June 28 2016
Virtual Interim
- Date: Tuesday 28 June 2016 at 20:00 UTC (doodle scheduling poll)
- Duration: 90 min
- Chairs' announcement
Link: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=meb6000e92a438a4c9f3be1b1e6617049 Meeting number: 643 771 091 Meeting password: 732 Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Items for Discussion
We'll work on the agenda, but the coarse plan is to deal with Issue #359 for mediacapture-main and with the Issues/PRs labelled "Next Interim" for webrtc-pc.
Stefan for the chairs
mediacapture-main "Next Interim" Issues, webrtc-pc "Next Interim" Issues, webrtc-pc "Next Interim" PRs.
- Welcome
- Scribe
Media Capture and Streams
- Issues
- Issue 350: New permission definitions are wrong (Harald)
- Issue 359: MUST clear requirement for deviceId (Stefan)
WebRTC 1.0 API
- Pull Requests
- Issue 644/PR 675: Attribute to turn on/off CN/DTX (Bernard Aboba)
- Issue 548/PR 647/PR 683: RTX/RED/FEC handling (Bernard Aboba)
- Issue 706/PR 787: How does setDirection interact with active/inactive sender/receivers? (Bernard Aboba)
- Issues
- Issue 253:Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the user agent (Martin Thomson)
- Issue 555: Sort out requirements around IdpLoginError (Martin Thomson)
- Issue 562: What to do with an RTCIdentityProvider that returns rubbish (Martin Thomson)
- Issue 678: Support assertions that identify the recipient (Cullen Jennings)
- Issue 685: JSEP Reference for Receipt of Multiple RTP Encodings (Bernard Aboba)
- Issue 692: Meaning of “Liveness Checks Have Failed” (Taylor)
- Issue 700: An event for when a circuit breaker is triggered (Varun Singh?)
- Slides (PDF version)
- Minutes
- @@@Summary of decision (To be sent by the chairs)
- Recording