MW4D IG bi-monthly call

23 Aug 2010


See also: IRC log


Stephanie Rieger (Invited Expert), Stephane Boyera (W3C/Web Foundation), Raphael Dard (Intracen), Shwetank Dixit (Opera), Betty Purwandari (University of Southampton), Adesina Iluyemi (IRC only - Invited Expert)


<Adesina> Hello All!

Hi Adesina




StephR: updated the wiki

transcribed everythign i had so far

asked for comments

received 5-6 answers

tried to capture all the discussions

created a large table with a series of criteria

with sub-criteria

Will update after the discussion today and send it to the list

<raphael> I have

<raphael> quickly

raphael: went go through quickly

will add directly in the wiki

StephR: criteria different for user and deployment

different categorie

might be good to separate in two different pieces

different type of information

might be good to differentiate

<raphael> I agree. We may need more categories

steph: +1 to separate end-user and those who will deploy

raphael: good to capture the difference between plug&play and those who needs integration

good to structure

StephR: right. interesting to see how oteh rpeople are structuring tools

my next step

steph: capturing use cases is important too
... also applying the method to a set of tools

<betty> Spoken Web from IBM India?

<Shwet.> yes, spoken web work is done in india

betty: example spoken web ?

<Shwet.> at least part of it

going to be analyzed

<Adesina> Is there is report on the spoken web work in India?

Shwet.: research project for now

not a tool

<betty> @Adesina: I can e-mail list of papers about spoken Web.

<Adesina> Kindly do Betty. Thanks

Adesina, links to spoken web are on the wiki

Shwet.: things are ambiguous

certain tools are not gears to mobile

but might be useful

things like task manager or alike

<raphael> a should be smthg one can use on a mobile

<raphael> no?

StephR: anything that can someone use from a mobile

is ok


<raphael> +1

<Shwet.> good to know

<raphael> j2me apps and mobile web apps are tools, I guess

steph: licensed ones too ?

<raphael> pc-based tools to interact with phones via SMS are toosl too

Shwet.: as far as they can be used to provide social value, they are ok

<StephR> +1


I18N discussion



could be documented on the wiki

motivation behind the discussion

lots of exchange

might be good to capture that on one of our wiki page

<StephR> +1

Shwet.: would be good to capture which phones/os supports which type of fonts

but thousand of phones

<Shwet.> agree

steph: understanding what information is important is essetial

gathering lmarket info is harder, particularly as things are getting outdated very quickly

StephR: doing lots of research on mobile and browser, but don't know yet this info

this is very sensitive with the local context

phones released in different regions have different features

but might be interesting to have more info

<Shwet.> I could work a little on this .... as having this kind of info, even a small bit, could be usefull

<scribe> ACTION: steph to create a wiki page about I81N isue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]

<Shwet.> great

other MW4D work items

Shwet.: i've interest in banking and will look at that

raphael: working on pineapple in beni


i would be happy to help in Agriculture

steph: will create a page on agriculture soon

<scribe> ACTION: steph to create a wiki page on agriculture, and a page mbanking [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]

<Shwet.> cool, got it

<betty> My research uses social anthropological & statistical approach to analysis the 2-way impact between mobile Web & society.

steph: more domain better, but need more resource

betty: about impact, this is my research

happy to work on that


<StephR> I can work on Education and have quite a bit of historical data on the subject but less information about initiatives in the past 1-2 years.

<scribe> ACTION: steph to create a page about education [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]


steph: good to do a new workshop ?

raphel: great opportunity

but not enough participation from people form target communities

but we might to put more energy ot bring people online

mobilizing people is critical

trying to mobilize people to interact online

more efficient than one time event

steph: target groups ?

raphael: apps developer

they would bring input

more people could participate in the wiki and on the mailing-list

we need more people

particuarly working in Africa

field experience is critical

Shwet.: more participation from dev countries

would be good to outreach to other people like china or indonesia

identifying people and outreaching to them

<betty> I agree with the face-to-face workshop, because it's strengthen bond among people working in MW4D. But travelling can be costly to gather people from various places, so is it possible to arrange representation? Eg someone represents MW4D projects in Sub Saharan countries, South East Asia, etc.

steph: +1

<raphael> +1

NExt meeting

september 6

steph: ok ?

<raphael> OK

<betty> Sep 6 is OK with me.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: steph to create a page about education [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: steph to create a wiki page about I81N isue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: steph to create a wiki page on agriculture, and a page mbanking [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/23-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]