This talk
- Remember back before the Web?
- The fundamental change: Universality
- Linked Data
- Read-write Linked Data
- The other 80%
now difficult to explain what it was like!
- Documentation systems do not work together
- Attempts to unify fail from imposing too much
- Difficult to explain what WWW will be like
Pre-web at CERN
Need to bridge
- People from all over the world
- Different sorts of information
- Different organizations
Enquire V 1.1
Opening file (PSK-PCP)VAC-V1:ENQR...
PSB Vacuum Control System (concept) < O>
--- ------ ------- ------
[ 1] described-by: Enquiry System
An experimental system for which this is a test.
[ 2] includes: Vacuum History System
Records and displays slow changes in pressure.
[ 3] includes: Vacuum equipment modules
Perform all the hardware interface
[ 4] includes: Control and status applications programs
Provide operator interaction from the consoles.
[ 5] described-by: Controle du System a Vide du Booster 11-2-80
Operational specification of the software
[ 6] includes: PSB Pump Surveillance System PCP 228
Allows rapid monitoring of pressure changes
[number ]
- Make minimum requirements of adopters
- Abstract space includes all conceivable systems
- Universal space
1989: March: Web memo
Circles and arrows again...
1990: WWW design
- URI is global identifier, having one is good
- URI schemes have different properties
- HTTP scheme allows publish and lookup
- HTTP allows many data formats
- HTML is a language for hypertext
- .. but links not typed.
Universality of the Web
Technology which is independent of:
- Hardware platform
- Software platform - OS
- Application Software
- Network access
- Language and culture
- Disability
- Documents for people -- or Data for machines
- The number of web pages
Access for Anybody
Layers: Separate Markets
Layers: The IP Hourglass
Image: J Zittrain
1991-4: Paradigm shift
1994: World Wide Web Consortium
good + fair + fast
- Industry and academic and public participation
- Wide review
- Implementation Interoperability requirements
- Coordination between groups
- Internationalization, Accessibility
- Royalty free standards -> safe, wide adoption
- Many activities, check
- Join!
Leading the web to its full potential
2008: Linked Data
Read-only Linked Open Data Cloud 2010 2010 Data: CKAN
Business opportunities from Linked Open Data
- Building Apps and web sites using Open Data
- Enhancing Apps and web sites using Open Data
- Disseminating data about your products
2010 Open Government Data
3. Read-Write Data
Social Network Silos
Social Network Silos - 2
Breaking the silos
Building Apps
Separation of Apps from Data: Business opportunities
- Provision of data storage clouds
- Open app stores
- Market of Open apps
- App design tools and middleware
Recap: Universality of the Web
Technology which is independent of:
- Hardware platform
- Software platform - OS
- Application Software
- Network access
- Language and culture
- Disability
- Documents for people -- or Data for machines
- The number of web pages
Access for anyone
Recap: Universality of the Web
Technology which is independent of:
- Hardware platform
- Software platform - OS
- Application Software
- Network access
- Language and culture
- Disability
- Documents for people -- or Data for machines
- The number of web pages
Access for anyone everyone
The Other 80%
2009: World Wide Web Foundation