<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/
Shadi: BAD pretty much working.
Just missing some annotations. Hope to publish as a draft later
this week
... presented at
CSUN in March on BAD - had hoped to publish beforehand
... Annotations are in the
correct location but are just missing the text
Andrew: Several people suggested
strengthening positive feedback.
... added note in opening section with a link to a
shadi: likes the sentence but not sure what the second sentence of Encouraging Accessible Websites is trying to say
andrew: encourages individuals for their effort and also the organisation who took a positive approach to accessibility
shadi: how about saying "positive feedback can motivate individuals and make the case for organisations to consider accessibility" just to clarify what is being said
<shadi> [[Positive feedback can motivate individuals and help the case for organization to continue pursuing accessibility.]]
andrew: is link from "Positive feedback" appropriate
darren: don't see a problem with the link
andrew: Modifications in
"Consider Your Approach" 2nd paragraph
... is ..."general usability and design issues"... appropriate
shadi: in this section we're assuming people already want to contact a Website. Not sure this is appropriate here are people may start to doubt that they should contact the organisation. Could add sentence about general usability problems in previous paragraph
<shadi> [[Other problems may be general usability and design issues that make a site difficult to use by everyone.]]
darren: agrees with Shadi
andrew: Next modification. opening of "Describe the Problem" section
darren: paragraph is fine.
andrew: also added a second URL example with https and php
Shadi: only noticed the php
... Ok to have but not sure it adds much
darren: would retain it.
andrew: next modification "Keep Records for Further Follow-Up"
shadi: not sure about saving the pages
Andrew: printing doesn't always give you what the problem was. Saving pages may be useful for screen reader users.
shadi: may make sense to have "save pages electronically" as a different bullet as it's slightly different to printing pages
<andrew> [[ last draft had: Keep copies of the website when you first encounter the problem and any time the website changes, for example print the pages or make electronic screen grabs or captures that show the problem ]]
<shadi> [[Keep copies of the website when you first encounter the problem and any time the website changes, for example make electronic screen grabs or captures, save the page locally, or print the pages that contain the problem]]
william: agrees with Shadi
darren: agrees with Shadi
shadi: at end of "What is the Problem?" add a note about considering sending a screen grab to illustrate problems (if appropriate)
andrew: Next Modification. 3rd paragraph of "Getting a Response"
Shadi: thinks the point is valid
but not sure that users should have to seek assistance from
somebody who is familiar with the Web.
... would prefer to drop this unless somebody has a good way of
writing it.
<andrew> [[earlier draft: Sometimes the organization does not want to listen to feedback and might respond by telling you that you are using the wrong browser or assistive technology, or that you don't know how do use the one you have. Do not be put off by this approach - consider seeking assistance from an advocacy group of people with disabilities, of older people, or other. ]]
shadi: maybe this could be resolved by replacing the word "overcome" with "related"
<andrew> ACTION: change into para 3 from "problems may be overcome by settings in your web browser" to "problems may be related to settings in your web browser" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/07-waiage-minutes.html#action01]
william: Not so worried as sometimes people will be blamed.
shadi: could say "sometimes organisations do not have expertise in accessibility and may not understand your query / comment / feedback and may in turn assume the issue is with your browser/assistive technology"
<andrew> [[ for para 2 - sometime orgs do not have expertise in a11y and may not understand your feedback and may as a result assume the issue is with your browser or AT ]]
andrew: Next modification -
"Further Action to Consider"
... swapped the order of two bullets and adding social
networking and blogging
darren: Order seems fine
Andrew: added sample email in Change-log
shadi: Thinks this is going too far. Document is about contacting organisations about inaccessible Websites
<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/training/2009/Overview.html
william: Doesn't need to be made any more terse
<andrew> ACTION: Training horizontal suite menu - check rendering in different browsers (incl Mac) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/07-waiage-minutes.html#action02]
andrew: Is the page contents needed? Do we need the headings?
shadi: merge Introduction and Resources Provided
darren: would remove the page contents box
shadi: "Make Your Presentations Accessible to All" paragraph could come into the introduction but not as lengthy