RDF-in-XHTML Task Force

17 Apr 2008


See also: IRC logprevious 2008-04-10


Manu, Ben_Adida, Ralph, Steven
Michael, Simone, Shane, Mark



 <Steven> Hi, Like Ralph, and for the same reason, I will be late

<Ralph> [Chairs telecon]

<markbirbeck> I'm not going to be able to make the telecon, I'm afraid...things have been very hectic this week.

<benadida> thoughts on primer?

<markbirbeck> I am nearly done on a new draft, but didn't get the few hours I needed to finish it off.

<markbirbeck> Will try to do it tomorrow.

<benadida> yes, that would be really fantastic.

<Steven> I like the primer.

<Steven> I have some small comments on the current one

<markbirbeck> I'm so sorry...but I haven't even read your latest draft. That shows how bad things are! (I normally read it the moment it comes off the press. ;))

<Steven> I will be late like Ralph (on the chairs call at the moment)

<Steven> I liked the comment about tags not in namespaces being like all files in one folder

Ben: Mark hasn't been able to read the Primer yet.
... He wanted no namespaces and more detail in the Primer.

Action Items

<scribe> http://www.w3.org/2008/04/10-rdfa-minutes.html#ActionSummary

<scribe> ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-rdfa-minutes.html#action01] [CONTINUES]

Ben: I'm waiting on Fabien for that one.

<scribe> ACTION: Ben to follow up on media type discussion with Steven, Ralph, and TAG [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-rdfa-minutes.html#action08] [CONTINUES]

Ben: Ralph needs to give an update on the media type discussion.

<Ralph> [yes, I owe Ben some language on media types]

<Steven> media type is ongoing within W3C; seems to be going well

<scribe> ACTION: Ben to respond to issue 87 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/02/28-rdfa-minutes.html#action09] [CONTINUES]

<Steven> I think TimBL will say something about it at AC meeting in Beijing

Ben: Waiting for response from Mark.

<scribe> ACTION: Manu to enable EARL output in RDFa Test Harness [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/13-rdfa-minutes.html#action13] [CONTINUES]

<scribe> ACTION: Mark and Shane update Syntax to change @instanceof to @typeof [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-rdfa-minutes.html#action12] [DONE]

<scribe> ACTION: Mark to move _:a bnode notation to normative section [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-rdfa-minutes.html#action05] [CONTINUES]

<scribe> ACTION: Mark/Shane include issue 89 correction in Changes section [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/06-rdfa-minutes.html#action11] [CONTINUES]

<scribe> ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/13-rdfa-minutes.html#action12] [CONTINUES]

<scribe> ACTION: Ralph to review response to Christian Hoertnagl. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/27-rdfa-minutes.html#action07] [CONTINUES]

New Primer

<Steven> I have some small comments

Ben: Bob Du Charme had some good tweaks to it, which were integrated.

<Steven> Not sure about using the @ notation in the primer

Ben: Some of the diagrams were tweaked.

<Steven> There is some confusion between the names of the old and new HTML WGs

Ben: @rel, @about - @ notation now documented.

Manu: The document looks good to me so far, I think it's ready to go to WG

Ben: Ralph said he was astonished it was shorter... but that may mean WG has a negative reaction to that.
... I don't think we should lengthen it.

Manu: the wiki should fill the gap

<Ralph> I don't think we should bring *everything* from the old Primer back in, but I want more time to look for gaps

<benadida> before we talk to the WG? How much more time?

<Ralph> but, again, if Manu, Steven, and Mark feel the current draft is good enough to replace the WD then I'll accept that consensus

Ben: Ralph's not going to Beijing, so he should be able to handle it before next Tuesday.

<Ralph> has Mark replied previously?

Ben: Steven seems to only has minor comments, Manu likes the current draft, Mark still needs to respond.

<benadida> Mark has sent private comments that were overall positive but that I cannot count as a full endorsement yet :)

<Ralph> then I propose we show it to the WG and ask for their comments

<benadida> Steven, assuming the chance for minor edits, do you think this is good to send to the WG?

Ben: Manu thinks Primer is good enough to go to the WG, minor edits may still need to be done.

<Steven> I'd be ok with that

Ben: Primer could be written in a variety of different ways, we need to push forward and get it out there.
... Primer is mainly for people that just know HTML - it's a high level overview.

<Ralph> I absolutely agree that the exposition in the new Primer editor's draft is better; I'm mostly worried about coverage

Manu: I think it is a good sign that we're starting to re-use material in the Primer in our presentations on RDFa.

<benadida> a big change in this primer is that we're not going for 100% coverage, we're going for enough coverage to *start* writing RDFa, and then you go to recipes on the wiki for more.

<Ralph> sure, "enough" is a judgement call :)

Manu: Really, we should see if Mark is okay with it and if we have that much consensus here, then we should push it to the WG.

<Ralph> I hope that the Wiki material will lead to improved versions of the Primer

<benadida> ACTION: Ben to chat immediately with Mark and see if the Primer is "good enough" for WG review. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/17-rdfa-minutes.html#action11]

<benadida> Steven, if you're reading this, do send a list of the issues with the Primer, happy to incorporate small changes

<Steven> Ben, I will send them tomorrow

XHTML namespace quick resolution

Manu: I thought it was supposed to be a GRDDL pointer

<benadida> +1

Ben: Yep - same here.

ISSUE-109 and ISSUE-110

<benadida> ISSUE-109: http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/109

<benadida> "do something with @cite"

<Ralph> [I'd be happy to offically take an action to draft something for the XHTML namespace document]

<Ralph> -1 to taking up @cite in this version

Manu: I agree with Mark's response.

Ben: We're in agreement that we shouldn't do anything with @cite.
... Mark agrees with that as well.
... Don't know what Steven or Michael would say.
... Ralph agrees, but he thinks the response should be more complete.

Ralph: For @cite the answers clear, we defer to a future version.
... But we should be more specific in the response.

Ben: So we should formally restate Mark's answer?

Ralph: Mark gives far too much detail - I don't think we need to give all that detail.

Ben: So, we're not doing anything with @cite.

Steven: I agree.
... We should say we considered it, but there are others that could fit in this category - we decided to defer in the name of simplicity.

<benadida> PROPOSE to resolve ISSUE-109: "We considered @cite but realized that many other attributes would then require RDFa interpretation and that doing so is not simple. We defer this issue to a future version of RDFa."

Ralph: We may want to find those discussions.

Manu: +1 for current PROPOSAL

<Steven> +1

RESOLUTION: ISSUE-109: "We considered @cite but realized that many other attributes would then require RDFa interpretation and that doing so is not simple. We defer this issue to a future version of RDFa.

<benadida> ACTION: Ben to respond to ISSUE-109 with (if possible) pointers to past discussion of @cite [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/17-rdfa-minutes.html#action12]

Ben: Issue 110 is about @src being subject or object.

<Steven> link to response?

<benadida> Mark's response: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2008Mar/0311.html

Manu: I thought the response was good.

Ben: First on the issue - do we agree we shouldn't re-open it.

Manu: Yes.

Ralph: Yes.

Steven: Yes, agreed - don't re-open.

Ben: We should respond with the summary that Ralph wrote up and a pointer to Mark's e-mail.

<benadida> PROPOSAL: "on ISSUE-110, we considered @src in both subject and object positions, and resolved that the current situation - it's equivalent to @about - is more useful to authors."

Manu: +1 for proposal

Steven: +1 for proposal

Ralph: +1 for proposal

RESOLUTION: ISSUE-110: "we considered @src in both subject and object positions, and resolved that the current situation - it's equivalent to @about - is more useful to authors."

Ben: Steven, Ralph - about the Primer - do you agree that we ask Mark and Michael and see if they're fine with it - and push it forward?
... we need a document that people are comfortable with pointing people to a document.
... Are you okay with that line of thinking?

Ralph: Yes - we don't want to hold this up.

Test Cases

Manu: http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/rdfa-test-harness/

Manu: First one is test #100

<benadida> xmlns:ex="http://www.example.org#"

Manu: Is that correct?

<Ralph> [looking up RFC 3986 http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/rfc/rfc3986.html to see if that's a legitimate URI]


<Ralph> [actually, http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.2.2 is where we need to look]

<benadida> Ben: so this will likely fail for Firefox-based JavaScript (mine and Elias's), but that's okay we can document it.

< msporny > we had agreed that the proper canonicalization for our tests involved stuffing all namespaces into each top-level element.

<benadida> TC 100: +1 from Ben

< msporny > TC 100: +1 from Manu

<benadida> TC 101: +1 from Ben

< msporny > TC 101: +1 from Manu

<benadida> TC 102: +1 from Ben

< msporny > TC 102: +1 from Manu

<benadida> TC103: +1 from Ben

< msporny > TC 103: +1 from Manu

Ralph: Maybe we should use a different example namespace

Ben: Let's change to "http://example.org/"

Ralph: Let's change to "http://rdfa.example.org/"

<Ralph> or http://example.org/rdf/

<Ralph> (which has the same number of octets :)

ISSUE-112: RDFa described in purely functional terms?

Ben: In an ideal world, great.

Ralph: Agree - it'll take a long time to do that.

<Ralph> I'm not sure how long it will take

<Ralph> but I am pretty sure it will take longer than 2 months and that's too long IMHO

Steven: Functional is very nice - but would take longer than we have right now. In a future version, we might want to do it in functional terms.

Ralph: It will depend on the author - functional or algorithmic.

Steven: It's good for implementors, but isn't so good for authors.

Ralph: We'll get feedback over the next year or two.

Steven: Maybe we can do a normative one which is algorithmic, and a non-normative one that is functional?

Ben: We shouldn't commit ourselves to doing something like that right now.

Ralph: Yes, we shouldn't add to the workload that we're currently under.

<benadida> PROPOSE: "on ISSUE-112, we sympathize with the comment, but, given the community pull to finalize RDFa, it would take too long to write up an error-free functional description."

<Ralph> +1

< msporny > +1

<benadida> +1 from Steven on the phone

RESOLUTION: "on ISSUE-112, we sympathize with the comment, but, given the community pull to finalize RDFa, it would take too long to write up a functional description."

Summary of Action Items

 [NEW] ACTION: Ben to chat immediately with Mark and see if the Primer is "good enough" for WG review. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/17-rdfa-minutes.html#action11]
[NEW] ACTION: Ben to respond to issue 87 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/02/28-rdfa-minutes.html#action09]
[NEW] ACTION: Ben to respond to ISSUE-109 with (if possible) pointers to past discussion of @cite [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/17-rdfa-minutes.html#action12]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-rdfa-minutes.html#action01]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ben to follow up on media type discussion with Steven, Ralph, and TAG [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-rdfa-minutes.html#action08]
[PENDING] ACTION: Manu to enable EARL output in RDFa Test Harness [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/13-rdfa-minutes.html#action13]
[PENDING] ACTION: Mark to move _:a bnode notation to normative section [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-rdfa-minutes.html#action05]
[PENDING] ACTION: Mark/Shane include issue 89 correction in Changes section [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/06-rdfa-minutes.html#action11]
[PENDING] ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/13-rdfa-minutes.html#action12]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ralph to review response to Christian Hoertnagl. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/27-rdfa-minutes.html#action07]
[DONE] ACTION: Mark and Shane update Syntax to change @instanceof to @typeof [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-rdfa-minutes.html#action12]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/04/23 17:28:08 $