Andrew will send e-mail and ask for vacation plans to help plan July/August meetings
Shadi: look at the second link
Andrew put in IRC
... we have put in some annotations
Let people have a look for a few minutes and we'll talk
Shadi: can people find the inaccessible page only using this navigation
Jack: I'm there
Darren: got it - much better than before
Suzette: got it
Helle: got it
Shadi: can you now go back to the
accessible site and look at the annotations
... can you see a change there and what do you think?
Jack: very good - much better
Darren: I agree with Jack and really like the way it is now with the annotations
Suzette: I only see the annotations on the accessible homepage
Shadi: we only have the
annotations on the Accessible home page
have not done the rest
Suzette: I only have a small
screen and can only see part of it
... problems with light blue on a blue background
Shadi: we will work on the
colours and we only have 2 icons now..
... but as we get more icons it might be better to see them
Andrew: for people with small screens and/or magnifications are you going to show the number available to help people to know how many Icons they have to look for?
Shadi: Good question we will
think about it
... if you look the tabs, here are 5 including the template
(but template is not on in-page nav) - is this confusing?
Jack: I see it Templates are not
what you would normally have here
... it is not obvious what you want with the template tab
Darren: What was the thinking of putting the templates as a tab at the top?
Shadi: part of what we want to
show is how to work with the templates
... the tabs at the top is a navigation to the demo and the
navigation in the pages are navigation in the demo site
Jack: the way it is set up is
confusing as at first it looks as though the tabs are part of the demo
site and not a part the whole demo..
... the annotations are much clearer now that they are separate and
additions to the the demonstration site and not part of the
Andrew: Indicating template
visually will not work for screen readers, but is a partial solution
... Can we make some other
distinctions between the 2 sets of tabs (navigation's)
Shadi: will take this back and see what we can do, one suggestion is to have the demonstration navigation on the right side of the screen
Andrew: one more visual, change of back ground colour for the template
SHadi: one suggestion is to separate the tabs is to change colours
Jack: some other way e.g. by name indicate that this is different from the others
Shadi: make it distinct by colour, by name, by ???
Suzette: Like it at the same
place but make the distinction by colour or name, e.g. Design
... can you do something in the code? can one go to the
template or to the source code
... if you can show the code for the table to show the
difference between the inaccessible and the accessible
... and have the annotations in the source code
Shadi: any more brainstorm
<suzette> i just tested both on WAVE 4.0
Suzette: ... one error on the accessible version. 36 accessibility errors on the bad site and one on the after site something about "skip navigation"
Shadi: any more? thank you very helpful input?
Andrew: any specific plans?
Shadi: will bring it back to the
group right now working on the report
... once when it is more complete with the evaluation reports
in 2 weeks we will ask some people to test and after ..
... even more testing maybe the WAI interest group..
... maybe next meeting an update
Andrew: looks really good - pass our positive feedback along to the BAD group
Andrew: has been in the EO WG and
some others have looked and Shawn has some questions
... from EO missing some more clear navigation
... people don't see or use the links to the factors in the
left side
... reactions to Shawn's suggestion
<andrew> clean page -
Andrew: change the URL to see a
clean page with these changes
... any reactions?
Jack: Question about the introduction/summary heading
Andrew: we tried different names for the introduction like executive introduction to make people read it instead of skipping it
Darren: think it works like this
Jack: likes the overall flow think it works, not sure what name will work
Suzette: like the feel of it with
with the links in the top. the others don't flow as well I
would like them to
... having difficulties maybe the 4 little sections should be
[... missed]
... having problems with the introduction, maybe change
introduction then it might flow better
Andrew: any other comments for the current introduction section
Darren: If we change intro to
reason for a customized bcase?
... we would have the 4 reasons and then ...
Suzette: think Darren's proposal works better
Andrew: will take it back to EO
and look out for mails with changes and questions
... or any suggestions pls. send to the list
<darren> if we change introduction to "Reasons for a Business Case" then the next logical heading will be Developing a Customized Business Case and then Additional Resources with How to Use this Document and Permission to Use near the bottom as this then leads to the next four documents
ANdrew: Shadi and I have worked
on them and improved the flow in the presentation
... Any overall reactions?
<suzette> just reading through
Andrew: Specific questions:
... 1: the demographic slides.. new comprehensive UN data
... intention to start global and move to EU and then possibly
to put in local data
Original reason behind the 3 slides - global, EU, then country-specific (local)
Andrew: have put in UN data and
they are a longer span and other age groups
UN data not include
50 years
... UN starts at 60
Andrew: Shadi and I talked about
taking this (graph) slide out
... and just putting in a local country slide
Suzette: would like some graphics
for those who prefer the visual presentation
... also maybe having one or 2 EU countries e.g. 2 that
Shadi: Jack was saying it is good
to have a few countries in the appendices
and Suzette suggesting both a graph showing
something across Europe
Shadi: is the comparison across EU besides the point of these slides?
Andrew: Yes - point is that globally and locally the population is ageing
Shadi: support the idea to have
these slides in the appendices
... don't think this is the point but good to have, the point
is the UN and the overall EU situation in the main
... then one can add slides for individual countries.
... the
point is not how Italy compares to Denmark, it is the overall situation
that is interesting in this case.
Andrew: we previously suggested keeping the 50+ stats to show that people in the working age are getting significantly older
Jack: .... would keep it fairly clean and fairly simple
Shadi: still going back and forth
on the over 50 over 60 over 80 slides
the point we want to make is the increase and
if you can make something graphical nice and clear
Shadi: look at the 2 sets of part
1 and part 2 slides about decline
one slide aging and vision decline and the
stats and just under the numbers..
Shadi: suggest separate by type of disability and not by the statistics vs impact
Suzette: agree to put the statistics with the disability
<andrew> ACTION: review vision stats to include reading glasses if possible and/or clarify measurement [recorded in]
andrew: thoughts on 'physical decline' vs. 'motor skill decline'?
Jack: motor decline, including ... / motor decline, often called ...
suzette: what term embraces the task effect the best?
Jack: what is the impact is the important thing
Shadi: if we separate slides by
impairment, may have more room to describe
... some people have physical impairments that affect mouse and
keyboard use
... follow with percentages