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This document defines a streamable profile of XPath 1.0 suitable for use with XML Signature 2.0.
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This is a W3C Working Draft of "XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0".
A diff-marked version of this specification that highlights changes against the previous version is available. Major changes in this version include:
This document was originally derived from material in an earlier publication of XML Signature 2.0, see
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This document specifies a streamable profile of XPath 1.0 [XPATH] for use in XML Signature 2.0 [XMLDSIG-CORE2]. It is a proper subset of XPath 1.0, i.e. any XPath expression that is part of this subset is also a valid XPath 1.0 expression, and when evaluated using the streaming algorithm mentioned here, produces exactly the same results as those produced by a regular DOM based XPath engine. Although this XPath subset has been designed in the context of XML Signature 2.0, it is a general purpose subset and can be used in other contexts too.
The motivation for introducing this profile is outlined here.
XML Signature lets one sign parts of the XML document. In 1.x version of XML Signature [XMLDSIG-CORE1], the part to be signed can be identified in one of the following ways:
ID based references This is the simplest and the most popular mechanism. An ID attribute is added to the element to be signed, and the signature refers to this element by this ID. However this approach has certain problems:
XPath Filter Transform This is the original XPath mechanism in XML Signature 1.0. It solves the three problems mentioned above, but it introduces new problems:
(i.e. all chapter
descendants has to be expressed as ancestor-or-self::chapter
(i.e. a boolean expression which evaluates
to true for a node, if that node has an ancestor call chapter
). Not only is this very hard to understand
, but also some XPaths cannot be expressed like this at all. For example it is not possible to express
in this model.XPath Filter 2 Transform This was introduced to solve the problems in above problems [XMLDSIG-XPATH-FILTER2]. However it has a few problems of its own:
XPointer At the time the XML Signature 1.0 was written, XPointer supported a full XPath model,
but it was still under development. Later on it split up into multiple specs, the full XPath support remained as a Working draft [XPTR-XPOINTER],
and only the XPointer element scheme [XPTR-ELEMENT] became an
official W3C Recommendation. The XPointer
element scheme does not support generic XPaths, it only
allows basic addressing of XML elements e.g. element(/1/2)
identifies the 2nd child of the root element.
XML Signature 2.0, retains all 1.x mechanisms for backwards compatibility, but it introduces a new mechanism
which can be viewed as a very simplified form of XPath Filter 2 Transform. It
consists of URI
which can be used for ID based references and an IncludedXPath
and ExcludedXPath
for inclusions and exclusions. The result of the selection is subtrees identified by included XPath, minus the subtrees
identified by excluded XPath. These IncludedXPath
and ExcludedXPath
take a profile of XPath, and
and it is this profile that this document describes.
This 2.0 selection mechanism, has all the advantages of XPath Filter 2 transform, and additionally it is designed to support streaming. However it does the restrict the kind of selection - only subtrees with one round of subtree exclusion can be selected. This restriction is required for high performance.
The XPath profile defined in this document is streamable with single-pass pre-order XPath recognition. This means
All the XPaths to be evaluated are known at the beginning of the one-pass.
It should be possible to evaluate these XPaths on large XML documents without having having to load the entire document into memory. The implementation should read the XML one chunk at a time, and do a single forward only pass over the document.
More specifically, the XPath engine should work off a streaming XML parser. A streaming parser is a software module that reads the XML document, and constructs a stream of XML events like "beginElement", "text", "endElement" etc. [XML-PARSER-STAX] is an example of a streaming parser. The Algorithm Section describes one possible algorithm to evaluate this XPath subset with a streaming parser. In this algorithm each of the XPaths is converted into a state machine during initialization then as the XML input document is parsed with a streaming parser the resultant XML events are fed as inputs into these state machines. The state machines determine whether the current XML event is accepted by the XPath or not.
The XPath itself might select a large portion of the document, or even the whole document. The result of the XPath evaluation should not be loaded all into memory if it is large. Instead it should be pipelined to the processing stage.
The XML document may have very large text nodes. The XPath engine should not be required to load such large nodes in their entirety. Instead they should be split up into multiple text nodes, and processed one by one.
In the context of XML Signature, streaming is absolutely essential for XML gateways which need to perform XML Signature and Encryption operations for messages on the wire. It is also important for performance sensitive applications; as streaming improves performance by conserving memory, which greatly reduces temporary memory allocation, resulting in far less memory garbage collection.
For XML Signatures it is not only the XPath expressions that need to be evaluated in streaming, but the rest of the signature processing as well (e.g. canonicalization and digesting also need to be performed in streaming mode). For example a streaming Signature processor could compute Reference digests for 2.0 Signatures as follows:
Initialize XPath engines for each of the <IncludedXPath>
and <ExcludedXPath>
for each <Reference>
Initialize a "Selector", "Canonicalizer" and a "Digestor" for each Reference and put them into a pipeline.
The "Selector" takes as input XML events generated by the Parser. It checks if the XML event is either a
descendant of the subtree identified by the <Selection>
's URI
attribute or accepted
by the IncludedXPath engine and not accepted by the ExcludedXPath engine. Exclusions always trump Inclusions, and Exclusions also apply to
ID references.
If the check passes, it passes on the
XML event to the "Canonicalizer".
Note a <Selection>
can either contain the URI
attribute or a <IncludedXPath>
subelement, but not
both. But in either case it can optionally contain the <ExcludedXPath>
The "Canonicalizer" inputs XML events passed on by the Selector, and emits byte arrays for each event, and sends them to the "Digestor".
The "Digestor" takes byte arrays and computes a running digest.
Start parsing the current XML document using a streaming XML parser, and feed the XML events to each of the Reference processing pipelines.
At the end of parsing the pipelines will contain the computed digest for each Reference. Note the same XML event may be accepted by more than one Reference, and hence included is multiple digests.
For simplicity the above steps make a simplifying assumption that all the <Reference>
s have a
of Type=""
and each of the
s are same document references. If the <Selection>
refer to external resource, the URI should be dereferenced to fetch the external XML document,
and the XPaths be evaluated on this external document, instead of the current document.
Note that it is not always possible to apply or verify XML Signatures in a one-pass streaming fashion. For instance, the verification of an enveloped signature requires an XPath for selection that matches an element that is located prior to the XML Signature itself (in document order). Hence, on signature verification, the selected elements are processed by the streaming parser before the selection XPath itself gets parsed. Example:
<Document> <DataBlock1 /> <Signature xmlns=""> <SignedInfo> [...] <Reference> <Transforms> <Transform Algorithm=""> <dsig2:Selection xmlns:dsig2="" type="" URI="" /> [...] </Transform> </Transforms> [...] </Reference> </SignedInfo> [...] </Signature> <DataBlock2 /> </Document>
As can be seen, the XML Signature selects the whole document, hence all XML elements therein must be processed on signature verification. However, when parsing this document using a streaming approach, the verifying application might not know in advance which parts of the document are protected by the XML Signature. Hence, it will start parsing the document to extract the XPath expressions used for selection, but once it encounters that information, all the elements processed before have already been processed and dismissed (such as the <Document> and <DataBlock1> elements). Thus, these elements have not been digested, and hence there is no way to verify such an XML Signature in a one-pass streaming fashion.
Note that this impossibility of one-pass streaming is not only affecting enveloping signatures. For instance, an XML Signature verification with a selection of
<dsig2:Selection type="" xmlns:dsig2="" URI="" > <dsig2:IncludedXPath> //DataBlock1 </dsig2:IncludedXPath> </dsig2:Selection>would have also failed due to the same issue, though not being an enveloped signature. The same holds for ID-based selection if the selected elements occur prior to the XML Signature in document order.
These problems can be alleviated by doing the verification in two passes, the
first pass merely scanning the document for the <Signature>
and the second pass
actually evaluating the XPath , canonicalizing and computing the digest.
Applications that require pure one pass processing should avoid backward references of any kind.
Apart from streaming, the XPath profile also needs to satisfy the following requirements:
The profile should produce results that are compatible with the C14N 2.0 data model, i.e. it should only result in element nodes or attribute nodes (but not xml: attribute and namespace attributes).
This XPath profile should include some of the known usages of XPath in XML Signatures.
attribute matches
a certain value. Refer section 4.1.3 of [EBXML-MSG].GovTalkMessage/Body
subtree, but exclude the
subtree [HMRMC].The following tables define this XPath profile. It is a restricted version of grammar in [XPATH]. Although this grammar appears to deviate from the [XPATH] grammar, it is in fact a proper subset of XPath 1.0, i.e. any XPath expression defined by this grammar is also a valid XPath 1.0 expression and has exactly the same meaning as that defined by the XPath 1.0 specification.
Grammar |
Explanation |
XPath ::= (AbsoluteLocationPath '|' )* AbsoluteLocationPath |
At the top level it is union of absolute locationPaths. e.g. /a/b | //a[@c] .
Note: [XPATH] allows a generic
Expr in top level, e.g
Relative Location Paths e.g. |
Grammar |
Explanation |
AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath? | AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath RelativeLocationPath ::= Step | RelativeLocationPath '/' Step | AbbreviatedRelativeLocationPath AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath ::= '//' RelativeLocationPath AbbreviatedRelativeLocationPath ::= RelativeLocationPath '//' Step |
An absolute location path starts with a slash and has consists of one or many "steps" separated by slash. e.g. /a/b .
Double slashes are also allowed, they are short for /descendant-or-self::node()/ .
Step ::= AxisSpecifier NameTest RestrictedPredicate* | AbbreviatedStep AxisSpecifier ::= AxisName '::' | AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier ::= '@'? AxisName ::= 'attribute' | 'child' | 'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' | 'self' NameTest ::= '*' | NCName ':' '*' | QName |
A Step consists of an AxisSpecifier a NameTest, and zero or more predicates. The AxisSpecifier allows only forward axes; all the backward axes
ancestor , ancestor-or-self ,
parent , preceding , preceding-sibling are not streamable, and hence not allowed.
The namespace is also not streamable, so it is disallowed too.
Examples of allowed Steps :
This Step is a restricted form of the Step in XPath 1.0 in two aspects. First it only allows a restricted set of Predicate expressions
that use attributes only, this restriction is described in the next section; and second it doesn't allow NodeTests.
this Step Because of this possibility of large text nodes, this XPath subset eliminates all mechanisms of selecting text nodes, either directly or through other mechanisms e.g. string-value.
Although the |
is not allowed.
These kinds of XPath expressions cannot be streamed in general, e.g. in the
'b' may have a lot of children, with 'c' being the last one. To determine if 'b' is included or not, the XPath processor
needs to traverse through all the children of 'b', searching for the existence of 'c'. By the time it finds 'c', all the previous children of 'b'
have already been passed, and there is no way to rewind back to beginning of 'b'.
Grammar |
Explanation |
RestrictedPredicate ::= '[' AttributeExpr ']' AttributeExpr ::= OrExpr OrExpr ::= AndExpr | OrExpr 'or' AndExpr AndExpr ::= EqualityExpr | AndExpr 'and' EqualityExpr EqualityExpr ::= RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr '=' RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr '!=' RelationalExpr RelationalExpr ::= AdditiveExpr | RelationalExpr '<' AdditiveExpr | RelationalExpr '>' AdditiveExpr | RelationalExpr '<=' AdditiveExpr | RelationalExpr '>=' AdditiveExpr AdditiveExpr ::= MultiplicativeExpr | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr MultiplicativeExpr ::= UnaryExpr | MultiplicativeExpr MultiplyOperator UnaryExpr | MultiplicativeExpr 'div' UnaryExpr | MultiplicativeExpr 'mod' UnaryExpr UnaryExpr ::= PrimaryExpr | AttributeReference | '-' UnaryExpr AttributeReference ::= 'attribute' '::' NameTest | '@' NameTest |
An AttributeExpression is an expression involving arithmetic, boolean and relational operators. It can only involve AttributeReferences or PrimaryExprs.
An AttributeReference is reference to an attribute of the current element. e.g. |
PrimaryExpr ::= VariableReference | '(' AttributeExpr ')' | Literal | Number | FunctionCall Literal ::= '"' [^"]* '"' | "'" [^']* "'" Number ::= Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits Digits ::= [0-9]+ FunctionCall ::= FunctionName '(' ( Argument ( ',' Argument )* )? ')' Argument ::= AttributeExpr FunctionName ::= QName - NodeType VariableReference ::= '$' QName |
A PrimaryExpr is either a literal e.g. "foo" or a number e.g. 23 or a variable reference e.g. $var1
or a function call e.g. sum(23, $price) . It can also be a complete AttributeReference.
node(), comment(), text(), processing-instruction() are reserved names, and cannot be used for naming functions. |
Node set functions
Note: All of these functions are only allowed inside a predicate. A predicate's expression can only involve attribute nodes of the current element. Functions can also be used inside this expression, but this function's arguments also have to be expressions involving attribute nodes. There is no way to use elements, text nodes comments and processing instructions in predicate expressions. The "string-value" of an attribute node is the attributes value. This XPath subset is designed in such a way that "string-value" only need to be evaluated on attribute nodes, never on elements, text nodes or others. The String, number and boolean functions are all supported. However the no argument forms of The no argument forms of |
Note: The descendant and related axes can be exploited by a denial of service attacks. See section "XPath selection that causes denial of service in streaming mode" in [XMLDSIG-BESTPRACTICES].
This sections explains the profile with some XPath expressions that are part of this profile and some that aren't.
All the XPath examples below are based on the following XML document.
<book> <foreword> </foreword> <chapter type="preface"> </chapter> <chapter> <title>Hybridism</title> </chapter> <chapter> </chapter> </book>
Examples of XPath expression that are included in the profile.
# | Example | Description | XML Dsig 2.0 |
1 | /book/chapter |
all chapter children of book |
Y |
2 | /book/chapter[3] |
third chapter child of book |
Y |
3 | /book/chapter[@type="preface"] |
all chapter children of book that have a type attribute with value preface |
Y |
4 | /book/chapter[@type="preface"][1] |
the first chapter child of book that has a title attribute with
value preface. |
Y |
5 | /book/chapter[2]/title[1] |
the first title child of the second chapter child of book . |
Y |
6 | /book/chapter[contains(@type,"pre")] |
all chapter children of book that have an attribute
type whose value contains the string "pre". |
Y |
7 | /child::book/child::chapter[contains(attribute::type,"pre")] |
non abbreviated form of the above | Y |
8 | /book/chapter[position() mod 2 != 0] |
chapter children of book whose position is an odd number,
i.e. the odd numbered chapters of the book. |
Y |
9 | /book/chapter[position() mod 2 != 0][@type="preface"] |
all the odd numbered chapters whose type is "preface". |
Y |
10 | //chapter |
all chapter descendants |
Y |
11 | /book/chapter | /book/foreword |
all the chapter children of book and all the foreword |
Y |
12 | //* |
all the element nodes in the document. | Y Note: when this is used to identify a selection in XML Dsig 2.0, it is exactly equivalent to "/*" which select only the document root element. |
These are examples of XPath expressions that are NOT included in the profile.
# | Example | Description | XML Dsig 2.0 |
1 | /book/chapter[title="Hybridism"] |
all chapter children of book that have a title sub element with value Hybridism |
N expressions can only involve attributes |
2 | (/book)/chapter |
Evaluate the (/book) expression and set that to the context node, and get the chapter child of that context node. | N the top level expression cannot have parenthesis or any other operators except the union operator "|" |
3 | count(/book/chapter) |
count the number of chapter children of book |
N |
4 | chapter |
all chapter element children of context node. |
N relative location paths not allowed. |
5 | . |
The context node. | N relative location paths are not allowed. |
6 | /book/chapter/title/ancestor-or-self::chapter |
the chapter ancestor of /book/chapter/title . |
N Only child, descendant and self axes are allowed. |
7 | /book/chapter/title/text() |
the text child of /book/chapter/title . |
N text, comment and processing-instructions cannot be selected. |
8 | id("i1") |
elements that have ID, whose value is "i1". | N Functions are only allowed inside predicates, and also the id() function is not part of this subset. |
9 | /book[chapter/title] |
the book element if it has a chapter/title grandchild. |
N only attributes are allowed in predicates. |
10 | /book/*[local-name(self::node()) = "chapter"] |
the children of book element whose local name is "chapter". |
N Only attributes are allowed in predicates. |
11 | /book/chapter[2]/node() |
all the child elements of the second chapter of the book . |
N node() test is not allowed, because it can select text nodes too. |
12 | /book/chapter or /book/foreword |
boolean result is true, i.e. either of the location paths evaluate to non empty. | N or operator is not allowed at top level. Top level expression can only be union of location paths. |
This section outlines an algorithm for a Streaming XPath engine that can execute this XPath subset. It is NOT NORMATIVE.
A streaming XML Parser e.g. [XML-PARSER-STAX] which will produce events like StartElement, EndElement, TextNode etc. This event stream will be the input for the XPath engine. The StartElement event includes all the attributes in that element. An streaming XML Parser may break up a large text node into multiple TextNode events.
. i.e.
break up the locationPath | locationPath | ..
into individual
location paths.Dated references below are to the latest known or appropriate edition of the referenced work. The referenced works may be subject to revision, and conformant implementations may follow, and are encouraged to investigate the appropriateness of following, some or all more recent editions or replacements of the works cited. It is in each case implementation-defined which editions are supported.