See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 12 October 2010
<ericP> juansequeda, i think the use cases in cover , but i'd like a second pair of eyes
<juansequeda> ericP, I was looking into this.
<juansequeda> Quick eyeball check says yes. But need to look at it carefully
<juansequeda> nicely done.
<boris> Hi, I have problems with the passcode
<PatHayes> I will have to leave the telecon about 15 mins early today, apologies.
<mhausenblas> scribenick: Ashok
<juansequeda> Marcelo will be a bit late but he will start attending again today
<mhausenblas> thanks juansequeda
PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting, see
RESOLUTION: Minutes approved
FPWD "Relational Database to RDF Mapping Language"
Richard: Continuing work on the
draft ... latest version checked in a few minutes ago
... worked on Action 1 to address some of the issues raised
last week
... audience etc.
... some issues not addressed
... like version on SQL supported
Ashok: I recommend Core of latest
version of SQL ... sent mail earlier
... core not very different from SQL 99 or even SQL 92
Richard: Need to work on scope of
the document
... e.g. how it interacts with formal semantics
... added some words on target audience
Michael: Can you talk about
prerequisite knowledge ... SQL?
... Add sentence about required background
Richard: Not yet addes inline examples
Souri: We added a few inline examples
Michael: Can you add the ouput also?
Michael: Make clear what is normative
Discussion about how to indicate what is normative
<ericP> [[
<ericP> Unless otherwise noted in the section heading, all sections and appendices in this document are normative.
<ericP> ]] —
Michael: Did you check the Usecases & Requirements document
Souri: We can check
PatHayes: Where is the mapping
Souri: See examples at end
<betehess> +1 to Pat: I don't see what the input and what is the output, especially in the default case
<juansequeda> We have a datalog specification of the mapping here:
<juansequeda> EricP has defined another version of the mapping based on sets
Juan: Is the datalog mapping useful
PatHayes: Yes, that's helpful
Michael: Pat, could you help write what the mapping is?
Souri: Perhaps write a description of mapping at the front
Michael: Can you write the sentence in IRC?
Souri: I will work on it
Michael: Can we publish next week?
Richard: Need to do some
... at what point is document good enough?
Michael: We need toexplain the mapping
<mhausenblas> Michael: Once the mapping semantics are defined (highlevel, in natural language) the document is good to go, IMO
<ericP> +1 to cygri
<Seema> +1 to cygri
<betehess> +1 to cygri
<Souri> A row in a relational table has <a row identifier> and a number of <column-name, value> pairs. Such a row may be translated to RDF as follows: subject := MAP(<row identifier>) and <predicate, object> := <MAP(column-name), MAP(value)>, for each <column-name, value> pair. An RDF triple is generated by combining the above as follows: <subject, predicate, object>
<mhausenblas> Michael: rename 2. Overview into 2. Mapping (or the like) and incl. Souri's semantics paragraph from above
DanM: We have data, names of columns and names of tables ... actually quite simple
<betehess> Souri's introduction is not enough to explain what's going on: what about Primary Key, Foreign Key, Compound Key, etc. ?
<Seema> foerign keys are handled in the current document
Souri, Ashok agree with Dan
<mhausenblas> Michael: +1 to Dan
Alexandre explains his position for more explanation
<juansequeda> betehess, does this solve your questions: and
<betehess> if the simple mapping is so easy, show it to us
<juansequeda> betehess, did you see this: and
<betehess> juansequeda, yes, but it has not been discussed today
<juansequeda> betehess, we have kept that a separate discussion
<juansequeda> but as I suggest, maybe we need to put these two things together
<mhausenblas> [adjourned]
<mhausenblas> trackbot, end telecon
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/ouput/output/ Succeeded: s/Pat/Pat,/ Found ScribeNick: Ashok Inferring Scribes: Ashok Default Present: +35385271aaaa, nunolopes, mhausenblas, +1.512.471.aabb, juansequeda, PatH, cygri, Ashok_Malhotra, pchampin, MacTed, Souri, boris, Seema, EricP, +1.562.249.aacc, Marcelo, Alexandre Present: +35385271aaaa nunolopes mhausenblas +1.512.471.aabb juansequeda PatH cygri Ashok_Malhotra pchampin MacTed Souri boris Seema EricP +1.562.249.aacc Marcelo Alexandre Agenda: Found Date: 12 Oct 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]