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SPARQL By Example

A Hands-on Tutorial

Eric Prud'hommeaux (presenter)
Standards/Implementations, W3C/MIT

SPARQL, HCLS, RDB2RDF Working Groups
Lee Feigenbaum
VP Technology & Standards, Cambridge Semantics
W3C SPARQL Working Group (Co-Chair), RDB2RDF Working Group

Valid XHTML + RDFa


SPARQL is the query language of the Semantic Web. It lets us:

Joining disparate databases

    ?iuphar  iface:family      ?family .
    ?iuphar  iface:code	       ?code .
    ?iuphar  iface:iupharName  ?iupharNm .
    ?human   iface:iuphar      ?iuphar .
    ?human   iface:geneName    "GABBR1" .
    ?human   iface:entrezGene  ?humanEntrez .

     _:gene  dbp:entrezgene    ?humanEntrez ;
             rdfs:label        ?label ;
    FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
     ?topic  rdfs:label        ?label .
     ?post   sioc:topic        ?topic


SPARQL is the query language of the Semantic Web. It lets us:


Structure of a SPARQL Query

A SPARQL query comprises, in order:

# prefix declarations
PREFIX foo: <>
# dataset definition
FROM ...
# result clause
# query pattern
# query modifiers

SPARQL Architecture & Endpoints

Dataset: Friend of a Friend (FOAF)

@prefix card: <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .

card:i foaf:name "Timothy Berners-Lee" .
<> foaf:name "Henry Story" .
<> foaf:name "Lee Feigenbaum" .
card:amy foaf:name "Amy van der Hiel" .


Query #1: SELECT, variables, and a triple pattern

In the graph, find me all subjects (?person) and objects (?name) linked with the foaf:name predicate. Then return all the values of ?name. In other words, find all names mentioned in Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
  • SPARQL variables start with a ? and can match any node (resource or literal) in the RDF dataset.
  • Triple patterns are just like triples, except that any of the parts of a triple can be replaced with a variable.
  • The SELECT result clause returns a table of variables and values that satisfy the query.
  • Dataset:

Running Our First Query

PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
Try it yourself! (Expected results.)

Exercise #1: Give me all the properties about Apollo 7


Solution #1: Give me all the properties about Apollo 7

SELECT ?p ?o
  <> ?p ?o


Query #2: Multiple triple patterns: property retrieval

Find me all the people in Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file that have names and email addresses. Return each person's URI, name, and email address.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
    ?person foaf:mbox ?email .
  • We can use multiple triple patterns to retrieve multiple properties about a particular resource
  • Shortcut: SELECT * selects all variables mentioned in the query
  • Dataset:

Try it with HP's ARQ, OpenLink's Virtuoso, or Redland's Rasqal. (Expected results.)

Exercise #2: URLs for Apollo 7

What URL does this database use for "Apollo 7"?
What is the (NASA) homepage for the mission?

Given the Talis endpoint:

Solution #2: URLs for Apollo 7

PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?craft ?homepage
  ?craft foaf:name "Apollo 7" .
  ?craft foaf:homepage ?homepage


Query #3: Multiple triple patterns: traversing a graph

Find me the homepage of anyone known by Tim Berners-Lee.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
PREFIX card: <>
SELECT ?homepage
    card:i foaf:knows ?known .
    ?known foaf:homepage ?homepage .
  • The FROM keyword lets us specify the target graph in the query itself.
  • By using ?known as an object of one triple and the subject of another, we traverse multiple links in the graph.
    query diagram

Try it with HP's ARQ, OpenLink's Virtuoso, or Redland's Rasqal. (Expected results.)

Exercise #3: What was the point of Apollo 7?

Given, the Talis endpoint:

Solution #3: What was the point of Apollo 7?

PREFIX space: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?disc ?label
  <> space:discipline ?disc .
  ?disc rdfs:label ?label


Dataset: DBPedia

Query #4: Exploring DBPedia

Find me 50 example concepts in the DBPedia dataset.
    ?s a ?concept .
} LIMIT 50
  • LIMIT is a solution modifier that limits the number of rows returned from a query. SPARQL has two other solution modifiers:
    • ORDER BY for sorting query solutions on the value of one or more variables
    • OFFSET, used in conjunction with LIMIT and ORDER BY to take a slice of a sorted solution set (e.g. for paging)
  • The SPARQL keyword a is a shortcut for the common predicate rdf:type, giving the class of a resource.
  • The DISTINCT modifier eliminates duplicate rows from the query results.

Try it with a DBPedia-specific SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

Exercise #4: Find 50 Spacecraft


Solution #4: Find 50 Spacecraft

PREFIX space: <>
SELECT ?craft
  ?craft a space:Spacecraft


Query #5: Basic SPARQL filters

Find me all landlocked countries with a population greater than 15 million.
PREFIX rdfs: <>        
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
SELECT ?country_name ?population
    ?country a type:LandlockedCountries ;
             rdfs:label ?country_name ;
             prop:populationEstimate ?population .
    FILTER (?population > 15000000) .
  • FILTER constraints use boolean conditions to filter out unwanted query results.
  • Shortcut: a semicolon (;) can be used to separate two triple patterns that share the same subject. (?country is the shared subject above.)
  • rdfs:label is a common predicate for giving a human-friendly label to a resource.
  • Note all the translated duplicates in the results. How can we deal with that?

Try it with one of DBPedia's SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

Exercise #5: Find launches in October 1968

Given, the Talis endpoint:

Solution #5: Find launches in October 1968

PREFIX space: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
{ ?launch space:launched ?date
    ?date > "1968-10-1"^^xsd:date &&
    ?date < "1968-10-30"^^xsd:date


SPARQL built-in filter functions

Query #6: Filters for picking among translations

Find me all landlocked countries with a population greater than 15 million (revisited), with the highest population country first.
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
SELECT ?country_name ?population
    ?country a type:LandlockedCountries ;
             rdfs:label ?country_name ;
             prop:populationEstimate ?population .
    FILTER (?population > 15000000 && langMatches(lang(?country_name), "EN")) .
} ORDER BY DESC(?population)
  • lang extracts a literal's language tag, if any
  • langMatches matches a language tag against a language range

Try it with a DBPedia-specific SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

Dataset: Jamendo

Query #7a: Finding artists' info - the wrong way

Find all Jamendo artists along with their image, home page, and the location they're near.
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name ?img ?hp ?loc
  ?a a mo:MusicArtist ;
     foaf:name ?name ;
     foaf:img ?img ;
     foaf:homepage ?hp ;
     foaf:based_near ?loc .
  • Jamendo has information on about 3,500 artists.
  • Trying the query, though, we only get 2,667 results. What's wrong?

Try it with's Jamendo-specific SPARQL endpoint. Be sure to choose SPARQL rather than SeRQL. (Expected results.)

Query #7b: Finding artists' info - the right way

Find all Jamendo artists along with their image, home page, and the location they're near, if any.
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name ?img ?hp ?loc
  ?a a mo:MusicArtist ;
     foaf:name ?name .
  OPTIONAL { ?a foaf:img ?img }
  OPTIONAL { ?a foaf:homepage ?hp }
  OPTIONAL { ?a foaf:based_near ?loc }
  • Not every artist has an image, homepage, or location!
  • OPTIONAL tries to match a graph pattern, but doesn't fail the whole query if the optional match fails.
  • If an OPTIONAL pattern fails to match for a particular solution, any variables in that pattern remain unbound (no value) for that solution.

Try it with's Jamendo-specific SPARQL endpoint. Be sure to choose SPARQL rather than SeRQL. (Expected results.)

Dataset: HCLS Knowledge Base at DERI Galway

Query #8: Querying alternatives

Find me the cellular processes that are either integral to or a refinement of signal transduction.
PREFIX go: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?process
  { ?process obo:part_of go:GO_0007165 } # integral to
  { ?process rdfs:subClassOf go:GO_0007165 } # refinement of
  ?process rdfs:label ?label
  • The UNION keyword forms a disjunction of two graph patterns. Solutions to both sides of the UNION are included in the results.
  • The URI go:GO_0007165 is the identifier for signal transduction in the Gene Ontology
  • N.B. Cell-surface-receptor-linked signal transduction is a refinement (subclass) of signal transduction

Try it with the HCLS knowledgebase SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

RDF Datasets

RDF Datasets

image of multiple interacting RDF graphs


Query #9: Querying named graphs

Find me people who have been involved with at least three ISWC or ESWC conference events.
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
    GRAPH ?g1 { ?person a foaf:Person }
    GRAPH ?g2 { ?person a foaf:Person }
    GRAPH ?g3 { ?person a foaf:Person }
    FILTER(?g1 != ?g2 && ?g1 != ?g3 && ?g2 != ?g3) .
  • The GRAPH ?g construct allows a pattern to match against one of the named graphs in the RDF dataset. The URI of the matching graph is bound to ?g (or whatever variable was actually used).
  • N.B. The FILTER assures that we're finding a person who occurs in three distinct graphs.
  • N.B. The Web interface we use for this SPARQL query defines the foaf: prefix, which is why we omit it here.

Try it with the SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

Query #10: Tranforming between vocabularies

Convert FOAF data to VCard data.
PREFIX vCard: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
  ?X vCard:FN ?name .
  ?X vCard:URL ?url .
  ?X vCard:TITLE ?title .
}FROM <>
  OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:name ?name . FILTER isLiteral(?name) . }
  OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:homepage ?url . FILTER isURI(?url) . }
  OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:title ?title . FILTER isLiteral(?title) . }
  • CONSTRUCT is an alternative SPARQL result clause to SELECT. Instead of returning a table of result values, CONSTRUCT returns an RDF graph.
  • The result RDF graph is created by taking the results of the equivalent SELECT query and filling in the values of variables that occur in the CONSTRUCT template.
  • Triples are not created in the result graph for template patterns that involve an unbound variable.

Try it with HP's ARQ or OpenLink's Virtuoso. (Expected results.)

Query #11: ASKing a question

Is the Amazon river longer than the Nile River?
PREFIX prop: <>
  <> prop:length ?amazon .
  <> prop:length ?nile .
  FILTER(?amazon > ?nile) .
  • The ASK result clause simply returns true or false depending on whether or not the query pattern has any matches in the dataset.
  • As with SELECT queries, the boolean result is (by default) encoded in an SPARQL Results Format XML document.
  • Shortcut: the WHERE keyword is optional--not only in ASK queries but in all SPARQL queries.

Try it with the Virtuoso DBPedia SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results. - or are they??)

Dataset: EDGAR Corporate Ownership Data

Query #12: Learning about a resource

Tell me whatever you'd like to tell me about the Ford Motor Company.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
  ?ford foaf:name "FORD MOTOR CO" .
  • The DESCRIBE query result clause allows the server to return whatever RDF it wants that describes the given resource(s).
  • Because the server is free to interpret DESCRIBE as it sees fit, DESCRIBE queries are not interoperable.
  • Common implementations include concise-bounded descriptions, named graphs, minimum self-contained graphs, and more.

Try it with the EDGAR-specific SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

Dataset: GovTrack

Query #13: Advanced SPARQL technique: Negation

Find me members of the Senate Armed Service committee's Strategic Forces subcommittee who do not also serve on the Personnel subcommittee.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name 
  # find members in the Strategic Forces subcommittee
    foaf:member ?member .
    # find out if this same member is in the Personnel 
    # subcommittee - but call him/her something different 
    # (?member2)
      foaf:member ?member2 .
    FILTER (?member2 = ?member) .
  # keep only those rows that failed to find a ?member2 
  # (member of Personnel subcommittee)
  FILTER (!bound(?member2)) .
  ?member foaf:name ?name .
  • Together, OPTIONAL and the !bound(...) filter allow us to query for things that are not asserted in the RDF dataset.
  • A similar technique allows for various types of universally quantified queries. (E.g. min or max value of a predicate.) See this frequently asked question.

Try it with the GovTrack-specific SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)

What's new in SPARQL 2?

A new SPARQL WG was chartered in March 2009 to extend the SPARQL language and protocol. SPARQL 2 will include these extensions:

What's new in SPARQL 2? (cont'd)

Time permitting, the SPARQL WG will also pursue:

Dataset: Linking Open Data Warehouse

Query #14: SPARQL extension: aggregates

What are the top interests of LiveJournal users interested in Harry Potter?
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?interest COUNT(*) AS ?count where
    ?p foaf:interest <> .
    ?p foaf:interest ?interest
  • Some SPARQL engines support aggregate functions: functions that calculate a single value from a set of results.
  • Aggregate functions include: COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, ...
  • Some implementations combine aggregate functions with a GROUP BY clause that breaks the query's result set into groups before applying the aggregate function(s).

Try it with the Virtuoso Linked Open Data endpoint. (Expected results.)

Query #15a: Limit Per Resource Without Subqueries

Retrieve the second page of names and emails of people in Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file, given that each page has 10 people.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name ?email
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
    OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:mbox ?email }

Query #15b: Limit Per Resource With Subqueries

Retrieve the second page of names and emails of people in Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file, given that each page has 10 people.
PREFIX foaf:  <>
SELECT ?name ?email
    {      SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?name WHERE { 
        ?person foaf:name ?name 
      } ORDER BY ?name LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10    }
    OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:mbox ?email }

What's missing from SPARQL?

Even with the ongoing SPARQL 2 work, there are several other pieces of the SPARQL landscape that are not yet standardized, including:
The W3C ESW wiki lists more SPARQL extensions.

Query #16: SPARQL extension: free-text search

Find me countries with 'Republic' in their name that were established before 1920.
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>        
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
SELECT ?lbl ?est
  ?country rdfs:label ?lbl .
  FILTER(bif:contains(?lbl, "Republic")) .
  ?country a type:Country108544813 ;
      prop:establishedDate ?est .
  FILTER(?est < "1920-01-01"^^xsd:date) .

Try it with the Virtuoso DBPedia SPARQL endpoint. (Expected results.)


The following people helped contribute queries, datasets, SPARQL endpoints, or other content used in this tutorial. Many thanks to all.

SPARQL Resources


If you have any questions, please email Lee Feigenbaum at

Query #1: Expected Results

"mc schraefel"
"John Klensin"
"Libby Miller"
"Henrik Nielsen"
"John Markoff"
"Edd Dumbill"
"Nicholas Gibbins"
"Daniel Krech"
"Coralie Mercier"
"Norman Walsh"
"Les Carr"
"Shinnyih Huang"
"Philippe Le Hégaret"
"Oshani Seneviratne"
"Joe Lambda"
"Lalana Kagal"
"Karl Dubost"
"Bijan Parsia"
"John Seely Brown"
"Robert Hoffmann"
"Henry Story"
"Kjetil Kjernsmo"
"Håkon Wium Lie"
"Eric Miller"
"Charles McCathieNevile"
"Ira Fuchs"
"Aaron Swartz"
"Ian Jacobs"
"Dave Beckett"
"Yolanda Gill"
"Dean Jackson"
"Nigel Shadbolt"
"Jim Hendler"
"Dan Connolly"
"Christoph Bussler"
"Susie Stephens"
"John Gage"
"Ivan Herman"
"Sean Palmer"
"Lee Feigenbaum"
"World Wide Web Consortium"
"Peter Szolovits"
"Danny Ayers"
"Ora Lassila"
"Daniel J Weitzner"
"Jennifer Golbeck"
"Timothy Berners-Lee"
"Kingsley Idehen"
"Tim Bray"
"Wendy Hall"
"Simon J. Hernandez"
"Amy van der Hiel"

Query #2: Expected Results

<> "Karl Dubost" <>
<> "Amy van der Hiel" <>
<> "Edd Dumbill" <>
<> "Dean Jackson" <>
<> "Edd Dumbill" <>
<> "Aaron Swartz" <>
<> "Timothy Berners-Lee" <>
<> "Eric Miller" <>
<> "Edd Dumbill" <>
<> "Dean Jackson" <>
<> "Libby Miller" <>
<> "Dan Connolly" <>

Query #3: Expected Results


Query #4: Expected Results


Query #5: Expected Results

country_name population
Afghanistan 31889923
Afganistán 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
Afganistan 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
アフガニスタン 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
Afganistan 31889923
Afeganistão 31889923
Афганистан 31889923
Afghanistan 31889923
阿富汗 31889923
Ethiopia 75067000
Etiopía 75067000
Äthiopien 75067000
Etiopia 75067000
Éthiopie 75067000
Etiopia 75067000
エチオピア 75067000
Ethiopië 75067000
Etiopia 75067000
Etiopia 75067000
Etiópia 75067000
Эфиопия 75067000
Etiopien 75067000
埃塞俄比亚 75067000
Kazakhstan 15217711
Kazajistán 15217711
Kasachstan 15217711
Kazakstan 15217711
Kazakhstan 15217711
Kazakistan 15217711
カザフスタン 15217711
Kazachstan 15217711
Kasakhstan 15217711
Kazachstan 15217711
Cazaquistão 15217711
Казахстан 15217711
Kazakstan 15217711
哈萨克斯坦 15217711
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Népal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
ネパール 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Nepal 29519114
Непал 29519114
Nepal 29519114
尼泊尔 29519114
Uganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Ouganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
ウガンダ 30900000
Oeganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Uganda 30900000
Уганда 30900000
Uganda 30900000
乌干达 30900000
Uzbekistan 27372000
Uzbekistán 27372000
Usbekistan 27372000
Uzbekistan 27372000
Ouzbékistan 27372000
Uzbekistan 27372000
ウズベキスタン 27372000
Oezbekistan 27372000
Usbekistan 27372000
Uzbekistan 27372000
Uzbequistão 27372000
Узбекистан 27372000
Uzbekistan 27372000
乌兹别克斯坦 27372000

Query #6: Expected Results

country_name population
Ethiopia 75067000
Afghanistan 31889923
Uganda 30900000
Nepal 29519114
Uzbekistan 27372000
Kazakhstan 15217711

Query #7a: Expected Results

"Hace Soul"^^xsd:string
"vincent j"^^xsd:string
"Margin of Safety"^^xsd:string
"Les Clip's"^^xsd:string
"La Tumba"^^xsd:string
"King Dubby"^^xsd:string
"My Name Is Fantastik"^^xsd:string
"t r y ^ d"^^xsd:string
"Mr Nuts"^^xsd:string
"433 erOs"^^xsd:string
"Haine Brigade"^^xsd:string
"Le Leprechaune"^^xsd:string
"PARALLAX VIEW"^^xsd:string
"Les Féelarsen"^^xsd:string
"DJ DEVINCI"^^xsd:string
"Phantom ladies over Paris"^^xsd:string
"Karl Cosmos"^^xsd:string
"Happiness Project"^^xsd:string
"Geminius Corpus"^^xsd:string
"Dj EWAS"^^xsd:string
"Franck "KP7" Cappellacci"^^xsd:string
"Rescue Rangers"^^xsd:string
"Ninja force"^^xsd:string
"Les Jocks"^^xsd:string
"Mac Lomig"^^xsd:string
"Jérémy Dewinter"^^xsd:string
"KING D.A."^^xsd:string
"Switch oN"^^xsd:string
"Midi Clock"^^xsd:string
"REGIM LIQUID"^^xsd:string
"superstring theory"^^xsd:string
"Zero Vs. One"^^xsd:string
"Binary Mind"^^xsd:string
"Juice lee"^^xsd:string
"Gauthier Paturo"^^xsd:string
"Bacco Baccanels"^^xsd:string
"Nesta Positive"^^xsd:string
"Beto Stocker"^^xsd:string
"la curiosite tua le chat"^^xsd:string
"Ben Othman"^^xsd:string
"Gély-Fort Pierre"^^xsd:string
"dave pretty"^^xsd:string
"Obviously Grimy"^^xsd:string
"Rob Costlow - Solo Piano"^^xsd:string
"Glue Trax"^^xsd:string
"John Sore & his Afro-Safety"^^xsd:string
"Les K-Rock"^^xsd:string
"Pierced Data"^^xsd:string
"Bubar the cook"^^xsd:string
"Echo lali"^^xsd:string
"Manu Cornet"^^xsd:string
"Hollywood & Deadbeat"^^xsd:string
"En attendant Mado"^^xsd:string
"Brad Sucks"^^xsd:string
"The Georges Habitbol Brothers"^^xsd:string
"the precious band"^^xsd:string
"chevalier dominique"^^xsd:string
"Aurélien Girelli"^^xsd:string
"downliners sekt"^^xsd:string
"Léon Plane"^^xsd:string
"Human Signals"^^xsd:string
"Greg V"^^xsd:string
"LA CAJA NEGRA"^^xsd:string
"La Manutention"^^xsd:string
"SONGO 21"^^xsd:string
"Cristan Roba"^^xsd:string
"David TMX"^^xsd:string
"Dd le malfrat"^^xsd:string
"Al Azred"^^xsd:string
"Swirl Of Dust"^^xsd:string
"International Corpus Industry"^^xsd:string
"FOGGY BOTTOM"^^xsd:string
"Cesare Marilungo"^^xsd:string
"JT Bruce"^^xsd:string
"las kademy"^^xsd:string
"david aubrun"^^xsd:string
"Clemix SoundShaker"^^xsd:string
"PhIlIpPe ChAvArOcHe"^^xsd:string
"L. Saint Lazare"^^xsd:string
"Mister Poison"^^xsd:string
"Ciruelo Cilíndrico"^^xsd:string
"white andersen"^^xsd:string
"Kaiser IK"^^xsd:string
"Exit Roméo"^^xsd:string
"Random I Am"^^xsd:string
"Classic Tragic Hero"^^xsd:string
"Jacques COUTURIER"^^xsd:string
"Fishbone Rocket"^^xsd:string , http://www.fishbonerocket.com
"Stefan Colomb"^^xsd:string
"M.O.A. - ALIX"^^xsd:string
"greguenox"^^xsd:string construction/
"Monnaie de singe"^^xsd:string
"The SillyJunX"^^xsd:string
"Rouler Pinder"^^xsd:string
"Mr Haze dub project"^^xsd:string
"Los Rápidos"^^xsd:string
"Fast Friday"^^xsd:string
"Pachuco Cadaver"^^xsd:string
"Omri Levy"^^xsd:string
"Keep Cool Vibration"^^xsd:string
"Sick Side Project"^^xsd:string
"Curly's Revenge"^^xsd:string
"The Abogix (J.K.)"^^xsd:string
"[GO:MACHE]"^^xsd:string /
"Haki Groucho Empire"^^xsd:string
"Santiago Louvet"^^xsd:string
"Came Into Dust"^^xsd:string
"Three Star Hotel"^^xsd:string
"Abdou Day"^^xsd:string
"Indiana Jones"^^xsd:string
"sam & thierry blanchard"^^xsd:string
"Silly Monday"^^xsd:string
"Briovere Buffentis"^^xsd:string
"Maya de Luna"^^xsd:string
"Dj Bexos"^^xsd:string
"Electric Fence"^^xsd:string
"dj blanguy"^^xsd:string
"Freibeuter AG"^^xsd:string
"Proche Chaos"^^xsd:string
"François Ville"^^xsd:string
"No Mad's Land"^^xsd:string
"Sud Equipe"^^xsd:string
"Dj Poke"^^xsd:string
"Damien et Charles"^^xsd:string
"Rodrigue DOUCHEZ"^^xsd:string
"la bête malade"^^xsd:string
"-;~°§)[ k.ROCKSHIRE ](§°~;-"^^xsd:string
"Steve Stone"^^xsd:string web/
"Dean Chris"^^xsd:string
"DJ Klass"^^xsd:string
"Soul Resistance"^^xsd:string
"Carole Masseport"^^xsd:string
"Yle Sensuelle"^^xsd:string
"deejay dav"^^xsd:string
"Evergreen Terrasse"^^xsd:string
"Ricardo Vecchio"^^xsd:string
"B & W"^^xsd:string
"Flor Mostaza"^^xsd:string
"POSITIV HATE"^^xsd:string
"YAZ TRAX"^^xsd:string
"les bas d'anselm"^^xsd:string
"Aching Beauty"^^xsd:string
"Talley Lambert"^^xsd:string
"Valérianne Lavi"^^xsd:string
"Trafic de Blues"^^xsd:string
"Sea and Field"^^xsd:string
"Dream ED"^^xsd:string
"Matthew Tyas"^^xsd:string
"#Dance 75#"^^xsd:string
"anarchy in progress"^^xsd:string
"El Frero"^^xsd:string
"New-York Black Watacloza"^^xsd:string
"gautam sen"^^xsd:string
"Yoogz & Nix"^^xsd:string
"Asser Sleds"^^xsd:string
"DJ Epsilon"^^xsd:string
"The Clock"^^xsd:string
"Maniax Memori"^^xsd:string
"Soap Parano"^^xsd:string
"Pied d'nez"^^xsd:string
"Lillian Gish"^^xsd:string
"Les baguettes moulées"^^xsd:string
"Sacha Rives"^^xsd:string
"Guillaume de la Chapelle"^^xsd:string
"Platinum Limb"^^xsd:string
"Cero Amor"^^xsd:string
"EL HUERTO DEL CURA"^^xsd:string
"le Komité Mité"^^xsd:string
"Monkey Throw Feces"^^xsd:string
"Sidekick Lupchen & The Bad Generation"^^xsd:string
"Buddhaz Yoyos"^^xsd:string
"Les Petits Chanteurs de Montigny"^^xsd:string
"Pascal Garry"^^xsd:string
"Julien Stankiewicz"^^xsd:string
"Antony Raijekov"^^xsd:string
"The Chadderandom Abyss"^^xsd:string
"Le bruit de la rue"^^xsd:string
"Atomic cat"^^xsd:string
"from roots"^^xsd:string
"Corentin et ses Danseuses"^^xsd:string
"Vincent Soleil"^^xsd:string
"Le Milieu"^^xsd:string
"Sickboys and Lowmen"^^xsd:string
"steven host"^^xsd:string
"57 grados"^^xsd:string
"Georges Bloch"^^xsd:string
"Talking Cure"^^xsd:string
"Elias Schwerdtfeger"^^xsd:string
"Johannes Hopfner"^^xsd:string
"Avec elle"^^xsd:string
"The Washing Machine"^^xsd:string
"Madame X"^^xsd:string
"Les Ombres"^^xsd:string
"DJ Farwest"^^xsd:string
"R.E.P - Repose En Paix"^^xsd:string
"David Law n' The Arkitekts"^^xsd:string
"Luca Deriu"^^xsd:string
"no feeling"^^xsd:string
"Les Petites Violettes"^^xsd:string
"Sleeping Core"^^xsd:string
"Buze Julien"^^xsd:string
"AARON THE CUTTER"^^xsd:string
"Eva Garcia"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Engelhart"^^xsd:string encore de site web/
"FarraH Diod Of Antifogs"^^xsd:string
"pushing globe"^^xsd:string
"Junk d.n.A"^^xsd:string
"Skandalo Publico"^^xsd:string
"Andrew Jimenez"^^xsd:string
"Acoustic Affinités"^^xsd:string
"Grace Valhalla"^^xsd:string
"Les Oreilles en Ballades"^^xsd:string
"Pol B & Binarymind"^^xsd:string
"Armust Blegde"^^xsd:string
"La Goutte au Nez"^^xsd:string
"CraZyH et Djézinho"^^xsd:string
"sound of jack"^^xsd:string
"HARRY KANE"^^xsd:string
"Les Ânes Animent"^^xsd:string
"gasno prod"^^xsd:string prod
"Minus Clay"^^xsd:string
"Revolution Void"^^xsd:string
"stefan d"^^xsd:string
"Lady Renoir"^^xsd:string
"i am this"^^xsd:string
"Dr. Wanker"^^xsd:string
"La cinquième roue"^^xsd:string
"Paper Plane Pilots"^^xsd:string
"Dwight Jack"^^xsd:string
"No Replay"^^xsd:string
"David Law"^^xsd:string
"Too Many I's"^^xsd:string
"Whiskey Therapy"^^xsd:string
"Georges Habitbol"^^xsd:string
"The Mystery Artist"^^xsd:string
"After Glow"^^xsd:string
"Chapter 9"^^xsd:string
"DJ Black Red"^^xsd:string
"Staiff featuring Klub"^^xsd:string
"altor dj"^^xsd:string
"pang pung"^^xsd:string
"Fate Close Warning"^^xsd:string
"Dj Toxik Waste"^^xsd:string
"Lark Wiskey"^^xsd:string
"noise sound nation"^^xsd:string
"Drunk Yoghurt"^^xsd:string
"Descent Psychosis"^^xsd:string
"Piergiorgio Lucidi"^^xsd:string
"In Faded Glory"^^xsd:string
"The White Nite"^^xsd:string
"jose orraca"^^xsd:string
"Madame Olga"^^xsd:string
"Laurent Sarrote"^^xsd:string
"Lovely Girls Are Blind"^^xsd:string
"Edouard Busa"^^xsd:string
"Nex2012 & DJ "H""^^xsd:string
"The Menciales"^^xsd:string
"black era"^^xsd:string
"The Badgers"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Koala"^^xsd:string
"Real Rice"^^xsd:string
"Mojo Project"^^xsd:string
"Aderito CARAPITO"^^xsd:string
"Martyn Circus"^^xsd:string
"Arthur Cravan"^^xsd:string
"Chantonneur anonyme"^^xsd:string
"Dr Luge"^^xsd:string
"Dj X-Ray"^^xsd:string
"Karim Amari"^^xsd:string
"Alex' des Shookabah"^^xsd:string
"Cowboy Zorro"^^xsd:string
"Stephan CArtier®"^^xsd:string
"Boris CAMPELLO"^^xsd:string
"Mon coté Manouche"^^xsd:string
"Überland Deluxe"^^xsd:string
"Mbata kongo"^^xsd:string
"promising crew"^^xsd:string
"Brain Damage"^^xsd:string
"David Alexander McDonald"^^xsd:string
"Ambient Frequencies"^^xsd:string
"Mercurius FM"^^xsd:string
"Camelia Ashbach"^^xsd:string
"Jérôme lollo"^^xsd:string
"Franky Joe Texier"^^xsd:string
"Perro Pelon"^^xsd:string
"Avel Glas"^^xsd:string
"Simon Gris"^^xsd:string
"Chupa Chuva"^^xsd:string
"Lem0n IndiGo"^^xsd:string
"Celestial Aeon Project"^^xsd:string
"Project Divinity"^^xsd:string
"Matteo Cargnelutti"^^xsd:string
"Red Nebula"^^xsd:string
"DaveFilms Digital Media"^^xsd:string
"electro.choc"^^xsd:string construction/
"MATT PEPPER TRIO"^^xsd:string
"Kuervos del Sur"^^xsd:string
"The Pierre Richard's Family"^^xsd:string
"Apocalyptik Vs Mantis"^^xsd:string
"REASON FRANCE"^^xsd:string
"milo fungus"^^xsd:string
"snowman lost his head"^^xsd:string
"uncut music"^^xsd:string
"Réinsertion sociale"^^xsd:string
"Denis RICHARD"^^xsd:string
"raphael edelman"^^xsd:string
"Licite Fondation"^^xsd:string
"Jack Sparow"^^xsd:string
"Terra Blue"^^xsd:string
"Semper Fi"^^xsd:string
"Schickers Mind"^^xsd:string
"Lou Zgain"^^xsd:string
"Christophe Bosch"^^xsd:string
"Holy Pain"^^xsd:string
"Frank Thorstein"^^xsd:string
"Javier Bacchetta"^^xsd:string
"Dj Potter [Italy]"^^xsd:string
"Ralph Buckley"^^xsd:string
"Slim Nevic"^^xsd:string
"Radio Nowhere"^^xsd:string
"DPA RECORDS"^^xsd:string
"Crick Zachary"^^xsd:string
"Dj Vraj"^^xsd:string
"Alex Maneval"^^xsd:string
"The NUNCHAKS"^^xsd:string
"Mothers Against Drugs"^^xsd:string
"Christian DIDELOT"^^xsd:string
"VODOR ZECK"^^xsd:string arbeit/
"DJ Ryo9"^^xsd:string
"lucas ck"^^xsd:string
"dj saboum"^^xsd:string
"skt sekuentzia"^^xsd:string
"La Mecanica Loca"^^xsd:string
"Crystal Wall"^^xsd:string
"Cafard Rose"^^xsd:string
"smile of cat"^^xsd:string
"R. Winchester"^^xsd:string
"Sir Oliver"^^xsd:string
"Alban Martin"^^xsd:string
"No Más"^^xsd:string
"Lou and Stan"^^xsd:string
"Robinson, Freitag And The Lonely Trumpet"^^xsd:string
"Die Partysahnen"^^xsd:string
"NORDINE LE NORDEC"^^xsd:string
"Boris & Maxime"^^xsd:string
"Louis Lingg and the Bombs"^^xsd:string
"eisenherzz ltd."^^xsd:string
"André Weet"^^xsd:string /
"Vatis Siwany"^^xsd:string
"Varasteleva Puutarhakääpiö"^^xsd:string
"Nokom electro"^^xsd:string
"gilles valli"^^xsd:string
"Die Intellektronische Biparietal Projekt"^^xsd:string
"Poison Fang"^^xsd:string
"moebius brain"^^xsd:string
"Gasher G.14"^^xsd:string
"Nino Nexo"^^xsd:string
"Nelman Music System"^^xsd:string
"Ram Exponention"^^xsd:string
"Mesh m18"^^xsd:string
"Lost In..."^^xsd:string
"Start Of The End"^^xsd:string
"Equals Conquest"^^xsd:string
"Olga Scotland"^^xsd:string
"Electric Psycho"^^xsd:string
"Jailson Brito Jr."^^xsd:string
"Sköhl Offensrüh"^^xsd:string
"giovanni santese"^^xsd:string
"Red Lion"^^xsd:string
"Echoes of mine"^^xsd:string
"San Benito"^^xsd:string
"Eden's Garden"^^xsd:string
"The KiK"^^xsd:string
"Pink Lady"^^xsd:string
"Goo Goo Cluster"^^xsd:string
"No Fun"^^xsd:string
"Les Maxitubes De Tate"^^xsd:string
"La DeNt Noire"^^xsd:string
"Greg Baumont"^^xsd:string
"Pete Vyler"^^xsd:string
"Cardinal Colère"^^xsd:string
"Sonny Munroe"^^xsd:string
"fab eichert"^^xsd:string
"zero lab station"^^xsd:string
"Dj Fab"^^xsd:string
"David Schombert"^^xsd:string
"SEVEN SEAS"^^xsd:string
"Silencio apache"^^xsd:string
"L'Oeil du Ficus"^^xsd:string
"Paul Leide"^^xsd:string
"Slap Stick"^^xsd:string
"Alpha Omega"^^xsd:string
"Cold fire"^^xsd:string
"Degenerate Idol"^^xsd:string
"Taxi Brouss'"^^xsd:string
"Vincent Michel"^^xsd:string
"Jennifer Avalon"^^xsd:string
"i-overdrive trio"^^xsd:string
"Fury Tale"^^xsd:string
"Buskate la vida"^^xsd:string
"The Pharaos"^^xsd:string
"W. Elektro Projekt"^^xsd:string
"TRIBUMAN & Jammin' Orchestra"^^xsd:string'_Orchestra.jpg
"Antonio Gervasoni"^^xsd:string
"Fabien Deville"^^xsd:string /
"Chernobyl Kid"^^xsd:string
"open minds collective"^^xsd:string
"raoul steckrübe"^^xsd:string
"Aube L"^^xsd:string
"Bastien Balt"^^xsd:string
"A.L.K. DJ"^^xsd:string
"Pablo Sciuto"^^xsd:string
"CARLOS VARGAS"^^xsd:string
"Melange de Promenade"^^xsd:string
"Luke & Stevo"^^xsd:string
"patrice chala"^^xsd:string
"extracto de lúpulo"^^xsd:string
"philippe deschamps"^^xsd:string
"G°°L Sampler"^^xsd:string
"La Malle"^^xsd:string
"Paul CREA"^^xsd:string
"animaux de la lune"^^xsd:string
"INSIDE ÁGAPE"^^xsd:string
"Leonardo Doldan"^^xsd:string
"Paul D. Miller aka Dj Spooky"^^xsd:string
"Anonym Project"^^xsd:string
"den makes music"^^xsd:string
"FLO LFO"^^xsd:string
"Daily Grind"^^xsd:string
"Pulse of insight"^^xsd:string
"Peter David Anderson"^^xsd:string
"Arkady Michalik & MUSICOCOMPANY"^^xsd:string
"Arkady Michalik & MUSICOCOMPANY"^^xsd:string
"Brigitte Bop"^^xsd:string
"Dom The Bear"^^xsd:string
"Cliff Kilpatrick"^^xsd:string
"Psychedelic Sun"^^xsd:string
"Dario Júnior"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Laufer"^^xsd:string
"jocelyne dorian"^^xsd:string
"Dj H.Seres"^^xsd:string Soon
"Lékol Maloya"^^xsd:string
"Christian GAUVRIT"^^xsd:string
"MUERTE DULCE"^^xsd:string
"Frithjof Brauer"^^xsd:string
"Nastyl Crooks"^^xsd:string
"nest rouve"^^xsd:string
"Beedies Echo"^^xsd:string
"Wayl Sodwind"^^xsd:string
"Chico Bala"^^xsd:string
"DJ Amy Moon"^^xsd:string
"Enden Wickers"^^xsd:string
"White Light Riot"^^xsd:string
"Enrique Mateu"^^xsd:string
"The Wavers"^^xsd:string
"Les Ecorchés"^^xsd:string
"The Diletanters"^^xsd:string
"Docteur Prépu"^^xsd:string
"Mattia Giovanetti"^^xsd:string
"eliot ness"^^xsd:string
"bert jerred"^^xsd:string
"TAVOLA RUSTICA"^^xsd:string
"This Broken Machine"^^xsd:string
"The Shamrock Stars"^^xsd:string
"Courboulès David"^^xsd:string
"Peter Schaefer"^^xsd:string
"Patrick Chergui"^^xsd:string
"Four Oceans"^^xsd:string
"Atlantis.Milos Pello"^^xsd:string
"Return Of Doctor Mabuse"^^xsd:string
"sonata electra"^^xsd:string
"Black Out"^^xsd:string
"SIRUS Francky"^^xsd:string
"Ściana Wschodnia"^^xsd:string
"Lonely Planet Boy 1969"^^xsd:string
"Stellar Vector"^^xsd:string
"Mudit Sood"^^xsd:string
"Delectable Mosquito and the radioactive dreams"^^xsd:string
"New world "^^xsd:string
"The Poetize Code"^^xsd:string
"ARTIK (From The Next Label)"^^xsd:string
"Evil Inside"^^xsd:string
"# NUTSHELL #"^^xsd:string
"Philippe STANO"^^xsd:string
"Breeding Sonic Waves"^^xsd:string
"Homecoming Kings"^^xsd:string
"Mind Split Effect"^^xsd:string
"musik zum duschen"^^xsd:string
"KARLO Kostic Lazar"^^xsd:string
"Morphee Dereves"^^xsd:string
"Francis Barault"^^xsd:string de site web/
"Ellissi nel Cerchio"^^xsd:string
"El Deyma"^^xsd:string
"Robert Izard"^^xsd:string
"Raven Crown"^^xsd:string
"Simon & Simone"^^xsd:string
"Lukas Prest!"^^xsd:string
"Ludo Marteau"^^xsd:string
"darkmoon project"^^xsd:string
"mes chansons chaussent du 24"^^xsd:string
"No Más - La Banda"^^xsd:string
"a broken moment"^^xsd:string
"Mike Rix"^^xsd:string
"Gros Con Banal"^^xsd:string
"Da Klönschnack"^^xsd:string
"Drugged Killer"^^xsd:string
"Eric Raillard"^^xsd:string
"Mi Rara Coleccion"^^xsd:string
"Black Venus"^^xsd:string
"Minch in the From"^^xsd:string
"thierry blanchard"^^xsd:string
"ELECTRONIC WORLD"^^xsd:string
"Les Looz' Brothers"^^xsd:string
"La Partie du Cerveau"^^xsd:string
"Acid Skunp"^^xsd:string
"SmoKing AFter"^^xsd:string
"Laura LiiS"^^xsd:string
"The Orientalist"^^xsd:string
"Aeron -"^^xsd:string
"Emma PSYCHE"^^xsd:string
"Maneros productions"^^xsd:string
"benjamin moreau"^^xsd:string
"kapadnoms"^^xsd:string encore dispo pour le moment/
"Richard Z"^^xsd:string
"LarG Productions"^^xsd:string
"After Infinity (FRLacoustics)"^^xsd:string
"Pompougnac Daniel"^^xsd:string
"Die drei Lenöre"^^xsd:string
"AL MA"^^xsd:string
"Michele Wylen"^^xsd:string
"The incrediBle BuBBle Band"^^xsd:string
"Greater Boston Visionary Outpost"^^xsd:string
"THE ATHLETES"^^xsd:string
"sunset blvd"^^xsd:string
"Sara Lisa"^^xsd:string construction.../
"Oscar Fynn Rove"^^xsd:string
"pamela pril"^^xsd:string
"Giac & Juan"^^xsd:string
"acrobat live"^^xsd:string
"The Helldorados"^^xsd:string
"Bruce H. McCosar"^^xsd:string
"Turno de tarde"^^xsd:string
"O.S.A. & DJ cOŚtAm Project"^^xsd:string
"Yoas Project"^^xsd:string
"MOONDARK PROJECT"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Madame"^^xsd:string
"Kangaroo MusiQue"^^xsd:string
"Oui, Phi"^^xsd:string
"Frozen Silence"^^xsd:string
"Le Collectif Unifié de la Crécelle"^^xsd:string
"Robson, Sax, Garritt & Goodheart"^^xsd:string
"Micheal O'Finn & Bloody Popes"^^xsd:string
"L'AXE LOURD"^^xsd:string
"Eau Forte"^^xsd:string
"Gars Trans"^^xsd:string
"Brigade Neurale"^^xsd:string
"Besos Robados"^^xsd:string\\besosrobados.iespana.es
"Ojos de Lobo"^^xsd:string
"Café Nadar"^^xsd:string
"Insula Dulcamara"^^xsd:string
"Petit Homme"^^xsd:string
"Euterpe Archipelago"^^xsd:string
"Par d'ssus la jambe"^^xsd:string
"Remote Controlled"^^xsd:string
"Rund Funk"^^xsd:string
"les troglodytes of alabama"^^xsd:string
"Luis Rueda"^^xsd:string
"les chiens noirs du mexique"^^xsd:string
"Matti Paalanen"^^xsd:string
"Morad Stars"^^xsd:string
"L'âge d'or"^^xsd:string
"Richard Bee"^^xsd:string
"#2 Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"J-M Dauphy"^^xsd:string
"Atma Bhajan Band"^^xsd:string
"Guido Segni"^^xsd:string
"tabako trio"^^xsd:string
"Sol Carlus"^^xsd:string
"Rafael Villegas"^^xsd:string
"Soy Bomb"^^xsd:string
"My Poor Ida"^^xsd:string\\www.mypoorida.com
"Illusionary World"^^xsd:string
"Sam Santana"^^xsd:string
"Plastic Alibi"^^xsd:string
"Dj's Team Project"^^xsd:string
"Dodge city outlaws"^^xsd:string
"Mister Electric Demon"^^xsd:string
"Charles Fenollosa "^^xsd:string
"Efrain Inclan"^^xsd:string
"Gnark Sombre"^^xsd:string
"Say It Again Lucas"^^xsd:string
"Smoke Fish"^^xsd:string
"Ernesto Fracaso"^^xsd:string
"Powder French"^^xsd:string
"DJ Sooflet"^^xsd:string
"Eternal Tango"^^xsd:string
"umbriel rising"^^xsd:string
"Caminos del Sonido"^^xsd:string
"Harry Field"^^xsd:string
"Per Boysen"^^xsd:string
"Esoterik Eskort"^^xsd:string
"LONDON SOFA"^^xsd:string
"Adam Certamen Bownik"^^xsd:string
"Toj 36"^^xsd:string
"Le Zaarth"^^xsd:string
"School in Parapsichico"^^xsd:string
"Satellite Splinter"^^xsd:string
"The Vegetarians"^^xsd:string
"Astral Quest"^^xsd:string
"Ben Johnson"^^xsd:string
"Erik y Shally"^^xsd:string
"DR LOVE"^^xsd:string
"Dyvan le Terrible"^^xsd:string
"Jeff Hentschel"^^xsd:string
"Kostas Vomvolos"^^xsd:string
"patada con giro"^^xsd:string
"SCHUTZ LOIC"^^xsd:string
"The Bloody Mary's"^^xsd:string
"yannick f"^^xsd:string
"AS 777"^^xsd:string
"Fenêtres Ouvertes"^^xsd:string
"Sur Non"^^xsd:string
"Markus Macht Musik"^^xsd:string
"Les Résidus Plasmiques"^^xsd:string
"Definitiv Fett"^^xsd:string
"Ghost Notes"^^xsd:string
"Clayton Derricks"^^xsd:string
"Your Spoken Horoscope"^^xsd:string
"Luminous Flesh Giants (LFG)"^^xsd:string
"Bluebox Sampler"^^xsd:string
"Jawl Keed"^^xsd:string
"Les Ailes du Gazon"^^xsd:string
"Musiciens de Surface"^^xsd:string
"The 462nd Zinnias"^^xsd:string
"Dj Saryon feat Sory"^^xsd:string
"Chevreuils Psychédéliques"^^xsd:string
"Organic Despair"^^xsd:string
"Habitación Zero"^^xsd:string
"Kray Van Kirk"^^xsd:string
"Daniele Torelli"^^xsd:string
"Sans Nom"^^xsd:string
"Secret Side"^^xsd:string
"Circus Marcus"^^xsd:string
"Bit Crusher"^^xsd:string
"1 Ohm Facile"^^xsd:string
"les cavistes"^^xsd:string
"Franck J"^^xsd:string
"LES PÊCHEURS DE LUNE"^^xsd:string
"DJ Davidouille"^^xsd:string
"Benjamin Liefeld"^^xsd:string
"Sekula Wieslaw"^^xsd:string
"Los Muflos"^^xsd:string
"soundamantium"^^xsd:string ou
"LA PETITE MORT"^^xsd:string
"Fragile New Virus"^^xsd:string
"Stephan Kulla"^^xsd:string
"bmd prod."^^xsd:string
"Aor Agni"^^xsd:string
"Romain B."^^xsd:string
"Do Ut Des"^^xsd:string
"Tante Adèle et la Famille"^^xsd:string
"Laura Helde"^^xsd:string
"Mike Link/Harvey Taylor"^^xsd:string
"Jean-Louis Le Breton"^^xsd:string
"Vulcan Mindmeld"^^xsd:string
"Reno"^^xsd:string costruzione/
"Flex Blur"^^xsd:string
"Crapman Sacramento"^^xsd:string
"Marker Beacon"^^xsd:string
"DJ Ghozt"^^xsd:string
"Traffic In My Head"^^xsd:string
"Les Asskronotes"^^xsd:string
"Ttable Why"^^xsd:string
"Direct Raption"^^xsd:string
"The Hollow"^^xsd:string
"Darkened Escape"^^xsd:string
"François Ville/Missives"^^xsd:string
"Whispering Johnson"^^xsd:string
"Moondogs Blues Party"^^xsd:string
"V Traversa"^^xsd:string
"DJ NoS-K"^^xsd:string
"Music is Love"^^xsd:string
"COELHO DE MORAES"^^xsd:string
"DJ Didi"^^xsd:string
"Freedom's children"^^xsd:string
"The Holy Nut's Sons"^^xsd:string
"THE NEXT LEVeL..."^^xsd:string
"Durch Dick und Dünn"^^xsd:string
"Nazwa Zespoła"^^xsd:string
"JEAN LUC VALERIO"^^xsd:string
"The Scientist Monkeys"^^xsd:string
"Poing Comme"^^xsd:string
"Boom Boom Beckett"^^xsd:string
"Andrea Barone"^^xsd:string
"TEMPUS FUGIT"^^xsd:string
"Vamp In A Box"^^xsd:string
"Dark Dew"^^xsd:string
"Moodstarrr Productions"^^xsd:string
"Will Liam"^^xsd:string
"Arnau Vilardebò"^^xsd:string
"La Diarrhée Verbale"^^xsd:string
"Shades of dream"^^xsd:string
"Ades Vapor"^^xsd:string
"Cirilo Adriazola Salas"^^xsd:string
"Joe Valentino"^^xsd:string
"The Ease Down"^^xsd:string
"Antonio M. Navas"^^xsd:string
"Raphaël Badawi"^^xsd:string
"White Owl"^^xsd:string
"dope reach squad"^^xsd:string
"Sébastien Damery"^^xsd:string
"Beppu Nights by AWAKEN"^^xsd:string
"Old bear"^^xsd:string
"Bad Punchline"^^xsd:string
"Victor Khaze"^^xsd:string
"Le Capharnaüm"^^xsd:string
"Emergency Bloodshed"^^xsd:string
"Christophe Lecoq"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Denni"^^xsd:string
"Flip Her Babies"^^xsd:string
"Andrés Puppo"^^xsd:string
"Bunker Sessions"^^xsd:string
"Sub Sin"^^xsd:string
"Project System 12"^^xsd:string
"Magic Tong Family"^^xsd:string
"andré le charcutier"^^xsd:string
"Juanjo Pacheco"^^xsd:string
"Fish Man"^^xsd:string
"Wire Moves"^^xsd:string
"Cruz Kers"^^xsd:string
"Hunt Club"^^xsd:string
"Staraya Derevnya"^^xsd:string
"The Pencil-Case"^^xsd:string
"[package radio]"^^xsd:string
"Adam Brożyński"^^xsd:string
"Yann Reversat"^^xsd:string
"drunken butterfly"^^xsd:string
"Frenchy Bob"^^xsd:string
"75 Clan"^^xsd:string
"Phonophobia 70"^^xsd:string
"Simon Hartcher - Audiophile"^^xsd:string
"June Curtsey"^^xsd:string
"DJ FTC"^^xsd:string
"The Vector Approach"^^xsd:string
"Tha Silent Partner"^^xsd:string
"Les 3 Singes"^^xsd:string
"Thierry de Massia"^^xsd:string
"The Chameleon Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Jon Wayne"^^xsd:string
"Last Sunday"^^xsd:string
"Aitor Burgos"^^xsd:string
"Marieva's Project"^^xsd:string
"Dr Pombo"^^xsd:string
"Negative Trip"^^xsd:string
"Luzinda Warrior"^^xsd:string
"paolo di sabatino"^^xsd:string
"Limbo deluxe"^^xsd:string
"100 Sens Sur"^^xsd:string
"Franck Mouzon"^^xsd:string
"John Holden"^^xsd:string
"Moving sand"^^xsd:string
"Die with Dignity"^^xsd:string
"Miss Emma"^^xsd:string
"Giorgio Campagnano"^^xsd:string
"Habemus Punk"^^xsd:string
"Nicolas Kern"^^xsd:string
"GOLDEN BOY (FOSPASSIN)"^^xsd:string
"Pedro Novoa"^^xsd:string
"daniel roca"^^xsd:string
"Kolektyw Etopiryna"^^xsd:string
"Elias Damian"^^xsd:string
"Los Intokables del reggaeton"^^xsd:string
"Kapela na Dobry Dzień"^^xsd:string
"FRED FERRACCI"^^xsd:string
"FAHORO MEI"^^xsd:string
"Low Cost Music"^^xsd:string
"Radio Latinos"^^xsd:string
"le 31 février..."^^xsd:stringôt/
"sergio capretti"^^xsd:string
"Androide Paranoiaque"^^xsd:string
"nenad romic za novyi byte"^^xsd:string
"Carlos Rives"^^xsd:string
"Alex Cyan"^^xsd:string
"Juan Shamán"^^xsd:string
"da Noise Maker"^^xsd:string
"DJ Blackwidow"^^xsd:string
"Ray Grant"^^xsd:string
"Peri Mental"^^xsd:string
"...with sad adieus"^^xsd:string
"Sentido Inverso"^^xsd:string
"Tchaï Bom"^^xsd:string
"Guy Courtine"^^xsd:string
"LES CULS IVRES"^^xsd:string
"mr nico"^^xsd:string
"Gazebo Penguins"^^xsd:string
"Rody Sousa"^^xsd:string
"Area 51"^^xsd:string
"PATTI"^^xsd:string AI PAS DE SITE/
"Sevenfire PhoeniX"^^xsd:string
"Outta Limits"^^xsd:string
"Andreas Hammer"^^xsd:string
"Sir Hunger"^^xsd:string
"The Flykicks"^^xsd:string
"Il Silenzio di Ghisa"^^xsd:string
"Trick Seventeen"^^xsd:string
"Rehearsal Jazz"^^xsd:string
"Death 777"^^xsd:string
"Johane Alexie"^^xsd:string
"Yann "Syks " S "^^xsd:string
"Hobby Horse"^^xsd:string
"Cui Bono"^^xsd:string
"BUREAU DES FLUIDES"^^xsd:string
"Rock Against Sarko"^^xsd:string
"Michael Moore"^^xsd:string
"Rezydent S & Garaż Bogiego"^^xsd:string
"Sonocore Records"^^xsd:string
"Connor O'Brien"^^xsd:string
"Meat Machine"^^xsd:string
"Julien PETITJEAN"^^xsd:string
"Gruppo Crudo"^^xsd:string
"The League"^^xsd:string
"K.Os Rhymes"^^xsd:string
"Les Gotik Anarchystes De Satan"^^xsd:string
"Fredo Begnon"^^xsd:string
"Staircase Wisp"^^xsd:string
"Looping Staff"^^xsd:string
"Enneri Blaka"^^xsd:string
"Philippe Axel"^^xsd:string
"The G&M Project"^^xsd:string
"16% of happiness"^^xsd:string
"Robert Stafford"^^xsd:string
"Drawn From The Past"^^xsd:string
"La Mula"^^xsd:string
"Jaime Heras"^^xsd:string
"U.N.O. - Unidentified Noisy Object"^^xsd:string
"DJ Authush"^^xsd:string
"EVA MARIA"^^xsd:string
"EVA MARIA (COUNTRY)"^^xsd:string
"dite G swaf"^^xsd:string
"Vincent JOST"^^xsd:string
"DJ Silberwald"^^xsd:string
"ADC LEVEL"^^xsd:string
"DJMG marlon"^^xsd:string
"Even no fear"^^xsd:string
"Little (K)"^^xsd:string
"Futurabanda Punk Rock"^^xsd:string
"MackaRonny Iceberg"^^xsd:string
"Coarse Coding"^^xsd:string
"Les Connards Boiteux"^^xsd:string
"Action Faust"^^xsd:string
"Just' in Space"^^xsd:string
"El Manu"^^xsd:string
"Alien Speesh"^^xsd:string
"Hot Load"^^xsd:string
"Adalbertus Gabriel"^^xsd:string
"Gerador Zero"^^xsd:string
"The circuits breaker"^^xsd:string
"Cosmic Cat"^^xsd:string
"Charles Sommer"^^xsd:string
"cold evocation"^^xsd:string
"Ecart LeSon"^^xsd:string
"St Adam"^^xsd:string
"Alfonso Tregua"^^xsd:string
"projet vertigo"^^xsd:string
"Other View"^^xsd:string
"Behind The Screen"^^xsd:string
"Cynical Sense"^^xsd:string
"jerome sevestre"^^xsd:string
"Allison Crowe"^^xsd:string
"Lo Fi Lazer"^^xsd:string
"Scott Alexander"^^xsd:string
"les papy tabayo"^^xsd:string
"Ren van Hirk"^^xsd:string
"Throw panda bat"^^xsd:string
"prinCE niCE"^^xsd:string
"Rémi Brassié"^^xsd:string
"Ben Akusto"^^xsd:string
"Sirko Steinhäuser"^^xsd:string
"Anderson Chokolate"^^xsd:string
"PJ Skyman"^^xsd:string
"Lil Bro"^^xsd:string
"Agent Mortalus"^^xsd:string
"Paza Rahm"^^xsd:string
"Arne Pahlke"^^xsd:string
"Sweet Ohm"^^xsd:string
"Spiriti Stanchi"^^xsd:string
"Skating Teenagers"^^xsd:string
"Plug and play"^^xsd:string
"Strangers know more"^^xsd:string
"Stromble Fix"^^xsd:string
"Mister M"^^xsd:string
"Alma Livre "^^xsd:string
"Buddy Barabas"^^xsd:string
"Bronson Norris"^^xsd:string
"tief hinein"^^xsd:string
"dj Vortex"^^xsd:string
"Art Rose"^^xsd:string
"La Vérue"^^xsd:string
"Max Hilaire"^^xsd:string
"Dark Shrimp"^^xsd:string
"Fanfan l'éléphant"^^xsd:string
"Lemur Concept"^^xsd:string
"Kaptain Bigg"^^xsd:string
"Hubbub Hum"^^xsd:string
"Pato Deskontrol"^^xsd:string
"lucien-jean cannibal"^^xsd:string
"Stevo González"^^xsd:string
"THE DUO"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Cohen"^^xsd:string
"Albert B"^^xsd:string
"Idea Sospesa"^^xsd:string
"Livio A.Cech"^^xsd:string
"Mapi Molina"^^xsd:string
"Philibert Ier"^^xsd:string
"Antonio Sacco"^^xsd:string
"rob divide"^^xsd:string
"Brunette Models"^^xsd:string
"Mr Muffin"^^xsd:string
"Die promovierten Praktikanten"^^xsd:string
"Die blonden Burschen"^^xsd:string
"Piège à Rêves"^^xsd:string
"Les Tongues Roses"^^xsd:string
":tiziano:milani:"^^xsd:string /
"Born of Sin"^^xsd:string
"Chrys Fair Light"^^xsd:string
"Anti melodic Assault"^^xsd:string
"haroldo torrecilha"^^xsd:string
"DJ iPep's"^^xsd:string
"The Snoops"^^xsd:string
"Andy Blurry"^^xsd:string
"Accomplished Acoustic Alchemy"^^xsd:string
"Apeface and Crumplezone"^^xsd:string
"Siegfried Gautier"^^xsd:string
"benjamin lalalala"^^xsd:string
"Jose Mesa Y Los Presentes"^^xsd:string
"Turkish Delight The Opera"^^xsd:string
"Sweet Cayman"^^xsd:string
"The Verandas"^^xsd:string
"BENITO QUINTANA"^^xsd:string;//
"Jérémie Petit"^^xsd:string
"Psydom Recordz"^^xsd:string
"il maniscalco maldestro"^^xsd:string
"Brush the Doll"^^xsd:string
"Momentary Prophets"^^xsd:string
"Bertrand Ollé, Carillonneur de Toulouse"^^xsd:string
"JUST A FAKE"^^xsd:string
"Big Fat Lukum"^^xsd:string
"sChens Sampler"^^xsd:string
"Icarus Wings"^^xsd:string
"Tycho Brahé"^^xsd:string
"The James Quintet"^^xsd:string
"Sascha Mersch"^^xsd:string
"Blue Haired Girl"^^xsd:string
"Jai Colore Ma Tristesse"^^xsd:string
"DIENLOX VEIN"^^xsd:string
"Night Talers"^^xsd:string
"Guilherme Primata"^^xsd:string
"Plaster Caster"^^xsd:string
"ALEXANDRE CHALON"^^xsd:string
"Cool Cavemen"^^xsd:string
"mid from pils"^^xsd:string
"no ease"^^xsd:string
"FACE MY RAGE"^^xsd:string
"french collective"^^xsd:string
"Iur Snitram"^^xsd:string
"Bruno de Pasquale"^^xsd:string
"Dariusz Makowski"^^xsd:string
"Pedro Collares"^^xsd:string
"Louis Tanguay"^^xsd:string
"V E R R O N"^^xsd:string
"Appleseed"^^xsd:string /
"Ivan Suardi"^^xsd:string
"Liquid Frame"^^xsd:string
"Guardiani Dell'Albero"^^xsd:string
"Rafael Lenz"^^xsd:string
"Crème Brûlée"^^xsd:string
"Conjugate Metamorphosis"^^xsd:string
"the cousins"^^xsd:string
"General Purpose"^^xsd:string
"expresso 411"^^xsd:string
"Paolo e chiarO"^^xsd:string
"eL yUyO"^^xsd:string
"Cyril Pereira"^^xsd:string
"Natural Sheen"^^xsd:string
"The Gay Romeos"^^xsd:string
"Fabio Basile"^^xsd:string
"Francesco Lettera"^^xsd:string
"George Mileson"^^xsd:string
"Heridas de K"^^xsd:string
"Reflector (Madrid)"^^xsd:string
"Apisonadora (grind)"^^xsd:string
"Lágrimas en la Lluvia"^^xsd:string
"Le Collectif Slappytoyable"^^xsd:string
"Cap'tain Phil"^^xsd:string
"fine before you came"^^xsd:string
"Meridiano Zero"^^xsd:string
"DJ SPHINX"^^xsd:string
"Silent Rebels"^^xsd:string
"dona boar"^^xsd:string
"Killing Jazz"^^xsd:string
"Brain Control"^^xsd:string
"Freshhh a.k.a. Padre P-Yo"^^xsd:string
"Tedjosya Fila Kazi"^^xsd:string
"Kawa Ijen"^^xsd:string
"Zozzoni De Noantri"^^xsd:string
"dj malackk"^^xsd:string
"mortad hell"^^xsd:string
"Lord Henry Wotton"^^xsd:string
"DANIEL DUROY"^^xsd:string
"Circuit Noir"^^xsd:string
"Michele Nucciotti"^^xsd:string
"STaN le colporteur"^^xsd:string
"ALAIN GAUDIN"^^xsd:string
"ARONDEALE 2"^^xsd:string
"dj rush"^^xsd:string
"Les Vieilles Salopes"^^xsd:string
"fresh body shop"^^xsd:string
"Der tollwütige Kasper"^^xsd:string
"el cantaitor"^^xsd:string
"Aide Auditive"^^xsd:string
"One Night Band"^^xsd:string
"general fuzz"^^xsd:string
"Mad in H"^^xsd:string
"Dirty Fondation"^^xsd:string
"Rams"^^xsd:string construction/
"gilx p"^^xsd:string
"HOTEL 7"^^xsd:string
"DJ GregDP"^^xsd:string
"Dj Tubi"^^xsd:string
"Voiker Fullcarp"^^xsd:string
"John Lee Jones"^^xsd:string
"Dan Masquelier"^^xsd:string
"Ward Bones"^^xsd:string
"Space Child 7th"^^xsd:string site at this time!/
"Rose Red"^^xsd:string
"Terry Way & Désespérément optimiste"^^xsd:string
"Professor TooMuch"^^xsd:string
"The Home Phonema"^^xsd:string
"Psi Active"^^xsd:string
"* Q u i r y *"^^xsd:string
"Kelly Allyn"^^xsd:string
"Igon Strane"^^xsd:string
"DROP ALIVE"^^xsd:string
"Dj Ma3x"^^xsd:string
"Tony HW"^^xsd:string
"Andrej B."^^xsd:string
"LN et Léa"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Farts"^^xsd:string
"los joplin"^^xsd:string
"Natural Mystik"^^xsd:string
"Fake Plastic Heads"^^xsd:string
"Project Radar"^^xsd:string
"fuck Jesus! ta(gl) conor"^^xsd:string
"Bosques de mi Mente"^^xsd:string
"Mad Creudo"^^xsd:string
"Laurent ST JAC"^^xsd:string
"Les Minouch' Naouak"^^xsd:string
"Fabrice Collette"^^xsd:string
"host beg suffer!"^^xsd:string
"Mestica Artigianale"^^xsd:string
"Unfinished Business"^^xsd:string
"BLOUTSOS ILIAS"^^xsd:string
"Cabaret Sauvage"^^xsd:string
"The Sunflowers"^^xsd:string
"The Neo Tabou Project"^^xsd:string
"Sick Dogs"^^xsd:string
"Hektor Thillet"^^xsd:string
"Methiss Killah"^^xsd:string
"Eric M."^^xsd:string
"Jeff Fermon"^^xsd:string
"Silvia O"^^xsd:string
"HYNNNER Vs HANT1S3"^^xsd:string
"Jesus first christ"^^xsd:string
"The Love Dictators"^^xsd:string
"Miss Hélium"^^xsd:string
"Joakim YAMA"^^xsd:string
"People Eye"^^xsd:string
"Blood Ruby"^^xsd:string
"Vidde (Johanna Julén)"^^xsd:string
"DJAY KHY"^^xsd:string
"The Melchiades Estrada Band"^^xsd:string
"4n1s (MARCO FORNONI)"^^xsd:string
"Still Nameless"^^xsd:string
"the keko jones band"^^xsd:string
"Sans Bagage"^^xsd:string
"BASTIEN VILLON"^^xsd:string
"Marc ANDRÉ"^^xsd:string
"vIrTuAl ImAgE"^^xsd:string
"The Zoorganize"^^xsd:string
"Patient 99"^^xsd:string
"Loon Attic"^^xsd:string
"sapiens fx"^^xsd:string
"Sins n Bliss"^^xsd:string
"Pinks in the Garden"^^xsd:string
"rachel baz"^^xsd:string
"Xavier DESSANE"^^xsd:string
"Sonotone Impérial"^^xsd:string
"RUSTY NAILS"^^xsd:string
"DJ CONCUEROR"^^xsd:string
"Adam Lwo"^^xsd:string
"papa dada"^^xsd:string
"Bern Li"^^xsd:string
"Outselling of Lies"^^xsd:string
"Julian Eriksun"^^xsd:string
"Dementia 99"^^xsd:string
"Pierre de La Galite"^^xsd:string
"Dj Thony"^^xsd:string
"Nosebone inc."^^xsd:string
"free little king"^^xsd:string
"Ferentino by Night"^^xsd:string
"Phaser"^^xsd:string have any/
"Ruined Machines"^^xsd:string
"mmb digidesigns"^^xsd:string
"The Gildas Experience"^^xsd:string
"Alex B"^^xsd:string
"Juan Galié"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Z"^^xsd:string
"Decadence Death"^^xsd:string
"Phyloxera / PHST Prod."^^xsd:string
"Legend at Home"^^xsd:string
"Stéphane Prince"^^xsd:string
"22,5 Octobres Dissous"^^xsd:string
"day one a porno"^^xsd:string
"76 Mróz"^^xsd:string
"Vincent Bernay"^^xsd:string
"Les Sabaticains"^^xsd:string
"Sol Niger"^^xsd:string
"Matthijs Vos"^^xsd:string
"Reisegruppe Z"^^xsd:string
"danska [désormais : "DARIO"]"^^xsd:string
"ALONE IN THE CHAOS"^^xsd:string
"Josemaki Grind Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Take The Bus Project"^^xsd:string
"GONZO GONZALES"^^xsd:string
"Regard du Nord"^^xsd:string
"MdG Dj"^^xsd:string
"El Klan de los DeDeTe"^^xsd:string
"Le fils a Monique orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Silence Abstrait"^^xsd:string
"Sta a Sente"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Král"^^xsd:string
"The Framitts"^^xsd:string
"Dr Mush"^^xsd:string
"Michael David Crawford"^^xsd:string
"t davis"^^xsd:string
"Projekt Furche"^^xsd:string
"Miguel Prod"^^xsd:string
"nutra nuggets"^^xsd:string
"verte couverture"^^xsd:string
"Out of Tune"^^xsd:string
"Zentriert ins Antlitz"^^xsd:string
"Jordan's Folk"^^xsd:string
"Aesthetic Evidence"^^xsd:string
"Enemies of Enormity"^^xsd:string
"Afghan Banana Stand"^^xsd:string
"The Rodeo Five"^^xsd:string
"Alik Project"^^xsd:string
"Over All Brothers"^^xsd:string
"Josh Woodward"^^xsd:string
"dj koyen"^^xsd:string
"El niño del parking"^^xsd:string
"MARC SEHN"^^xsd:string
"High Hopes"^^xsd:string
"The Day After"^^xsd:string
"The Windupdeads"^^xsd:string
"Phil de Guip"^^xsd:string
"PeerGynt Lobogris"^^xsd:string
"The Evenings"^^xsd:string
"Signal to Noise Ratio"^^xsd:string
"The Octave Band"^^xsd:string
"Supreme Ciung"^^xsd:string
"MoShang & Various Artists"^^xsd:string
"The TenGooz"^^xsd:string
"Rancho Relaxo"^^xsd:string
"Stepping Back"^^xsd:string
"The English"^^xsd:string
"Assez PAULINE"^^xsd:string
"orxata sound system"^^xsd:string
"Staggered Crossing"^^xsd:string
"Lunar Mining Project"^^xsd:string
"Cri d'Ames"^^xsd:string
"Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill"^^xsd:string
"Tomislav Ocvirek"^^xsd:string
"Fucking PeaNuts"^^xsd:string
"Alzheimer Sozé"^^xsd:string
"the ad.kowas"^^xsd:string
"Les Chapo-T"^^xsd:string
"Fred OSCAR"^^xsd:string
"Psicotropicodelia Music [netlabel]"^^xsd:string
"ZG and 108 Desires"^^xsd:string
"Sam Harmon"^^xsd:string
"Nokto De Esperi"^^xsd:string
"Dosis Diaria"^^xsd:string
"KISSIN' KATE"^^xsd:string
"Les Garçons Joufflus"^^xsd:string
"Stalling Downhill"^^xsd:string
"The Playing Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"The Airy Snaps"^^xsd:string
"Mankind concept"^^xsd:string
"Fugue State"^^xsd:string
"Julien Boulier"^^xsd:string
"skin contact"^^xsd:string
"Seal Seven"^^xsd:string
"My Every Sin"^^xsd:string
"Electric Zoom"^^xsd:string
"Fireproof Babies"^^xsd:string
"Ryan Helinski"^^xsd:string
"The Trembling Turncoats"^^xsd:string
"DJ Lux"^^xsd:string
"narcoz mc"^^xsd:string
"Vida en Marte"^^xsd:string
"Kryptic Mood"^^xsd:string
"Rémi.DB "^^xsd:string
"Vol De Nuit"^^xsd:string
"Bruno attitood"^^xsd:string
"MeLTiNg*pOtEs pRojekT"^^xsd:string
"nanar mouskouri"^^xsd:string
"Ptit lutin"^^xsd:string
"Projet Hajra"^^xsd:string
"Titee & Pixieguts"^^xsd:string
"Franco Uda"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Bautista"^^xsd:string
"Digital Bros."^^xsd:string
"Jomeini Taim"^^xsd:string
"[ i ]"^^xsd:string
"Oooh !!!"^^xsd:string
"Bears In Black"^^xsd:string
"Susan Rom"^^xsd:string
"Tom Crusader"^^xsd:string
"C. Glen Williams"^^xsd:string
"Nakazawa Fusako"^^xsd:string
"herr gau"^^xsd:string
"MFTM (music for the minority)"^^xsd:string
"DeeJay PowerG"^^xsd:string
"Broken Steel"^^xsd:string
"miss daisy black"^^xsd:string
"Die feuchte Elfriede"^^xsd:string
"Chili 70"^^xsd:string
"Mr Darkmind"^^xsd:string
"CONFUSION IS NEXT"^^xsd:string
"Angelo Romano"^^xsd:string
"Strange Republik"^^xsd:string
"The Same Street"^^xsd:string
"Sans-Ouate !!!"^^xsd:string
"Illusion of Art"^^xsd:string
"L.L. de Mars"^^xsd:string
"Conny Olivetti"^^xsd:string
"Mister Electric Demon & Redribbon"^^xsd:string
"Thierry Secqueville"^^xsd:string
"FOOL DADAZ FIRE"^^xsd:string
"Lorenzo and the Lamas"^^xsd:string
"Back On"^^xsd:string
"Les Sens Crient"^^xsd:string
"Steven Dunston"^^xsd:string
"Carlos Saura"^^xsd:string
"Andy Pierron"^^xsd:string
"Rafa Caballero"^^xsd:string
"En Busca Del Pasto"^^xsd:string
"Lolo Tof"^^xsd:string
"Urban Castle Magic"^^xsd:string
"Ogg Vorbis"^^xsd:string
"denis lecarme"^^xsd:string
"Gina Artworth"^^xsd:string
"The Other White Noise"^^xsd:string
"Ed L'Epicier"^^xsd:string
"Juan de Buxó"^^xsd:string
"bad loop"^^xsd:string

Query #7b: Expected Results

"Hace Soul"^^xsd:string
"vincent j"^^xsd:string
"Margin of Safety"^^xsd:string
"Les Clip's"^^xsd:string
"Carter Hotel"^^xsd:string
"La Tumba"^^xsd:string
"King Dubby"^^xsd:string
"My Name Is Fantastik"^^xsd:string
"t r y ^ d"^^xsd:string
"Mr Nuts"^^xsd:string
"433 erOs"^^xsd:string
"Haine Brigade"^^xsd:string
"Le Leprechaune"^^xsd:string
"PARALLAX VIEW"^^xsd:string
"Les Féelarsen"^^xsd:string
"DJ DEVINCI"^^xsd:string
"Phantom ladies over Paris"^^xsd:string
"Karl Cosmos"^^xsd:string
"Happiness Project"^^xsd:string
"Geminius Corpus"^^xsd:string
"Dj EWAS"^^xsd:string
"Franck "KP7" Cappellacci"^^xsd:string
"Rescue Rangers"^^xsd:string
"Ninja force"^^xsd:string
"Les Jocks"^^xsd:string
"Mac Lomig"^^xsd:string
"Jérémy Dewinter"^^xsd:string
"KING D.A."^^xsd:string
"Switch oN"^^xsd:string
"Midi Clock"^^xsd:string
"REGIM LIQUID"^^xsd:string
"superstring theory"^^xsd:string
"Zero Vs. One"^^xsd:string
"Binary Mind"^^xsd:string
"Juice lee"^^xsd:string
"Gauthier Paturo"^^xsd:string
"Bacco Baccanels"^^xsd:string
"Boris Blend"^^xsd:string
"Nesta Positive"^^xsd:string
"Beto Stocker"^^xsd:string
"la curiosite tua le chat"^^xsd:string
"Ben Othman"^^xsd:string
"Gély-Fort Pierre"^^xsd:string
"J'Peux Entrer"^^xsd:string
"dave pretty"^^xsd:string
"Obviously Grimy"^^xsd:string
"Rob Costlow - Solo Piano"^^xsd:string
"Glue Trax"^^xsd:string
"John Sore & his Afro-Safety"^^xsd:string
"Les K-Rock"^^xsd:string
"Pierced Data"^^xsd:string
"Bubar the cook"^^xsd:string
"Echo lali"^^xsd:string
"Manu Cornet"^^xsd:string
"Hollywood & Deadbeat"^^xsd:string
"Jean-Luc Pourroy"^^xsd:stringhttp://jlpourroy.com
"En attendant Mado"^^xsd:string
"da fuck"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.NEPASGERBER.fr
"Brad Sucks"^^xsd:string
"The Georges Habitbol Brothers"^^xsd:string
"the precious band"^^xsd:string
"chevalier dominique"^^xsd:string
"Simon Slator"^^xsd:string
"Aurélien Girelli"^^xsd:string
"downliners sekt"^^xsd:string
"Léon Plane"^^xsd:string
"Human Signals"^^xsd:string
"Greg V"^^xsd:string
"The Maya Conglomerate"^^xsd:string
"LA CAJA NEGRA"^^xsd:string
"La Manutention"^^xsd:string
"SONGO 21"^^xsd:string
"Cristan Roba"^^xsd:string
"David TMX"^^xsd:string
"Dd le malfrat"^^xsd:string
"Al Azred"^^xsd:string
"Swirl Of Dust"^^xsd:string
"International Corpus Industry"^^xsd:string
"FOGGY BOTTOM"^^xsd:string
"Cesare Marilungo"^^xsd:string
"JT Bruce"^^xsd:string
"las kademy"^^xsd:string
"david aubrun"^^xsd:string
"Clemix SoundShaker"^^xsd:string
"PhIlIpPe ChAvArOcHe"^^xsd:string
"L. Saint Lazare"^^xsd:string
"Mister Poison"^^xsd:string
"Lusi Laps"^^xsd:string
"Damien Monet"^^xsd:string
"Ciruelo Cilíndrico"^^xsd:string
"Various Artists"^^xsd:string
"white andersen"^^xsd:string
"Kaiser IK"^^xsd:string
"Exit Roméo"^^xsd:string
"Random I Am"^^xsd:string
"Classic Tragic Hero"^^xsd:string
"Jacques COUTURIER"^^xsd:string
"Fishbone Rocket"^^xsd:string , http://www.fishbonerocket.com
"Stefan Colomb"^^xsd:string
"M.O.A. - ALIX"^^xsd:string
"greguenox"^^xsd:string construction/
"Monnaie de singe"^^xsd:string
"The SillyJunX"^^xsd:string
"cyril brunet"^^xsd:string
"Rouler Pinder"^^xsd:string
"Mr Haze dub project"^^xsd:string
"Los Rápidos"^^xsd:string
"Fast Friday"^^xsd:string
"Pachuco Cadaver"^^xsd:string
"Omri Levy"^^xsd:string
"Keep Cool Vibration"^^xsd:string
"Sick Side Project"^^xsd:string
"Curly's Revenge"^^xsd:string
"The Abogix (J.K.)"^^xsd:string
"[GO:MACHE]"^^xsd:string /
"Haki Groucho Empire"^^xsd:string
"Santiago Louvet"^^xsd:string
"Came Into Dust"^^xsd:string
"Three Star Hotel"^^xsd:string
"Abdou Day"^^xsd:string
"Indiana Jones"^^xsd:string
"sam & thierry blanchard"^^xsd:string
"Silly Monday"^^xsd:string
"Briovere Buffentis"^^xsd:string
"Maya de Luna"^^xsd:string
"Dj Bexos"^^xsd:string
"Electric Fence"^^xsd:string
"dj blanguy"^^xsd:string
"Freibeuter AG"^^xsd:string
"Proche Chaos"^^xsd:string
"François Ville"^^xsd:string
"No Mad's Land"^^xsd:string
"Sud Equipe"^^xsd:string
"Dj Poke"^^xsd:string
"André Lage"^^xsd:string
"Damien et Charles"^^xsd:string
"Albin Renard"^^xsd:string
"Rodrigue DOUCHEZ"^^xsd:string
"la bête malade"^^xsd:string
"Mr Feelix"^^xsd:string
"-;~°§)[ k.ROCKSHIRE ](§°~;-"^^xsd:string
"Steve Stone"^^xsd:string web/
"Dean Chris"^^xsd:string
"DJ Klass"^^xsd:string
"Soul Resistance"^^xsd:string
"Carole Masseport"^^xsd:string
"Yle Sensuelle"^^xsd:string
"deejay dav"^^xsd:string
"Evergreen Terrasse"^^xsd:string
"Sophie Cappere"^^xsd:string
"Ricardo Vecchio"^^xsd:string
"B & W"^^xsd:string
"Flor Mostaza"^^xsd:string
"POSITIV HATE"^^xsd:string
"Raoul & Didsenko"^^xsd:string
"YAZ TRAX"^^xsd:string
"wotan klang"^^xsd:string
"les bas d'anselm"^^xsd:string
"Aching Beauty"^^xsd:string
"Dee Mond"^^xsd:string
"Talley Lambert"^^xsd:string
"Valérianne Lavi"^^xsd:string
"Trafic de Blues"^^xsd:string
"Sea and Field"^^xsd:string
"Dream ED"^^xsd:string
"X-RAY POP"^^xsd:string
"Matthew Tyas"^^xsd:string
"Nico Grim"^^xsd:string
"#Dance 75#"^^xsd:string
"anarchy in progress"^^xsd:string
"El Frero"^^xsd:string
"New-York Black Watacloza"^^xsd:string
"gautam sen"^^xsd:string
"Yoogz & Nix"^^xsd:string
"Asser Sleds"^^xsd:string
"DJ Epsilon"^^xsd:string
"The Clock"^^xsd:string
"Maniax Memori"^^xsd:string
"Soap Parano"^^xsd:string
"Pied d'nez"^^xsd:string
"Lillian Gish"^^xsd:string
"No, Really"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.noreallyrock.com
"Les baguettes moulées"^^xsd:string
"Sacha Rives"^^xsd:string
"Guillaume de la Chapelle"^^xsd:string
"Michaël MARCHE"^^xsd:string
"Platinum Limb"^^xsd:string
"Cero Amor"^^xsd:string
"EL HUERTO DEL CURA"^^xsd:string
"le Komité Mité"^^xsd:string
"Monkey Throw Feces"^^xsd:string
"Les Roses Noires"^^xsd:string
"Bill Magill"^^xsd:string
"Sidekick Lupchen & The Bad Generation"^^xsd:string
"Buddhaz Yoyos"^^xsd:string
"Les Petits Chanteurs de Montigny"^^xsd:string
"Pascal Garry"^^xsd:string
"Julien Stankiewicz"^^xsd:string
"Antony Raijekov"^^xsd:string
"The Chadderandom Abyss"^^xsd:string
"La Sardina Hidrofòbika"^^xsd:string
"Le bruit de la rue"^^xsd:string
"Atomic cat"^^xsd:string
"Michael Forrest"^^xsd:string
"from roots"^^xsd:string
"Corentin et ses Danseuses"^^xsd:string
"Vincent Soleil"^^xsd:string
"Le Milieu"^^xsd:string
"Sickboys and Lowmen"^^xsd:string
"steven host"^^xsd:string
"57 grados"^^xsd:string
"Georges Bloch"^^xsd:string
"Talking Cure"^^xsd:string
"Elias Schwerdtfeger"^^xsd:string
"Johannes Hopfner"^^xsd:string
"Avec elle"^^xsd:string
"The Washing Machine"^^xsd:string
"Madame X"^^xsd:string
"Les Ombres"^^xsd:string
"DJ Farwest"^^xsd:string
"R.E.P - Repose En Paix"^^xsd:string
"David Law n' The Arkitekts"^^xsd:string
"Count Rybumpkin"^^xsd:string
"Luca Deriu"^^xsd:string
"Pierre-Alain Goualch"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.goualch.com
"no feeling"^^xsd:string
"Les Petites Violettes"^^xsd:string
"Sleeping Core"^^xsd:string
"Buze Julien"^^xsd:string
"AARON THE CUTTER"^^xsd:string
"Nihil Limit"^^xsd:string
"Eva Garcia"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Engelhart"^^xsd:string encore de site web/
"FarraH Diod Of Antifogs"^^xsd:string
"pushing globe"^^xsd:string
"Junk d.n.A"^^xsd:string
"Skandalo Publico"^^xsd:string
"Andrew Jimenez"^^xsd:string
"Acoustic Affinités"^^xsd:string
"Grace Valhalla"^^xsd:string
"Les Oreilles en Ballades"^^xsd:string
"Pol B & Binarymind"^^xsd:string
"DJ Palant"^^xsd:string
"Armust Blegde"^^xsd:string
"Laurent M"^^xsd:string
"La Goutte au Nez"^^xsd:string
"CraZyH et Djézinho"^^xsd:string
"sound of jack"^^xsd:string
"HARRY KANE"^^xsd:string
"Les Ânes Animent"^^xsd:string
"Bob Voyage"^^xsd:string
"gasno prod"^^xsd:string prod
"Minus Clay"^^xsd:string
"Revolution Void"^^xsd:string
"stefan d"^^xsd:string
"Lady Renoir"^^xsd:string
"i am this"^^xsd:string
"Dr. Wanker"^^xsd:string
"La cinquième roue"^^xsd:string
"MONAGUILLOS SIN FRONTERAS"^^xsd:stringhttp://mcgafas.blogspot.com
"Paper Plane Pilots"^^xsd:string
"Insanity Heroes"^^xsd:string
"Dwight Jack"^^xsd:string
"No Replay"^^xsd:string
"David Law"^^xsd:string
"Too Many I's"^^xsd:string
"Whiskey Therapy"^^xsd:string
"Les Bernardo"^^xsd:string
"Georges Habitbol"^^xsd:string
"The Mystery Artist"^^xsd:string
"After Glow"^^xsd:string
"Chapter 9"^^xsd:string
"Oi Destroy"^^xsd:string
"DJ Black Red"^^xsd:string
"antoine à la plage"^^xsd:string
"dj maRF"^^xsd:string
"Staiff featuring Klub"^^xsd:string
"La Borgia"^^xsd:string
"altor dj"^^xsd:string
"pang pung"^^xsd:string
"Fate Close Warning"^^xsd:string
"Birds of fire"^^xsd:string
"Dj Toxik Waste"^^xsd:string
"Lark Wiskey"^^xsd:string
"noise sound nation"^^xsd:string
"Drunk Yoghurt"^^xsd:string
"Descent Psychosis"^^xsd:string
"Piergiorgio Lucidi"^^xsd:string
"In Faded Glory"^^xsd:string
"Doctor Strangelove"^^xsd:string
"The White Nite"^^xsd:string
"jose orraca"^^xsd:string
"Madame Olga"^^xsd:string
"Laurent Sarrote"^^xsd:string
"DOC PILOT"^^xsd:string
"The Simon Slator Project"^^xsd:string
"Lovely Girls Are Blind"^^xsd:string
"Edouard Busa"^^xsd:string
"All the living and the dead"^^xsd:string
"ROCCO Allegretti"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.roccoallegretti.musicblog.fr
"Nex2012 & DJ "H""^^xsd:string
"The Menciales"^^xsd:string
"black era"^^xsd:string
"Ally Valentine"^^xsd:string
"The Badgers"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Koala"^^xsd:string
"Real Rice"^^xsd:string
"Mojo Project"^^xsd:string
"Aderito CARAPITO"^^xsd:string
"Martyn Circus"^^xsd:string
"Arthur Cravan"^^xsd:string
"Chantonneur anonyme"^^xsd:string
"Dr Luge"^^xsd:string
"Dj X-Ray"^^xsd:string
"Karim Amari"^^xsd:string
"Alex' des Shookabah"^^xsd:string
"Cowboy Zorro"^^xsd:string
"Stephan CArtier®"^^xsd:string
"Boris CAMPELLO"^^xsd:string
"Mon coté Manouche"^^xsd:string
"Überland Deluxe"^^xsd:string
"Mbata kongo"^^xsd:string
"promising crew"^^xsd:string
"Brain Damage"^^xsd:string
"David Alexander McDonald"^^xsd:string
"Ambient Frequencies"^^xsd:string
"Mercurius FM"^^xsd:string
"Camelia Ashbach"^^xsd:string
"Jérôme lollo"^^xsd:string
"Franky Joe Texier"^^xsd:string
"Perro Pelon"^^xsd:string
"Avel Glas"^^xsd:string
"Boules de Feu"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.boulesdefeu.com
"Simon Gris"^^xsd:string
"Chupa Chuva"^^xsd:string
"jololo sarca"^^xsd:string
"Lem0n IndiGo"^^xsd:string
"Dark Knight Fifty Four"^^xsd:stringhttp://Pas de site web/
"Celestial Aeon Project"^^xsd:string
"Project Divinity"^^xsd:string
"Matteo Cargnelutti"^^xsd:string
"Red Nebula"^^xsd:string
"DaveFilms Digital Media"^^xsd:string
"electro.choc"^^xsd:string construction/
"MATT PEPPER TRIO"^^xsd:string
"Kuervos del Sur"^^xsd:string
"The Pierre Richard's Family"^^xsd:string
"Apocalyptik Vs Mantis"^^xsd:string
"REASON FRANCE"^^xsd:string
"milo fungus"^^xsd:string
"snowman lost his head"^^xsd:string
"uncut music"^^xsd:string
"Réinsertion sociale"^^xsd:string
"Daemon X"^^xsd:string
"Denis RICHARD"^^xsd:string
"raphael edelman"^^xsd:string
"Man-machine connexion"^^xsd:string
"Licite Fondation"^^xsd:string
"Jack Sparow"^^xsd:string
"Urmal Vesnat"^^xsd:string
"Terra Blue"^^xsd:string
"Semper Fi"^^xsd:string
"Schickers Mind"^^xsd:string
"The 17 Sons of Abraxas"^^xsd:string
"SERGE BATMAN"^^xsd:string
"Lou Zgain"^^xsd:string
"Christophe Bosch"^^xsd:string
"Holy Pain"^^xsd:string
"The Nunchaks"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.thenunchaks.ift.cx
"Frank Thorstein"^^xsd:string
"Javier Bacchetta"^^xsd:string
"Omars Attacks"^^xsd:stringhttp://omarsattacks.splinder.com
"Dotty Harry"^^xsd:string
"Dj Potter [Italy]"^^xsd:string
"Ralph Buckley"^^xsd:string
"The Kazoo Funk Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Slim Nevic"^^xsd:string
"Radio Nowhere"^^xsd:string
"DPA RECORDS"^^xsd:string
"Crick Zachary"^^xsd:string
"Dj Vraj"^^xsd:string
"Alex Maneval"^^xsd:string
"The NUNCHAKS"^^xsd:string
"Mothers Against Drugs"^^xsd:string
"Christian DIDELOT"^^xsd:string
"VODOR ZECK"^^xsd:string arbeit/
"DJ Ryo9"^^xsd:string
"lucas ck"^^xsd:string
"dj saboum"^^xsd:string
"skt sekuentzia"^^xsd:string
"La Mecanica Loca"^^xsd:string
"Erich Thomas"^^xsd:string
"Crystal Wall"^^xsd:string
"Cafard Rose"^^xsd:string
"smile of cat"^^xsd:string
"R. Winchester"^^xsd:string
"Sir Oliver"^^xsd:string
"Alban Martin"^^xsd:string
"No Más"^^xsd:string
"Gabriel CG"^^xsd:string
"Lou and Stan"^^xsd:string
"Robinson, Freitag And The Lonely Trumpet"^^xsd:string
"Die Partysahnen"^^xsd:string
"NORDINE LE NORDEC"^^xsd:string
"Boris & Maxime"^^xsd:string
"Louis Lingg and the Bombs"^^xsd:string
"mister tortwist"^^xsd:string
"eisenherzz ltd."^^xsd:string
"André Weet"^^xsd:string /
"JL Tancoigne"^^xsd:string
"Vatis Siwany"^^xsd:string
"Varasteleva Puutarhakääpiö"^^xsd:string
"Nokom electro"^^xsd:string
"gilles valli"^^xsd:string
"Die Intellektronische Biparietal Projekt"^^xsd:string
"Poison Fang"^^xsd:string
"moebius brain"^^xsd:string
"Gasher G.14"^^xsd:string
"Nino Nexo"^^xsd:string
"Alek et les Mauvaises Raisons"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.aleketles.com
"Nelman Music System"^^xsd:string
"Ram Exponention"^^xsd:string
"Mesh m18"^^xsd:string
"Lost In..."^^xsd:string
"Start Of The End"^^xsd:string
"Mr PoPoP"^^xsd:string
"Equals Conquest"^^xsd:string
"Olga Scotland"^^xsd:string
"Electric Psycho"^^xsd:string
"Jailson Brito Jr."^^xsd:string
"Sköhl Offensrüh"^^xsd:string
"giovanni santese"^^xsd:string
"Red Lion"^^xsd:string
"Echoes of mine"^^xsd:string
"San Benito"^^xsd:string
"Eden's Garden"^^xsd:string
"The KiK"^^xsd:string
"Pink Lady"^^xsd:string
"Goo Goo Cluster"^^xsd:string
"No Fun"^^xsd:string
"Les Maxitubes De Tate"^^xsd:string
"La DeNt Noire"^^xsd:string
"Greg Baumont"^^xsd:string
"Pete Vyler"^^xsd:string
"Cardinal Colère"^^xsd:string
"Sonny Munroe"^^xsd:string
"fab eichert"^^xsd:string
"zero lab station"^^xsd:string
"Dj Fab"^^xsd:string
"David Schombert"^^xsd:string
"SEVEN SEAS"^^xsd:string
"Silencio apache"^^xsd:string
"L'Oeil du Ficus"^^xsd:string
"Paul Leide"^^xsd:string
"Nathalie Harran"^^xsd:stringhttp://ballonsonde.org
"Slap Stick"^^xsd:string
"Alpha Omega"^^xsd:string
"Cold fire"^^xsd:string
"Degenerate Idol"^^xsd:string
"Taxi Brouss'"^^xsd:string
"Vincent Michel"^^xsd:string
"Jennifer Avalon"^^xsd:string
"i-overdrive trio"^^xsd:string
"Fury Tale"^^xsd:string
"Beat Box Music"^^xsd:string
"Buskate la vida"^^xsd:string
"The Pharaos"^^xsd:string
"abstrackt particule"^^xsd:string
"guajiros del puerto"^^xsd:string
"W. Elektro Projekt"^^xsd:string
"angeli missionari"^^xsd:string
"TRIBUMAN & Jammin' Orchestra"^^xsd:string'_Orchestra.jpg
"Antonio Gervasoni"^^xsd:string
"Giles Howe"^^xsd:string
"Kryos Project"^^xsd:string
"la sektion"^^xsd:string
"FAUSSE MONNAIE"^^xsd:string
"Fabien Deville"^^xsd:string /
"Chernobyl Kid"^^xsd:string
"open minds collective"^^xsd:string
"Antonio Jesús Mantis Benítez"^^xsd:string
"Bernard Pochet"^^xsd:string
"raoul steckrübe"^^xsd:string
"Aube L"^^xsd:string
"ANTOÑITO JIMENEZ"^^xsd:string
"Ludo et Rémi"^^xsd:string
"Bastien Balt"^^xsd:string
"Cyril Ayfer"^^xsd:string
"Wilson Noble"^^xsd:string
"Beno Oscuro"^^xsd:string
"DELITO Y MEDIO"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.delitoymedio.es
"Svullet Frenulum"^^xsd:string
"THE BLACK BEARDS"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/
"A.L.K. DJ"^^xsd:string
"Laurent Pesteil"^^xsd:string
"Pablo Sciuto"^^xsd:string
"CARLOS VARGAS"^^xsd:string
"Low Earth Orbit"^^xsd:string
"Milo Firewater"^^xsd:string
"Emotions Of A Best Friend"^^xsd:string
"Tiburk Sound System"^^xsd:string
"Dmd architect"^^xsd:string
"Melange de Promenade"^^xsd:string
"MALA IDEA"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.losmalaidea.com
"You and your lookalike friend"^^xsd:string
"Luke & Stevo"^^xsd:string
"patrice chala"^^xsd:string
"julias dream"^^xsd:string
"AlmaX B"^^xsd:string
"OBSESION FATAL"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.obsesionfatal.com
"Simon et Quentin"^^xsd:string
"MEDINA SONORA Vol.6"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/
"DJ GIALLU"^^xsd:string
"DJ GIALLU"^^xsd:string
"Los Intokables del Reggaeton"^^xsd:string
"atlantis milos pello"^^xsd:string
"O.S.T (original sound track)"^^xsd:string
"yann synaeghel"^^xsd:string
"Los Intokables del Reggaeton"^^xsd:string
"Space frequencies"^^xsd:string
"extracto de lúpulo"^^xsd:string
"Psicodèlic FunkilljazZ"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/funkilljazz.blogspot.com
"J M F"^^xsd:string
"Predat aka le Predator"^^xsd:string
"celso krause"^^xsd:string
"philippe deschamps"^^xsd:string
"Walter Well"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.the-well.nl
"Alberto Miller "The Traveler""^^xsd:string
"Pierrick Jasmin"^^xsd:string
"G°°L Sampler"^^xsd:string
"Dub Lab"^^xsd:string
"Tommy Slax"^^xsd:string
"La Malle"^^xsd:string
"Paul CREA"^^xsd:string
"Dj H.Seres"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/Coming Soon
"Mollah Sidi"^^xsd:string
"animaux de la lune"^^xsd:string
"INSIDE ÁGAPE"^^xsd:string
"Leonardo Doldan"^^xsd:string
"Paul D. Miller aka Dj Spooky"^^xsd:string
"Déjà Mort Crew"^^xsd:string
"Anonym Project"^^xsd:string
"den makes music"^^xsd:string
"BENI BLANCO & ZEGUA"^^xsd:string
"ether ashe"^^xsd:string
"FLO LFO"^^xsd:string
"Zachary Flategraff"^^xsd:string
"Ivan Talarico"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.doppiosensouni.com
"CAJÓN DESASTRE"^^xsd:string
"Delta Agency"^^xsd:string
"Daily Grind"^^xsd:string
"Pulse of insight"^^xsd:string
"Peter David Anderson"^^xsd:string
"will t"^^xsd:string
"F. JULIAN"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.musicromarin.com
"Gustavo Jobim"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.gustavojobim.com
"Peppe Cirino AKA Juself"^^xsd:string
"alice springs"^^xsd:string
"Peter David Anderson"^^xsd:string
"Arkady Michalik & MUSICOCOMPANY"^^xsd:string
"Arkady Michalik & MUSICOCOMPANY"^^xsd:string
"Brigitte Bop"^^xsd:string
"Dom The Bear"^^xsd:string
"Albert Benzler"^^xsd:string
"mr. Pink"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/
"kafune 2005"^^xsd:string
"Cliff Kilpatrick"^^xsd:string
"sapiens fx"^^xsd:string__jamendo-3.rdf#__Description3
"Dana k"^^xsd:string
"Compilation OLPC"^^xsd:string
"Psychedelic Sun"^^xsd:string
"Dj Linux"^^xsd:string
"Alberto Miller, Sam Miller, Jay Kayser, and Charles Huston"^^xsd:string
"Black Holiday"^^xsd:string
"TriiSTAN ..x3"^^xsd:string
"Dario Júnior"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Laufer"^^xsd:string
"John Zealey"^^xsd:string
"jocelyne dorian"^^xsd:string
"Viuda Serrandez i Fills"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/
"Baron Baroff"^^xsd:string
"Kinetic Jane"^^xsd:string
"Marco Della Noce"^^xsd:string
"Síndrome Rock"^^xsd:string
"DJ Answer"^^xsd:string
"Botany Bay"^^xsd:stringhttp://botanybay.ubisonic.de
"Dj H.Seres"^^xsd:string Soon
"DJ LAURENT"^^xsd:string
"Michael Bartels"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/MiBa-Piano.de
"Camerata Brasileira"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.cameratabrasileira.mus.br
"Lékol Maloya"^^xsd:string
"Yoni Brigante"^^xsd:string
"Tommy and Nord38"^^xsd:string
"Tommy and Nord38"^^xsd:string
"17 Re"^^xsd:string
"Dhalius Music"^^xsd:stringhttp://dhaliusmx.blogspot.com
"Dhalius Music"^^xsd:stringhttp://dhaliusmx.blogspot.com
"Christian GAUVRIT"^^xsd:string
"Sébastien GRAMOND"^^xsd:string
"Mike Feast"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.mikefeast.blogspot.com
"A Jour"^^xsd:string
"MUERTE DULCE"^^xsd:string
"Julia Car"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.juliacar.com
"Frithjof Brauer"^^xsd:string
"Sun-J & Booggie"^^xsd:string
"Sun-J & Booggie"^^xsd:string
"Nastyl Crooks"^^xsd:string
"amine "^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.thedevilishlove.skyrock.com
"Q ' s a l i v a"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.qsaliva.com
"Jeremy McFader"^^xsd:string
"LetHal- - -B"^^xsd:string
"the fabulous flying moles"^^xsd:string
"Esteban Monge"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.esteban-monge.blogspot.com
"Chill Authority"^^xsd:string
"THE NECOMS"^^xsd:string
"Insurrection Crew"^^xsd:string
"Giuseppe Mirabella"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.giuseppemirabella.net
"nest rouve"^^xsd:string
"TIMY STYLE"^^xsd:string
"Beedies Echo"^^xsd:string
"Jef Gosse"^^xsd:string
"Big Lalune"^^xsd:string
"Wayl Sodwind"^^xsd:string
"Chico Bala"^^xsd:string
"Michael Daniel 75"^^xsd:string
"The Nowheres"^^xsd:string
"Max Heros"^^xsd:string
"DJ Amy Moon"^^xsd:string
"Philos Deploys"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.philos-deploys.de
"Enden Wickers"^^xsd:string
"White Light Riot"^^xsd:string
"even death dies"^^xsd:string
"Gen Noruego"^^xsd:string
"Dj Tibo"^^xsd:string
"Enrique Mateu"^^xsd:string
"The Wavers"^^xsd:string
"mr. jeey x (progetto novecento)"^^xsd:string
"Les Ecorchés"^^xsd:string
"Kapelle Koralle"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.kapellekoralle.de
"Giorgos Stefanou"^^xsd:string
"Gaël Brulin"^^xsd:string
"HUGOT JULIAN"^^xsd:string
"Davide Geraci"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.celebritymovie.it
"Vaïan Olmes"^^xsd:string
"The Diletanters"^^xsd:string
"Richard Harris"^^xsd:string
"Docteur Prépu"^^xsd:string
"Mattia Giovanetti"^^xsd:string
"Dj H.Seres"^^xsd:string
"eliot ness"^^xsd:string
"bert jerred"^^xsd:string
"Nebula 444"^^xsd:string
"TAVOLA RUSTICA"^^xsd:string
"This Broken Machine"^^xsd:string
"Mofo Dispersion"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/mofodispersion.com
"The Shamrock Stars"^^xsd:string
"Courboulès David"^^xsd:string
"Peter Schaefer"^^xsd:string
"mike trayo"^^xsd:string
"Internal Mix"^^xsd:string
"Gonzo Bizarro"^^xsd:string
"Patrick Chergui"^^xsd:string
"cristiano ferranti"^^xsd:string
"Electric Rainbow"^^xsd:string
"Noïzefer CWU"^^xsd:string
"outdoor in the trashcan"^^xsd:string
"Dj Mistery"^^xsd:string
"Four Oceans"^^xsd:string
"Atlantis.Milos Pello"^^xsd:string
"Noah Rankins"^^xsd:string
"Return Of Doctor Mabuse"^^xsd:string
"sonata electra"^^xsd:string
"Chris Bast"^^xsd:string
"Angelic Unknown"^^xsd:string
"Olivier Malherbe"^^xsd:string
"Black Out"^^xsd:string
"SIRUS Francky"^^xsd:string
"Ściana Wschodnia"^^xsd:string
"Delph' sans les pattes"^^xsd:stringhttp://dede-en-bulle.0rg.fr
"Giacomo Scudellari & Band"^^xsd:string
"Under The Table"^^xsd:string
"Vasilis Samaras"^^xsd:string
"Lonely Planet Boy 1969"^^xsd:string
"MannO by Rci-represente2 Max heros"^^xsd:string
"Jamendo 4 the World"^^xsd:string
"Stellar Vector"^^xsd:string
"Dj Hypno"^^xsd:string
"Kari Mahdendal"^^xsd:string
"Ici vous etes un touriste"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.iveut.com
"Mudit Sood"^^xsd:string
"Delectable Mosquito and the radioactive dreams"^^xsd:string
"BOCA FLOJA"^^xsd:string
"monstrum sanitus albus"^^xsd:string
"my first latex dream"^^xsd:string
"CyberKnife Rec."^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.industrialmove.org
"New world "^^xsd:string
"The Poetize Code"^^xsd:string
"Every Day"^^xsd:string
"Beder K."^^xsd:string
"ARTIK (From The Next Label)"^^xsd:string
"dj PJ"^^xsd:string
"Don Vito"^^xsd:string
"Evil Inside"^^xsd:string
"# NUTSHELL #"^^xsd:string
"Philippe STANO"^^xsd:string
"Breeding Sonic Waves"^^xsd:string
"DALLAZ WASH"^^xsd:string
"Dj KK7"^^xsd:string
"thEE L-OV-EE komando"^^xsd:string
"Homecoming Kings"^^xsd:string
"before tanen"^^xsd:stringfile:///home/yves/jamendo/www.beforetanen.fr
"Chemical DJ"^^xsd:string
"Marcus Rasseli"^^xsd:string
"Mind Split Effect"^^xsd:string
"Fünf Freunde"^^xsd:string
"Veils of Perception"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.veilsofperception.com
"! M U H ?"^^xsd:string
"Calma Niño"^^xsd:string
"musik zum duschen"^^xsd:string
"KARLO Kostic Lazar"^^xsd:string
"Drôle de Drone"^^xsd:string
"B.L.A.C.K jo"^^xsd:string
"Don Vincenzoo"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Sainton"^^xsd:string
"Morphee Dereves"^^xsd:string
"Dona Odete"^^xsd:string
"Piano Man"^^xsd:string
"Andrés P. Estrada"^^xsd:string
"Fanatik Harderstyles Krew"^^xsd:string
"Francis Barault"^^xsd:string de site web/
"Ellissi nel Cerchio"^^xsd:string
"El Deyma"^^xsd:string
"Robert Izard"^^xsd:string
"Raven Crown"^^xsd:string
"Simon & Simone"^^xsd:string
"Lukas Prest!"^^xsd:string
"Ludo Marteau"^^xsd:string
"darkmoon project"^^xsd:string
"mes chansons chaussent du 24"^^xsd:string
"No Más - La Banda"^^xsd:string
"a broken moment"^^xsd:string
"Mike Rix"^^xsd:string
"Gros Con Banal"^^xsd:string
"Da Klönschnack"^^xsd:string
"Drugged Killer"^^xsd:string
"Eric Raillard"^^xsd:string
"Porno Diva"^^xsd:string
"Mi Rara Coleccion"^^xsd:string
"Damaged Gods"^^xsd:string
"DJ.Qantum and DJ Big Beef"^^xsd:string
"Black Venus"^^xsd:string
"Minch in the From"^^xsd:string
"thierry blanchard"^^xsd:string
"ELECTRONIC WORLD"^^xsd:string
"Les Looz' Brothers"^^xsd:string
"La Partie du Cerveau"^^xsd:string
"Acid Skunp"^^xsd:string
"SmoKing AFter"^^xsd:string
"Laura LiiS"^^xsd:string
"The Orientalist"^^xsd:string
"Aeron -"^^xsd:string
"Wacky's Piazzo-Bunker"^^xsd:string
"Emma PSYCHE"^^xsd:string
"Maneros productions"^^xsd:string
"benjamin moreau"^^xsd:string
"kapadnoms"^^xsd:string encore dispo pour le moment/
"Richard Z"^^xsd:string
"LarG Productions"^^xsd:string
"After Infinity (FRLacoustics)"^^xsd:string
"Pompougnac Daniel"^^xsd:string
"BUFFET FROID"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.buffetfroid.org
"Die drei Lenöre"^^xsd:string
"AL MA"^^xsd:string
"Michele Wylen"^^xsd:string
"The incrediBle BuBBle Band"^^xsd:string
"Greater Boston Visionary Outpost"^^xsd:string
"Aured Hayet Duo (FRLacoustics)"^^xsd:string
"THE ATHLETES"^^xsd:string
"sunset blvd"^^xsd:string
"Sara Lisa"^^xsd:string construction.../
"DJ Overdrive J.R."^^xsd:string
"Oscar Fynn Rove"^^xsd:string
"pamela pril"^^xsd:string
"Giac & Juan"^^xsd:string
"acrobat live"^^xsd:string
"Ancient Animals"^^xsd:string
"Sylvain Piron"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.tradfrance.com
"Reféns da Cidade"^^xsd:string
"The Helldorados"^^xsd:string
"Rest ô Pont"^^xsd:string
"Bruce H. McCosar"^^xsd:string
"Turno de tarde"^^xsd:string
"O.S.A. & DJ cOŚtAm Project"^^xsd:string
"Yoas Project"^^xsd:string
"MOONDARK PROJECT"^^xsd:string
"Monsieur Madame"^^xsd:string
"I Bonola"^^xsd:string
"Kangaroo MusiQue"^^xsd:string
"Oui, Phi"^^xsd:string
"Frozen Silence"^^xsd:string
"Le Collectif Unifié de la Crécelle"^^xsd:string
"Robson, Sax, Garritt & Goodheart"^^xsd:string
"Street spirit"^^xsd:string
"Micheal O'Finn & Bloody Popes"^^xsd:string
"The Starving Time"^^xsd:string
"L'AXE LOURD"^^xsd:string
"dirty dishes"^^xsd:string
"Eau Forte"^^xsd:string
"Jonah Dempcy"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.jonahdempcy.com
"Gars Trans"^^xsd:string
"Brigade Neurale"^^xsd:string
"Besos Robados"^^xsd:string\\besosrobados.iespana.es
"Ojos de Lobo"^^xsd:string
"Café Nadar"^^xsd:string
"Insula Dulcamara"^^xsd:string
"Petit Homme"^^xsd:string
"Euterpe Archipelago"^^xsd:string
"Par d'ssus la jambe"^^xsd:string
"Remote Controlled"^^xsd:string
"Rund Funk"^^xsd:string
"les troglodytes of alabama"^^xsd:string
"Luis Rueda"^^xsd:string
"les chiens noirs du mexique"^^xsd:string
"Matti Paalanen"^^xsd:string
"Your Crazy B-day"^^xsd:string
"Morad Stars"^^xsd:string
"L'âge d'or"^^xsd:string
"Richard Bee"^^xsd:string
"#2 Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"J-M Dauphy"^^xsd:string
"Atma Bhajan Band"^^xsd:string
"Guido Segni"^^xsd:string
"tabako trio"^^xsd:string
"Sol Carlus"^^xsd:string
"Darren Lock"^^xsd:string
"Jeremie Beul"^^xsd:string
"Cola Idol"^^xsd:string
"Rafael Villegas"^^xsd:string
"Soy Bomb"^^xsd:string
"My Poor Ida"^^xsd:string\\www.mypoorida.com
"Illusionary World"^^xsd:string
"Sam Santana"^^xsd:string
"Plastic Alibi"^^xsd:string
"Dj's Team Project"^^xsd:string
"Dodge city outlaws"^^xsd:string
"Mister Electric Demon"^^xsd:string
"Charles Fenollosa "^^xsd:string
"Efrain Inclan"^^xsd:string
"Gnark Sombre"^^xsd:string
"Say It Again Lucas"^^xsd:string
"Smoke Fish"^^xsd:string
"Free Admission"^^xsd:string
"Knight Sounder"^^xsd:string
"Ernesto Fracaso"^^xsd:string
"Powder French"^^xsd:string
"DJ Sooflet"^^xsd:string
"Eternal Tango"^^xsd:string
"Ježíš Revival"^^xsd:string
"umbriel rising"^^xsd:string
"Caminos del Sonido"^^xsd:string
"Harry Field"^^xsd:string
"Per Boysen"^^xsd:string
"Esoterik Eskort"^^xsd:string
"LONDON SOFA"^^xsd:string
"Adam Certamen Bownik"^^xsd:string
"Toj 36"^^xsd:string
"Le Zaarth"^^xsd:string
"School in Parapsichico"^^xsd:string
"Satellite Splinter"^^xsd:string
"The Vegetarians"^^xsd:string
"Astral Quest"^^xsd:string
"Ben Johnson"^^xsd:string
"Au Lit les Mômes"^^xsd:string
"Erik y Shally"^^xsd:string
"DR LOVE"^^xsd:string
"la Flore acoustique"^^xsd:string
"Dyvan le Terrible"^^xsd:string
"Jeff Hentschel"^^xsd:string
"Kostas Vomvolos"^^xsd:string
"patada con giro"^^xsd:string
"SCHUTZ LOIC"^^xsd:string
"The Bloody Mary's"^^xsd:string
"yannick f"^^xsd:string
"AS 777"^^xsd:string
"Fenêtres Ouvertes"^^xsd:string
"Sur Non"^^xsd:string
"Markus Macht Musik"^^xsd:string
"Les Résidus Plasmiques"^^xsd:string
"Definitiv Fett"^^xsd:string
"Ghost Notes"^^xsd:string
"Clayton Derricks"^^xsd:string
"Your Spoken Horoscope"^^xsd:string
"Luminous Flesh Giants (LFG)"^^xsd:string
"Bluebox Sampler"^^xsd:string
"Jawl Keed"^^xsd:string
"Les Ailes du Gazon"^^xsd:string
"Musiciens de Surface"^^xsd:string
"The 462nd Zinnias"^^xsd:string
"Dj Saryon feat Sory"^^xsd:string
"Chevreuils Psychédéliques"^^xsd:string
"Organic Despair"^^xsd:string
"Habitación Zero"^^xsd:string
"Kray Van Kirk"^^xsd:string
"Daniele Torelli"^^xsd:string
"Sans Nom"^^xsd:string
"Secret Side"^^xsd:string
"Circus Marcus"^^xsd:string
"Bit Crusher"^^xsd:string
"1 Ohm Facile"^^xsd:string
"David Dorae DMT"^^xsd:string
"Eine Cliq"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.einecliq.de
"les cavistes"^^xsd:string
"Franck J"^^xsd:string
"LES PÊCHEURS DE LUNE"^^xsd:string
"DJ Davidouille"^^xsd:string
"Benjamin Liefeld"^^xsd:string
"Sekula Wieslaw"^^xsd:string
"Los Muflos"^^xsd:string
"Kristof"^^xsd:stringhttp://ouvert prochainement/
"malad souljah"^^xsd:string
"soundamantium"^^xsd:string ou
"LA PETITE MORT"^^xsd:string
"Raising Kaine"^^xsd:string
"Fragile New Virus"^^xsd:string
"Stephan Kulla"^^xsd:string
"bmd prod."^^xsd:string
"Prostiputes"^^xsd:stringhttp://pas encore/
"Aor Agni"^^xsd:string
"Romain B."^^xsd:string
"Do Ut Des"^^xsd:string
"Tante Adèle et la Famille"^^xsd:string
"Laura Helde"^^xsd:string
"Hubbub Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Mike Link/Harvey Taylor"^^xsd:string
"Jean-Louis Le Breton"^^xsd:string
"Les missionnaires de Jeanne B."^^xsd:string
"Vulcan Mindmeld"^^xsd:string
"Reno"^^xsd:string costruzione/
"Flex Blur"^^xsd:string
"Crapman Sacramento"^^xsd:string
"Marker Beacon"^^xsd:string
"The Old Time Jitterbug Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"DJ Ghozt"^^xsd:string
"Unborn Fish"^^xsd:string
"Traffic In My Head"^^xsd:string
"Les Asskronotes"^^xsd:string
"Ttable Why"^^xsd:string
"Direct Raption"^^xsd:string
"The Hollow"^^xsd:string
"Darkened Escape"^^xsd:string
"François Ville/Missives"^^xsd:string
"Whispering Johnson"^^xsd:string
"Mirek Krawczyk"^^xsd:string
"Moondogs Blues Party"^^xsd:string
"V Traversa"^^xsd:string
"DJ NoS-K"^^xsd:string
"Music is Love"^^xsd:string
"COELHO DE MORAES"^^xsd:string
"DJ Didi"^^xsd:string
"Suhanov / Maklakova / Kryshen"^^xsd:string
"Erin Anderson"^^xsd:string
"Tony Bernardo"^^xsd:string
"Freedom's children"^^xsd:string
"The Holy Nut's Sons"^^xsd:string
"THE NEXT LEVeL..."^^xsd:string
"Durch Dick und Dünn"^^xsd:string
"Mister Jairo"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.lazyknob.blogspot.com
"Nazwa Zespoła"^^xsd:string
"Kornelia de l'Ange"^^xsd:string
"MC303 heroes"^^xsd:string
"JEAN LUC VALERIO"^^xsd:string
"The Scientist Monkeys"^^xsd:string
"Poing Comme"^^xsd:string
"Boom Boom Beckett"^^xsd:string
"Andrea Barone"^^xsd:string
"TEMPUS FUGIT"^^xsd:string
"Vamp In A Box"^^xsd:string
"Dark Dew"^^xsd:string
"Moodstarrr Productions"^^xsd:string
"Paolo Crivellaro"^^xsd:string
"Will Liam"^^xsd:string
"Arnau Vilardebò"^^xsd:string
"La Diarrhée Verbale"^^xsd:string
"Shades of dream"^^xsd:string
"Jaroslaw OBCY Gumowski"^^xsd:string
"Ades Vapor"^^xsd:string
"Brent Hugh"^^xsd:stringhttp://brenthugh.com
"Cirilo Adriazola Salas"^^xsd:string
"Joe Valentino"^^xsd:string
"Emanuele Marchi"^^xsd:stringhttp://emanuelemarchi.altervista.org
"The Ease Down"^^xsd:string
"Antonio M. Navas"^^xsd:string
"Raphaël Badawi"^^xsd:string
"White Owl"^^xsd:string
"dope reach squad"^^xsd:string
"Benjamin Voumard"^^xsd:string
"Sébastien Damery"^^xsd:string
"Beppu Nights by AWAKEN"^^xsd:string
"Old bear"^^xsd:string
"Bad Punchline"^^xsd:string
"Victor Khaze"^^xsd:string
"Le Capharnaüm"^^xsd:string
"Emergency Bloodshed"^^xsd:string
"Christophe Lecoq"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Denni"^^xsd:string
"Flip Her Babies"^^xsd:string
"Andrés Puppo"^^xsd:string
"val blurock"^^xsd:string
"Bunker Sessions"^^xsd:string
"Sub Sin"^^xsd:string
"Project System 12"^^xsd:string
"Magic Tong Family"^^xsd:string
"Robby MARINI"^^xsd:string
"andré le charcutier"^^xsd:string
"Juanjo Pacheco"^^xsd:string
"Fish Man"^^xsd:string
"Wire Moves"^^xsd:string
"Cruz Kers"^^xsd:string
"Hunt Club"^^xsd:string
"Staraya Derevnya"^^xsd:string
"Stéphane R."^^xsd:string
"The Pencil-Case"^^xsd:string
"dagel Flavor"^^xsd:string
"[package radio]"^^xsd:string
"Adam Brożyński"^^xsd:string
"Yann Reversat"^^xsd:string
"drunken butterfly"^^xsd:string
"Frenchy Bob"^^xsd:string
"75 Clan"^^xsd:string
"Acid Reflux"^^xsd:string
"Phonophobia 70"^^xsd:string
"Jean La Nouille"^^xsd:stringhttp://maybe one day.../
"Simon Hartcher - Audiophile"^^xsd:string
"June Curtsey"^^xsd:string
"DJ FTC"^^xsd:string
"The Vector Approach"^^xsd:string
"Tha Silent Partner"^^xsd:string
"Les 3 Singes"^^xsd:string
"Heptapop (FRLacoustics)"^^xsd:string
"Thierry de Massia"^^xsd:string
"The Chameleon Orchestra"^^xsd:string
"Of The I"^^xsd:string
"Jon Wayne"^^xsd:string
"Last Sunday"^^xsd:string
"Aitor Burgos"^^xsd:string
"Marieva's Project"^^xsd:string
"Liquid concept"^^xsd:string
"Alexandre Quarz"^^xsd:string
"Dr Pombo"^^xsd:string
"Negative Trip"^^xsd:string
"Bayern Webern"^^xsd:string
"Luzinda Warrior"^^xsd:string
"paolo di sabatino"^^xsd:string
"Limbo deluxe"^^xsd:string
"100 Sens Sur"^^xsd:string
"Franck Mouzon"^^xsd:string
"John Holden"^^xsd:string
"Moving sand"^^xsd:string
"Die with Dignity"^^xsd:string
"Miss Emma"^^xsd:string
"Giorgio Campagnano"^^xsd:string
"Marc Reeves"^^xsd:string
"Habemus Punk"^^xsd:string
"Nicolas Kern"^^xsd:string
"GOLDEN BOY (FOSPASSIN)"^^xsd:string
"Pedro Novoa"^^xsd:string
"daniel roca"^^xsd:string
"Kolektyw Etopiryna"^^xsd:string
"Elias Damian"^^xsd:string
"Los Intokables del reggaeton"^^xsd:string
"Kapela na Dobry Dzień"^^xsd:string
"FRED FERRACCI"^^xsd:string
"FAHORO MEI"^^xsd:string
"Low Cost Music"^^xsd:string
"Radio Latinos"^^xsd:string
"le 31 février..."^^xsd:stringôt/
"XL Ant"^^xsd:string
"sergio capretti"^^xsd:string
"Androide Paranoiaque"^^xsd:string
"nenad romic za novyi byte"^^xsd:string
"Carlos Rives"^^xsd:string
"Alex Cyan"^^xsd:string
"Juan Shamán"^^xsd:string
"da Noise Maker"^^xsd:string
"DJ Blackwidow"^^xsd:string
"Ray Grant"^^xsd:string
"Peri Mental"^^xsd:string
"...with sad adieus"^^xsd:string
"Sentido Inverso"^^xsd:string
"Tchaï Bom"^^xsd:string
"Guy Courtine"^^xsd:string
"LES CULS IVRES"^^xsd:string
"mr nico"^^xsd:string
"Gazebo Penguins"^^xsd:string
"Rody Sousa"^^xsd:string
"Area 51"^^xsd:string
"PATTI"^^xsd:string AI PAS DE SITE/
"Sevenfire PhoeniX"^^xsd:string
"Outta Limits"^^xsd:string
"Pasquale Tufano"^^xsd:string
"The Taylors of Harrogate"^^xsd:string
"Fjin Zout "^^xsd:string
"Andreas Hammer"^^xsd:string
"Grégoire Lourme"^^xsd:string
"Sir Hunger"^^xsd:string
"The Flykicks"^^xsd:string
"Il Silenzio di Ghisa"^^xsd:string
"Trick Seventeen"^^xsd:string
"Rehearsal Jazz"^^xsd:string
"Sweet Remain"^^xsd:string
"Death 777"^^xsd:string
"Johane Alexie"^^xsd:string
"Yann "Syks " S "^^xsd:string
"Hobby Horse"^^xsd:string
"Cui Bono"^^xsd:string
"BUREAU DES FLUIDES"^^xsd:string
"Rock Against Sarko"^^xsd:string
"Michael Moore"^^xsd:string
"Rezydent S & Garaż Bogiego"^^xsd:string
"Eric Baccala"^^xsd:string
"Sonocore Records"^^xsd:string
"Connor O'Brien"^^xsd:string
"Meat Machine"^^xsd:string
"Julien PETITJEAN"^^xsd:string
"John John Maman"^^xsd:string
"Gruppo Crudo"^^xsd:string
"The League"^^xsd:string
"K.Os Rhymes"^^xsd:string
"Les Gotik Anarchystes De Satan"^^xsd:string
"Fredo Begnon"^^xsd:string
"Staircase Wisp"^^xsd:string
"Looping Staff"^^xsd:string
"Enneri Blaka"^^xsd:string
"Philippe Axel"^^xsd:string
"Tarodomo (FRLacoustics)"^^xsd:string
"The G&M Project"^^xsd:string
"16% of happiness"^^xsd:string
"Robert Stafford"^^xsd:string
"Drawn From The Past"^^xsd:string
"La Mula"^^xsd:string
"Jaime Heras"^^xsd:string
"U.N.O. - Unidentified Noisy Object"^^xsd:string
"DJ Authush"^^xsd:string
"EVA MARIA"^^xsd:string
"EVA MARIA (COUNTRY)"^^xsd:string
"dite G swaf"^^xsd:string
"Vincent JOST"^^xsd:string
"DJ Silberwald"^^xsd:string
"Guy Johnston"^^xsd:string
"ADC LEVEL"^^xsd:string
"DJMG marlon"^^xsd:string
"Velhos e Usados"^^xsd:string
"Even no fear"^^xsd:string
"Little (K)"^^xsd:string
"Futurabanda Punk Rock"^^xsd:string
"MackaRonny Iceberg"^^xsd:string
"Dabis Camero"^^xsd:string
"Coarse Coding"^^xsd:string
"El Proyecto Brundel-mosca"^^xsd:string
"James Mullan"^^xsd:string
"Les Connards Boiteux"^^xsd:string
"Action Faust"^^xsd:string
"Just' in Space"^^xsd:string
"El Manu"^^xsd:string
"Alien Speesh"^^xsd:string
"Hot Load"^^xsd:string
"Adalbertus Gabriel"^^xsd:string
"Gerador Zero"^^xsd:string
"The circuits breaker"^^xsd:string
"Jim N'Goonh"^^xsd:string
"Paco Coutino"^^xsd:string
"JP Papy"^^xsd:string
"Cosmic Cat"^^xsd:string
"Charles Sommer"^^xsd:string
"cold evocation"^^xsd:string
"Ecart LeSon"^^xsd:string
"St Adam"^^xsd:string
"Alfonso Tregua"^^xsd:string
"projet vertigo"^^xsd:string
"Other View"^^xsd:string
"Kowalskis K.O."^^xsd:string
"Behind The Screen"^^xsd:string
"Cynical Sense"^^xsd:string
"jerome sevestre"^^xsd:string
"Young Blood Undertakers"^^xsd:string
"Allison Crowe"^^xsd:string
"Lo Fi Lazer"^^xsd:string
"Scott Alexander"^^xsd:string
"les papy tabayo"^^xsd:string
"Ren van Hirk"^^xsd:string
"Throw panda bat"^^xsd:string
"prinCE niCE"^^xsd:string
"Halogènes Insecticides"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.halogenesinsecticides.org
"Rémi Brassié"^^xsd:string
"Ben Akusto"^^xsd:string
"Sirko Steinhäuser"^^xsd:string
"Sam Miller"^^xsd:string
"Anderson Chokolate"^^xsd:string
"PJ Skyman"^^xsd:string
"Lil Bro"^^xsd:string
"Agent Mortalus"^^xsd:string
"Paza Rahm"^^xsd:string
"Earl Grey and The Legomen"^^xsd:string
"Arne Pahlke"^^xsd:string
"Sweet Ohm"^^xsd:string
"The Commod's"^^xsd:string
"Spiriti Stanchi"^^xsd:string
"Le monde de Cupidon"^^xsd:string
"Skating Teenagers"^^xsd:string
"Plug and play"^^xsd:string
"Strangers know more"^^xsd:string
"Stromble Fix"^^xsd:string
"Mister M"^^xsd:string
"Alma Livre "^^xsd:string
"Buddy Barabas"^^xsd:string
"Bronson Norris"^^xsd:string
"Five Step Path"^^xsd:string
"tief hinein"^^xsd:string
"dj Vortex"^^xsd:string
"Art Rose"^^xsd:string
"La Vérue"^^xsd:string
"Kaos Axiom"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.kaosaxiom.com
"Max Hilaire"^^xsd:string
"Dark Shrimp"^^xsd:string
"Fanfan l'éléphant"^^xsd:string
"Lemur Concept"^^xsd:string
"Kaptain Bigg"^^xsd:string
"Shake Da Booty"^^xsd:string
"Hubbub Hum"^^xsd:string
"Pato Deskontrol"^^xsd:string
"lucien-jean cannibal"^^xsd:string
"Stevo González"^^xsd:string
"THE DUO"^^xsd:string
"Daniel Cohen"^^xsd:string
"Albert B"^^xsd:string
"Idea Sospesa"^^xsd:string
"Livio A.Cech"^^xsd:string
"Mapi Molina"^^xsd:string
"Philibert Ier"^^xsd:string
"MARK & CO"^^xsd:string
"Antonio Sacco"^^xsd:string
"rob divide"^^xsd:string
"Brunette Models"^^xsd:string
"Mr Muffin"^^xsd:string
"Die promovierten Praktikanten"^^xsd:string
"Die blonden Burschen"^^xsd:string
"Piège à Rêves"^^xsd:string
"Joe Patai"^^xsd:string
"Les Tongues Roses"^^xsd:string
":tiziano:milani:"^^xsd:string /
"Steven Testelin"^^xsd:stringhttp://www.schlagvuck.canalblog.com
"Born of Sin"^^xsd:string
"Mad Mush"^^xsd:string
"Mark Van den Borre"^^xsd:stringhttp://markvdb.be
"The Disclaimers"^^xsd:string
"Chrys Fair Light"^^xsd:string
"Anti melodic Assault"^^xsd:string
"haroldo torrecilha"^^xsd:string
"DJ iPep's"^^xsd:string
"The Snoops"^^xsd:string
"Andy Blurry"^^xsd:string
"Accomplished Acoustic Alchemy"^^xsd:string
"Apeface and Crumplezone"^^xsd:string
"Siegfried Gautier"^^xsd:string
"benjamin lalalala"^^xsd:string
"Jose Mesa Y Los Presentes"^^xsd:string
"Turkish Delight The Opera"^^xsd:string
"Sweet Cayman"^^xsd:string
"The Verandas"^^xsd:string
"BENITO QUINTANA"^^xsd:string;//
"Jérémie Petit"^^xsd:string
"Psydom Recordz"^^xsd:string
"il maniscalco maldestro"^^xsd:string
"Brush the Doll"^^xsd:string
"Momentary Prophets"^^xsd:string
"Bertrand Ollé, Carillonneur de Toulouse"^^xsd:string
"JUST A FAKE"^^xsd:string
"Big Fat Lukum"^^xsd:string
"sChens Sampler"^^xsd:string
"Icarus Wings"^^xsd:string
"Tycho Brahé"^^xsd:string
"The James Quintet"^^xsd:string
"Sascha Mersch"^^xsd:string
"Blue Haired Girl"^^xsd:string
"Jai Colore Ma Tristesse"^^xsd:string
"DIENLOX VEIN"^^xsd:string
"Night Talers"^^xsd:string
"Guilherme Primata"^^xsd:string
"Plaster Caster"^^xsd:string
"ALEXANDRE CHALON"^^xsd:string
"Cool Cavemen"^^xsd:string
"mid from pils"^^xsd:string
"no ease"^^xsd:string
"FACE MY RAGE"^^xsd:string
"Kay Syr"^^xsd:string
"french collective"^^xsd:string
"Kay Syr"^^xsd:string
"Thomaz & Micke"^^xsd:string
"Iur Snitram"^^xsd:string
"Bruno de Pasquale"^^xsd:string
"Dariusz Makowski"^^xsd:string
"Israel Calzada"^^xsd:string
"Pedro Collares"^^xsd:string
"Louis Tanguay"^^xsd:string
"project world"^^xsd:string
"V E R R O N"^^xsd:string
"Appleseed"^^xsd:string /
"Ivan Suardi"^^xsd:string
"Liquid Frame"^^xsd:string
"Guardiani Dell'Albero"^^xsd:string
"Rafael Lenz"^^xsd:string
"Crème Brûlée"^^xsd:string
"Conjugate Metamorphosis"^^xsd:string
"the cousins"^^xsd:string
"Bandidos' Band"^^xsd:string
"General Purpose"^^xsd:string
"expresso 411"^^xsd:string
"dj ambriosa"^^xsd:string
"Paolo e chiarO"^^xsd:string
"eL yUyO"^^xsd:string
"Cyril Pereira"^^xsd:string
"Natural Sheen"^^xsd:string
"The Gay Romeos"^^xsd:string
"Fabio Basile"^^xsd:string
"Francesco Lettera"^^xsd:string
"George Mileson"^^xsd:string
"Heridas de K"^^xsd:string
"Reflector (Madrid)"^^xsd:string
"Apisonadora (grind)"^^xsd:string
"Lágrimas en la Lluvia"^^xsd:string
"Le Collectif Slappytoyable"^^xsd:string
"Tom La Meche"^^xsd:string
"Cap'tain Phil"^^xsd:string
"fine before you came"^^xsd:string
"olivier dour"^^xsd:string
"Meridiano Zero"^^xsd:string
"DJ SPHINX"^^xsd:string
"Silent Rebels"^^xsd:string
"dona boar"^^xsd:string
"Killing Jazz"^^xsd:string
"Brain Control"^^xsd:string
"Yen Given"^^xsd:string
"Freshhh a.k.a. Padre P-Yo"^^xsd:string
"Tedjosya Fila Kazi"^^xsd:string
"Kawa Ijen"^^xsd:string
"Zozzoni De Noantri"^^xsd:string
"dj malackk"^^xsd:string
"mortad hell"^^xsd:string
"Lord Henry Wotton"^^xsd:string
"DANIEL DUROY"^^xsd:string
"Circuit Noir"^^xsd:string
"Michele Nucciotti"^^xsd:string
"STaN le colporteur"^^xsd:string
"ALAIN GAUDIN"^^xsd:string
"ARONDEALE 2"^^xsd:string
"dj rush"^^xsd:string
"Les Vieilles Salopes"^^xsd:string
"fresh body shop"^^xsd:string
"DOUG the Eagle"^^xsd:string
"Der tollwütige Kasper"^^xsd:string
"el cantaitor"^^xsd:string
"Aide Auditive"^^xsd:string
"One Night Band"^^xsd:string
"general fuzz"^^xsd:string
"Mad in H"^^xsd:string
"Dirty Fondation"^^xsd:string
"Rams"^^xsd:string construction/
"gilx p"^^xsd:string
"HOTEL 7"^^xsd:string
"Christian DALMONT"^^xsd:stringhttp://chrisdalmusic.unblog.fr
"Tapage Nocturne"^^xsd:string
"DJ GregDP"^^xsd:string
"Dj Tubi"^^xsd:string
"Voiker Fullcarp"^^xsd:string
"John Lee Jones"^^xsd:string
"Dan Masquelier"^^xsd:string
"Ward Bones"^^xsd:string
"Space Child 7th"^^xsd:string site at this time!/
"Jaimina Johnston"^^xsd:string
"Rose Red"^^xsd:string
"Terry Way & Désespérément optimiste"^^xsd:string
"Professor TooMuch"^^xsd:string
"The Home Phonema"^^xsd:string
"FREDDY NOIS"^^xsd:string
"Psi Active"^^xsd:string
"* Q u i r y *"^^xsd:string
"Kelly Allyn"^^xsd:string
"Igon Strane"^^xsd:string
"DROP ALIVE"^^xsd:string
"Dj Ma3x"^^xsd:string
"Tony HW"^^xsd:string
"Andrej B."^^xsd:string
"LN et Léa"^^xsd:string
"Fanny Farts"^^xsd:string
"los joplin"^^xsd:string
"Natural Mystik"^^xsd:string
"Fake Plastic Heads"^^xsd:string
"Project Radar"^^xsd:string
"fuck Jesus! ta(gl) conor"^^xsd:string
"Bosques de mi Mente"^^xsd:string
"Mad Creudo"^^xsd:string