See also: IRC log
<csma> Scribe: Stuart Taylor
<csma> scribenick: StuartTaylor
<csma> agendum+ Admin
<csma> agendum+ Liaison
<csma> agendum+ Public comments
<csma> agendum+ Action review
<csma> agendum+ Action 577
<csma> agendum+ Test Cases
<csma> agendum+ Frames VS objects
<csma> agendum+ AOB (Pick scribe!)
<csma> next item
<csma> PROPOSED: accept minutes of telecon October 7
<csma> RESOLVED: accept minutes of telecon October 7
<csma> PROPOSED: accept minutes of F2F11
<csma> RESOLVED: accept minutes of F2F11
<csma> next item
<csma> next item
<csma> next item
<csma> next item
StuartTaylor: will work on test
cases with yuting
... Yuting will post on the mailing list for feedback next
<csma> agendum+ F2F12
csma: preferred date of Jan 15-16
means that Sandro would miss part of F2F12
... most people would strongly prefer 15-16 rather than
... any objection that F2F12 is on 14 - 15?
<AxelPolleres> I will have difficulties anyway in January, but I think I could join via phone some time at least.
csma: the problem with 14 - 15 is that people would have to wait until Sat 17th for flights
<csma> Decision is: F2F12 will be 14-15 Jan 2009
<csma> next item
<ChrisW> ACTION: Gary to start F2F12 wiki page [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-621 - Start F2F12 wiki page [on Gary Hallmark - due 2008-10-21].
<csma> PROPOSED: Core should keep safe disjunction in rule bodies.
<csma> Implementations can be direct or use a well-known preprocessing step.
<csma> Comment: An example of a solution to issue-70 is Option 2,
<csma> which will be able to cope with disjunction. (See
<csma> and follow up).
Harold: disjunction and safety discussed yesterday
thanks, Dave :)
csma: Harold, can you explain the link with issue 70
<AxelPolleres> ISSUE-70... basically both Option 2 and 3 are fine, but 2 is over-cautious.
Harold: it is about
... safeness can be retained using disjunction
csma: the proposed resolution would be between Option 2 and 3 from Axel's email?
<AxelPolleres> Option 3 in the original mail has a typo in bullet 3 ( Or instead of And)
<Harold> PROPOSED: RIF Core will include member (#) but syntactically
<Harold> restricted its use in rule conditions.
<Harold> Rationale 1: PRD rules almost always start with a member test
<Harold> in the condition.
<Harold> Rationale 2: PR leverages type system from host programming language
<Harold> and that is externally defined and immutable by rules.
<Harold> Comment 1: Note that in RIF-RDF the equivalent property rdf:type
<Harold> would still be permitted in rule conclusions.
<Harold> Comment 2: If PRD introduces member (#) in the conclusion,
<Harold> this restriction to conditions in Core should be reconsidered.
<DaveReynolds> Agreed - we did not take external-# into account in the discussion
csma: this proposed resolution should be discussed in the PRD task force
<ChrisW> is it possible for something "ground" to not be a "fact"?
<DaveReynolds> A fact is surely just a rule conclusion without a rule condition, at least in Core.
<Gary> forall ?x (A(?x)) is not ground
<ChrisW> but it is a fact?
<DaveReynolds> Part of the conformance clause
<Harold> <Harold> > >
<Harold> <Harold> PROPOSED: Parameterize the conformance clauses of Core with safeness requirements "strict" and "none" (default: "none").
<Harold> <Harold> (modulo nice word for "none")
Harold: we have excluded weak, only none or strong
<csma> next item
csma: there is a problem with PRD and the semantics of frames
<ChrisW> changkai: main difference between frames and objects is multi-valued slots
<csma> o[p->1]
<csma> o[p->1] O[p->2]
<csma> o[p->1] o[p->2]
csma: the first, above would be translated to PRD as an object that contains p with the value 1. if I assert the third example the value for p would be replaced by 2, which is not the semantics of frames
<csma> o[p->(1 2]]
<ChrisW> just extend the syntax to indicate single-valued slots in PRD
MichaelKifer: we need to decide on single or multivalued slots in core
<csma> o[p->(1 2)] o[p->3]
<csma> o[p->(1 2 3)] or o[p->((1 2) 3)]?
<DaveReynolds> o[p->{(1 2) 3}] where {} is set not list, no ordering
<csma> I used () for sets, sorry; replace with {} everywhere
<DaveReynolds> csma - ah sorry
<csma> the problem is, if PRD understands only single-valued slots and interprets multi-valued slots as single, collection-typed, values, then, how to differentiate between single values that are collections and collections that represent multiple values?
<ChrisW> just extend the syntax to indicate single-valued slots in PRD
<csma> Frames: o[p->v]
<csma> Object: o[p=v]
<csma> objects are frames of a special kind?
<MichaelKifer> c[p=>person]
<ChrisW> you need a syntax to indicate the difference
<MichaelKifer> c[p {0:1}=>person]
csma: the problem is that if you import a document from BLD
<ChrisW> otherwise you are creating a new schema language
MichaelKifer: you would assume that it is multivalued
<ChrisW> we have no "way" to handle cardinality constraints
<MichaelKifer> john[children->bob] and john[children->mary]
<cke> In OO world, we write: john[children->{bob,mary}]
<DaveReynolds> Agree with Michael - Core should support BLD frame semantics (multivalued) otherwise we break the semweb compatibility
<ChrisW> there is no way - "replacement" is non-monotonic
<Gary> java like syntax: class Person [ children=> collection|individual ]
csma: using a PRD-specific construct will limit in-operability with BLD
<DaveReynolds> Agreed - frame slots represent sets of values not bags of values, at least I hope so
<josb> they do (represent sets of values)
<josb> who not just extend the PRD syntax?
<josb> BLD does not need to be extended if something like this is needed in PRD
<Gary> Isn't the notion of frame explained in BLD?
<Gary> ?x=?y :- ?o[single->?x single->?y]
<Harold> What about named-argument terms?
<Harold> A term with named arguments is of the form t(s1->v1 ... sn->vn), where n=0, t ? Const and v1, ..., vn are base terms and s1, ..., sn are pairwise distinct symbols from the set ArgNames.
<josb> o[p=a], o[p=b]
<josb> a=b
<AxelPolleres> aren't slotted *predicates* anyway single-valued... but you don't want that probably either.
<Harold> Axel, I just said that using 'named-argument' instead of 'slotted'.
<AxelPolleres> yeah,but fixed arity maked them probably unusable here.
<josb> yes
<Gary> slotted predicates don't work because we want to change a single slot
<ChrisW> +1 PRD specific solution
<csma> scribe next: Hassan?
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/cannot attend/would miss part of/ Succeeded: s/Sat 16th/Sat 17th/ Succeeded: s/AxelPolleres:/Harold:/ Succeeded: s/related/replaced/ Found Scribe: Stuart Taylor Found ScribeNick: StuartTaylor Default Present: +0122427aaaa, StuartTaylor, csma, StellaMitchell, Harold, josb, DaveReynolds, Mike_Dean, ChrisW, Gary, AxelPolleres, mkifer, Adrian, cke Present: +0122427aaaa StuartTaylor csma StellaMitchell Harold josb DaveReynolds Mike_Dean ChrisW Gary AxelPolleres mkifer Adrian cke WARNING: Replacing previous Regrets list. (Old list: Hassan_A�t-Kaci, Leora_Morgenstern, MohamedZergaoui) Use 'Regrets+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Regrets+ Hassan, A�t-Kaci, Leora, Morgenstern, MohamedZergaoui Regrets: Hassan A�t-Kaci Leora Morgenstern MohamedZergaoui Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 14 Oct 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: gary[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]