See also: IRC log
<janina> agenda: this
<SallyC> Scribe: SallyC
+ two minutes
JS: Skip action items as we are small
in attendance
JS: And skip new last calls. We
can be confident there is nothing there
... Publication of several HTML 5 documents for next week
... Longdesc and if we think html 5 is ready for last call and
the poll are related to that
+ HTML 5 Longdesc Reconsideration
JS: to reconsider reinstating
... the text subteam met and unanimously approved this request
in a resolution. Also approved a resolution should last call be
published without longdesc in the spec then there would be
support for a formal complaint to the director to hold
... We do have a consensus document in the taskforce which is
quite old.
... It does not mention anything about where the sub teams fit
as we hadn't realised that is where most of the work would get
done in subteams
... Procedural things happen in the task force
... Consensus procedures reflect expectations on where we
started not where we are now. However it raises the prospect of
questioning this statement.
<richardschwerdtfe> can you hear me?
JS: We will put this to a vote in the taskforce vote. Assuming it is approved, either one of the resolutions then there would be a survey for three working days for people to comment on the topic
<richardschwerdtfe> k
<richardschwerdtfe> will call back in
JS: Any questions?
RS: They want us to vote again?
JS: Yes! On call and the survey
RS: I haven't looked at the overall voting on going to last call, but to me parts are incomplete.
JS: Yes this is to discuss
CS: will save my comments on content for tomorrow
+ HTML 5 Last Call WBS
JS: The question is 8 different documents or so. Are each of them ready or not for last call publication
RS: What does it look like
SC: Last time I looked there were mostly yes or one or two abstein
RS: Usually I would expect it to be a real working draft and then move to a last call. I think there are things missing
JS: There is the poll and the next agendum is if we believe it should be published
+ Does PF Approve HTML 5 Last Call?
<janina> HTML Charter Dependencies at:
This lists the working groups that HTML is required to interact with and they should have advised us formally if they were going to do this publication
JS: We do have a say in whether
we think this is ready as PF and as individuals if we are in
the taskforce
... There is a call scheduled with Tim tomorrow to discuss the
formal objection which has come up regarding longdesc. Sam
posted how he saw some of the issues.
... He thought management needed to make a decision on how to
... It wasn't so much that any particular feature was or wasn't
in the spec, but what the document is, will it be called
feature complete.
... to us it is clear that not everything is in the spec.
... Great chunk that is missing is the older settled technology
and possibly not controversial any longer.
... It is important to the reputation of the organisation and
of accessibility and if it is not feature complete then say so.
Could we flag things that are missing?
... Could annotate what is missing and link to discussion and
show it as an in process specification. But they want more
feedback and on accessibility
<richardschwerdtfe> +1
<richardschwerdtfe> sorry Q+
RS: Canvas - we have a decision
and the chairs made a decision but there were a couple of
things that were left out. They related to 508. We were asked
to raise these but nothing happened
... We are missing is ability to provide bounds of an object so
you can map it to an a11y API
... The technical solution to this is going to take a little
... I put this to the list and I provided use cases
... When they say this is a 'last call document' ie all major
features are there. I don't think it is.
... I think we need to say we need a thorough review of the
... Does anyone disagree?
CS: It is sometimes a good idea
to go to last call with open issues - wcag did.
... We can state up front what some of the issues are
RS: I need to make sure that is
the purpose of this release
... It is not clear in the survey
CS: ... it would not be
RS: If they say we have issues and log issues that are remaining
JS: Test a consensus
... OK to publish even if they call it 'last call' as long as
they say it is not feature complete for accessibility and we
would want some things specifically listed
ASW: They seem to have a lot of
bugs open
... It would seem odd to go to last call with so many bugs
JS: There is canvas, there is
... There is still work to do
... What about other areas?
... Are ARIA mappings done
RS: not concrete
... in longdesc proposal we have added new requirements.
... They are good requirements, for example user agent being
able to identify longdesc areas.
... We can agree in general that we are not feature
... I am going to reopen an issue after last call as there are
some discussions that have not been had
JS: We put the issue out for 48 hours before we declare a consensus. I think I can put out on the list
ASW: any areas that still have significant issues and disagreement should be flagged by inline editorial notes
JS: I will do this after the call
to see if we have consensus by Friday.
... Taskforce meeting will include the two items from the text
alternatives meeting
... We have been offered to flag inline and this will get more
people looking at it and commenting on it which is valuable
RS: Problem is we probably won't be able to get the inline edits by Friday though
JS: The vote is due on Sunday and they want to publish on tues
<Andi> scribe: Andi
JS: individual ability because of
our participation in the HTML WG - should do so and not hold
... also charter dependency HTML has on PF - get to have a
formal opinion
... this formal opinion is what I'll be sending out the 48 hour
call for
CS: can we get the spec text
ready? don't want to delay them
... if they say yes, we should be ready to provide them
JS: we should have the list
tomorrow on the HTML task force meeting
... do we need to schedule another meeting or can we do it via
CS: e-mail. Can everyone send
their favorite issue to the PF list?
... and include the text of the editorial note
RS: no section for canvas yet
CS: probably should go at the top of the canvas section
JS: canvas note could include pointer to issue 131
CS: never seen links in editorial notes - seems okay - but might not be allowed
RS: like for Cynthia and Steve to
go through section 3.2.6 to make sure it's all okay
... one example - still don't have text on how to process ARIA
JS: it's our fault but it still
should be there
... make sure that what we think is in the spec is actually
<richardschwerdtfe> thanks
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/I would not be// Succeeded: s/editorial notes/inline editorial notes/ Found Scribe: SallyC Inferring ScribeNick: SallyC Found Scribe: Andi Inferring ScribeNick: Andi Scribes: SallyC, Andi ScribeNicks: SallyC, Andi WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. Default Present: Janina, +44.121.665.aabb, Mary_Joe, SallyC, Tim_Boland, Andi_Snow-Weaver, +1.720.342.aacc, Rich, Cynthia_Shelly Present: Janina +44.121.665.aabb Mary_Joe SallyC Tim_Boland Andi_Snow-Weaver +1.720.342.aacc Rich Cynthia_Shelly Regrets: Tim_Boland Gottfried_Zimmerman Got date from IRC log name: 18 May 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]