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User Facing Documents Task Force

This page has been updated in May 2008. The document details section now lists some of the user facing work products that have been developed or proposed by members of this group.


Help the Working Group produce various less technical documentation aimed primarily at those who wish to use OWL, rather than those who plan to implement OWL tools.


Produce "editors' draft" level material, for Working Group review, in time for the Boston Face to Face.

Document details

Documents with a strong user facing role that are mentioned by the charter include an Overview, Requirements document, Descriptive specification, and a User guide. These roughly correspond to the OWL 1.0 documents Overview, Requirements, Reference and Guide.

Work products that have been undertaken or proposed by members of this task force to address the needs of users of OWL 2 include:

(related link Requirements work space)

  • A Cookbook resource that would describe patterns and tricks for using OWL 2.


AlanRuttenberg BijanParsia DebMcGuinness EvanWallace VipulKashyap MartinDzbor Peter F. Patel-Schneider Elisa Kendall Conrad Bock Christine Golbreich Michel Dumontier


Telecons will be by arrangement and as needed. Usual time is Monday at 7am PST /10 am EST/3 pm GMT/4 pm CET. Usual duration is 60 minutes.

Next Meeting

  • Teleconference 21 July 2008

see entry in Meetings for agenda

Past Meetings

Task Force Issuettes

Things we would like to resolve as a task force, and then ask for WG approval (if needed).

Who are the users

See Who Reads Our Documents.

Hans Teijgeler

Which documents to do first

Proposal: an Overview in the style of the OWL 1.0 Overview, and a Traceability doc, perhaps in the style of Features.

Who leads the charge on each document

Note: appointment of editors is the gift of the WG chair.

What's good documentation

What do we want in a Reference document

Examples of "good" reference documents and/or key characteristics of such documents.

  • EvanWallace finds The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual by Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch and A C Reference Manual by Harbison and Steele to be prototypes for language reference manuals. The Encyclopedia of Terms is the key section of the UML Reference Manual. It provides sections for each of the constructs of the language with standard subsections where applicable in the same order each time. The form for these sections is typically:
    • the name of the construct,
    • a short (typically one sentence) description of the construct,
    • see also references to closely related constructs,
    • a subsection describing what the construct means,
    • a subsection describing the notation/syntax to express the construct often including an example and
    • sometimes a discussion subsection making key points or clarifying aspects of use of the language that may be subtle or often missed.

External User-Facing Documents

External _User-Facing_Documents