See also: IRC log
<timeless> zakim +??P18 is Marcos
Date: 30 October 2008
<scribe> Scribe: Art
<scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB
<arve> +??P19
<timeless> zakim +39.011.228.aaaa is Claudio
AB: any changes?
AB: any annoucements?
<timeless> # who is on the phone?
<timeless> who is on the phone?
AB: Workshop deadline is now Nov 5
<timeless> Zakim: who is on the phone?
AB: who plans to submit a Position Paper?
<Bryan> very noisy
<arve> ArtB: Arve just spoke, and I said we were planning on submitting a position paper
AB: am I the only one that cannot understand anything that is being said?
<Bryan> I can't understand either
<arve> muting me didn't help
<arve> I can't understand a word being said
<Bryan> I hear a 2nd conversation
AB: everyone hang up and re-dial, please !
<Bryan> OK
<marcos> Arve, you are very noisy
AB: is anyone going to submit a PP for the workshop?
MC: I will
AB: how about Vodafone?
MP: no
Arve: I believe Opera will submit a paper
JS: no
Bryan: we may submit something but we won't be present
CV: we won't submit a paper but are very interested in the outcome
AB: we had a good conversation
with TAG last week
... would like to know what people think are the next steps for
this issue
MC: I think we have enough
technical arguments to push forward
... we do need to fleshout the reqs
... We may also want to coordinate with other groups
... e.g. the ODF group
... they need a similar URI scheme
... for packaging
<timeless> ack
BS: we recognize (in OMA) that some type of URI scheme for widget interaction is needed
CV: I agree with Marcos and
... I think a widget-specific URI scheme would be useful
JS: I haven't changed my
... agree we need to flesh out the reqs
<marcos> Arve, you might need to type out your answer
<arve> ArtB: Your assesment of my opinion is essentially correct
AB: I'd like to understand the ODF coordination point
MC: I've had some
... I don't want to block on them or create a dependency
... I will continue to talk with them
AB: are there some actions we can assign?
MC: think we need to look at the
implications vis-a-vis the API spec
... we use the widget URI scheme to resolve the DOM at run
... this affects the APIs we will define
AB: Marcos
... where are we on this?
MC: there were no strong objections
AB: OpenAjax recommend we consider their model?
MC: they proposed another way to
write the scheme
... they have a proc model for version strings
... Arve showed their model has problems
... I want to follow the KISS principle
AB: I propose we agree with
Marcos' version string proposal
... any objections?
JS: what about leading zeros?
MC: they are just opaque strings
AB: Josh, please enter an example
<timeless> MIDlet Suite Versioning suggests:
<timeless> Major.Minor[.Micro] (X.X[.X])
<arve> Does this mean any string difference is "a new version"
MC: we aren't adding that
... If they are differen, then they are different
<timeless> do we need to suggest that we're aware that leading zeros are ignored by MIDlet
<timeless> and that people should avoid using leading zeros (or at least inconsistently)
<arve> What I actually meant is that "new" is that the UA, or the server, can decide whether it's "newer" or no
<arve> +t
AB: Marcos, what do you think about JS' recommendation?
MC: we can recommend a
... and that there is no special processing
<arve> yes
<Bryan> +1
AB: can we live with the model Marcos has proposed?
JS: yes
<timeless> yes
<claudio> yes
RESOLUTION: Marcos' proposal for version string is acceptable
... there was no follow-up discussion
... see also
MC: the question is about whether xml:id should be used or we define our own ID attribute
JS: could "name" be used?
MC: we already have a name
... we would have to rename that to "title" element
<timeless> ack
BS: are we planning to use the title attribute in a semantic way?
MC: no, just a name
<claudio> +q
AB: Marcos, should you followup and make the proposal you and Josh just discussed?
MC: yes, I can do that
... we are currently following what other people are
... but I'd like to hear from others
CV: will there some semantics
about the widget in the config doc?
... Req #12 is related to widget semantics
MC: no, not at this point
CV: so the manifest is extensible?
MC: yes, can add other elements
<timeless> ack
MC: the name element could be use in that use case
BS: there is a core set of
metadata attributes already defined
... and it is extensible
MC: right, via using another namespace
AB: are you still looking for more input, Marcos on your ID attribute proposal?
MC: I can make the change if people are OK with it
<arve> did the channel just go dead?
MC: my fear is confusing widget authors
<arve> I'll have to give up on this, all audio just disappeared
<marcos> MC: widgetid
AB: what is your proposal?
<marcos> MC: uid
<marcos> MC: name
<marcos> CV: wid
AB: I am mostly indifferent
MC: it is a URI to identify the widget
JS: could use href
MC: but that implies something that http can get
<timeless> ack
BS: so you want something that is unique, right
MC: yes
BS: what about uniqueid then?
MC: yes, we could
... that's what I meant by "uid"
<marcos> arve, do you have an opinion?
MC: Are we providing at leas a non-normative suggestion about how to add semantics to the widget?
<arve> leaning towards making it "just a string"
<arve> I do not like the notion of saying it's an ID
<marcos> arve, what would you call it?
<marcos> ok, no probs
AB: I propose you make a proposal on the mail list with a default resolution
AB: I will take 4.a and 4.b agenda items to the mail list
MC: Mark and I have been making
some edits
... need comments from XMLSec WG
... perhaps that can be done while I am away
AB: Marcos will be offline for
the next three weeks; not online again until 21 November
... I will decide on Tues or Wedn of the next 3 weeks if we
will have a voice conf on Thursdays - or not
<arve> Have a nice trip, marcos
AB: meeting adjourned
<marcos> Thanks!
RRRSAgent, make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Art Found ScribeNick: ArtB WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: Josh_Soref Art_Barstow Bryan_Sullivan +39.011.228.aaaa arve New list: Josh_Soref Art_Barstow Bryan_Sullivan arve Claudio Default Present: Bryan_Sullivan, Art_Barstow, +44.207.070.aabb, Josh_Soref, Claudio, arve, +47.23.69.aacc WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Art, Arve, Marcos, Bryan, Josh, Claudio) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ +Mark WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: +Mark) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Art, Arve, Claudio, Mark, Marcos, Josh, Bryan Present: Art Arve Claudio Mark Marcos Josh Bryan Regrets: Thomas David Jere Agenda: Found Date: 30 Oct 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]