See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 16 December 2009
<erik> scribe: jack
erik: accept minutes
... postpone f2f discussion until next call
<erik> +1
<silvia> +1
<Yves> +1
erik: first details as pointed out by Thierry
Thierry: don't worry, I will do that.
... boilerplate, uri, etc.
... have also communicated with Philippe
erik: I will send draft email (to chairs), please comment
Thierry: that email can go out next morning
erik: ok
... that is spec document. How about note?
Thierry: much simpler, already exists, so no
transition needed
... But need to cater for pubrules, there are currently soe broken URIs.
erik: ok, I will take care of it.
... On to the spec. Silvia, can you explain section 5?
silvia: goes over section naming and content (for 5.1)
<Yves> I would note that error handling might get in the way of future upgrades/other use of similar syntax
silvia: 5.2 has more substantial changes, is now in line with section 3
<conrad> yes i have lots of issues but i won't delay publication with them, they can wait for a future revision
silvia: Finally 5.3 is in sync with 3.5
... 5.3 needs work, but this should delay publication
erik: are the ABNF errors fixed?
<silvia> npttime = ( 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [timeunit] ) /
<silvia> ( 1*DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT] )
<silvia> "." 1*DIGIT -> RTSP: "." *DIGIT
<Yves> the change can wait after publication
silvia: I think it is fixed
<Yves> we need to check other definitions as well
<davy> FYI:, section 3.6
<Yves> agree with Jack section 5.3 is just not needed. It's a normal GET on a URI
<Yves> ah jack was talking about 5.1.3
<davy> I agree with Jack too
jack: hates 5.1.3, handling of over-specified dimensions
yves: agrees.
jack: should we add a note to this section, saying that we are rethinking this section?
yves: can do.
silvia: ok, will add a note that this is contentious.
erik: more comments?
yves: some issues with header syntax
<tmichel> Sylvia, let me know when you are done with the editing. Then We freeze the document.
yves: but: difficult to do without f2f
conrad: Silvia, Davy and me are going to be at FOMS in NZ in January
erik: conrad, comments on state of the document?
conrad: nothing in particular
erik: should we have a f2f soon?
yves: yes
eri: action points
<davy> action-123?
<trackbot> ACTION-123 -- Yves Lafon to come up with ABNF for header syntax -- due 2009-12-09 -- OPEN
Yves: keep 123 open for now
erik: 123 can close
close ACTION-124
<trackbot> ACTION-124 Rework section 5 according to Raphael's restructuration plan due 2009-12-15 closed
erik: and 125 is still open
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to follow up on error in ABFN for npt [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-126 - Follow up on misalignment with RTSP in ABFN for npt [on Yves Lafon - due 2009-12-23].
erik: skipping topic 2.2, done or postponed
erik: also skipping, either done or postponed
Davy: did a quick implementation to
... but: agree with mailinglist comments that we don't need to standardise
silvia: Something like ROE is needed
<Yves> +1 to jack
jack: don't want to discuss merits of ROE right now, but think it's outside our charter
silvia: agrees. But should point out it exists
davy: agrees.
... Clients could also use Media Annotations work to interface to it
erik: Jack, did you write up on distinction?
jack: uhm...
silvia: I think that was never intended. Just reaction to my post.
erik: ok, let's close this then
silvia: COnrad suggests handling track an id
completely different from rest.
... I don't agree.
I have given an example. I think this issue is contentious, need to discuss.
silvia: I have given an example. I think this
issue is contentious, need to discuss.
... There is an ednote at the end of section 5.2.2 pointing this out
Conrad: I won't block pub on this
<Yves> agreed
<silvia> agreed
<erik> +1
<conrad> +1
erik: does the group agree that we want to publish the first public draft?
<davy> +1
<tmichel> Resolution: The Media Frag WG agrees (with no objections) to Publish Media Fragments 1.0 to First Public WD.
erik: does the group agree we puibpish the use cases document?
<conrad> +1
<silvia> +1
<davy> +1
<erik> +1
<tmichel> Resolution: The Media Frag WG agrees (with no objections) to publish Use cases and requirements for Media Fragments, to Ordinary WD.
erik: ok, thank you all!
<silvia> one sec
erik: Only thing left to do is two little adjustments by Silvia
<silvia> has conrad's fragment objection now as an ed note
<silvia> editing finished
silvia: no more:-)
<tmichel> Very good thanks Sylvia
erik: ok,thanks everyone, happy new year, see you next year!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Yves/Thierry/ Succeeded: s/ls// Succeeded: s/???/FOMS/ Succeeded: s/error/misalignment with RTSP/ Succeeded: s/jaack/jack/ Succeeded: s/poitning/pointing/ FAILED: s/puibphish/publish/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jackjansen Found Scribe: jack Default Present: Erik, Jack_Jansen, Thierry, Yves, silvia, [IPcaller] Present: Erik Jack_Jansen Thierry Yves silvia Conrad Davy Regrets: raphael michael Found Date: 16 Dec 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: yves[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]