date: 19 Apr 2006
<scribe> ACTION: Versioning (pending) [recorded in]
yves: last proposals we have are the same
... felix said the proposal from Christian was o.k., to have it on the rules element, and if it is not here, on the root element
... sebastian said the good thing is that you don't have to pollute the rest of the instance
sebastian: and it is illegal to have the version attribute both at the root and at the <rules> element
... and it is impossible to mix version
yves: so if it is on the rules element, and I process local markup, I use it from the rules element
sebastian: it should be a fatal error to have multiple versions
yves: summary: the its:version attribute is mandatory at the rules element, if there is no rules element, it goes at the root element of the instance. If there are both it is an error if they have different versions.
... each file can have a different version. E.g.: if there are external rules imported via xlink:href, they could have a different version
... if we change anything related to precedence order, we are in big trouble
sebastian: for the version attribute, we use always a namespace prefixed attribute, i.e. its:version
<scribe> ACTION: felix to write a paragraph about the version attribute [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Processing expectations for directionality / ruby (DONE) [recorded in]
yves: discussed that and did decide not to change anything
<scribe> ACTION: Clarify relationship between host vocabulary markup data ... (DONE) [recorded in]
yves: talked about christians proposals, made some changes (see changemarks)
<scribe> ACTION: Metadata for rules necessary (DONE) [recorded in]
yves: we said to say: people should use the extension mechanism
... we changed example "Example 13: External file myRules.xml with global rules" to have an example for meta data
<scribe> ACTION: editor's to replace 'overwriting' with 'overriding' in the spec (DONE) [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Yves and Felix to integrate the link related-stuff into the conformance section (DONE) [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Everybody to think about which W3C working groups shoud comment on the tagset last call draft (PENDING) [recorded in]
yves: we need to know the last call date
felix: last schedule:
... so we vote on the 17th, and publish on the 24th
yves: so the length will be 4-6 weeks
felix: please think about what groups you want to have feedback from within the next week
christian: XLink people?
felix: yes, and CDF working group
yves: could we ask them to review the section on
felix: we thought of having this section in the techniques document
yves: Norman Walsh?
christian: semantic web people?
... RDF, OWL?
... XForms
yves: they have a data-driven format
christian: voice xml, svg?
<scribe> ACTION: Sebastian to give feedback on the 'overriding' change proposal, Diane to look at it again (DONE) [recorded in]
yves: that is closed
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to write a paragraph on versioning for the tagset draft (DROPPED) [recorded in]
yves: no major change, only fine tuning, rewording
sebastian: we changed a lot about conformance
... it should be much clearer now
yves: we can have no meeting during the summer, i.e. July / August
... it is quite a while after the last call draft, so we have to answer from our summer holiday
felix: I might be in Montreal during the 6th to the 12th
... of August
Sebastian: I could not go anywhere in August
Diane: September is better for me
Yves: so the 5 of us are fine with 11th September, in Boulder
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to send a mail to ask for the dates of the next f2f [recorded in]
felix: all, please look at the tagset draft