Last Call Comment: a URI-centric approach to CURIEs
- State:
- Product:
- RDFa
- Raised by:
- Ben Adida
- Opened on:
- 2008-04-03
- Description:
brought up by Jonathan Rees in [1]: """ Hal Abelson of MIT pointed out to me that the [...] syntax effectively introduces a new kind of URI - it extends the URI space. However, we already have a standard way to extend the URI space, namely the creation of new URI schemes. Did you consider doing this (curie:prefix:suffix or cu:prefix:suffix or ...)? It would have some advantages over [...]: . it would eliminate the need for a new URIor[safe]CURIE datatype since you could just use URI . it would protect against possible conflicting future extensions of the URI space that include [...] . it would avoid ambiguity with relative URIrefs that happen to be spelled [...] . it would avoid setting a precedent; by introducing [...] you pave the way for other notations that extend URI syntax in other ways, e.g. {...}, <...> I know this makes the mapping of the lexical space to the value space for the URI datatype context-sensitive (in the same way that the mapping for URIor[safe]CURIE is). I haven't worked through the implications of this. """ This requires further discussion. [1]
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-103: Last Call Comment: a URI-centric approach to CURIEs (from on 2008-04-03)
- meeting record: 2008-05-29 RDF-in-XHTML Task Force (from on 2008-05-29)
Related notes:
2008-05-08: Status: needs discussion ASAP
2008-05-29: [rrs] [[ RESOLUTION: ISSUE-103 closed, CURIEs are not URI schemes, they are a macro expansion mechanism. No need to change the Syntax document. CURIEs are also QName-like, allowing legacy languages to migrate forward cleanly. ]] --
2008-06-02: resolved in telecon, closing issue.
2008-06-12: ACTION: Reject
2008-06-12: RESOLUTION: CURIEs are not URI schemes, they are a macro expansion mechanism. No need to change the Syntax document. CURIEs are also QName-like, allowing legacy languages to migrate forward cleanly.
2008-06-12: CHANGE-TYPE: None
2008-06-12: response from Jonathan, doesn't agree with our resolution: Further explanation from Mark:
2008-06-12: COMMENTER-RESPONSE: Disagree