See also: IRC log
<bob> zakin, this will be ws_addrwg
<TonyR> zkaim, ??p16 is me
<TRutt> me tony how many hours different are you now vs last week
<Katy> phew!
<bob> Scribe: Paul Knite
<bob> Scribe: Paul Knight
<hugo> scribeNick: PaulKnight
minutes accepted
that is, minutes of previous meeting
hugo: headup on change of contact person . I am leaving the WG and W3C by the end of May
Bob: Hugo has been a tremendous help to me and the WG. We will misshim and wish him the best.
<dhull> +1
Hugo: I will go to yahoo to do some web-servicey "stuff"
Bob: reviewing action items:
1- editors to remove edotorial notes, text from hugo accepted...
Bob: we will come back
proposed and new issues
* lc123 - Example Improvement suggestion Owner: ??? Proposal 1: <>
ideal would be to align examples with WSDL document and use hotel reservations
dhull: describing the example suggestions
bob: any objections to regularizing the examples?
no objections
<scribe> ACTION: editors to modify text accordingly [recorded in]
issue: * lc124 - Conformance section Owner: ???
bob: Hugo, is this due to the new document policy?
hugo: W3C had a QA Activity, not really a new rule, but looking from a QA perspective
bob: should we add a conformance section, or change how we use the word "conform" ?
Jonathan: When we talk about
supporting usingAddressing, the use of anonymous or Action is
... for optional features, it is not clear exactly how you
specify conformance
bob: there are some general statements in the doc style guide which contain some canned conformance statements
trutt: lots of specs have
"conformance points" which we can consider
... we need to clarify what are the conformance points - are
they grouped or separate?
bob: any volunteers for writing a
conformance section?
... do we need a conformance section? We should explore
trutt: are the optional points sufficiently clear now, which ones are needed?
jona: it is clear to me, but maybe it is not clear in the spec which individual items are required
bob: can we get an issue owner?
<anish> i see only two occurances of 'conforms to' and they all point to ws-addr (core/soap), i think
Jonathan: I can do it, suggest some clarifying text. If others want to work in parallel, that is fine.
<scribe> ACTION: Jonathan to work on clarifying conformance points [recorded in]
<bob> ref:
<GlenD> I think that what we did in WSDL was actually a mistake, and that a lot of people are going to be confused when they try to understand how to correctly use extensibility. :(
Jonathan: metadata is an issue - diferent use cases - hard to deal with
glenD: WS-A is used for messages... it cuts out databases, other interesting things... just say a sentence in that direction, may address the issue...?
<dorchard> I tend to agree with Glen. I especially don't like that the conformance seems related to fluffing up an abstract component model...
<anish> is this comment against all the specs or just the wsdl binding?
<dhull> paul, that was me ("WS-A is used for messages")
dhull: is there any product that
this would not apply to?
... if there is no meaningful kind of process it does not apply
to, we can say it applies to all..
<bob> definition:
<bob> class of products
<bob> The generic name for the group of products or services that would implement, for the same purpose, the specification, (i.e., target of the specification). A specification may identify several classes of products.
we can say it is applicable everywhere, not have a canonical list of products it applies to.
bob: we can say: we heard your
comment, but it does not apply because of the following, or we
can address it
... the class of product we can describe here might be as
simple as "web services"
jonathan: or a class of systems which consume WSDL
bob: wouldn't the class of products be WSDL consumers?
hugo: we can say WSDL or EPR
consumers. it does not need more than that.
... the conformance item was useful, but this item does not
bring a lot of value.
bob: any objections to "WSDL or EPR consumers"?
jona: I agree,
bob: no objections,
<scribe> ACTION: bob to respond to author and craft response, class of consumers is EPR and WSDL consumers [recorded in]
bob: not sure what is the point
jona: usingAddressing
<scribe> ACTION: Bob to respond to author. [recorded in]
hugo: possibly use a code font to mark element names
jona: or add a namespace prefix lowercase wsa-w
<hugo> in XMLSpec, <el> can be used to surround element names and <att> can be used to surround attribute names
<scribe> ACTION: editors to investigate ways to typographically clarify how to depict our intent [recorded in]
bob: ways for the application to determine how to use Anon? Is this an implementation issue?
bob: the comment is in end of the
third paragraph of the link posted
... the answer may be: "yes, you are right, but..?"
jonathan: don't quite see the problem with a single endpoint, using non-anonymous, sending it on...
bob: asynchronously with respect to the lifetime of the backchannel?
<anish> i didn't understand what he meant by creating a new binding type. And how would that address his problem
jona: at the application level?
bob: using a non-anonymous
replyTo, you allow a future response to come on that
... can someone craft a response? it is an overall
WS-Adderessing question in some ways. Can someone try to take
ownership to tease out what Todd means?
Anish: like jonathan, I'm not sure what the issue is...
jonathan: I will respond to him and try to get more detail, and explain our thinking.
<scribe> ACTION: jonathan to respond to author (Todd) [recorded in]
Bob: We will need two hours for
the meeting next week, things are piling up
... I have opened registration for the F2F
... planning a Wednesday PM activity, possibly at Museum of
Fine Arts
... it would need to be fairly early, by 6:30
... adjhourning now, prepare for 2 hours next week!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127 of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/discussion/Activity/ Succeeded: s/separarte/separate/ Succeeded: s/dhull/glenD/ Found Scribe: Paul Knite Found Scribe: Paul Knight Found ScribeNick: PaulKnight Scribes: Paul Knite, Paul Knight WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: Andreas_Bjarlestam Anish Bob_Freund Dave_Hull Dave_Orchard David_Illsley Gil Gilbert_Pilz Jonathan_Marsh Katy Katy_Warr Marc_Hadley Mark_Little Mark_Peel Nilo P16 PaulKnight Paul_Knight Prasad_Yendluri TRutt Tom_Rutt TonyR Vikas_Deolaliker andreas bob definition dhull dorchard glenD hugo issue jona jonathan marc prasad ref scribeNick vikas yinleng You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 3 Apr 2006 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: bob editors jonathan WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]