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Quick access to LC-2764 LC-2765
There are 2 comments (sorted by their types, and the section they are about).
Hi. Is there(or there will be) a way I can find out if the device is in silent mode? I mean, I could perform a "bip" sound in my webapp when something happens...but if the user has put his device in "meeting mode", I will just vibrate it this(or will it be) possible somehow? Regards.
The [vibration] LC Working Draft [1] includes a normative reference to HTML 5.0 CR [2]. The normative text of the LC WD refers to HTML5 in the following text: 3. Terminology The concepts browsing context<> and spin the event loop<> are defined in [HTML5<>]. The two links in the above text do NOT refer to the HTML 5.0 CR but actually refer to the HTML 5.1 nightly build. I recommend you change the links to refer to the HTML5 CR draft OR change the normative reference to HTML 5.1. /paulc HTML WG co-chair [1] [2] Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada 17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3 Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329
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