November 9 2016
Virtual Interim
- Date: Wednesday November 9 2016 at 16:00 UTC (doodle scheduling poll)
- Duration: 90 min
Link: Meeting number: 640 262 662 Meeting password: 732 Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Items for Discussion
Slides are here:
- Welcome
- Scribe
WebRTC 1.0 API
- Issue 908/917, PR 916/918: "Stopped"
- Issue 714, PR 776: STUN/TURN OAuth token parameter
- Issue 822, PR 850: Error handling (tentative, awaitng preso)
- Issue 859, PR 895: Steps for rollback removing a transceiver (report)
- Issue 803, PR 913: Rules for negotiation-needed flag
- Issue 801, PR 920: Revise ICE Agent / User Agent interaction
- Issue 760: Adding ufrag+mid to end-of-candidates
- Issue 726/811: Adding ufrag to candidates
- Issue 902: Does setLocal/setRemoteDescription modify transceiver.direction?
- Issue 849: Allow Unverified Media (tentative, awaiting preso)