WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite

This version
Lofton Henderson


The public WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite was designed to validate the WebCGM 2.0 specification and to insure that all features in the WebCGM 2.0 specification are implemented at least twice in an interoperable way by implementations having been developed independently by different organizations.

The WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite is maintained by the OASIS WebCGM TC

This WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite adds tests to the ~255 tests of the WebCGM 1.0 Test Suite.

The CGM Open Test Suite covers all WebCGM 2.0 features. It covers the new DOM-related and XCF features, and the new static and "intelligence" features -- the 2.0 additions to WebCGM 1.0. It also incorporates the WebCGM 1.0 test suite. Therefore implementations that pass the WebCGM 2.0 test suite are fully tested on the WebCGM 1.0 functionality as well.

Each of the DOM/XCF tests consists of a number of sub-tests -- typically about 5 sub-tests per listed test (one HTML/script file).

Comments on this document should be sent to public-webcgm@w3.org. The archive of public comments is available at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm/.

The WebCGM testsuite is exclusively hosted, maintained and distributed by CGM Open and the WebCGM TC of OASIS. W3C does not have any control over or relationship to the WebCGM testsuite. Publication of this document or the WebCGM 2.0 Specification by W3C indicates no endorsement whatsoever by W3C. The testsuite remains entirely within the responsibility of CGM Open and OASIS. Consequently, W3C declines all responsibility that may arise from the use of the WebCGM testsuite. Neither does W3C make any assertion on intellectual property attached to the WebCGM testsuite. For information on copyright and the applicable patent policy, please look at the site of the OASIS CGM Open WebCGM Technical Committee and the corresponding OASIS Policies on intellectual property rights.


This release version of the WebCGM 2.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM20TS) covers all of the functionality of the WebCGM10TS, plus WebCGM 2.0 DOM and XCF functionality, plus additional static and dynamic graphics functionality that was either not tested in WebCGM10TS, or has been added to the WebCGM 2.0 profile.

Future releases and further improvements, bug fixes, etc., are anticipated.

The core of the WebCGM 2.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM20TS) is the WebCGM 1.0 Test Suite (WebCGM10TS), comprising about 250 test cases. The WebCGM10TS was developed by Lofton Henderson and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). CGM Open has provided a Web location for free distribution of the WebCGM10TS since its first publication. Copyright of the WebCGM10TS is held by Lofton Henderson. License terms for use and redistribution are free, subject to a no-modification restriction (to preserve the integrity of WebCGM10TS materials). See the "WebCGM10TS copyright & license" document (in the ZIP archive of the test suite).


  1. Some of the dynamic tests involve HTML as either a source or destination of hyperlinks. In some cases, the HTML text was borrowed from the WebCGM 1.0 specification. Some of these HTML snippets have not yet been updated by the corresponding snippets from WebCGM 2.0. Although the tests are functionally correct, the goal is to update all of those snippets for clarity and cosmetic reasons.
  2. Some CGMs and PNG reference images still reflect a pre-release version number, e.g.," 0.9". The tests are functionally correct, and this cosmetic defect will be fixed in a future release.
  3. The Dynamic (hyperlinking) tests will not look very good if you are running on a small screen, or at less that 1024x768 resolution. (At higher resolutions, there may also be some frame-layout issues).
  4. In a some cases, production of reference images was problematical for WebCGM20TS (as well as WebCGM10TS), due to limited access to high-resolution systems and tools. This will be addressed in a future release, rather than delay the first public release of WebCGM20TS. This is not a critical criterion for the dynamic tests, in particular, and there is a caveat at the end of each Operator Script.

Installation Instructions

To view WebCGM20TS, all you have to do is unzip the delivery into a local directory. Be sure to pay attention to these details when you unzip:

After you have successfully unzipped the contents:

  1. open introPage.html in a browser, or navigate there from this page (Overview.html)
  2. click the link to the dynamic module, the static-graphics module, or the new20tests
  3. If you choose "Dynamic", this will display a Table of Contents of test cases. Select any one.
  4. If you choose "new20tests", this will display a Table of Contents of new WebCGM 2.0 test cases. Select any one.
  5. You will need a WebCGM plug-in at this point (selecting tests from the TOCs).
  6. If you select "Static", then you will be taken to a Javascript page (this will not work in older versions of Netscape Navigator -- you may have to switch to Internet Explorer or another browser).
  7. You can navigate to any one of the 200+ static tests, by one of several selection categories.
  8. The Operator Script will be displayed, plus a button to display the (raster) reference image. You will have to cause your viewer (plugin, or standalone, or...) to display the CGM.

Dynamic Contents

Test cases have names like: linking-basicH2C-BE-01. The first bit is the functional category, the second is the specific focus, the third is test type (all of these are BE, Basic Effectivity), the 4th is a sequence (within category): category-focus-BE-nn.. All of the tests are BE tests. They try to provide a complete coverage of V4 functionality at a basic level of detail -- no drill down or detailed testing (DT).

When you select a test in the TOC, a 4-frame screen will come up.

For information (but not relevant to viewing and using the test suite), the test cases are each driven off of an XML test case description instance, and XSLT stylesheets generate the test harnesses.

There are many files associated with each test case. You don't need to worry much about most of them. But a couple of files might interest you. The test content root file will generally be named "category-focus-BE-nn" with extension .cgm or .html. If the test case has a target file for a link, it will be named something line "category-focus-BE-nn-target", with extension .cgm or .html. All of the files with bits like "-dyn" as a suffix to the name are associated with the harness, and you shouldn't need to worry about them.

New WebCGM 2.0 tests

The majority of these are DOM and XCF tests, that each start with an HTML page. Typically there is a reference picture (PNG) on one side, a frame for display of the subject source metafile the other side, and an HTML table below, with interactive buttons for triggering DOM calls.


You can download a ZIP file and install the test suite on a local computer.

View Intro Page. In the future, you will be able to browse the suite online. For now, you must download, install it per the above instructions, and initiate viewing at introPage.html. Either way, if you view the Intro page, it will have links that take you to the various parts of the suite. Please note viewer and browser requirements discussed above.

Feedback Welcome. We welcome specific critiques on individual tests, Your general comments and impressions are welcome as well. Contributions can be made with the contribution form (test-contribution-grant.html) enclosed in the ZIP archive of the test suite. Please send comments and contributions to the WebCGM TS manager, or info@cgmopen.org.

Questions? Please write to WebCGM TS manager, or info@cgmopen.org.

Lofton Henderson, WebCGM Working Group Chair.

14 November 2006.

Last Updated: $Date: 2008/02/29 13:39:06 $