W3C HTML Mail Workshop 24 May 2007, Paris, France

Papers List

HTML email: accessibility - Stéphane Deschamps, Jean-Marc Bassin, France Telecom Group
Considering that the HTML email WG will try to define new common grounds for HTML-based emails, we aim at providing a tentative state of the art and list of minimal requirements as seen from an accessibility point of view.
Should e-mail designers/developers ignore standards because of poor rendering in e-mail clients? - Darren Rawlings, Head of Strategic Service (Europe)
It has often been suggested by clients that e-mail design should follow the same rules and principles as web design, as such, demands place on individuals and organisations designing and developing e-mails often mirror that of web design and development.
E-mail vs. Web – A Tactical + Technical Design Paradox - Jim Kelley, Sarah Davies, e-Dialog
E-mail is a very powerful and often understated medium. It’s still rather new… yet an evolving advertising form - highly relevant, measurable, sophisticated, and innovative as it mixes the authoring technologies of the Web with conventional, offline direct marketing principles. In this day and age however… identifying yourself as an “E-mail Designer” can confuse people simply because most identify with the title “Web Designer.” But here’s the thing, Web and e-mail design currently do operate within a completely different set of coding and design practices. Now why is that? And as a creative professional why should I care?
Email security and client development - Chris Newman, Sun Microsystems
Imagine you had a web browser which every day would randomly jump to a web page created by a phishing house (a different one each day) that was trying to break into your computer. This browser would proceed to execute all javascript, flash, and other active content on that web page? …
Outspring HTML-in-Email - Pierre Saslawsky, Outspring Inc.
Some of the points exposed here are excerpts of the posts I sent to the mailing list, and the underlying theme is my opposition to any broad curtailment of HTML, CSS and other standards in emails.
Web standards: a must for html email - Mark Wyner, Mark Wyner Design
Browser support for web standards is finally becoming commonplace, as is authoring for standards compliance with accessibility front of mind. However, HTML rendering in email clients is sporadic at best, exhibiting a lack of CSS support reminiscent of (now-antiquated) 4.0/5.0 browsers. We must continue to embrace web standards and call for support in HTML email clients.