CSS-SVG Effects Task Force (FXTF) is a joint task force of the Cascading Style Sheets Working Group (CSS WG) and the Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group (SVG WG). It assists these Working Groups with the work identified below.
This work statement is under review by the CSS WG and the SVG WG. The task force is not yet active.
The objective of CSS-SVG Effects Task Force is to jointly develop features for use in both CSS and SVG, in order to provide a single underlying model for authors and implementers, and to share resources such as test suites, tutorials, and other supplementary materials.
The task force combines participation from the CSS WG and the SVG WG. Accordingly, the CSS-SVG Effects Task Force operates under the CSS WG charter and the SVG WG charter.
The task force provides a forum for identification and discussion of shared features, and joint development and publication of specifications (with syntax for both CSS and SVG), including, but not limited to:
(medium priority)calc()
or a related functional notation to provide general one-way constraints for element attributes and properties (medium priority)This list is marked and loosely ordered by priority based on urgency. These priorities may change over time.
CSS-SVG Effects Task Force communications are publicly visible. Communication mechanisms for CSS-SVG Effects Task Force include:
Task Force Facilitators MAY form subteams (composed of Task Force participants) to carry out assignments for the Task Force. The scope of these assignments will NOT exceed the scope defined herein for this Task Force. The Task Force will document the process it uses to create subteams (e.g., each subteam might have an informal "Work Statement").
Any member of either the CSS WG or the SVG WG may participate in the FXTF. It is desirable, but not necessary, that all CSS-SVG Effects Task Force participants are members of both groups and accept W3C's Patent Policy for the CSS WG and Patent Policy for the SVG WG.
Participants must actively contribute to the work of CSS-SVG Effects Task Force, including:
Contact Doug Schepers or Chris Lilley with questions or to become a participant of CSS-SVG Effects Task Force.
Members of the public who are not covered by the W3C Patent Policy can send input to the public-fx mailing list (public-fx archive). Messages should clearly indicate the deliverable to which they are related.
Team Contacts from the respective WGs oversee attention to W3C Process with respect to the chartered requirements of the respective WGs. The Facilitators set agenda, lead meetings, determine consensus, and are the primary liaison to the WGs.
Last updated on $Date: 2010/02/25 15:15:12 $ by $Author: schepers $