See also: IRC log
just invited rrsagent
setting up the call
<scribe> scribe: toufic
that's why i was muted before :)
<PaulC> ok
don't know the command Paul
let me look it up
ok sorry, thanks prasad
<asir> ScribeNick: toufic
<asir> Meeting: WS-Policy WG Conference Call
<dmoberg> probably dmoberg
<dmoberg> over voip phone from brussels
<scribe> Chair: Paul Cotton
<Fabian> 8% noise? Must be static on the line, my phone is muted here
<PaulC> Frederick (Nokia) is also present.
<mlittle> Did the line just die for everyone, or just me?
i'm here
<Fabian> just nobody speaking :-)
<mlittle> I'll dial back in ;-)
<PaulC> Jun 6 minutes approved.
June 6 minutes approved unanimously
paul: objective is to close CR issues
... june 27 WG will make decision on advancing framework and attachment to
... July 2 co-chairs scheduled to talk to directors
asir reporting for editors
<asir> 1. Editorial team plans to deliver the candidate PR drafts next week (June 19th) and to deliver the updated Primer and Guidelines drafts in time (July 10th) for the Dublin F2F:
<asir> a) June 15th – Complete all check-ins that are related to the Framework and Attachment drafts
<asir> b) June 18th – Candidate PR drafts are ready for delivery
<asir> c) June 19th – Deliver candidate PR drafts (Dave O will do the honors
<asir> d) July 5th – Complete all check-ins that are related to the Primer and Guidelines drafts
<asir> e) July 9th – Primer and Guidelines drafts are ready for delivery
<asir> f) July 10th – Deliver updated Primer and Guidelines drafts (just in time for the Dublin F2F
<asir> 2. We delivered the updated scenarios, release 3. This version includes all the scenario related editorial actions assigned at the Ottawa F2F.
<PaulC> Open action items:
<PaulC> ACTION-300 Paul Cotton to make sure that the additional suggestions are not lost for the non-normative docs related to issue 4554
<PaulC> ACTION-304 Chris Ferris to look at sections 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 and suggest additional text
<PaulC> ACTION-306 Chris Ferris to review BP 23 and associated text, Section 5.7.
<PaulC> ACTION-312 Toufic to propose a different wording for Good Practice G2 [Bug 4566]
<PaulC> Paul will update the list of actions with the info in the V2 agenda.
paul to update the list of actions with the info in the agenda
oops! :)
paul: dashboard summary indicates we have passed our CR criteria
<scribe> ACTION: asir to clean up dashboard summary, esp the cells indicating zero of zero [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-314 - Clean up dashboard summary, esp the cells indicating zero of zero [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-06-20].
paul: ones not to be touched are UDDI cells
<prasad> Paul: Leave HP ones for UDDI 0/0 as they supplied the server (only)
paul: IBM has indicated that they can supply results for lax intersection
np prasad
any additional input helps
<scribe> ACTION: maryann to follow up on lax intersection testing comments [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-315 - Follow up on lax intersection testing comments [on Maryann Hondo - due 2007-06-20].
paul: want to make sure WG agrees additional
tests do not interfere
... need two companies to indicate that they have successfully used them
... any objections to least resistance path?
should i take AI paul?
paul and chris continue to work with Bob on wsa issues
<PaulC> ACTION-311 Chris to follow with David Hull re issue 4598 is moot.
thanks paul :)
that's perfectly fine
<PaulC> David O is present.
unanimous consent to resolve issue 4598
sorry, trying to
<PaulC> RESOLUTION: The WG adopted the two part change in 2007Jun/0030.html to resolve issue 4598.
sorry, back
<PaulC> [Bug 4561] clarification of domain-specific processing, Chris
<PaulC> ACTION: 308 to [recorded in]
asir: two changes - section 4.5 to framework
<monica> i think there was a comment to the list
<maryann_> Mechanisms for determining assertion parameter compatibility are not part of this domain-independent policy intersection algorithm.
maryann: changing "the" to "this"
asir: sounds ok
tom: no default algorithms?
asir: no
<monica> have a comment but having trouble reconnecting to call
monica, if you have a comment, could you please type it in?
<monica> need an example
<monica> yes
RESOLUTION: issue 4561 resolved by adoption of changes proposed in 2007Jun/0024 with minor editorial change by maryann
already done, paul
ashok: between 0032 and 0034, changes are agreed to
RESOLUTION: issue 4583 resolved by adopting combined proposals of 2007Jun/0032 and 2007Jun/0034
paul: wondering if this needs to be open, since
no editorial actions
... one option is to leave it open until june 27
... and deal with it possibly as a PR item
... other way around is to close now, and make subsequent changes as PR
editing, which is not unheard of
daveo: might be better to keep it open because
may be an item we have to do something about
... but can live with it being closed
<prasad> We can create a Tickler Editors Action
paul: prefer to close it and keep issues list
... chair recommends we mark this fixed
RESOLUTION: issue 4374 closed
<monica> Paul, what is action to keep a tab on this?
<PaulC> CR issues:
<asir> <toufic> RESOLUTION: issue 4583 resolved by adopting combined proposals of 2007Jun/0032 and 2007Jun/0034
<asir> <toufic> rrsagent, where am i?
<asir> <RRSAgent> See
<PaulC> reports: Zarro Boogs found.
paul: congrats to WG
... ball in editors court
... expect to see on agenda next week a candidate PR draft for review
... that will give a week to prepare for vote on June 27
... want to check what people think status of primer is
<maryann_> +1 to monica
paul: WG invited to review primer
<maryann_> there might be allignment issues between primer and guidelines
monica: there might be issues we're discussing that might cause changes to primer
ok won't take that in the minutes then
paul: July 10 is release date for editors
<PaulC> [Bug 3988]: Section 8 doesn't illustrate how to design an assertion., Asir
paul: wait for dublin F2F
<PaulC> [Bug 4566]: Guideline G2 to be reconsidered, Toufic
<PaulC> ACTION-312 Toufic to propose a different wording for Good Practice G2 [Bug 4566]
<PaulC> to be done later this week.
<PaulC> [Bug 3978]: Clarify if Section 7 on defining new policy attachment mechanisms is necessary, Dan Roth
<PaulC> AI-313 Maryann to review latest Primer and Guidelines with regards to her four points related to [Bug 3978]
maryann: i can walk through the proposal in the document
paul: asks maryann to step us through
maryann: contains several different bug and AIs
maryann steps through 2007Jun/0033
still here
prasad, sorry i couldn't catch everything you said, could you please type your comments in irc?
monica: made some changes related to nested policy expressions in 5.4.2
daveO: supports the changes
... should be more general - e.g. instead of "using XML", should say "human
readable and machine processable"
asir: after snapshot, editorial team made about
a dozen changes
... sees collisions
... notice that sub-categories are being created for best practices
... made for xslt
... e.g. in document sent over by maryann
maryann: best practices are just listed as
random, not categorized
... questioning whether that was the right decision
<prasad> (1) The Guidelines Doc that was base for Maryann's change was Version dated May 24. The current one is dated 06/01 and has more than 10 AIs from F2F incorporated. We need to map the changes proposed by Maryann to the latest doc. (2) The Bumper Sticker Numbering in the Summary list of best practices needs to come from Felix's automation. (3) AI 303 was specifically for BP 8 but ratifying all BP bumperstcikers is good. Again it does not match the latest Gu
<scribe> scribe: prasad
<monica> please put comments to the list
Maryann: I can go back and map the proposed changes to latest doc
<monica> thanks
Paul: If people can send their questions to Maryann then she can address them specifically
<monica> can we put these to the list please
Paul: How do you want handle Guidelines in terms of schedule?
Maryann: We can handle Primer and Guidelines separately for July Timeframe
Paul: Like to handle this at Dublin F2F
<PaulC> Maryann's strawman is attached to:
<scribe> ACTION: on Asir [and other WG members] to respond with comments to Maryann on proposal in June msg 33 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - on
<scribe> ACTION: Asir [and other WG members] to respond with comments to Maryann on proposal in June msg 33 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-316 - [and other WG members] to respond with comments to Maryann on proposal in June msg 33 [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-06-20].
<scribe> ACTION: Maryann open new guidelines issues (for) based on on content in June Msg 33 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-317 - Open new guidelines issues (for) based on on content in June Msg 33 [on Maryann Hondo - due 2007-06-20].
<toufic> back
<toufic> prasad, are you taking that AI?
<toufic> ok
<scribe> ACTION: Prasad (editors) work with Maryann to figure which of the issues resulting June msg 33 are doable before July F2F [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-318 - (editors) work with Maryann to figure which of the issues resulting June msg 33 are doable before July F2F [on Prasad Yendluri - due 2007-06-20].
<scribe> scribe: toufic
<PaulC> Issue 4375: [Guidelines] need to change qname for the ws-addr metadata elements in examples
<PaulC> Open for future consideration.
paul: we're at the point where we need to see
guidelines document
... most work on framework and attachment is done
daveO and some others have left
<PaulC> In addition Frederick was present.
paul: adjourned
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/aus/ause/ Succeeded: s/maru/mary/ Succeeded: s/Monica/Maryann/ Found Scribe: toufic Inferring ScribeNick: toufic Found ScribeNick: toufic Found Scribe: prasad Inferring ScribeNick: prasad Found Scribe: toufic Inferring ScribeNick: toufic Scribes: toufic, prasad ScribeNicks: toufic, prasad WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: Abbie_Barbir Ashok_Malhotra Dave_Orchard Fabian Frederick_Hirsch Mark_Little Maryann_Hondo Microsoft P16 PaulC Prasad_Yendluri ScribeNick SergeyB Sergey_Beryozkin SymonC TRutt__ Tom_Rutt Yakov Yakov_Sverdlov aaaa abbie ashok asir dan danroth daveO dmoberg dorchard m2 maryann maryann_ mlittle monica paul prasad reports tom toufic trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 13 Jun 2007 Guessing minutes URL: WARNING: No person found for ACTION item: on asir [and other wg members] to respond with comments to maryann on proposal in june msg 33 [recorded in] People with action items: 308 asir editors maryann members other prasad wg with work WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]