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Feature: Query References to Blank Nodes in the Data
The ability to refer to a blank node discovered in one query as a constraint for another query.
See: bnodeRef
Feature description
Query can be used to navigate a structure as well as answer semantic questions. When used to naviate a structure, there is a need to be able to use RDF terms in query results to issue new queries. This includes blank nodes.
This feature is not providing access to blank nodes labels used in some RDF serialization where different scoping rules apply.
Typically, implementations provide support for this in one of two ways:
Either they assume a (parameterized) interpretation of basic graph matching where blank node ids of the form:
are understood (by the server) to correspond to the names of blank nodes in the active graph. Backwards compatibility can be ensured by having this feature remain deactivated by default (unless explicitly specified in the query)
Or they extend the SPARQL syntax (in a backward compatible way) to allow an explicit way to address blank nodes in the active graph via direct identification.
PREFIX : <http://example.org/> SELECT * USING BNODEREF WHERE { _:a ?p ?v . OPTIONAL { ?v ?p2 [] } }
PREFIX : <http://example.org/> SELECT * WHERE { <_:1234-5678-90> a Foo # A blank node in the data _:b0 ?prop ?val # A blank node in the query - a variable }
Existing Implementation(s)
One such extension is the pseudo URI scheme "_" as in <_:abcd>.
Known implementations:
ARQ matching blank node labels
Existing Specification / Documentation
ARQ matching blank node labels
Links to postponed Issues
Related Features
Chimezie Ogbuji Cleveland Clinic Foundation