08 Apr 2008

See also: IRC log






<ericP> vipul, does enough of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hcls-coi/2008JanMar/0071 remain that it's worth keeping it in the topic

Joyti - clinical practice ontology


[get | view] (1181.0 KB) attachment:ClinicalPractice-Ontology-Version-2.ppt

from the attachments page

<vipul> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ClinicalPractice-Ontology-Version-2.ppt

removing hasKey property

has qualifiers -> hierarchy for qualifiers

standard qualifiers that apply to each lab test

data type property rather than object property?

Tom to help with instances

abnormal flag = code

Tom's codes being defined; take from external references when available

Tom: codes defined with ASN 1 model; working to move to new model

terminology proprietary; need other terms as open source

Tom - does qualifier exist in real world? we are modeling real world

Vipul - observations in the mind of physician; cognitive constructs

qualifier refines the observation

Vipul - therefore capturing semantics of lab observation

VIpul - comments are difficult to parse computationally

Tom - anyting that could be extracted from comment should be in RDF

owl qualifiers - needed if impact meaning of observation

Tom: model CEM or clinical practice?

VIpul - seed ontology; we will build on

reference clinical elements - slide 8; equivalent to qualifiers

Tom: generic structure of CEM - reference, data, qualifiers

Vipul - introducing class Clinical statement?

Tom: model CEM; subtypes qualifier, statement; problem making ontology: CEM is gneric.

Vipul: CEM can be viewied as data structure or info model

Tom: semantics under the CEM, don't model parent CEM (qual, statement, data) just the info

difference statement / qualifier? -- statement: stand on it's own; no contextual info needed; eg heart rate

qualifier might be body location; not independent; only in context of qualifying a heart rate

subclasses iff consider structure rather than semantics where they differ

Vipul: RefClin elements = qualiifiers

structure less important that semantics

use case: select for attr and want both for heart rate and left arm; then common data class

Joyti: ref Clin Elements; two children -- statement and qualifier

Vipul: introduce when requierd by use case

Tom: refClinElt are qualifiers;

deltaFlag = change from previous observation; eg increasing, worsening

previous observation may not be in the system

FillerOrderNumber? not related to semantics?

important to store for application need

Vipal: drop ordernumber qualifiers

HasReferenceRange = range of normal values

can we represent ranges using Owl range operators?

??: move reference to single object

no; range operator does not work

need specialized range object

one ref range object with interval, or two (high and low)

point to a platonic reference person

??: reference range nar = string; not currently computable

nar = narrative?

need rules to parse the string into high and low values

Vipul: store as class annotation?

EricP: data -> split into low and high but not the original string

Tom: need alogithm to split

need to know re elegibilty criteria -- supply range or just "too high"?

reporting priority not needed

has result vs has data?

??: resulted => attribution; capture who, when , where

collected also

semantics of observation - includes time observed (Vipul)

??: does the info help solve use case <=> semantic importance

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/04/08 16:13:19 $

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