See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 14 October 2009
<darobin> tlr: Zakim is buggy it seems...
<tlr> darobin, known problem, we'll need to deal with it
<darobin> ok, cool
<dtran> +dtran
<dtran> dtran is Dzung_Tran
<arve_> I am on the call at least
<darobin> arve_, it's a bug
<darobin> we need an "RRSAgent who's here?"
<darobin> can anyone hear me?
<paddy> I can hear
<darobin> arve_, are you on the call?
<darobin> Scribe: Bryan Sullivan
<darobin> ScribeNick: Bryan
tlr: tpac plans for a privacy related panel, what does it mean to be privacy aware
<arve_> whoever got on last needs to mute
<drogersuk> great, white noise
<tlr> *ARGH*
<darobin> bloody hell
<drogersuk> will dial back in when you are sorted
tlr: the scope of policy related
work, very broadly, to drill down on the intellectual side of
the topic
... just calling to attention the plans to have a
robin: minutes are approved
robin: api requirements should be
available tomorrow at the address shown
... any other edits made last week?
... none so far
robin: some discussions this week about prompting, any comments on where the discussion is and next steps
paddy: a wide range of starkly differing views. prompting is inescapapable given the wide range of apps expected, and unfamiliarity with the app, and the need to make decisions
<tlr> agreement: "it's difficult"
paddy: good questions about when
prompts should occur, e.g. re lifecycle and
... seems agreement on modality, and that we should stay away
from user experience proscription
... but only concrete conclusion is the non-modal prompt
richard: agrees, non-modal is
better. we should use the term dialog instead of prompt. the
concept of user opt-in should be defined.
... user needs to have an opt-in option, but before that the
user should expect prompts. Ian made a good comment, about
difficulty addressing all cases. But implicit prompting is
usedful, e.g. based upon platform filesystem functions.
thomas: leaning the same direction; we know a lot that doesn't work, some that do work, e.g. re implicit concepts such as pushing a button on a camera. non-modalness is important.
<Zakim> darobin, you wanted to talk about UI terminology
thomas: question about what info is available to the user-agent about the user's intent
robin: terminonology may consider aria for terminology, see link
<paddy> I can do that
robin: hearing support for the
general ideas, would someone write up the agreement
... paddy has the action to do it
<darobin> ACTION: Paddy to document the output of the prompting discussion [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-28 - Document the output of the prompting discussion [on Paddy Byers - due 2009-10-21].
robin: paddy created a new issue
paddy: question was having a
policy governing access to resources, how to id the resources
portably in ways meaningful to policy authors
... have written down some thoughts and terminology to get the
discussion started, e.g. "device capability" which is definable
independent of the API's used to get access to the
... next interfaces, which are directly related to the API's
accessing the resources
... next the "feature" which are the API functional
... we have had discussion on using IRI to id the
... 2nd question is whether need to id the capabilities
themselves, to allow API-independent policies
<tlr> excellent point
paddy: so access to a capability
is controllable independent of the API, which is what BONDI
... propose to discuss / validate the use cases and decide how
to address this for DAP policy
robin: any reactions now?
... now this is started, input is requested and discussion.
unsure how the policy docs will be organized, but we could
paste some of this into a document for review. we will discuss
this when Fredric is here.
... anything else on policy?
robin: item discussed is where do
we want the API to hang off of. some inputs, e.g. we may not
want to define it immediately.
... so I recommend to wait for more API's to be defined then
return to the hanging off discussion
<Bryan1> scribenick bryan1
<darobin> arve: only just got back, will look into FS ASAP
<Bryan1> scribe: Bryan1
<darobin> ScribeNick: Bryan1
<darobin> robin: will continue contacts discussion on list
<darobin> richt: will contact robin offline to start putting things inside the calendar spc
robin: a lot of discussion on
scoping, sensors, etc. anything to discuss now?
... will wait for the concrete input and take it from there
<darobin> richt: I will join the editorial pool for APIs
richard: will join the editor pool
robin: anything else on APany other business
richard: "meta-discussion" on the list. any guidelines for list discussion?
robin: discussion about how to
conduct discussion. we will make easier progress if we edit and
them consider the edits, rather than discuss too long
... sometimes its better to dive in and assess where we are
... it would be good to have some concrete work done before the
F2F, and take a step back at the F2F
david: agree, key concern raised
by me is that the charter has 10 API's. we need to concentrate
on those. new ideas are expected, but the three inputs so far
focus on a set of API's
... being royalty-free, we should focus on them
robin: there is some grey area
due to vagueness in the charter, with wiggle room expected. but
we need to wait for concrete proposals and consider IPR issues
as they arise
... AOB?
<darobin> thanks Bryan
<darobin> RRSAgent: make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/arve/tlr/ Succeeded: s/arve/tlr/ Succeeded: s/arve/tlr/ Succeeded: s/ISSUE-32// Succeeded: s/gray/grey/ Found Scribe: Bryan Sullivan Found ScribeNick: Bryan Found Scribe: Bryan1 Found ScribeNick: Bryan1 Scribes: Bryan Sullivan, Bryan1 ScribeNicks: Bryan, Bryan1 Present: Marco_Marengo Paddy_Byers Robin_Berjon Daniel_Coloma wonsuk David_Rogers Dzung_Tran Ilkka_Oksanen Anssi_Kostiainen Richard_Tibbett Marcin_Hanclik WonSuk_Lee Claes_Nilsson Kangchan Regrets: Frederick_Hirsch Niklas_Widell Dominique_Hazael-Massieux Venezia_Claudio Steve_Lewontin Daniel Coloma Agenda: Found Date: 14 Oct 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: paddy[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]