MW4D bi-monthly call

15 Sep 2008


See also: IRC log


Jeff Sonstein (RIT), Bill Gillis (EFR Source), Stephane Boyera (W3C), Ken Banks (kiwanja.net), Joe Michiels (U. of Washington), Lauri Hirvonen (Nokia)




Ken: good article on The economist to bring visibility

minutes approval

<jeffs> +1 on approving minute

<JoeM> +1




<scribe> ACTION: Steph to post the approved minutes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]

Stephane to publish minutes: done

Stephane to create a wiki page about MW4D roadmap

<scribe> :done

<kiwanja> http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/roadmap

Stephane to investigate and find a slot for thursday or friday and

organize a dinner

<scribe> : done friday morning for the meeting, will organzie a thursday evening dinner

Stephane to examine bookmark sharing tools that use keywords

<scribe> : postponed

mobile monday conference 3 Nov

Jeff: scheduled to talk there
... hope to convince Dan Appelquist to create a specific track on mobile and development

Stephane: i will send you some slidesets for you to use

<jeffs> thanks, steph

<scribe> ACTION: ken to send a mail to Jeffs about organizing a workshop at www2009 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]

Lauri: i'm one of the founder of Mobile Monday, so happy that this is happening. tonight is in helsinky

<kiwanja> http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/roadmap


ken: joe ok to summarize your points

joe: i brainstorm a bit

and before filling the wiki, i wanted to share with the ground

steph: read your mail about the technology

very interesting input on Apllications environment

want also to add SMS, Vocie, and mobile browsing

joe: +1

ken: valuable to put on hte wiki

Jeffs: also very valuable contribution

if the mobile browsing appears, i will contributes

<JoeM> sure

Ken: discussion around the different issues

good to discuss when on hte wiki

ken: about the challenges

different axis to consider

good to consider the project cycle

starting from awareness of tools and applications

ken: good to build a ladder with different entry points

Jeffs: might consider to have 2 ladders

user and audience technology

you are a ngo,... and the second one: audience who have sms only, or browsing,...

ken: agreed

good point

perhaps even more

<scribe> ACTION: jeffs to email about the two ladders we have and the potential others about challenges [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]

stef: awareness of the potential is also important

bill: agreed
... for the ladder, we might want to talk about enabling environment like regulation

ken: +1

<jeffs> +1

bill: we should consider these challenges

ken: agreed
... we need to look at the regulatory environment

bill: probably need other perspective will be required in the group

<bgillis> bill can add some work on reg environment..I have some expertise in this area

<kiwanja> thanks bill

stef: out of my expertise, would need reference to learn

<bgillis> will do--add reg

ken: good if you couldlead this part, and see how to attract further expertise in this group
... for example safaricom offers now flat rate gprs in kenya, increasing a lot the web traffic on mobile phones

stef: any reference ?

<scribe> ACTION: ken to send to the group a reference on safaricom in kenya launching flat rate mobile data access [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action04]

Lauri: nokia is also infrastructure provider in developing countries

the cost of ownership of the phones is the bottleneck

<jeffs> think rate issues very relevant, correct they encourage use which leads to infrastruct build-out etc etc... low cost increases demand which increases infrastucture build-out

the carriers is charging incredible amount of money for carriers to recover on investment quickly

this is our practical learning

we believe in competition

ken: good point
... regulation: did you think to include that topics ?

bill: yes exactly

lauri: a good regulation example is europe

<kiwanja> hi jeff =)

ken: next steps: a draft on the wiki, and then Bill can move on

on regulation

<JoeM> I'll get it up tonight

<kiwanja> thanks joe

nxt call, discussion around the draft


Lauri: question about webfoundation


<JoeM> thx stef

<kiwanja> http://www.webfoundation.org

<kiwanja> just a small seed grant from knight. ;o)

<kiwanja> thanks stef

stef: explain the mission of the web foundation, and particularly the web for society program

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: jeffs to email about the two ladders we have and the potential others about challenges [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: ken to send a mail to Jeffs about organizing a workshop at www2009 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: ken to send to the group a reference on safaricom in kenya launching flat rate mobile data access [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Steph to post the approved minutes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]