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W3C Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios
17 and 18 November 2009 -- Luxembourg
ISBN - 978-88-97253-00-6

Workshop Report Published

W3C has published a report and full minutes of the Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios, held in Luxembourg in November 2009. Participants from 17 organizations examined the current limitations of access control, privacy enhancement, distributed handling of access control, and other challenging use cases. eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) was a focus of the Workshop, though not the exclusive topic of conversation. The report summarizes the major "takeaways" from the Workshop, related to XACML semantics, sticky policies, and credentials-based access control. The OASIS XACML Technical Committee is expected to take up these topics. W3C's Policy Languages Interest Group (PLING) is expected to discuss data handling policies and the matching and triggering of events in the privacy context were also discussed. Further discussion about this subject and complex matching using semantic web technologies will be directed to the Policy Languages Interest Group (PLING).

Workshop Goals and Scope

This workshop brings together worldwide research and user communities to explore evolving application scenarios for access control technologies, such as XACML. Results form a number of recent European research projects in the grid, cloud computing, and privacy areas show overlapping use cases for these technologies that extend beyond classical intra-enterprise applications. At this workshop, we will explore commonalities between different application scenarios, and standardization needs (at W3C and elsewhere) above and beyond the technology substrate that exists today.


We aim to enable a dialogue within a broad and diverse audience, spanning practitioners, implementers, and researchers.

Workshop Goals

This workshop is more of an explorative nature. W3C looks for projects from industry and research to come together and expose the semantics they are using in typical service scenarios like clouds, but also normal backend exchange for identity management e.g. We hope to discover some common ground between all those semantics invented and thus lay some ground work for further formalization of those semantics. This may be profiles of XACML, but also vocabularies using semantic web technologies or rulesets.


The Workshop will be held in the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg. The Abbaye is easily accessible via a public lift from the City center of Luxembourg where a broad variety of Hotels are available.

Important Dates

The deadline for the submission of position papers was moved to 27 October due to the submission deadline for FP7 call5 being on 26 October. Please update your agendas.

Date Event
18 September 2009 Call For Participation issued.
27 October 2009 Deadline for position papers.
30 October 2009 Acceptance notification sent
6 November 2009 Deadline for registration; program released.
17/18 November 2009 Workshop.