See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 23 June 2009
<mphillip> scribe: mphillip
<scribe> scribeNick: Mark
<mphillip> No concerns or issues
<mphillip> Eric: Tidying up acknowledgements... Roland and Stephen no longer work for IBM. We will need to change the way we acknowledge Roland because his email address is no longer valid.
<mphillip> Eric: No progress on action 32
<mphillip> Derek: No progress on FAQ action 68
<mphillip> Eric: Action 86 - editing the Wiki page is the best way to record / store the FAQ - this page will be preserved once the working group has finished
<mphillip> Phil: We don't have a link to the Wiki or the FAQ on the main page
<mphillip> Eric: The link is along the top
<mphillip> close action-86
<trackbot> ACTION-86 Ask Yves what the best way to record / store the FAQ? closed
<Phil> Found it
<mphillip> Phil: Axis2 do not have any plans to implement the spec.
<mphillip> Eric: Have contacted WSO2 to ask if they are planning to do this - no response yet.
<mphillip> Eric: We know that Apache CXF are started to form plans to develop SOAP/JMS implementation
<mphillip> Peter: Has recently been in touch with CXF - they are planning to work on this during the summer and are interested in helping develop tests
<mphillip> ACTION: Peter to follow up contacts with CXF to find out timeframes etc. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-90 - Follow up contacts with CXF to find out timeframes etc. [on Peter Easton - due 2009-06-30].
<mphillip> close action-87
<trackbot> ACTION-87 Find out if Axis 2 has an implementation of the SOAP/JMS Binding spec. closed
<mphillip> Mark: Actrion 88 - Sent contact details to Eric
<mphillip> close action-88
<trackbot> ACTION-88 Send contact details to Eric to update the URI scheme closed
<mphillip> Eric: Action 89 is still open
<mphillip> Eric: Aims to submit URI draft to IETF by this Thursday with updated contact details
<mphillip> Eric: Any update on legal status
<mphillip> Mark: IBM lawyers still working
<mphillip> Derek: Lawyers have asked for 2 weeks
<mphillip> Peter: Same here... no confirmation from lawyers
<mphillip> Mark: IBM IETF rep confirmed that 200902trust would be best, but we can resubmit with the old agreement until we have confirmation from everyone
<mphillip> Eric: Working with Yves to figure out how to update the home page with information about schedule, CR, minutes etc.
<mphillip> Yves: Account should be set up now
<mphillip> Eric: No progress - still have outstanding actions to review assertions and to fill in gaps
<mphillip> Eric: We have discussed CXF and Axis - no updates / information about other implementations
<mphillip> Peter: A lot of spam has been coming from the old progress soapjms mailing list. This should have been taken care of now (everyone has been removed from the list)
<mphillip> Phil: Will be absent next week
<mphillip> Amy: Will also be absent
<mphillip> Peter: Me too
<mphillip> Eric: Will be out on the 7th July - propose our next meeting is 14th July
<mphillip> All: No objections
<mphillip> RESOLUTION: Next meeting on 14th July