See also: IRC log
<bob> scribe: mlittle
bob: no cleanup yet, should be
... any objections to accepting? No objections. Minutes
bob: WS-core working group for maintenance. Take whatever pieces we need to provide to that new working group.
philippe: request was rejected
because process says that minimal duration should be long
enough to allow time for comments. Given we weren't able to
publish CR draft after decision, we only allowed 1 week for
comments. Not long enough. Were allowed to go to last call and
go to 2 weeks comment period. Only removing a section. Then
Philippe realised no tests on section on impact on WSDL
... WSDL 2.0 working group tests were against previous versions
of WS-A and did not involve on-the-wire testing. Not an
implementation. Therefore not sufficient. Since changing this
part there needs to be tests. Director was not happy about this
bob: WSDL sections are modest. Philippe agrees.
Anish: 2.1 and 2.2 tests?
Katy and rama go through tests around 2.1 and 2.2. There are tests for 2.1 for mandatory and optional (IBM and Sun have done this).
<bob> ach ram
Ram: so these tests are unit or interop tests?
rama: testing EPRs only.
bob: these tests are
... so we have tests for 2.1 but not for 2.2.
... Are Oracle interested in testing for 2.2?
Anish: still trying, but timelines are tough at the moment. Will keep trying.
bob: section 2.1 will make it in the document, but 2.2 is still at risk and will be dropped without two implementations by July 20. We still need a consolidated set of tests. Rama, you need guidance on that? Did Arun work on that in the past?
rama: yes.
... having trouble duplicating the build environment.
bob: I believe everything is there. Not sure what the problems are.
rama: not sure about the original format of the testing. Need help from the original members.
bob: let's get all of the original prime parties on a call to get this done. Is that possible in a week's time?
ram: agrees.
<scribe> ACTION: ram to get as much information as he can before the call, or to get the principles from MSFT on the call. [recorded in]
bob: can we get testing through IBM in a couple of weeks time?
katy: yes, for the 20th of
... don't we need another implementation.
bob: yes, but we don't have that.
One implementation is better than none.
... yes, anish is correct, i.e., go straight to PR from
... call next week around testing only. All principles should
attend where possible.
tomr: does this mean everyone needs to attend?
bob: no, only the principles need
to attend.
... if we can get those things completed by the end of the
month then we should aim to get this out asap after that.
... end of July target for release.
bob: recorded actions of two
minor errata. Plus removal of misleading text around anonymous
addresses. When do we consolidate and publish an edited
specification. Is there anyone who believes errata is
... will prepare material for transition to some maintenance
group for work rather than address within this group. Just
double check: no urgency?
everyone agrees.
existing work should be covered by IPR, right?
bob: does the working group agree that pending successful conclusion of wsdl 2.0 tests that we can then go to PR?
bob: any opposition 20th of July
making transition request to PR?
... hearing no opposition, we resolve to do that.
resolution: group will make a transition request to PR after 20th of July if wsdl 2.0 testing completes successfully.
ram: principles for testing should do due diligence to make sure they go into the call prepared.
bob: agree.
Deferred issues � Proposal for note on attachment of policy to an endpoint � Tom Rutt
bob: tom, any further thoughts?
tomr: maybe best way forward would be let this be a matter for W3C. Member submission would stimulate this.
bob: if the issue exists then it may make a member submission more difficult to accept.
tomr: understood. in that view I would be happy to drop this issue.
bob: any opposition to dropping issue?
tomr: dropping this issue would help any member submission around this?
bob: dropping the issue is less
prejudical than the issue existing (for any hypothetical member
... we could declare this issue outside the scope of this
working group.
tomr: can we say that it's against this version of the document?
anish speak up ;-)
anish: hyopthetical question on hyopthetical question. Let's assume we close the issue, the W3C can deal with any member submission in any way it wants. If we close this issue as "not interested at present", then someone can reopen the issue if new information (member submission) comes along. Right?
bob: agree.
... hoping that on 23rd of July we can go PR and get the
specification to a rec. This working group has then completed
its charter. Policy work is really outside the scope of this
working group. Further moving on to more policy issues is
definitely outside of scope.
... in reality, this issue is out of scope of this working
group. W3C could change the charter. But as the charter stands,
it's not in scope. We could agree that and close the issue as
such. Or we could close it as no action. Either way will allow
way to be clear for further actions.
katy: in this new maintenance group you'd be able to raise issues?
philippe: no new features, only
maintenance. No new IP. bug fixes only.
... works well in the XML working group.
tomr: WS-Policy working group could deal with this, but they had a close vote 8-to-7 to say no.
bob: yes, and maybe that could change.
anish: agree to close as no action. Then let's see what happens.
resolution: close issue with no action.
bob: AOB?
tony: put out emails while resolving changes. No feedback.
<dhull> +1 to Tony's changes and apologies for not responding
I +1-ed. Will check, because we (Red Hat) had network issues a week or so ago. Lost emails, but didn't check these ones. Sorry.
<dhull> Whose servers are you running with? :-)
<Katy> +1 again - yes - sorry for not replying Tony
bob: propose that group thanks editors. Tony especially.
<dhull> +1 (at least!)
resolution: record that the group thanks Tony and the editors for all their work.
bob: hold open 16th to 23rd and
30th of July in case we have a meeting.
... lack of agenda means no meeting.
... will call one meeting to recognise the fact that a PR
transition has occurred.
... with any luck only one more meeting :-)
Let's meet in SecondLife ;-)
<bob> hi yinleng, we are done
<bob> s/close issue lc137 with no actions/close issue lc137 lc137 with no action.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/chair:/bob:/g Succeeded: s/item:/Topic:/g Succeeded: s/Item:/Topic:/g Succeeded: s/more preju/less preju/ Succeeded: s/still at risk./still at risk and will be dropped without two implementations by July 20./ FAILED: s/close issue with no actions/close issue lc137 with no action./ Succeeded: s/close issue/close issue lc137/ Succeeded: s/close issue with no action/close issue lc137 with no action/ Found Scribe: mlittle Inferring ScribeNick: mlittle Default Present: Bob_Freund, TonyR, Mark_Little, Plh, Anish_Karmarkar, katy, ram, Paul_Knight, rama, Tom_Rutt, David_Hull Present: Bob_Freund TonyR Mark_Little Plh Anish_Karmarkar katy ram Paul_Knight rama Tom_Rutt David_Hull Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 2 Jul 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: ram WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]