See also: IRC log
<pimpbot> Title: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-12-3: issues, action items, calls for consensus/proposals, task force reports from Maciej Stachowiak on 2009-12-02 ( from October to December 2009) (at
<mjs> trackbot: close ACTION-130
<trackbot> ACTION-130 Review status of video codec positions closed
ACTION-130 done
<Laura> img Element Change Proposal
ACTION-131: Change proposal sent
<trackbot> ACTION-131 Draft ALT spec notes added
<pimpbot> Title: HTML/ChangeProposals/ImgElement20091203 - ESW Wiki (at
<pimpbot> Title: change proposal:modification to section the img element from Steven Faulkner on 2009-12-03 ( from December 2009) (at
sf: <summarizes>
<mjs> trackbot: close ACTION-131
<trackbot> ACTION-131 Draft ALT spec closed
ms: can close action now that proposal posted
ACTION-138 still ongoing
sf: Discussed matrix in A11Y TF just before this call
actively working on in TF
ms: timeline to completion?
sf: Today was first discussion in TF, not sure of timeline
perhaps 1 month? should coordinate with A11Y TF facilitators
<pimpbot> Title: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference -- 03 Dec 2009 (at
MikeS: Planning to discuss over next week in A11Y TF
could give an update next week, though it probably won't be complete then
Maciej: this has bumped week to week for months, would prefer to have a single deadline
Gregory: Task force just starting...
Janina: Early-mid January is earliest feasible time
MikeS: January 14 2010
SteveF: much work already done, some ready for review now
Maciej: helpful to post what you have as soon as possible
know some issues in play that good to discuss
updating due date of action
ACTION-158 not complete yet
SteveF: action from TPAC, haven't gotten to yet
need extra time to work on some things, and also want to bring to A11Y TF
Maciej: deadline?
SteveF: 31 December 2010
<cardona507> i have a question
==ISSUE-4 (html-versioning)==
<cardona507> I am on mute so I will type
<cardona507> i am kind of unlclear - is <!doctype html> stll ok?
<masinter> yes
<masinter> and recommended in most situations
<cardona507> thanks larry
Maciej: change proposal makes versioning optional but not mandatory, so yes to above question
==ISSUE-30 (longdesc)==
Maciej: Charles submitted a change proposal a while back
makes longdesc nonconforming but optional
==ISSUE-32 (table-summary)==
Maciej: Cynthia posted a proposal with a number of changes
chairs have given structural feedback, expect revision soon
==ISSUE-56 (urls-webarch)==
Maciej: Proposal to change normative references
some discussion has taken place
Larry: Suggest people join IRI mailing list to help resolve some of the issues
==ISSUE-76 (Microdata/RDFa)==
Maciej: Proposal was to publish separate draft
now there's a propsal to retain within HTML
there's been discussion on the mailing list
<oedipus> my phone is dying - will rejoin soon
speaker2: Was proposal to move to separate draft, or just remove altogether?
Maciej: Proposal was to move to external document but not remove altogether
==ISSUE-83 (dt-dd-semantics)==
Maciej: Proposal to not use dt/dd for <figure>
proposed a new element in place
chairs have sent structural feedback
<pimpbot> Title: Change Proposal Status (at
Maciej: above link shows status is change proposals in play
probably won't go through individually each week
just new ones going forward
Julian: What are next steps?
Maciej: chairs to review level of consensus and strength of arguments
help decide which ones to advance
Larry: What is a change proposal that proposes not doing anything?
Maciej: Originated with ones in response to editor action on a bug entry
Larry: Would there be counter-proposals for each proposal?
Maciej: We might expect this
<Julian> s/Julian/Larry/ (in the last two lines)
Larry: Is this part of the documented decision process
Maciej: <scribe missed>, but let's take questions offline
==ISSUE-7 (video-codecs)==
If we don't receive change proposal by today (3 Dec) will close issue without prejudice
speaker4: There was a proposal to move video element to a separate document
Maciej: haven't yet received a formal change proposal on that
people can submit if they want, by end of today
<Laura> Change Proposal Template:
<pimpbot> Title: HTML/ChangeProposalTemplate - ESW Wiki (at
speaker4: thought that would be a way to resolve the codec issue on a different schedule from the rest of HTML
==ISSUE-63 (origin-req-scope)==
Maciej: due today 3 Dec, will close without prejudice if no change proposal received
==ISSUE-76 (Microdata/RDFa) counter-proposals==
maciej: received one counter-proposal yesterday
Maciej: Need change proposals by 17 Dec
Maciej: Need change proposals by 17 Dec
==ISSUE-27 (rel-ownership)==
Maciej: Need change proposals by 17 Dec
Paul Cotton has volunteered to submit one
==ISSUE-87 (attr-normalization)==
Maciej: Need change proposals by 17 Dec
==ISSUE-88 (content-language-multiple)==
Maciej: Leif Halvard Silli has volunteered to submit a proposal by 17 Jan 2010
that's more than a month but the holidays intervene
If you care about the issues above, please take action by the deadlines
Larry: Clarify closed without prejudice?
Maciej: Will close in Tracker, and won't consider the issue a blocker for advancement to LC
if a proposal later comes in, it can be considered
we need a clear proposal and rationale
chairs will not try to dig up old discussions
Maciej: none we know of
==HTML Accessibility Task Force==
Janina: First teleconference was today
started out mostly procedural
then started scoping issues to review first
taking ARIA integration / mapping issues first
(relates to Steve's action discussed earlier)
taking 24 and 31 Dec 2009 meetings off
mailing list is active on a few issues
video sub-group is forming
issues and possible solutions were covered in a pre-meeting before TPAC
==Testing Task Force==
Kris: Mailing list active
starting a teleconference slot
planning to come back in early Jan with some preliminary activity
meeting is 8am next week
<scribe missed timezone and day of week>
<masinter> regrets next week -- during TAG meeting
<the usual resounding silence>
<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-80 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
Steve: how do we hold issues open that are being actively open?
Maciej: when a change proposal comes in, move issue and associated issues to open status
<krisk> HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call ->
<pimpbot> Title: RE: Testing Task Force Conf Call from Kris Krueger on 2009-12-03 ( from December 2009) (at
<Laura> bye