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<trackbot> Date: 04 May 2011
<JF> Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
<JF> agenda: this
<JF> is mikesmith really on this call?
<JF> meeting: WAI_PFWG(A11y)
<MichaelC_SJO> trackbot, start telecon
<trackbot> Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 04 May 2011
<JF> Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
<JF> Chair: John_Foliot
<JF> agenda: this
<JF> thank you michael
<JF> now we have a double agenda
<JF> scribe: Sean
<scribe> scribe: Sean
<JF> thanks michael
JF: can someone bring us up to speed
MW: Wiki page updated
the rmaining issue is about the track labelling
some discussion on email, dived down into distinctions between add-on and alternatives
no conclusion
JF there was discussion about making the list in a 3rd party location
any more thoughts on that?
SP: we shouldnt be overdoing it, its a bit of a detail
we should discuss the list
but the addition/replacement issue is somewhat orthogonal
and should probably not be solved in kind
should stay in the realm of what content the track contains
for now
MW: Should go through list on the wiki
JF: We are coming to a deadline, so we need to add something into the draft
can we generate a list to go into the spec
SP: Some already in (5 main ones)
main issue is additional types
and defining what they mean
we need to follow implementaiton
as we gain experience
the ocation of the list not a big issue
MW: The wiki contains
... when we work out an independant place, we can move them
JF: can we walk through them
MW: posted the link,
BL: Q. get kind function: suggests some kinds, some of which are text oriented, but no value of GetKind matches
MW: we are talking abot getKind on AV tracks, e.g. for burned in captions
text tracks are out of scope here
group from OGG for effects in different tracks
JF: would speech map to clear audio
SP: 2 ways to look at it, if its pure voice then yes
but Dave Singer says its the same as the main track but with different mix
both are viable approaches
dont know which clear audio is
<JF> SH: my understaning of clear audio as used in UK/BBC there it is a differently mixed but replacemnt track
<JF> no requirement for client side equipment to do the mixing
<JF> could be a pure speech track, and may in fact be derived from a 5.1 channel setup
<JF> as a seperately signalled audio stream
<JF> EC: That is my understaning as well
in whch case alternate could be adequate
MW label can tell a human user which is which
issue is whether there multiple alternates and the machine can tell which track is which for user preferences
and then the label needs to be machine readable
JF: probably seems we need something which maps to clear audio
MW: The OGG expectation is that the client will mix them
Pure alternates is simpler, especially for audio
because mixing requires that the tracks are actually authored for that
JF: do we see browsers providing that kind of mixing
EC: We do it to the extent that the platform allows it
MW: I meant more about the track preparation
if the difference is just relative volume
its only going to work if the audio signals are precisely aligned
the content needs to be prepared with that in mind
if the intention is separate presentation, the tolerance is much less
EC: agree
its unlikely that audio will be prepared in that way
synced at the sample level, as it isnt going to always play well
JF: the 3 kinds can be dropped
MW: supplementary kind
from 3gpp
which indicates whther the audio or video is the most important, and is a hiint as to which is expendable
SP: That doesnt fit the kind attribute
EC: agree, its a characteristic; its different to kind
MW: its not alternate, video=main audio=supplementary
or for a concert the reverse
I agree the concept is not well defined and specific to adaptive streaming
SP: Some things need to be left to the website devloper
and the tools are there
to achieve this
custom controls can do this
and for adaptive streaming can look at the statistics
handle in JS
MW: Can agree this is not a kind,
but for a different reason
... Will update Wiki
I see it more that is dealt with the media player, that uses these labels from the manifest and doesnt need to be handled by JS
but the outcome is the same
Next is commentary
intended for director commentary
JF: alternative doesnt apply here, this is a +?
MW: the same issues apply here, you dont typically hear the main dialogue etc
its an either or
EC: the question is is it likely that there will ever be a track that has commentary that also needs an another type of kind too
JF: if the commentary is a separate track, it would need to have a text track equivalent
goes back to production
if its an either or, then there would be two transcripts one for each
if its a mixin audio, then we would need to mix texts
dont know how to handle that
MW: My understanding its completely separate
synced to the vide
there may be a switch track
so labelling the captions is an issue
JF: so could render two text files concurrently
MW: if the commentary is alternate, then the two captions should be alternates
SP: it would usually be an alternative
in which case it would have its own subtitle track
and select that as an alternative
so marking as alternative is sufficent
MW: the issue is again whether you want to have user choice or UA selection
JF: if its kept generic and use the label, gives us room to explore
form ease of authoring for after market stuff it would be easier
alternative would be the powerful kind, and use label to slice and dice
MW: today we expose this label for our UI code to find this
in 3gpp and DASH there is no label for this so the UI can generate the labe
we should respnd that we need user readable labels
SP: kinds and the lable (internationalised) would say this is a commentary
prefer to keep the number of kinds small as possible
there is no way to put labels currently in DASH
just that its an alternate
2nd point - pros and cons, simple to have alternative
but the other option allows the scripts can do more with them
to apply preferences for example
JF: A machine readale type would be usable
EC: but that means people cant make up their own labels
MW: the issue is what level of granularity do we want for Machine readable
SP: alternate and accessibility are about it
no further kinds required
MW: that assumes a specific UI
to generate labels automatically for example
SP; what the browser interprets may be different
MW: if browser handles it, then it needs to handle i18n
SP: we need to look to implementaiton
MW: for what we do, the API is similar to the one being defined here
we expose the different kinds to the UI designer
SP: good to have experience in the design
JF: so need to continue the discussion, but lets looka the rest
MW: next 2 are captions and subtitles
in this context refer to burned in
MW: do we need to distinguish here
JF: the difference is somewhat academic, what counts is what goes to the screen
SP: we could have a captions kind and use label to distinguish
JF: could work
... machine readable label
BL: on subtitle vs captions, there are FCC regulations that require captions but not subtitles
EC: that argues for them beign separate
MW: we could have a structure to kind
e.g getSubkind
or have the value embedded in the valu
some value in aligning with text tracks
EC: agree, doesnt make sense to define a hierachy.
lets keep it simple till we know we need it
MW: agree
avoids topolgy discussions
not enough types really for a hierarchy
so we will have both top level types
JF: need to file a bug
MW: will file a bug for all of the list together
next one is video mosaic
EC: seems unnecessary
not very common in the wild
JF: agree
not really accessible
BL: not an access feature, but is a common UI
could be constructed using separate elements
but that doesnt work too well in low bandwidth
MW: so the idea is its a singel video with all the videos in it
BL: yes thats how its authored
built from low bandwidth stream built automatically
EC: seems a special case that needs custom layout
for now I think its better off not to have an explicit way to mark it, and require custom code
MW: agree
SP: should be done in layout, as I understand it
as they are in reality separate tracks
BL: agree
MW: clear audio.
JF: have the impression is that directors commentary and clear audio are both differently mixed audio tracks
MW: yes
JF: so if we have a clear audio kind, then we need a commentary kind
but I'm hearing a disinterest in that
SP: Clear is an accessibility issue
so we need more automatic switching for preferences
but dont see need for that for commentary
EC: agree, furthermore they are actually orthogonal
could have a clear audio commentary
JF: it really comes down to how produced
MW: the decision criteria, is does the JS need to know in machine readable form
if you want UI elements tailored to these things
sp preferences is not relevant for commentary, but a UI design is
seems we keep finding examples where we need to label with more than one kind
could be a structure under this
lots of these are too specific fo a generic matching algorithm
and maybe we do need multiple kinds
SP: can we explore that later
MW: yes as a first pass we should decide on what are the kinds
JF: Dave Singer has suggested 5 more, should we add these now?
are these in fact being produced
MW: its hard to introduce kinds if we dont have good definitions
EC: another example of where we dont have enough experience yet
JF: the clear examples now a re captions and clear audio
MW and subtitles
and commentary still under discussion
SP: dont want commentary as a kind
suffucient to use alternate
SP: have added a rationale to the wiki page
kind should define a track so that the UA or developer can make a decision whther to expose it as an addition or replacement to the main content
and amenable as a preferences decision
access and i18n are the main reasons
MW: agree the user preferences argument doesn apply to commentary
but dont agree thats the only reason for defineing a kind
custom UI is also a reason
SP: can use label
MW: but if I dont have a label, JS cant tell the difference
if I have label, the constraint is they are human readable
EC: commentary is so specialsed
only applies to some specific movie forms
JF: we have 3 clear winners, plus some discussion
maybe we should file a bug now on those 3
reopen or a new bug?
probably easier to file a new one
needs some investigation
but the takeaway today is we have 3 definite new kinds
continue to discuss on the list and wiki
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Sean Inferring ScribeNick: Sean Found Scribe: Sean Inferring ScribeNick: Sean Default Present: John_Foliot, +1.408.540.aaaa, +1.510.367.aabb, +44.154.558.aacc, +61.2.801.2.aadd, silvia, mark, Sean, +1.510.367.aaee, Eric Present: John_Foliot +1.408.540.aaaa +1.510.367.aabb +44.154.558.aacc +61.2.801.2.aadd silvia mark Sean +1.510.367.aaee Eric Found Date: 04 May 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]