Workshop on W3C's Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces — Summary

On 16-17 November the W3C Multimodal Interaction Working Group held a Workshop on W3C's Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces in Fujisawa, Japan, hosted by W3C/Keio.

The minutes of the workshop are available on the W3C Web server:

There were 25 attendees from following organizations:

The motivation of the W3C Multimodal Interaction Working Group for holding the MMI Architecture includes:

This workshop was narrowly focused on identifying and prioritizing requirements for extensions and additions to the MMI Architecture to better support speech, GUI, Ink and other Modality Components. Topics discussed during the Workshop included:

We have generated a list of issues and requirements about the current MMI Architecture through the workshop:

The major "takeaways" are:

The Call for Participation, the Logistics, the Presentation Guideline and the Agenda are also available on the W3C Web server.

Deborah Dahl and Kazuyuki Ashimura, Workshop Co-chairs

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