Andrew: fill in the survey online so we can plan attendance
Shadi: The original document was
large so we have no split it into a multi-page resource. The
first two scenarios are almost complete. The other scenarios
will follow the style of these.
... Look at online shopper
Pierre: The beginning is very natural but the end of the scenario that talks about style sheets will only be understood by a few people.
Shadi: Maybe people will learn from Mr Lee so they will know they can use style sheets. Talks about experimentation but maybe this scenario needs more direction. Will weave into this document the "Better Web Browsing" document to create cross linking.
<Andrew> Better Web Browsing (draft)
Pierre: Instead of saying Mr Lee discovered by himself, another way could be to write an explanation of style sheets so people know how to use them.
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - online shopper - consider jargon and techie words (explain them and/or simplify editorial style) [recorded in]
andrew: Pierre's comment highlights the need for cross-linking to the Better Web Browsing document.
andrew: In the third paragraph it talks about asterisks but these can be hard to see for people. Another technique is to add a note.
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - online shopper - consider avoiding asterisk and just talk about redundant coding [recorded in]
andrew: 4th paragraph "..did not use style sheets properly or images of text." change to "or use images of text"
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - online shopper - consider "or *used* images of text" [recorded in]
Shadi: Look at Reporter with repetitive stress injury
Suzette: What are proper headings?
Shadi: That would need to link to a description but they are not in place yet. Might be better to say "proper heading structure"
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - reporter - clarify "proper headings" [recorded in]
Helle: Is is possible to get a CMS that can be used with speech recognition? Not sure the whole scenario is clear. He gets a better authoring tool, but how does that combine with the CMS at the company
Shadi: CMS can be controlled by voice like any other Web application. The idea is that Mr Jones needs to do a workaround. Buy a different tool, work with it locally and then upload the results rather than work with the publisher's CMS
Jack: Had the same issue. Not sure if people will understand enough about CMS and voice recognition to use this scenario. Not sure who the intended audience was.
Shadi: A number of intended
audiences. 1) People who recognise themselves and get ideas of
how to use the Web effectively. 2) Developers so they can learn
about what to do to support people with disabilities. 3) Other
secondary audiences.
... Maybe clarify by saying uses speech recognition to control
the computer.
Helle: Wasn't there a description of how speech recognition works in the old document?
Shadi: We want to show a selection of different types of disabilities; different modalities for accessing the Web; and different common problems and work arounds.
andrew: The mouse driven commands
may require further explanation e.g. drag and drop editing
... could be added at the start of the 2nd
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - reporter - simplify wording (like explaining the "combination of speech recognition and alternative keyboard" or to use drag&drop as an example for "mouse-driven commands") [recorded in]
Pierre: In the 2nd paragraph there is a link to "full keyboard support". If the audience of this paragraph is non-specialist, when they click on this link they may not understand the WCAG material that it points to. We could have links for specialists and non-specialists.
<shadi> ACTION: PWDs-Use-Web - consider providing some of the links after the scenario rather than inside the text, to avoid confusing non-technical readers [recorded in]
shadi: Likes the idea of looking
at which links should be inline and which links should be at
the end to reach different audiences
... For both scenarios, did anybody notice the use of the words
Website and site as both are used?
andrew: Is there any issues of translation with Website and site?
pierre: No problem in French. This is a document about the Web so using the word site won't cause any confusion.
Andrew: Topics have been grouped and there are now some sub-topics. Also a consistent documentation approach has been suggested. Any comments on the overall structure and then the within topic structure?
Darren: Not sure whether Involving Users in Web Projects should be in managing Accessibility
Andrew: The emphasis of Involving
Users in Web Projects is involving users from the beginning and
all the way through the process and not just evaluating.
... Look at Getting Started with Web Accessibility
Darren: Goal is fine.
Pierre: Use the name of Web Master for the person in charge of the Website. Could be in the audience
<Andrew> ACTION: Training topics - Getting Started with Web Accessibility Evaluation - add webmaster to audience [recorded in]
shadi: The word 'participants' for
me is much more orientated to training rather than giving a
... "will be able to" does not apply to a presentation. This
goes through all the threads. The key points are too detailed
as they outline the content of documents rather than what a
presentation would be.
... undertaking an initial website evaluation is missing a
qualifier. We're talking here about a rough or approximate
... the see also doesn't come out clearly as it's in the same
list. Maybe have a separate list for See Also, rather than a
nested list.
... in "Web Accessibility Policy and Legislation" participants
is used in a more neutral way.
<Andrew> ACTION: Training topics - Goals - change "Participants will gain .." to " Provide an understanding ...." etc [recorded in]
andrew: Any suggestions for key points for the Getting Started with Web Accessibility Evaluation section?
shadi: Likes the description of what this section does.
andrew: Not sure about having the difference between an initial evaluation and a conformance evaluation
<Andrew> ACTION: Training topics - getting started - explain limitations of a quick check [recorded in]