SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference

01 Feb 2011


See also: IRC log


+1.919.663.aaaa, +1.512.286.aabb, +44.196.287.aacc, alewis, Mark, padams, +1.209.474.aadd, +1.708.246.aaee
Matthew, Golby-Kirk


<trackbot> Date: 01 February 2011

<padams> anyone know how to give Zakim the *correct* name ?

<padams> ha, good guess

Appointment of the scribe

<scribe> Scribe: Mark

Approval of prior meeting minutes

No objections to approving the minutes

Review the agenda

No modifications

Administrative items

Should we skip next week's call?

Matthew Golby-Kirk has joined the workgroup

Review action items

Eric: Keeps following up 146, and moving to PR but no progress - 241 closed

close action-241

<trackbot> ACTION-241 Rewrite sentence in URI scheme abstract that the commenter pointed out. closed

Derek: No progress on 222

Phil: No progress on 223

Moving to PR (via CR? & LC)

<scribe> No progress on testing

Hopeful that we will be able to get some resource to start testing WebSphere Message Broker's SOAP/JMS for interoperabily against CXF

Demonstrating interoperability should be sufficient to move the spec. to PR

Phil: Believes WebSphere App. Server is compliant with the spec. with the exception of the latest change to contentEncoding

Eric: The compliance testing should be against the last working draft, so could exclude the very latest change

Derek: Believe implementation is one failure away from compliance on the last working draft, but it is difficult to get the QA organisation to retest for interops against a different implementation

Eric: Will check with Yves what is required. One criteria is vendors asserting compliance, but another criteria is interops testing

Phil: WebSphere Beta 3 should be publicly available and contain the latest SOAP/JMS

Action Eric to clarify with Yves the criteria needed for PR vs. Rec

<trackbot> Created ACTION-242 - Clarify with Yves the criteria needed for PR vs. Rec [on Eric Johnson - due 2011-02-08].

Action eric tofind out what TIBCOare doing with Websphere (re: compatibility testing and latest versions)

<trackbot> Created ACTION-243 - Tofind out what TIBCOare doing with Websphere (re: compatibility testing and latest versions) [on Eric Johnson - due 2011-02-08].

Note from Yves describes next steps

Eric: We could transition to CR now - or skip to PR

Suggest we wait a few weeks for progress on tests, and decide if we want to do a CR if there's no progress

Eric: Tempted to keep our meeting for next week

Mark: +1

Eric: OK - let's have a meeting next week

Specification Issues


(Issue 27 is open related to updating link for URI scheme)

URI scheme

Eric: Lots of emails, but highlight is that we're in the RFC editors queue - being reviewed by IANA


none... same time next week.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/02/01 17:30:33 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <mphillip> Matthew Golby-Kirk has joined the workgroup 

No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: mphillip
Found Scribe: Mark
Default Present: +1.919.663.aaaa, +1.512.286.aabb, +44.196.287.aacc, alewis, Mark, padams, +1.209.474.aadd, +1.708.246.aaee
Present: +1.919.663.aaaa +1.512.286.aabb +44.196.287.aacc alewis Mark padams +1.209.474.aadd +1.708.246.aaee
Regrets: Matthew Golby-Kirk
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2011Jan/0018.html
Found Date: 01 Feb 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/02/01-soap-jms-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> Matthew Golby-Kirk has joined the workgroup

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> Matthew Golby-Kirk has joined the workgroup

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]