See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 18 March 2009
<conrad> gah, my skype call failed
<scribe> Scribe: Yves
minutes of last week approved
<erik> +1
<Gui> +1
Erik managed to have the editing environment setup
plan to have his part of the WG done.
what is the status of your commitments to the document?
jack: nothing yet, delegated the work
Guillaume: Silvia covered the requirement part
Yves: modified the grammar syntax in the wiki (not sure how it will be integrated in the WD, so if edits needs to be done here as well)
Erik: part 5 will be done by Davy and I, done by next week
Guillaume: I will have to talk to Silvia about some changes
part 7 will be Raphael, with help of Yves (and others)
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 48
<trackbot> ACTION-48 Modify the ABNF syntax of Media Fragment URI spec so the top level production rule is now 'segment' closed
Guillaume, most of it is done, the issues were mostly small edits.
Erik: Raphael kept those on the agenda until it is entirely done.
so we should focus more on what's in the WD instead of the previous emails
Guillaume: I will link the latest discussions.
2.3 and 2.4 will be done by next week.
Michael is unavailable this week, so we will postpone
Silvia is not there for issue-4
<scribe> .. postponed
Jack started implementation, waiting for a complete header syntax
might create a syntax
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to draft the HTTP-Range syntax for different units (completing all the syntax for the two way handshake) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-49 - Draft the HTTP-Range syntax for different units (completing all the syntax for the two way handshake) [on Yves Lafon - due 2009-03-25].
waiting for Raphael for status of action-35
Erik: who will go to Barcelona?
<scribe> ACTION: Erik to inquire about attendance for the upcoming f2f [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - Inquire about attendance for the upcoming f2f [on Erik Mannens - due 2009-03-25].
<Gui> Latest changes on Use Cases & Requirements to incorporate in draft
no other AOB