something like that. A list of changes in the appendix? ←
14:37:32 <HadleyBeeman> Davereynolds: for last-call document, are we allowed editorial notes?
Dave Reynolds: for last-call document, are we allowed editorial notes? ←
14:37:37 <gatemezi> Could some one putting the link to the actual rdf file of the Prov-O ontology?
Ghislain Atemezing: Could some one putting the link to the actual rdf file of the Prov-O ontology? ←
14:37:42 <HadleyBeeman> sandro: I'm thinking of a style of note that would even proceed into recomendation
Sandro Hawke: I'm thinking of a style of note that would even proceed into recomendation ←
14:37:52 <PhilA2> (For background, if you flag a feature as being 'At Risk' it means that you can take it out after LC (although IIRC not at CR)
Phil Archer: (For background, if you flag a feature as being 'At Risk' it means that you can take it out after LC (although IIRC not at CR) ←
14:38:19 <HadleyBeeman> ack phila
ack phila ←
14:38:19 <Zakim> PhilA, you wanted to raise a separate issue (i.e. when the Prov discussion is done)
Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA, you wanted to raise a separate issue (i.e. when the Prov discussion is done) ←
14:38:56 <olyerickson> For the record: The specific section we were discussing was 10.1 Class: ChangeEvent http://bit.ly/QJy1AS
John Erickson: For the record: The specific section we were discussing was 10.1 Class: ChangeEvent http://bit.ly/QJy1AS ←
14:39:16 <HadleyBeeman> pHilA: concept of an identifier: handled differently in ORG than in OPMV.
Phil Archer: concept of an identifier: handled differently in ORG than in OPMV. ←
14:40:39 <HadleyBeeman> PHilA: There are distinct bits of data about the identifier in ADMS — different to ORG. Don't want to mess around with ORG, but we need to recognise that we have 2 other work items that refer to this identifier concept and we need to make sure they don't clash
Phil Archer: There are distinct bits of data about the identifier in ADMS — different to ORG. Don't want to mess around with ORG, but we need to recognise that we have 2 other work items that refer to this identifier concept and we need to make sure they don't clash ←
14:40:52 <bhyland> @Hadley, should I also close ISSUE-36 re: RADion as I see status is set to "Raised" but I think should go to "Closed" based on earlier discussion … did I understand that correctly??
Bernadette Hyland: @Hadley, should I also close ISSUE-36 re: RADion as I see status is set to "Raised" but I think should go to "Closed" based on earlier discussion … did I understand that correctly?? ←
14:41:07 <bhyland> @Hadley, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/36
Bernadette Hyland: @Hadley, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/36 ←
14:42:11 <PhilA2> -> The ADMS notion of a 'code' which includes the concept of an 'Identifier'
Phil Archer: -> The ADMS notion of a 'code' which includes the concept of an 'Identifier' ←
14:42:14 <PhilA2> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html#data-types
Phil Archer: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/adms/index.html#data-types ←
14:42:14 <olyerickson> Curious what the proposed PROV-O equivalent of "opmv:Process" is http://open-biomed.sourceforge.net/opmv/ns.html#Process
John Erickson: Curious what the proposed PROV-O equivalent of "opmv:Process" is http://open-biomed.sourceforge.net/opmv/ns.html#Process ←
14:42:24 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: Option 1: Change ORG to make identifier a resource value as well as a typed value. Option 2: create another one in ORG. Option 3: Leave this in place. In doing legal entity, you'll define an interment rule.
Dave Reynolds: Option 1: Change ORG to make identifier a resource value as well as a typed value. Option 2: create another one in ORG. Option 3: Leave this in place. In doing legal entity, you'll define an interment rule. ←
14:43:40 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: that needs to be resolved before we vote on last call
Dave Reynolds: that needs to be resolved before we vote on last call ←
14:44:08 <Zakim> -james
Zakim IRC Bot: -james ←
14:44:38 <olyerickson> See http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/static.html#property--identifier
John Erickson: See http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/static.html#property--identifier ←
14:45:07 <Zakim> +??P17
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17 ←
14:45:46 <olyerickson> Q - Could we have a side-by-side comparison?
John Erickson: Q - Could we have a side-by-side comparison? ←
14:45:55 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds and PhilA are working out where conflicting recommendations to use SKOS notation in ADMS and ORG come up (with regard to identifiers)
DaveReynolds and PhilA2 are working out where conflicting recommendations to use SKOS notation in ADMS and ORG come up (with regard to identifiers) ←
14:46:19 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
14:46:58 <olyerickson> Proposal: Can we have a side-by-side comparison??
PROPOSED: Can we have a side-by-side comparison?? ←
14:47:10 <HadleyBeeman> ACTION: PHilA and DaveReynolds to sort out this issue off-line
ACTION: PHilA and DaveReynolds to sort out this issue off-line ←
14:47:10 <trackbot> Created ACTION-80 - And DaveReynolds to sort out this issue off-line [on Phil Archer - due 2012-10-11].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-80 - And DaveReynolds to sort out this issue off-line [on Phil Archer - due 2012-10-11]. ←
14:48:21 <gatemezi> s/PhilA/PhilA2
14:48:27 <HadleyBeeman> Topic: RADion
14:48:34 <james> zakim, ??P17 is me
James McKinney: zakim, ??P17 is me ←
14:48:34 <Zakim> +james; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +james; got it ←
14:49:10 <PhilA2> -> Richard's proposal http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2012Sep/0064.html
Phil Archer: -> Richard's proposal http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2012Sep/0064.html ←
14:50:02 <BenediktKaempgen> @olyerickson PROV-O equivalent of "opmv:Process" probably is prov:Activity
Benedikt Kaempgen: @olyerickson PROV-O equivalent of "opmv:Process" probably is prov:Activity ←
14:50:16 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA: To clarify, RADion is mostly an abstract way to think of things like software forges and data catalogues. Anywhere you have lots of assets collected in a category or repository.
Phil Archer: To clarify, RADion is mostly an abstract way to think of things like software forges and data catalogues. Anywhere you have lots of assets collected in a category or repository. ←
14:50:34 <HadleyBeeman> …You'd subclass it, as DCAT does. You'd rarely use it directly.
…You'd subclass it, as DCAT does. You'd rarely use it directly. ←
14:51:22 <HadleyBeeman> … Cygri is saying fine, it's there. We don't have to think about it, except in seeing sublcasses (like DCAT and ADMS). We could decide to accept that and not discuss RADion again
… Cygri is saying fine, it's there. We don't have to think about it, except in seeing sublcasses (like DCAT and ADMS). We could decide to accept that and not discuss RADion again ←
14:51:38 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1
Bart van Leeuwen: +1 ←
14:51:41 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
14:51:41 <HadleyBeeman> bhyland: Agreed, we are closing Issue 36?
Bernadette Hyland: Agreed, we are closing ISSUE-36? ←
14:51:45 <DaveReynolds> +0
Dave Reynolds: +0 ←
14:52:51 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
14:52:54 <Zakim> +??P37
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P37 ←
14:53:09 <gatemezi> s/PhilA/PhilA2
14:53:13 <HadleyBeeman> DaveReynolds: Not opposing to close it, but the implication of this discussion is that we accept the conclusion that DCAT is a subclass… I wouldn't vote for it, but I"m not against it. I abstain
Dave Reynolds: Not opposing to close it, but the implication of this discussion is that we accept the conclusion that DCAT is a subclass… I wouldn't vote for it, but I"m not against it. I abstain ←
14:53:20 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
14:53:32 <james> q-
James McKinney: q- ←
14:53:38 <HadleyBeeman> ack ??P17
ack ??P17 ←
14:54:14 <PhilA2> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The WG resolves that RADion is *not* a GLD-WG product. If the RADion editor makes a credible assertion that he is going to publish the RADion namespace document regardless through some other venue (SWIG, community group, Just Ask the Webmaster, ?), then GLD-WG will include mappings to RADion in the DCAT and ADMS RDFS files. and close Issue-36
Phil Archer: PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The WG resolves that RADion is *not* a GLD-WG product. If the RADion editor makes a credible assertion that he is going to publish the RADion namespace document regardless through some other venue (SWIG, community group, Just Ask the Webmaster, ?), then GLD-WG will include mappings to RADion in the DCAT and ADMS RDFS files. and close ISSUE-36 ←
14:54:25 <bhyland> Resolved to CLOSE ISSUE-36. RADion will not be further pursued.
Bernadette Hyland: Resolved to CLOSE ISSUE-36. RADion will not be further pursued. ←
14:54:28 <Zakim> -??P37
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P37 ←
14:54:32 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
14:54:41 <sandro> RESOLVED: CLOSE ISSUE-36. RADion will not be further pursued.
RESOLVED: CLOSE ISSUE-36. RADion will not be further pursued. ←
14:55:12 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
14:55:31 <HadleyBeeman> Topic: The larger ISA programme
14:56:14 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA: Lots here, little time. There was an agreement between Jeff Jaffe and the European Commission (with George, Bernadette, Sandro, Thomas and Phil) to take on some of these items that are coming from the EC work.
Phil Archer: Lots here, little time. There was an agreement between Jeff Jaffe and the European Commission (with George, Bernadette, Sandro, Thomas and Phil) to review the ISA Programme Vocabs for possible RECOMMENDATION track status. that are coming from the EC work. ←
14:56:23 <gatemezi> zakim, who is speaking?
Ghislain Atemezing: zakim, who is speaking? ←
14:56:34 <Zakim> gatemezi, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: PhilA2 (30%)
Zakim IRC Bot: gatemezi, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: PhilA22 (30%) ←
14:57:01 <gatemezi> s/PhilA/PhilA2
14:57:13 <bhyland> s/to take on some of these items/to review the ISA Programme Vocabs for possible RECOMMENDATION track status.
14:57:19 <HadleyBeeman> PHilA: I'm trying to take the group along in our discussions (including the one we just had about RADion). The ADMS spec is something we can take to first public working draft — but we need the group to buy in first.
Phil Archer: I'm trying to take the group along in our discussions (including the one we just had about RADion). The ADMS spec is something we can take to first public working draft — but we need the group to buy in first. ←
14:57:40 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA: The EC has emailed us to express displeasure with our lack of expediency.
Phil Archer: The EC has emailed us to express displeasure with our lack of expediency. ←
14:58:12 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA: Some things are easy to handle. We haven't published the Location Core Vocabulary because there is a community group to deal with that. Chair should be set today.
Phil Archer: Some things are easy to handle. We haven't published the Location Core Vocabulary because there is a community group to deal with that. Chair should be set today. ←
14:58:23 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA: Some things just aren't a priority. Not in use.
Phil Archer: Some things just aren't a priority. Not in use. ←
14:58:43 <HadleyBeeman> … The legal entity one is active and implemented. There is demand.
… The legal entity one is active and implemented. There is demand. ←
14:58:56 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
14:59:06 <HadleyBeeman> … We haven't yet, in this group, brought this work into W3C space yet because we've been doing other things. It's time.
… We haven't yet, in this group, brought this work into W3C space yet because we've been doing other things. It's time. ←
14:59:42 <HadleyBeeman> bhyland: Are there any people who could augment this activity either direct with ISA or complementary, because we're short on time on this? Are there 1-2 other reviewers outside the working group we could get to help?
Bernadette Hyland: Are there any people who could augment this activity either direct with ISA or complementary, because we're short on time on this? Are there 1-2 other reviewers outside the working group we could get to help? ←
15:00:13 <olyerickson> HadleyBeeman: Note that I updated ACTION-80 to better reflect what is being asked...
Hadley Beeman: Note that I updated ACTION-80 to better reflect what is being asked... [ Scribe Assist by John Erickson ] ←
15:00:22 <HadleyBeeman> PhilA2: I would say that everything that was produced and handed over was done by a working group, just not THIS working group.
Phil Archer: I would say that everything that was produced and handed over was done by a working group, just not THIS working group. ←
15:00:48 <HadleyBeeman> … The Commission is not putting pressure on individuals, but it is on the W3C.
… The Commission is not putting pressure on individuals, but it is on the W3C. ←
15:01:18 <HadleyBeeman> George: Phil, Sandro, Bernadette and I will discuss this more next week. We'll see what we can do to progress this.
George Thomas: Phil, Sandro, Bernadette and I will discuss this more next week. We'll see what we can do to progress this. ←
15:01:32 <bhyland> At the end of the day, we did agree to *review it* and we agreed 9 months ago. I feel we owe a thorough review & indication as to whether this is "on our plate" or decidedly "off our plate" (which would be very unfortunate).
Bernadette Hyland: At the end of the day, we did agree to *review it* and we agreed 9 months ago. I feel we owe a thorough review & indication as to whether this is "on our plate" or decidedly "off our plate" (which would be very unfortunate). ←
15:01:46 <olyerickson> Zakim, choose a chairperson...
John Erickson: Zakim, choose a chairperson... ←
15:01:46 <Zakim> I don't understand 'choose a chairperson', olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'choose a chairperson', olyerickson ←
15:01:57 <BenediktKaempgen> bye
Benedikt Kaempgen: bye ←
15:01:58 <Zakim> -martinAlvarez
Zakim IRC Bot: -martinAlvarez ←
15:01:59 <Biplav> Thanks
Biplav Srivastava: Thanks ←
15:02:02 <Zakim> -Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro ←
15:02:06 <Zakim> -HadleyBeeman
Zakim IRC Bot: -HadleyBeeman ←
15:02:08 <Zakim> -olyerickson
Zakim IRC Bot: -olyerickson ←
15:02:08 <bhyland> @PhilA, do you have a minute for a call?
Bernadette Hyland: @PhilA, do you have a minute for a call? ←
15:02:10 <Zakim> -PhilA2
Zakim IRC Bot: -PhilA2 ←
15:02:14 <Zakim> -bhyland
Zakim IRC Bot: -bhyland ←
15:02:18 <Zakim> -james
Zakim IRC Bot: -james ←
15:02:24 <Zakim> -tinagheen
Zakim IRC Bot: -tinagheen ←
15:02:25 <Zakim> -BenediktKaempgen
Zakim IRC Bot: -BenediktKaempgen ←
15:02:27 <Zakim> -BartvanLeeuwen
Zakim IRC Bot: -BartvanLeeuwen ←
15:02:27 <gatemezi> Chair: George
15:02:31 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds
Zakim IRC Bot: -DaveReynolds ←
15:02:33 <bhyland> @phil, skype?
Bernadette Hyland: @phil, skype? ←
15:02:35 <Zakim> -boris
Zakim IRC Bot: -boris ←
15:02:42 <Zakim> -George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: -George_Thomas ←
15:02:49 <Zakim> -jmynarz
Zakim IRC Bot: -jmynarz ←
15:02:51 <Zakim> -Biplav
Zakim IRC Bot: -Biplav ←
15:02:53 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended ←
15:02:54 <gatemezi> Thanks, all!
Ghislain Atemezing: Thanks, all! ←
15:02:55 <Zakim> Attendees were +1.518.276.aaaa, olyerickson, George_Thomas, +, DaveReynolds, +34.91.336.aadd, boris, Sandro, martinAlvarez, BartvanLeeuwen, bhyland, Biplav, PhilA2,
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +1.518.276.aaaa, olyerickson, George_Thomas, +, DaveReynolds, +34.91.336.aadd, boris, Sandro, martinAlvarez, BartvanLeeuwen, bhyland, Biplav, PhilA2, ←
15:02:58 <Zakim> ... james, +1.440.389.aaee, HadleyBeeman, +, +, jmynarz, +49.721.aahh, BenediktKaempgen, tinagheen
Zakim IRC Bot: ... james, +1.440.389.aaee, HadleyBeeman, +, +, jmynarz, +49.721.aahh, BenediktKaempgen, tinagheen ←
15:03:00 <HadleyBeeman> rrsagent, make records public
rrsagent, make records public ←
15:03:30 <HadleyBeeman> Should I clean up the minutes, or is there someone else who wants to do that?
Should I clean up the minutes, or is there someone else who wants to do that? ←
15:04:24 <HadleyBeeman> Thanks, PhilA2. I don't think I can access that part of the wiki… not sure why :(
Thanks, PhilA2. I don't think I can access that part of the wiki… not sure why :( ←
15:06:09 <HadleyBeeman> rrsagent, please publish the minutes
rrsagent, please publish the minutes ←
15:06:09 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/04-gld-minutes.html HadleyBeeman
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/04-gld-minutes.html HadleyBeeman ←
Formatted by CommonScribe
This revision (#1) generated 2012-10-04 15:36:58 UTC by 'phila', comments: None