RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference

19 Jul 2011


See also: IRC log


+1.314.394.aaaa, +3539149aabb, MacTed, mhausenblas, dmcneil, privera, boris, nunolopes, everyone, cygri, EricP, David, Ted, Michael, Percy, Nuno, Richard, Boris, Eric
Soeren, Marcelo, Seema, Souri


<trackbot> Date: 19 July 2011

<mhausenblas> Agenda:

<juansequeda> I'll be on IRC for now. I'll try to dial in a bit

<mhausenblas> scribenick: dmcneil


<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meetinghttp://www.w3.org/2011/07/12-rdb2rdf-minutes.html

<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/07/12-rdb2rdf-minutes.html

<MacTed> +1

resolution: working group accepts minutes of last meeting

RESOLUTION: accept the minutes of last meeting

michael: trying to work the pipeline of issues

trying to get all issues done by Sept 1

Issue of the day

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-34?

<trackbot> ISSUE-34 -- R2RML terminology: addressing vendor-specific names like "owner" -- open

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/34

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0077.html

<ericP> 2011-07-19T16:12:19Z * cygri catch of the day is cod

has michael been drinking?

michael: have only seen +1s to Richards proposal

<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: To resolve ISSUE-34, drop rr:tableOwner, and instead state that rr:tableName MAY be qualified to include a schema name and a catalog name

<ericP> +1

<cygri> +1

<nunolopes> +1

<boris> +1


RESOLUTION: To resolve ISSUE-34, drop rr:tableOwner, and instead state that rr:tableName MAY be qualified to include a schema name and a catalog name

<MacTed> +1

Open Issues

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-2?

<trackbot> ISSUE-2 -- R2RML serializations -- pending review

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/2

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jun/0165.html

cygri: updated to doc to say what he thought the resolution was

<cygri> A conforming R2RML processor must accept R2RML mapping documents in Turtle syntax. It may accept R2RML mapping graphs encoded in other RDF syntaxes.

cygri: believes the resolution has been addressed

<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: to go with the text 'A conforming R2RML processor must accept R2RML mapping documents in Turtle syntax. It may accept R2RML mapping graphs encoded in other RDF syntaxes.' for ISSUE-2

<cygri> +1

<MacTed> +1

<cygri> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/r2rml/#syntax

<nunolopes> +1

<boris> +1

<privera> +1

RESOLUTION: to resolve ISSUE-2 with the text 'A conforming R2RML processor must accept R2RML mapping documents in Turtle syntax. It may accept R2RML mapping graphs encoded in other RDF syntaxes.'

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-45?

<trackbot> ISSUE-45 -- IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices -- raised

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/45

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jun/0111.html

michael: souri has an action to propose IRIs

<cygri> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0070.html

<cygri> PROPOSAL: Resolve ISSUE-45 by replacing literals for rr:termTypes with three new IRIs rr:IRI, rr:BlankNode, and rr:Literal


<nunolopes> +1

<boris> +1

<MacTed> +1

RESOLUTION: Resolve ISSUE-45 by replacing literals for rr:termTypes with three new IRIs rr:IRI, rr:BlankNode, and rr:Literal

michael: someone will need to take an action to do this

cygri: once the minutes are up we can go through them and find the actions

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-47?

<trackbot> ISSUE-47 -- What happens when rr:column, rr:template etc produce invalid IRIs? -- raised

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/47

<cygri> PROPOSAL: Resolve ISSUE-47 by adopting Richard's proposal from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0084.html with David's amendments from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0097.html

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0002.html


cygri: the proposal linked above is a compromise taking into account the various perspectives
... it would take a while to discuss the details now, but the links above have the proposed text for the spec

michael: we could mark it as pending review

<MacTed> +1 with explicit text marked pending review

michael: we could resolve the issue, but not close it, rather mark it as pending review

<cygri> PROPOSAL: Resolve ISSUE-47 by adopting Richard's proposal from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0084.html with David's amendments from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0097.html ; editors will mark issue as pending review when changes are done

<nunolopes> +1

<boris> +1

RESOLUTION: Resolve ISSUE-47 by adopting Richard's proposal from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0084.html with David's amendments from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0097.html ; editors will mark issue as pending review when changes are done

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-48?

<trackbot> ISSUE-48 -- Mapping SQL datatypes to RDF -- raised

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/48

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0010.html

michael: we need an action on this

cygri: this requires a bit of work to look at the different materials, ODBC data types, JDBC data types, SQL 2008 mapping to XSD data types

someone needs to go through that and propose how to do it


cygri: this seems like one of the main pieces of work left to do


<mhausenblas> ACTION: Nuno to create a SQL/XSD data dataype mapping in the Wiki until next week [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-141 - Create a SQL/XSD data dataype mapping in the Wiki until next week [on Nuno Lopes - due 2011-07-26].

ericP: do we want to discuss the mapping from SQL to XML data types?

nunolopes: that would be the place to start

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-22?

<trackbot> ISSUE-22 -- Support for database vendor specific SQL statements. -- pending review

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/22

<cygri> PROPOSAL: ISSUE-22 is resolved by the changes in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0007.html

michael: richard can you give us some background?

cygri: there is no issue, followed the resolution and marked it as pending review

michael: working group members had time to review it so we can close it

<MacTed> ericP - /msg me the URI, and I'll see if it's deletable...

I closed ISSUE-22

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-29?

<trackbot> ISSUE-29 -- Require blank node and IRI identifier expressions to produce strings -- open

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/29

<mhausenblas> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0006.html

cygri: there was a resolution, but in light of further work, the problem is bigger than expected

so it might be good to handle this differently than it was originally resolved

by specifying that non-strings are cast to strings

<cygri> PROPOSAL: Undo the previous resolution on ISSUE-29, and resolve the issue by stating that conversion to string is done implicitly in any context where a string value is required, and is done according to the rules for SQL's CAST expression. Columns whose type cannot be CAST to string MUST NOT be used in a context that requires a string.


<MacTed> +1

<boris> +1

RESOLUTION: Undo the previous resolution on ISSUE-29, and resolve the issue by stating that conversion to string is done implicitly in any context where a string value is required, and is done according to the rules for SQL's CAST expression. Columns whose type cannot be CAST to string MUST NOT be used in a context that requires a string.; and mark the issue as pending review

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-37?

<trackbot> ISSUE-37 -- Allow specifying DB connection details in the R2RML mapping -- open

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/37

I think there was widespread support for postponing this

beyond 1.0


PROPOSAL: Resolve not to address ISSUE-37 in the initial version of R2RML

discussion of whether POSTPONED means to be resolved later under this working group charter, or later under a different working group charter

<mhausenblas> ACTION: hausenb to write mail to WG about semantics of POSTPONED [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - hausenb

cygri: perhaps the chairs could email the group defining what POSTPONED means for us

<mhausenblas> ACTION: mhausenb to write mail to WG about semantics of POSTPONED [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-142 - Write mail to WG about semantics of POSTPONED [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2011-07-26].

<ericP> +1

<cygri> +1

<boris> +1

<privera> +1


Raised Issues

I marked ISSUE-37 as POSTPONED

<mhausenblas> ISSUE-43?

<trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- Re-using public entity identifiers -- raised

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/43

personally I think this should be POSTPONED,not sure if we can do that under our charter

<cygri> PROPOSAL: open it


I think R2RML itself "allow for a mechanism to create identifiers for database entities"

discussion of whether RAISED issues need to be OPENED

<cygri> PROPOSAL: we OPEN all RAISED issues


then I change to +1

<cygri> PROPOSAL: we OPEN all currently RAISED issues


<boris> +1

<MacTed> +1

<nunolopes> +1

RESOLUTION: we OPEN all currently RAISED issues

<ericP> i assume that means that all of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/raised are now open

<mhausenblas> yes


<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: make the issue tracker read-only open to the world

<cygri> +1

<ericP> for the record, we are opening issues 43 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

I OPENED all of the RAISED issues

<mhausenblas> ACTION: Eric to make RDB2RDF WG Issue tracker read-only open to the world [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action04]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-143 - Make RDB2RDF WG Issue tracker read-only open to the world [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-07-26].

<ericP> yeah, i just wanted to make sure we knew which ones they were in case we wanted to see why we opened something

<cygri> thanks all!

<mhausenblas> [meeting adjourned]

<mhausenblas> trackbot, end telecon

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Eric to make RDB2RDF WG Issue tracker read-only open to the world [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Nuno to create a SQL/XSD data dataype mapping in the Wiki until next week [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action01]
[POSTPONED] ACTION: hausenb to write mail to WG about semantics of [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action02]
[POSTPONED] ACTION: mhausenb to write mail to WG about semantics of [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html#action03]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/07/19 17:15:37 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found ScribeNick: dmcneil
Inferring Scribes: dmcneil
Default Present: +1.314.394.aaaa, +3539149aabb, MacTed, mhausenblas, dmcneil, privera, boris, nunolopes, everyone, cygri, EricP
Present: +1.314.394.aaaa +3539149aabb MacTed mhausenblas dmcneil privera boris nunolopes everyone cygri EricP David Ted Michael Percy Nuno Richard Boris Eric
Regrets: Soeren Marcelo Seema Souri
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jul/0111.html
Found Date: 19 Jul 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/07/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html
People with action items: eric hausenb mhausenb nuno

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]