See also: IRC log
<monica> good morning
<PaulC> Agenda:
<maryann> scribenick: maryann
<fjh> isn't next week call cancelled?
frederick: the meeting next week is marked cancelled on the admin page
<PaulC> Meeting schedule;
paul: the intent behind this was based on giving the authors time to work on final edits assuming we were at that point but it doesn't seem we are ready
chris: so we will have the meeting next week and yakov will scribe
chris: any objections?
none heard
<scribe> ACTION: editors report [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-348 - Report [on Editors - due 2007-09-19].
<toufic> thanks
<fjh> only one action is outstanding - action 353
frederick: the editors need to communicate better about who is doing what
toufic: this action will be done this week
AI 333- Phillipe will be back next week, changing target date
AI 339- Maryann sent a proposal and Felix sent editorial items
AI 339 is done
AI 340 - Chris to work with Ken, and open new issues and this is done
Chris to follow up with Maryann and Ken
AI 342 - Editors report back, due date changed to 9/19
AI 343 - Ashok and Maryann to develop proposal ---Ashok spoke with Monica and would like to leave this open
Ashok would like to discuss today
its on the agenda
AI 344 - chris and paul to respond to phillipe, move due date to next week
AI 346 done (actually a dup)
AI 347- close the AI with note from Asir
recap of AI
open 333, 342, 343
<fsasaki> RECs in record time!
chris: commend group and editors on acheiving rec status
<fsasaki> +1 to Chris
paul & chris: thanks and congrats to felix for his ongoing support and contributions
<prasad> Thanks to Chairs for the leadership
asir: thanks to the chairs as well
<fsasaki> +1 to asir too
paul: assume there is an empty errata page
felix: yes
paul: item for editors to discuss, what to do for errata page and make recommendation
<cferris> ACTION: Editors to work on format of eventual errata page [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-349 - Work on format of eventual errata page [on Editors - due 2007-09-19].
<scribe> TOPIC : Primer document
item C- Issue 4943
response from Asir ...
monica: shows 2 companies with different parent assertions for same nested assertions
asir: feed back was editorial only
monica: in the examples, should we take out the description (request from asir) because that was asked for before?
asir: it just makes it easier to read without all the references
<monica> "and different QNames."
<monica> c/different QNames/different QNames and different parent policy assertions.
<monica> c/are different QNames/are different QNames and parent policy assertions.
<monica> that's it
monica: any other questions?
chris: gramatically this doesn't make sense
<cferris> This is because the parent policy assertions EndorsingSupportingTokens and SignedSupportingTokens have different QNames.
<cferris> so proposal as amended by above sentence
<cferris> RESOLUTION: Issue 4943 closed with proposal from Monica as amended by Asir in as amended by above sentence from Chris: This is because the parent policy assertions EndorsingSupportingTokens and SignedSupportingTokens have different QNames.
<monica> thank you
<fsasaki> Sec. 2.1: change
<fsasaki> "Policy is a simple language that has four elements - Policy, All, ExactlyOne and PolicyReference - and one attribute - wsp:Optional." to
<fsasaki> "Policy is a simple language that has four elements - Policy, All, ExactlyOne and PolicyReference - and two attributes - wsp:Optional and wsp:Ignorable."
<fsasaki> Sec. 2.2: change
<fsasaki> "Child elements of the Policy element are policy assertions." to
<fsasaki> "Child elements of the Policy element that are not from the Policy namespace are policy assertions."
<asir> These two look good
chris: any questions?
... curious about 2.2, policy namespace is extensible, right?
... so if we add
foobar, that's supposed to be added as an assertion
asir: there is text on extensibility that dave o put in
paul: that sounds like a last call issue
chris: any other comments on proposal?
... any objections to proposal?
<cferris> RESOLUTION: Issue 5036 closed by adopting felix's proposed edits
felix: there were also edits for the guidelines doc
<cferris> eesagent, where am i?
<fsasaki> related guidelines issue is at
felix: issue 5041 is for editorial changes to guidelines doc
any objections to the proposal from felix?
<cferris> RESOLUTION: Issue 5041 closed by adopting felix's proposed edits
ashok: we had one call abou this
... we need to speak about how to take this forward, Maryann had thought it
might be able to be addressed by a community process, but conversation with Monica raised some new questions
... if i need to specify logging
before encryption, there are questions about how to do this, and in talking to my product folks they have said they have a solution to this
paul: why isn't this part of the semantics of the assertion?
ashok: text of the assertion might indicate there could be several patterns of ordering for the assertion
paul: why not specify the rules for the ordering as part of the assertion semantics?
ashok: the text says the order can vary
asir: you could specify the ordering as part of the assertion
ashok: where in the spec does it say this?
asir: it should be in the logging spec, not the policy spec
ashok: but our spec says there is no ordering of assertions
paul: maybe having something in the primer would help
ashok: that may be what you have in mind, but that's not what i heard
... what are we agreeing on?
paul: we don't have to make any changes to framework or attachment document
... and that we could put
something in guidelines or primer
ashok: i think we said guidelines
paul: that's the minimum to declare victory
ashok: monica and I were not convinced that we could do this just through text in the guidelines
paul: we need a specific proposal
monica: i said it was difficult to separate ordering from preference
... at this point in time, we might
need something that is out of scope for now, because its a more complicated issue
tom: i have sympathy for ashoks use case, but i think the framework says this is out of scope
<PaulC> My apologies to Tom for making him wait on the queue.
tom: the framework says that assertion authors can specify semantics regarding ordering behaviour, and this might not be the best, but this is where we are and this is out of scope for now
chris: we have a concrete example in security policy
... of ordering from an author semantics
... policy doesn't tell you what the SOAP message processing is
<PaulC> The behaviour defines any ordering. The policy assertion just indicates the behaviour to be used.
chris: i thought we talked about using the security policy example
ahok: thats only for one domain
ashok: it doesn't show where you do ordering in a combination, as in reliable messaging and security
chris: in that example the security assertion tells you what to do
ashok: it tells you to encrypt before adding the reliable messaging header?
chris: there is a security considerations section in ther reliable messageing spec
paul: ashok, you and I had an offline discussion and maybe you can help me understand this
... we have
assertion a & b and we have a new one c and we need to specify what to do with c
... the semantics for c are relative to a& b, but if we
now add d, c does not know about d
ashok: yes
tom: i'm not familiar with security, but RM does not talk about ordering, if you are concerned about ambiguitiy it might be a problem for profiling not policy
ashok: its not an ambiguity its about how the specs are used together
... suppose i figure out how to use
them and then there's a new spec, this kind of problem is what's behind the question
chris: i'm not hearing consensus
asir: i agree with tom and we have a guideline
... it says you should specify how to compose your assertions
with others
<Zakim> asir, you wanted to talk about
asir: you have to be aware
paul: ashok, i'm curious how you think we should process this
... we need to come up with a plan
ashok: if someone could write the example we could try to look at how to address it, i would have written an example, it has turned out to be difficult
paul: are you willing to give up the AI?
ashok: yes
paul: is anyone willing to take the AI and produce an example?
... or provide a reasoning for why its not an
asir: i have not encountered an assertion to use to illustrate
ashok: i've given an example of RM and security, and logging and security
asir: i'll take an action to follow up
<monica> We also have issue for preference:
paul: we've heard two examples, the concrete ones above and the more abstract ones i stated above
... we
need someone to elaborate on these
chris: asir are you taking this one?
asir: yes
ashok: i have one question related to this..can i ask it?
<cferris> ACTION: Asir to follow up to AI 343 relating to issue 4951 to either provide an example of ordering, or point out where in the specs issues related to Ashok's concerns are addressed [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-350 - Follow up to AI 343 relating to issue 4951 to either provide an example of ordering, or point out where in the specs issues related to Ashok\'s concerns are addressed [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-09-19].
ashok: one of the things we thought is that this could be a v next requirement, if it were to be a v next requirement where do we speak of such items? its unclear what the forum is to bring up issues and future requirements?
paul: why not the public working group and mark it v-next?
ashok: just not sure what the process is?
paul: because we're a public group we are an IG ( interest group)
... suggest something like annotating mail
with "v-next ordering assertions"
<whenry> Do you want to mute the scribe?
<abbie> yes
chris: we were looking for volunteers and asir has volunteered to do this for the WSDL section
paul: this is really 9b on the agenda
asir: no changes are required to make the guidelines in the WSDL section more specific to WSDL
... should
the best practices address differences between wsdl 1.1 and wsdl 2.0
<prasad> +1
asir: determine if terminology is used consistently
<prasad> Asir's mail:
<cferris> RESOLUTION: Close issue 5043 with change proposals in Asir's email leave the UDDI concerns to AI 339
<cferris> Status: See email from Maryann:
<cferris> and follow-up from Felix:
<cferris> scribenick: cferris
mah: discussions with monica, luc clement, toufic (others?)
... some of the discussion may overlap with
Asir's proposal we just addressed
... has certain items called out as BP, but formatting needs to be worked on
... reusability of
... how to leverage defined attachment mechanisms
... how to reuse defined policy subjects
... moving some text that
existed into this new intro section (now 5.7.1)
... in existing text, there was something that should have been called out as a BP, we should
consider calling it out as its own BP
<prasad> They are attachments to the mail Chris
chris: were there any changes to the WSDL section?
mah: yes... called out a BP as discussed above
... added WSDL qualifier
chris: consistent with Asir's changes?
mah: yes
asir: proposal looks good
... don't see a BP statement
mah: what is implied is that words below
asir: we just need two statements
mah: willing to take another pass
paulc: willing to let editors take a pass?
mah: yes
chris: do we have general agreement on the overall proposal?
monica: are we going to discuss felix's changes?
chris: yes, but need general concensus first, do you agree?
monica: yes
chris: everyne in general agreement?
no objections
chris: felix, please take us through your edits
repitirion of asserions has same meaning
scribe: spelling error in second sentence
<monica> suggest reference to 3.2 and 4.5.
monica: would like to add a specific references
felix: ok by me
RESOLUTION: Issue 5044 closed with maryann's proposal in as amended by felix's edits in and adding explicit references to sections 3.2 and 4.5 as suggested by monica
<Ashok> I will not be able to attend the call next week