See also: IRC log
<janina> agenda: this
<janina> scribe: John_Foliot
<JF> JS: Judy may be joining us later
<JF> JS: TPAC F2F group have asked Janina to do a presentation at TPAC
<JF> believes this work here is important
<JF> also looking at integration of HTML5, HTML5 media and a11y also with regard to digital TV
<JF> upcoming events: PL has arranged for janina to particpate at a conference next week on Open Sub Titles
<JF> Silvia will be at the same conference
<JF> may impact on call next week
<JF> Silvia: also good to discuss the integration of the spec text at TPAC
<JF> JS: if that hasn't happened by then we can address
<JF> zakim: Action 2
<JF> Action 54
<trackbot> Sorry, bad ACTION syntax
<JF> JS: working on that with Judy, asking for whatever we can get our hands on
<JF> JF struggling with IRC today
<JF> :(
<JF> JS: we absolutely must get bugs in by October 1
<JF> if there are any other items we need to get them in now
<JF> Red letter date for Change Proposals is Feb. 28th
<JF> JS: Silvia had a proposal to add a bug
<JF> Judy: wants to verify if there are other opportunities to submit other bugs down the road, believes not
<JF> +q
<JF> Judy: with W3C Last Call there are general processes that are addressed
<JF> if substantial issues arise during last Call, then possible that a 'second' last Call would emerge
<JF> we don't have a guarantee for open season for new bugs
<JF> JF: asks about new issues that emerge after Oct. 1
<JF> Judy: no the issue is that there is a dead-line on fresh bugs
<JF> Judy: the uncovering of issues is supposed to be complete by Oct. 1
<JF> JS: Is shopping the phrase of First Call
<JF> \but Judy is correct that there is no guarantee of a fresh round of bug issues
<JF> Judy: stress that we should get bugs in by next week
<JF> Silvia has suggeste one new bug
<JF> Silvia: have reviewed all of the requirements
<JF> to ensure that all of our issues are addressed somewhere
<JF> there are some existing bugs already
<JF> there is a proposed solution for a bug re: Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource
<JF> technical discussion should include Eric and Philip (mailing list)
<JF> there are a few others related to WebSRT
<JF> which is interesting as it is not in our working group
<JF> but there are discussions going on in the bug tracker which we are sharing with WHAT WG
<JF> however this is one glaring omission: content navigation by Content navigation by content structure
<JF> suggest that we get this into the bug tracker ASAP
<JF> JS: wonder if there are any others, for example "packaging" - if multiple reasons are being specified do we need to look at that?
<JF> Silvia: the only reason this would be an issue is for download issues, likely not an a11y issue
<JF> this has already been discussed elsewhere
<JF> we really should focus on our key areas in our requirements
<JF> however if anyone believes this is an issue then feel free to file a bug
<JF> Eric: agrees with Silvia that we should stay focused
<JF> JS: concurs
<JF> JS: In Section 3 in our requirements, do we need anything for device independence / control access?
<JF> Silvi: believes that this is mostly addressed via JS and other areas of the spec
<JF> Doesn't believe we have a gap
<JF> Judy: Is there any possibility of the bugs we have on record (re: media) does it make sense to review to be sure that they sufficiently capture what we mean?
<JF> i.e. should we review the quality of bugs
<JF> JS: what we need to make sure is that later down the road we don't get stung by us assuming things are sufficiently covered in existing bugs
<JF> ACTION: file a bug re: Content navigation by content structure [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - file
<JF> ACTION: create a bug on Content navigation by content structure to Silvia [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - create
<JF> I give up!
<silvia> ACTION: silvia to create a bug on Content navigation by content structure [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-63 - Create a bug on Content navigation by content structure [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-09-29].
<JF> (thanks janina)
<janina> ACTION: Silvia to file a bug on HTML 5 for Content Navigation by Content Structure due 20101001 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-64 - File a bug on HTML 5 for Content Navigation by Content Structure due 20101001 [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-09-29].
<JF> 3 particular views on this matrix
<JF> that was me
<JF> Diving into details
<JF> curious to know how the WCAG Mapping is going
<JF> Sean: Quite interesting
<JF> seems to be a bit more difficult than first thought
<JF> there are a number of details taht aren't covered in WCAG
<JF> for example, it says you need to do captions, but doesn't define that further
<JF> however we are defining what captions mean
<JF> so hasen't been able to do a complet mapping
<JF> so navigation issues are coming out quite clearly
<JF> audio contrast (which we call Clear audio) WCAG specifies a binary on-off, while we have a graduation requirement
<JF> not sure if there is an equiv. doc to WCAG that covers i18n issues
<JF> might need to have an additional column to track i18n issues in our matrix
<JF> Sean has some vague notes but this is not ready to add to the table
<JF> possible bug around the time-limit issue for extended captions - we rquire an ability to turn audio on and off
<JF> +Q
<JF> perhaps labeling on language
<silvia> +q
<JF> we need to think about things that are not directly covered by WCAG, but are implied
<JF> we do have some holes
<JF> JF to take an email from Sean and get into bugzilla
<JF> 1 possibley 2 other bugs
<JF> Judy: still investigating issues around Ip
<JF> provisional answer is use the text that is in WHAT WG as a base
<JF> that we can then re-work to remove WebSRT
<JF> at this time
<Judy> judy but had not fully been able to check this yet
<JF> Silvia: we want to take ian's text and remove references to WebSRT
<Judy> +1
<JF> issue is that WebSRT is sliding in as a default standard, so we want to avoid premature inclusion as it has not been discussed
<JF> JS: concern about how easy it was to use the text
<JF> Sean: hixie uses a build system to make the edits
<JF> so it's not as simple of copy and paste, then edit and repost
<JF> so we need to have him to do that
<JF> so concern that the only person who can make changes is ian
<JF> and his impending vacation
<JF> Silvia: there are others who can make the changes, although ian should be the one to make the changes
<JF> so, we need to approach ian to remove the references to WebSRT
<JF> JS: are we hearing the beginning of a request to forward on, which is to have specific sections of the WHAT spec into the HTML WG spec, but technology neutral
<JF> +Q
<JF> Sean: there are 2 mains sections that we need to address, plus 1 which is a bit more controversial
<JF> so the first two are pretty simple and we could easily construct a request based on that
<JF> Judy: recommends we check proces with the chairs first
<JF> Janina will send an email to the chairs to follow up on the process - URGENT
<JF> it appears then that should Ian's text be sanitized minus WebSRT (plus Sean's comments) that would be helpful
<JF> Rendering - issues?
<JF> Sean; suggest that we insert a placeholder at this point
<JF> Silvia: without the rendering we have no way of implementing what we are talking about
<JF> JF suggests that we get a place holder in, then file a bug for further discussion
<JF> Judy: has a response from MikeSmith
<JF> we are free to take what hixie has written and modify as we choose
<JF> so seems we can go ahead and use hixies text
<janina> Mike, can you be on the phone with us for a few minutes?
<MikeSmith_> janina, sure -- gimme 2 minutes
<MikeSmith_> please
<silvia> <- meets with Sean's proposal
<MikeSmith> hallo
<JF> Hey mike, welcome
<JF> MikeSmith:agrees that we should get bugs files ASAP
<JF> Get the track element mention in, minus any particular caption format
<JF> ask the chairs to help manage the logistics - how to do this without bringing in the text tath we are not resolved on
<JF> Mike: track is currently only for timed text
<JF> but specifically not for secondary other types of tracks (ig sigh-language tracks or alt audio tracks)
<JF> Eric: has a vague recollection that there is a bug there already
<JF> that track mechanism needs to be expanded to accommodate other types of files
<janina> scribe: janina
jf: done with first pass on
... interested in interesection with WCAG
... please raise any issues on list
janina: recalling that we agreed to resolve disagreements in email, with media and bullet number in the subject field
<JF> JS: thanks to all - likely that she and Silvia will be missing next week
<JF> Eric; will likely be missing for the next 2 weeks
<JF> Judy:feels that we are very close to key recommendations, wants to be sure that Eric is comfortable with where we are and where we are headed
<JF> Eric: email is best way to track him down if anything is pressing
<JF> will prefix emails with [media]
<JF> bye
<JF> zakim. bye
<JF> \zakim, bye
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/MichaelSmith/MikeSmith/ Found Scribe: John_Foliot Found Scribe: janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina WARNING: 4 scribe lines found (out of 300 total lines.) Are you sure you specified a correct ScribeNick? Scribes: John_Foliot, janina Default Present: Eric_Carlson, Janina, Sean_Hayes, Silvia, John_Foliot, Judy, Mike Present: Eric_Carlson Janina Sean_Hayes Silvia John_Foliot Judy Mike Got date from IRC log name: 22 Sep 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: create file silvia[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]