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Workshop participants will have to go to the main entrance at CNR in Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome. There they should give an identity card and will receive a badge. With the badge they should move to the entrance in another side of the building. Inside that entrance there will be a gate that they can pass only with the badge. Then, they will have to go up to the second floor. The workshop will be in room “Seconda Pentagono”.
Bring your slides in PDF format for the minutes. We will also be looking for volunteers to take the minutes for each session.
Tweeting during the workshop
We suggest using #mbui as a tag for your tweets about the workshop. Happy tweeting! We also expect to use IRC on port 6665 in channel #mbui
The workshop program will run from 9 am to 5:30 pm on Thursday, 13 May, and 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Friday 14 May 2010. You are advised to plan on arriving 20 minutes beforehand to allow us to start on time.
CNR - Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 - Roma, Italy.
The workshop venue is in the centre of Rome, and although there isn't a recommended hotel, you should be able to choose from the many hotels nearby. See above for detailed instructions on registration.
Comments on Workshop Program
The Chairs together with the program committee have analysed the responses to the call for participation and come up with the following draft program. Your comments are welcomed and should be sent via email to <>.
Workshop Goals
The goal of this workshop is to discuss the the Model-Based UI Incubator Group Report and to identify opportunities and challenges for new open standards in the area of Model-Based User Interfaces:
- What are the main benefits for Model-Based UI?
- What are the next steps to be taken concerning standardization?
- Is it feasible and opportune to start an standardization process now?
- What are the technologies that call for standardization?
- What needs to be standardized, models, syntaxes, both?
- What companies and institutions are interested in participating in the process?
- What liaisons need to be established?
- What is the roadmap to be followed?
The workshop also aims at creating a community of interested parties, with a view to defining the charter of a W3C Working Group on the topic.
The time will be split between presentations and discussion periods. We may split into smaller groups for break-out sessions if appropriate. Further topics will be collected during the Workshop and discussed as time permits.
The main outcome of the workshop will be the publication of a report that will serve as a guide for further work in W3C.
Detailed agenda
Note that this is a draft and subject to change. Presentations will be given 10 minutes each plus 5 minutes for questions and answers. Demonstrations are welcomed. The slides should be available as PDF, and will be collected during the workshop and linked from the this page.
Thursday, 13th May
- 08:30 - 9:00 Networking with other participants
- 09:00 - Logistics and Introductions
- 09:15 - Workshop goals and scribe duties
- 09:40 - MBUI Incubator Group work and results, José Manuel Cantera Fonseca, Telefónica I+D
Session on Model-Based Approaches for Interactive Application Design
- 10:00 - UsiXML a User Interface Model and Language Engineering approach, Dave Raggett on behalf of Jean Vanderdonckt, BHCI, UCL
- 10:15 - UseWare engineering process, Gerrit Meixner, DFKI
- 10:30 - Semantic Hypermedia Design Method (SHDM), Daniel Schwabe, PUCC-Rio
- 10:45 - ConcurTaskTrees and MARIA languages for Authoring, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, Davide Spano, ISTI, CNR
- 11:00 - Coffee break
Session on Model-based Support at Run-Time (Adaptation, Migration)
- 11:30 - Run-time role of UI models, Grzegorz Lehmann, DAI-Labor, TU Berlin
- 11:45 - Migratory User Interfaces with MARIA, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, ISTI, CNR
- 12:00 - How can cloud computing environments impact on model based UI, Toru Kobayashi and Hiroyuki Sato, NTT
- 12:15 - MyMobileWeb: A pragmatic approach to MBUIs, Ignacio Marín, Fundación CTIC
- 12:30 - Lunch break
Session on Model-based Approaches in Industrial Contexts
- 14:15 - Formal ontologies and UI standards, Florian Probst, SAP Research
- 14:30 - LEONARDI, a model based framework for automating GUIs, Jean-Loup Comeliau, W4-Lyria
Session on User Interface Models and Other Standards
- 14:45 - Usage of open standards in a document-oriented service framework, Jaroslav Pullmann, Fraunhofer FIT
- 15:00 - XForms in the context of MBUI, Steven Pemberton, CWI
- 15:15 - MBUI and accessibility, Dave Raggett, W3C/ERCIM
- 15:30 - MBUI for multimodal applications, Kazuyuki Ashimura, W3C/Keio
- 15.45 Coffee Break
- 16:15 - MBUI and MDA Frameworks, Giorgio Brajnik, Università di Udine
- 16:30 - MBUI in relationship to ISO/IEC 24752 Universal Remote Console, Jochen Frey, DFKI
Summing up and preparation for day two
- 16:45 Discussion on the Agenda for the Next Day
- 17:00 End of first day
We will try to organize a group dinner, but you will each have to pay your own way.
Friday, 14th May
The second day will focus on discussion of topics related to the Workshop's aims. We will start a little earlier as some people may need to leave slightly early to catch evening flights home. The detailed program will be set dynamically to maximise flexibility.
- 10:30 Coffee/Tea
- 12:00 Lunch
- 15:45 Coffee/Tea
The main topics for day two are as follows:
What criteria determine whether a model-based UI design framework is appropriate to a given application? What are the main scenarios and domains where MBUI is valuable? Provide counter examples where it isn't appropriate.
- Task modeling techniques and their assessment, Patrick Girard, LISI, ENSMA
- Adaptation to Large Screens, Michael Nebeling, ETH Zurich
- How can MBUI help me? Web of Things and Multimedia, Pablo Cesar, CWI
One of the main criticisms of model-based UI frameworks is that they lack the flexibility of conventional approaches. What is needed to make MBUI more agile? Is MBUI compliant with the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and CoC (Convention over Configuration) principles? How does it support design and run-time adaptation to the delivery context? What about emerging requirements for multimodal interaction, and for using multiple devices concurrently as part of the interaction? What does MBUI have to say about the trend for richer access to device capabilities, such as geolocation, video and sound capture, which involve concerns over privacy, trust and security?
- On models and modeling Yogesh Deshpande, University of Western Sydney
What will be needed to win over mainstream Web developers to model-based UI design frameworks? What are the problems with current approaches? How to integrate with widely used frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Spring and popular libraries like JQuery. How to effortlessly support accessibility (ARIA). Can MBUI help with developer concerns over browser interoperability? Can MBUI help with allowing applications to work seamlessly online and offline?
- How can cloud computing environments impact on model-based UI?, Hiroyuki Sato and Toru Kobayashi, NTT
What aspects of model-based UI frameworks are ready for standardization, and does this cover models, syntax, APIs or all of these? Is it opportune to start a standardization process now, and if so, which companies and institutions are likely to be interested in participating in this process? What is the relationship between MBUI and existing standards work, e.g. MDA, ANSI/CEA 2018, XHTML2, XForms, SCXML, CSS, ARIA and HTML5? What interest is there in standards for concrete UI, drawing upon academic and industry experience (e.g. with XUL) or is there simply too much variation to make this practical?
How do we ensure industry adoption? What is our approach with regards to implementations? Open source projects, etc.? What liaisons between standards development organizations would be important? Would a Gap analysis on achieving the goals make sense? What is the roadmap to be followed?
The Workshop report will be prepared by the co-chairs and other volunteers, and published a few weeks after the Workshop.
Final Session
Fabio Paternò will lead a session on next steps.
Bill Clare sent in some notes on models for UI after the end of the workshop.
NOTE: awaiting transcription of Friday PM session from paper notes by Yogesh Deshpande.