See also: IRC log
cs: a number of test cases have been migrated
with scripts
... so far 57
... need to start structure review
rr: have begun uploading, still working out the
... what about tests that are already in wiki?
cs: will need to be updated to new id and test
... won't be removed from repository
cv: why can't remove tests?
mc: URI persistence policy, need to not break links etc.
cv: have a deprecated status?
cs: have rejected, but for WG rejects
... could add a status
RESOLUTION: create status "deprecated" and apply to tests that are no longer valid
<Christophe> Test samples for SC 2.5.1: sc2.5.1_l1_002 and sc2.5.1_l1_003
<Christophe> ... and sc2.5.1_l1_004
mc: why using SC number instead of filename instead of ID, leading to this need to change?
cs: inherited from Bentoweb
mc: propose we not worry about the tests whose IDs need to change until can discuss URI persistence with Shadi; continue uploading knowing might change IDs (automatable)
cs: next step is to start structure review process
rr: what about test cases that need jsp?
mc: unsure status of action checking with systeam
cs: need clear idea of where Java server needs to run, maintenance, etc.
<scribe> ACTION: MichaelC to investigate JSP server with Systeam [recorded in]
mc: may need to hold back on uploading these test cases until we know
cs: roughly 20 / 466 test cases
... have found issues with some of the tests, sent message to list
... would like them fixed, then can start review process
... also have a bunch of test samples in the repository that need to be
... question of whether to wait to do review process until those are done, or
do in parallel
mc: propose in parallel
rr: ones that need updating, each submitter should update their own?
cs, cv: yes
RESOLUTION: everyone keep uploading test cases, except JSP and those without a testcase mapping
cs: Bentoweb people should check for issues in
tests in repository
... non Bentoweb people start checking tests submitted earlier, against
previous WD of WCAG
cv: can we get WCAG WG members to help?
mc: might be able to ask a few people
<scribe> ACTION: MichaelC to ask selected members of WCAG WG to help with review process [recorded in]
mc: how is review conducted?
cv, cs: update wiki, also should send note to mailing list
cv: document says to notify author only
... propose also notify list
mc: which tests are the older tests that are ready for review?
cs: can make a list
<scribe> ACTION: Christophe to create list of tests ready for review [recorded in]
mc: recommend dividing blocks of tests assigned to "reviewer 1, reviewer 2" etc. and plugging reviewers into those slots
<scribe> ACTION: Christophe to divide list of tests by proposed reviewer [recorded in]
mc: reluctant to commit to doing review because
covering for Ben, but will try to find others
... Tim, can do a batch?
tb: yes
mc: need to chase reviewers to make sure they get their review done for next meeting
cv: can chase once get names
mc: chase me for names if needed
tb: these are structure reviews or content reviews?
cs: structure