W3C Mobile Web Initiative
The Changing Mobile Landscape:
Apps to Augmented Reality
Standards at W3C
About the W3C
Leading the Web to its full potential
- Founded by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web (W3C Director)
- Web is 20 years old, W3C is 15 years old
- Serving the world:
- Global participation
- Global use
- Global outreach
- 32,000 people subscribed to mailing lists
- 1,500+ participants in 60+ Groups
The Web: Constantly Evolving
In the beginning:
- basic principles in place: HTTP, URLs, HTML
- low interactivity
- desktop only
The Web: Constantly Evolving
Web 2.0:
- CSS, JavaScript, and Flash
- "AJAX"
- more devices
What's next for the Open Web?
Evolving in two dimensions:
- Interactive Web
- Web of Data
Interactive Web
Improving the way we interact with the Web via:
- CSS3
- Programming interfaces
New features!
Styles with style!
- adaptive styles
- smooth transitions
- animations
- fonts
Web of Data
Linked Data:
- find data without centralization
- Use existing social structures
- Use existing Web structures
Augmented Reality and the Web
What about new application types, like AR?
W3C held a workshop on AR and
found one area desperate for standardization
Points of Interest
Standardized format for POI data
- Many uses:
- Augmented Reality
- Navigation apps
- Check-in games
- ...
- brings Web linking and extensibility to POI data
Also continue to review other AR related Web standards: geolocation, camera, orientation, etc
The Web is a Platform
- Evolving
- Flexible, powerful, ubiquitous
- Decentralized
- Based on Royalty-Free open standards
- Right for mobile
Matt Womer <mdw@w3.org>