andrew: Is Wednesday afternoon OK with members?
William: Wednesday is OK
Pierre: +1
Jack: +1
Darren: +1
andrew: Will create a tentative schedule and email people
andrew: Involving Users was
published last week.
... How to Contact Organizations about Inaccessible Websites
will be put out for comments and feedback. It has been tidied
up a little bit since WAI-AGE last looked at it.
... Before and After Demonstration (BAD) is having finishing
touches added to it and annotations being populated. Will be
published in the New year. Will be provided as a zipped format
so people can download it.
... Better Web Browsing has had resources added and a name
change since WAI-AGE last looked at it. Will be published as a
draft for public review in the New Year.
... How People with Disabilities use the Web will be
restructured from a TR document to a WAI multi-page document.
Will discuss in WAI-AGE early in the new year.
andrew: This document is broad
and covers short 10 minute presentations, to workshops to
multi-day sessions.
... current audience includes Web accessibility trainers; Teachers,
professors, students; People invited to make short
presentations; People looking for training materials. Any
thought on who else we may target?
William: Also for us. It's a useful for people like us who make documents.
Andrew: People with disabilities who need to raise awareness in their organisations
William: If we list everybody that could use this document it will be a big list
Andrew: So we need broad
categories to catch everybody.
... Look at the changes section.
Any other thoughts?
... last updated in 2000 so these documents need to be updated
and include new WAI resources. Also plan to link to stable and
robust external resources.
... should we be giving tips and hints to people giving a short
presentation as well as people with longer events?
william: Yes.
... we need to give all the help we can as people will be doing
training in different ways
jack: are we talking about
accessibility training as how to present content in an
accessible form.
... are we looking at a bibliography resource style of
andrew: that could be part of it but also covering how to present to different audiences. e.g. if you have 10 minutes you can do this.
jack: then maybe we can have a matrix. so you can match an audience with appropriate material.
helle: that makes me think of the
WAI evaluation resources where we have a database sorting
system and click on preferences for languages and
... we could do something similar so we provide a list of
resources depending on the type of audience
andrew: need to make sure we clearly identify the audience so that we help people with technical advice on accessibility.
helle: some people may not be so knowledgeable about technical aspects.
andrew: We should make sure if
end users land on this document we can point them to some of
our other resources such as better browsing.
... need to go through Review the listed Goals and Objectives
to ensure we don't miss any
helle: WCAG 2 allows some non-W3C technologies such as Flash & PDF. So we have to consider how we make these things accessible.
andrew: we should consider pointing to resources that describe those non-W3C technologies
jack: agrees with Helle's point. A lot of developers don't distinguish between Web technologies.
andrew: Sample curricula at
... are there any other obvious scenarios that we might want to
helle: we need to consider if the audience has moved forward from when we first made this document
andrew: things have generally improved but there are still opportunities to present the case to senior managers
william: senior managers change
all the time so you will always need to present these
... the length of them [scenarios] is what we're dealing with. What they're
called and who we're dealing with is arbitrary.
helle: we should address policy as companies want to ensure Websites work after the developers have handed over the CMS
andrew: Content authors need to
learn what alt text is and how to use headings
... Consider Modules
... need to ensure that Flash, PDF and other multimedia
technologies are also mentioned here
jack: It looks like it's really worth examining a matrix/database as lots of people will want to mix and match what they want to look at
andrew: Other multimedia and different document formats, is there anything else missing
william: Not sure about Business case and policy basis because at this stage a policy has been decided
helle: Do we ever talk about how assistive technology actually works?
andrew: There was something listed previously.
helle: In one of the new documents we have something about checking out you own Assistive Technology and how it is configured. Is that relevant in these documents.
andrew: This is relevant as
people should be aware how different people will interact
differently with the Website
... Look at Tips.
... is this still a relevant thing to include?
jack: Thinks that it is
darren: agrees with Jack
Pierre: is useful but may be more useful if we can classify them as a list is not that easy to read
andrew: Should we just collect tips or attribute them to different people
jack: Think we should just collect tips. Can't see a special reason why you would want to attribute tips to people
andrew: Review the Setting Up
... Some things are outdated e.g. a VCR but we could place extra
stress on items such as becoming familiar with assistive
... should we consider having somebody with a disability come
along and give part of the presentation.
Pierre: when training on Web
accessibility, seeing a demonstration of how people with
disabilities use the Web was helpful as the demo was concrete
and gave the audience something to think about.
... or using a video of AT users
andrew: Should we consider
resources on how to make presentations accessible.
BrailleNet and others have prepared material for PPT
Jack: Good thing to include but the question is how to include it in this document.
andrew: This setting up page could be linked to from the WAI presentations page.
jack: Are there additional things we should think about as accessibility is relevant generally but are there particular things we can do for the WAI-AGE audience.
william: If we have a different audience in mind we should consider resources specifically for WAI-AGE
andrew: We need to ensure that older people is a key point that gets across to key audiences.
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[End of minutes]