This is the XML Security WG's Administrative page. All technical matters, unless they are Member-confidential, must be conducted in public as per the Working Group charter.
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Information about upcoming meetings is now on the public minutes page.
Information about completed meetings is now on the public minutes page.
Coordination within the W3C:
Chair of XML Security participates in regularly scheduled eleconferences. Group includes representatives from EXI, Service Modelling, XML Core, XML Processing, XML Query, XML Schema, XSL, XML Security.
Planning joint session at TPAC 2008 to discuss requirements.
Held joint session during XML Security Specifications
WG. (minutes,
Overview slides and EXI
joint-meeting slides).
Planning joint session at TPAC 2008.
No current plans.
No current plans.
Joint session planned for TPAC 2008.
Proposed changes to reference XML Signature (Second Edition) and Canonical XML 1.1 and to correct text related to suitability of XML Signature and Canonicalization when using xml:id. Errata E01 for WS-Policy Framework Recommendation and Errata E01 for WS-Policy Primer Note accepted and published.
Coordination external to W3C:
A few members of XML Security WG are also members of SSTC. Frederick raised issue at SSTC of updating references to XML Signature (Second Edition).
A few members of XML Security WG are also members of WS-SX. Frederick raised issue of updating references to XML Signature (Second Edition), also noted possible issue with C14N10 algorithm URI.
Bruce Rich raised issue of updating references to XML Signature (Second Edition).
There is some overlap of membership.
Minutes of each meeting are recorded by the scribe, using IRC. This is a task that will be shared by working group members on a rotating basis. The chair will not scribe. Please review the scribe instructions.
Our weekly teleconferences will be held 10-12 am Eastern on a weekly basis.
Warning on 27 October: Daylight Saving Time ends in Europe one week earlier than in US, so effectively call is hour earlier in Europe than usual: 14:00 - 16:00 London ; 15:00 -17:00 Paris, just for this one meeting.
UTC | US/Pacific | US/Mountain | US/Central | US/Eastern | UK/London | CEST/Barcelona | CEST/India, Bangelore |
14:00 - 16:00 | 7:00 - 9:00 | 8:00 - 10:00 | 9:00 - 11:00 | 10:00 - 12:00 | 15:00 - 17:00 | 16:00 - 18:00 | 19:30 - 21:30 |
We will use the Zakim Bridge - see the Zakim Bridge instructions, and the list of phone numbers for Zakim. The Boston area number is +1.617.761.6200. The conference code is 965732 ("XMLSEC").
Please mute when you are not speaking, To mute while on Zakim dial 61#; to unmute, dial 60#.
Working Group participants are invited to join the W3C IRC server. The server is, port 6665, and the channel for the XML Security is #xmlsec.
Member participants can also use the Web IRC interface which is useful when having firewall issues.
For information about IRC, please see the W3C IRC documentation, the Zakim agent's documentation, and the RRSAgent documentation.
WG issues and actions should be associated with WG products ( text list ). The WG will use an XMLSec Tracker instance - general information on Tracker is also available at the Tracker home page.
WG Actions are recorded using Tracker.
Once you complete an action, please do the following:
Send an email to the public-xmlsec mailing list (unless the action resolution is member confidential) stating the details of the resolution of the action and noting that it should be closed. In the body of the message refer to "ACTION-#" - this will cause a link to the email to be automatically associated with the action record.
Please use email "Subject: summary-of-item - ACTION-# completed" where the summary-of-item is some text to describe what was done.
To close actions on IRC, type:
Issues are recorded using the Tracker.
Issues may be entered directly in tracker - this should result in an email being sent to the mailing list. This is the preferred approach of raising an issue. Alternatively, an issue may be raised by email, with the Subject line containing the text "NEW ISSUE: title"at the start, where title is the short descriptive name as outlined below. Please try to use tracker to raise issues.
Please provide the following information in a new issue (note this was suggested from the practice in the WS-Policy WG):
It is also appreciated if the proposed solution comes with test cases.
When creating an action, please make sure it is entered in tracker and associated with a product in tracker, as well as sending an email.
Open WG questionnaires.
The WG uses the member-xmlsec mail list for administrative and Member-private e-mail (see the archive).
The public mail list public-xmlsec should be used for XML Security technical discussions (see the archive).
Should have working draft for every deliverable, should publish early and often, have working draft every three months.
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