See also: IRC log
<scribe> SCRIBE: Yakov
<PaulC> good morning
<PaulC> Regrets from Toufic and Frederick.
<PaulC> All the usual suspects!
<fsasaki> :)
<PaulC> DavidO is even late as usual!
Minutes approved
No meeting next Wednesday
Maryann is doing editor's report
Maryann: completed guidelines and primer
Chris/Paul suggest to leave one issue till next meeting
Chris: there no bugs
Chris: Does WG has consensus to publish the draft as WG Note?
WG agrees to publish
<cferris> RESOLUTION: WG agrees to publish Primer at with relevant status section changes from chairs and Felix
<PaulC> Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the intro material in the Primer.
<cferris> +1
<fsasaki> +1 to Chris and Paul
<PaulC> Special thanks to Asir, Maryann, Monica, Umit and DavidO.
Chris: There is one remaining
issue in the guidelines. Asilr and Chris are in the
... The concern is about best practise 21.
<asir> s/Asirlr/Asir/
Chris: The resolution was to drop the last sensence
Asir agreed with the proposal
<dmoberg> silence is golden
<cferris> RESOLUTION: WG agrees to close issue 5218 with proposal in
<charlton> and signifies assent
Chris: Paul did a great job workingwith W3C Choreography and OASIS SX
<PaulC> Note several of the OASIS TC's have adopted our advise about saying something about wsp:ignorable in their specs.
<whenry> no objection here
<cferris> RESOLUTION: WG agrees to publish Guidelines draft at as a WG Note
<cferris> the BP that the OASIS TCs are internalizing is the guidance on stating the applicability of wsp:Ignorable
<asir> Paul is speaking about BP 8 in the editors' draft
Chris thanks editors and all contributors
<PaulC> Special thanks to Maryann, Umit and Monica and Asir, Dan, and Chris for their work on the Guidleines.
<whenry> +1
<fsasaki> +1 again!
<PaulC> Thanks to all the WG for their review of all the WG docs.
<PaulC> Special thanks to the Editors for their hard work on all four of the WG's docs.
<dmoberg> +1
<fsasaki> thanks to the chairs as well!
Asir and Mayann thank Chairs
<charlton> har
<asir> Paul and Chris - thank you for the outstanding leadership! You leadership has been critical to the success of the WG.
<abbie> +1 abbie
<charlton> +1
<SergeyB> +1
Chris: We will have a meeting on 12/5
<asir> +1 Thanks to Felix for an outstanding job!!
<PaulC> Thanks from the WG and the co-chairs for Felix's work as our Team contact.
<abbie> +1
<maryann> great job felix
<PaulC> And thanks to Philippe for his assistance to the WG.
<maryann> thanks for all your help
<charlton> thanks so much felix and philippe for your diligence on this WG
<SergeyB> bye
<charlton> see you next week
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/draft/draft as WG Note/ FAILED: s/Asirlr/Asir/ Succeeded: s/wokring /working/ Succeeded: s/Job/job/ Found Scribe: Yakov Inferring ScribeNick: Yakov Default Present: Yakov_Sverdlov, [Microsoft], [IBMCambridge], paul, Chris_Ferris, Fabian, Dale_Moberg, Mark_Little, SergeyB, ArnaudM, Tom_Rutt, charlton, maryann, Felix, Prasad_Yendluri, whenry, Ashok_Malhotra, Abbie_Barbir, DOrchard Present: Yakov_Sverdlov asir maryann Chris_Ferris Fabian Dale_Moberg ArnaudM Mark_Little SergeyB charlton Tom_Rutt William_Henry Prasad_Yendluri Felix PaulC Ashok Abbie DOrchard Regrets: Frederick Toufic Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 31 Oct 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]