andrew: new year wishes and
... about availability - will continue with fortnightly
Andrew:Contacting Organizations About Inaccessible Websites recently published for
... EOWG also looking to create an area for 'user-related' documents e.g.
user perspectives and about users for developers
... Better Web Browsing will also be published for comment shortly
Andrew: discussion first on
overview doc
... first question relates to how to lead people into the
topics in Section 2
Darren: prefers direct links to topics
Alan: prefers direct links to
... noticed an inconsistency of headings/links
Andrew: to review headings but
wants them to be short
... previous reports of people missing the top right contents
<Andrew> Preparation Tips
Suzette: mention accessibility needs of audience in audience background
Andrew: preparation of presentation/training
<achuter> About "Consider online or off-line" remember that content may have changed
<achuter> Website may have changed since last viewed [may upset the presentation if this is so]
Alan: problem of live online demo that web site has been updated
Suzette: any advice for presenters who are themselves using AT to present
Andrew: suggested some examples
from experience - e.g. screen reader user can hear it, but it's not projected
... Also, not all delegates speak 'your' language (so speak slowly and clearly)
Helle: raised question about on-line
presentations e.g. increasing popularity of webinars
... reported recent experiences - like listening to ebook, very
Helle: need concern for relevance
and amount of info on your slides
... can only look at slide - can't see the presenter
... asks about other people's experiences
darren: no experience
andrew: lack of experience but need to remain aware of this opportunity
Helle: event was running
simultaneous IRC for comments/ questions
... is working on a ISO standard about this
William: questions/clarifications - where are you in any queue?
Andrew: requests any further comments by email to improve giving presentations (in person or online)
<Andrew> Topics for Presentation
Darren: topics seems to be a different style and has no introduction
William: suggests moving the orientation section up the top
Andrew: good idea
Helle: not so much contents as a topic list
Andrew: thanks for those
... what about the order
michael: move components up before evaluating
William: people not understanding relationship of browser and website, and web
andrew: introducing web accessibility
<achuter> maybe elicit from the audience their own experiences, or people they know
Suzette: like the original title as a question
William: make this an additional option - to ask question
Andrew: barriers and access strategies
william: can the intro ask the presenter a question - to 'do what we say they should do'
Andrew: Business case -
opportunity to start with a question again
... skip forward to evaluating
<achuter> "Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization" link needs to be more prominent
Helle: problem of evaluation tools still working on WCAG 1
andrew: lack of currently available tools for WCAG 2.0 so may miss some issues
Michael: need to show that automatic tools are insufficient - people are disappointed by this
Helle: information elsewhere about selecting appropriate tools - could be linked
Michael: other tools available that are not specifically about accessibility but deal with specific issue
andrew: tools document must also
need updating - but a significant task
... components of web accessibility
michael: what about needs of
editors and authors/ writers?
... will also go through the training he does for other potential topics
Helle: all big companies now using
CMS, and then talk about content provider/editor responsible
for putting up content through CMS templates
... need to know about importance of keeping to
... responsibility of content editors
Andrew:maybe also a topic for selecting accessible authoring tools or CMS's
Andrew: Involving users in Web Accessibility
William: this should more important
Helle: gramatically title does not work in Danish
suzette: we had this problem when creating the related docs
Andrew: Involving Users in Web Projects OR just Involving Users
Suzette: possibility of moving this section up to barriers?
Andrew: Promotion also working
with local/regional groups [Michael's suggestion]
... your homework:
<Andrew> Designing - thoughts about splitting or creating sub-topics
andrew: missing section to look at topic 'designing' is a long topic with several sections
helle: asked for it to be emailed out
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[End of minutes]