See also: IRC log
<markbirbeck> Hi Roland. I forgot to send my apologies, but I'm at the XForms FtF with Steven.
<Steven> but he's present at this call via irc :-)
<Steven> like me
<Steven> yes
<ShaneM> Scribe: Shane
<ShaneM> Scribe: ShaneM
Steven has sent comments on behalf of the xforms group. roland suggests we review that response and see if we agree at our meeting next week,
<scribe> ACTION: Roland place xml:base on agenda for f2f [recorded in]
ShaneM had an action to send in a comment on this. He did that.
<Roland> Shanes response:
<Steven> (Forms WG discussing XHR at this very moment)
We assume this comment was accepted. Have not yeard otherwise.
<Steven> Mark will send his comments today or tomorrow
Roland is building the agenda now.
ARIA will be on it of course.
Shane says the document is ready. Not sure what happens next.
Steven has heard from IanJ about it.... It is in the W3C pipeline
There were two actions on the agenda about m12N.... those are done.
<Steven> I'm waiting for a reply from IanJ
Transition call went well. The second implementation in the report made it smoother.
Shane says PR draft is ready.
We are waiting on the W3C publication team. Should happen soon. Steven?
<Steven> I sent a message to the comms team asking them to suggest a date
<Steven> you were cc'd
<Steven> no reply yet
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to compile CURIE last call comments for f2f review [recorded in]
IanJ reports that basic should be published today.
No last call comments so far.
We had 3 actions before being ready to go to CR.
Steven sent our comments to the TAG - so that's done
Question - are we prepared to take rdfa syntax to CR?
<Steven> +1
<markbirbeck> +1
<Tina> +1
<Roland> +1
Shane reports that it is mature and stable - there are lots of implementations out there.
yamx says he has no objections.
RESOLUTION: The XHTML 2 Working Group agrees that the document at is ready to transition to CR.
Last Call is complete. Needs to dovetail with ARIA and XHTML Access. Will discuss at f2f.
<scribe> ACTION: Roland to create an agenda item at f2f about ARIA, Role, and XHTML Access. [recorded in]
Will discuss at f2f...
Dont want to rush into revising publicly. Need to do it right. Will discuss next week as well.
XForms group is reviewing the new draft. We can revise based upon their feedback then close it off next week - get it to last call.
yamx reports that OMA will get their 2.4 of browsing environment out the door soon.
<yamx> OMA is now the final stage of Browsing 2.4 Consistency Review.
<yamx> OMA Browsing 2.4 has XHTML Mobile Profile 1.3 (equivalent of XHTML Basic 1.1)
<yamx> OMA will have Prague meeting in the week of June 23rd.
<yamx> If we have successfully resolve the issues, Browsing 2.4 will go "Candidate"
<yamx> OMA may disband MAE(Mobile Application Environment) in Prague...
<yamx> MAE deals with Browsing 2.4.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/pipeline/W3C pipeline/ Succeeded: s/2.0/2.4/ Found Scribe: Shane Found Scribe: ShaneM Inferring ScribeNick: ShaneM Scribes: Shane, ShaneM Default Present: ShaneM, Roland, yamx Present: ShaneM Roland yamx Steven MarkB Tina Regrets: Alessio Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 11 Jun 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: roland shane WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]