W3C Interaction

WebCGM Working Group Charter

This charter is written in accordance with section 6.2.6 of the W3C Process Document.


About this Charter

This defines a charter for the WebCGM Working Group to produce a new WebCGM 2.1 Recommendation.

The WebCGM Working Group will start from the existing WebCGM 2.1 Requirements document. This document was created by the CGM Open Member Section and its WebCGM Technical Committee (of the OASIS consortium), and had reached a stage of maturity. Based on these requirements, the WebCGM Working Group will specify a Recommendation which will follow the usual W3C publication track.

As described by the MOU between W3C and Oasis, as amended for v2.1, concurrent with becoming a Proposed Recommendation, the work will be passed back to OASIS for its completion as OASIS Standard, simultaneously with the completion of a technically identical Recommendation within W3C.


Recommendation WebCGM 1.0 was last published in 2001, incorporating accumulated errata since the original 1999 publication. WebCGM 2.0 -- simultaneously published in January 2007 as a W3C Recommendation and as an OASIS Standard -- made major functional additions to WebCGM 1.0. The abstract of WebCGM 1.0 and the abstract of WebCGM 2.0 together present a complete picture of the goals, scope, constituency, and incremental development of the WebCGM profiles.

Mission and Scope

Several requirements were identified in the WebCGM 2.0 timeframe that, for reasons finishing WebCGM expeditiously, were postponed from the WebCGM 2.0 specification. These requirements have been developed and further refined since the publication of WebCGM 2.0, and collected in the WebCGM 2.1 Requirements document.

The WebCGM 2.1 specification will be based on the WebCGM 2.0 Recommendation and will add the following features:

WebCGM 2.1 is intended to bring these additions quickly to completion and implementation. Schedule is considered to be a requirement of equal priority to any of the technical requirements. Any technical requirement that cannot be completed in the planned approximate year-long time frame will be considered "at risk".

The WebCGM 2.1 specification will also include the WebCGM 2.0 errata.

The completion of work on WebCGM 2.1 will bring further standardization and enable greater interoperability in the technical graphics application sectors that have standardized on WebCGM and closely related technical profiles.

Present state of the WebCGM 2.1 work:


This Working Group is chartered until 30 April 2010. This includes a six month "life after Recommendation" phase.


The group will provide the following deliverables:

Tracking and Maintenance Items

Success criteria

Relationship to other forums

Groups within W3C

Hypertext Coordination Group
The WebCGM WG coordinates its work with other Working Groups primarily through participation in the Hypertext Coordination Group.
Internationalization Core Working Group
Feedback from the I18N Core WG be sought, to ensure that WebCGM 2.1 is suitable for use in an increasingly international technical industry.
Synchronized Multimedia Working Group
The Working Group coordinates with this group on animation issues.
Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group
The Working Group cooperates with this group on animation issues.

Forums outside W3C

Air Transport Association (ATA)
The ATA has a widely used profile of CGM, which was used as the basis for WebCGM 1.0. The additional capabilities of WebCGM 1.0 and 2.0 mean that the ATA could adopt WebCGM to replace its existing profile. Adoption of WebCGM 2.0, both by itself and as a cascading profile, is therefore desirable.
The Working Group will liaise with the Technical Publication Specification Maintenance Group (TPSMG) of ASD, who maintain the S1000D Standard for technical documentation of military and non military vehicles. .Adoption of WebCGM 2.0, both by itself and as a cascading profile, by ASD is desirable.
The working group will liaise with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24, the part of ISO dealing with CGM.


This group conducts its work in public, including Editorial Drafts and test suites.


Face-to-face meetings

The group anticipates at least three face-to-face meetings, to elaborate First Public Draft, to process the feedback of Last Call review, resolve comments, and begin the process of preparing the CR implementation report and advancing to PR. The need for any additional face-to-face meeting(s) will be assessed, depending on the progress towards Recommendation. Meeting details will be made available on the W3C Member Calendar and from the WG page.

Remote meetings

Weekly 90-minutes teleconferences will be held.

Communication Mechanisms

A archived publicly readable mailing list public-webcgm@w3.org will be the primary means of discussion within the group.

There is a public page on WebCGM, maintained by the Chair.


Working Group participants are expected to contribute 20% of a Full-Time workload. The W3C Team will contribute 20% of a Full Time Equivalent (FTE).

The Chair of the group will be Lofton Henderson (Oasis/CGM Open). The Team Contact will be Thierry Michel (W3C).


One or more public Working Drafts will be produced, existence of adequate associated Test Suites will be assured (likely externally, with some WG contribution), and Implementation Reports will be produced, to the schedule shown below:

Patent Policy

This Working Group will operate under the W3C Patent Policy (5 February 2004 Version). To promote the widest adoption of Web standards, W3C seeks to issue Recommendations that can be implemented, according to this policy, on a Royalty-Free basis. For more information about disclosure obligations for this group, please see the W3C Patent Policy Implementation.

Thierry Michel<tmichel@w3.org>
Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>
Last modified: $Date: 2008/08/22 19:19:43 $